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Why Are Nigerians Made Scapegoat For Scams All Over The World? - Business (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Why Are Nigerians Made Scapegoat For Scams All Over The World? by oziomatv(m): 7:22pm On Mar 30, 2008
Which one will I mention?
       What of some idiots sending me e-mails thinking that am a whiteman.
Re: Why Are Nigerians Made Scapegoat For Scams All Over The World? by oziomatv(m): 7:26pm On Mar 30, 2008
@e-monkey and Sweet T
Please enough of these insults no one is feeding each other and we're boss of our lives that's the most important thing. let's solve problems without diverting it to personal issue
Re: Why Are Nigerians Made Scapegoat For Scams All Over The World? by vicade(m): 7:28pm On Mar 30, 2008
Last year, when i just resumed school , my classmate from pakistan asked me where i am from and i replied nigeria and he told me he is from pakistan. he then asked me later "WHY IS IT EVERYBODY IN YOUR COUNTRY ARE SCAMMERS?" and i hubmbly defended my country by replying "WHY IS IT EVERYBODY IN YOUR COUNTRY ARE SUICIDE BOBMERS ?"
He was dumbfounded to say the least .
Re: Why Are Nigerians Made Scapegoat For Scams All Over The World? by SweetT1: 7:33pm On Mar 30, 2008

Exactly Bro". Or about some nigerian friends start withdrawing from you soon as they found out about your profession.


That's exactly my point, you worked in UK for 15 years and got deported. I can see why you are bitter. I'll only defend a nation that is true to herself. Why would i defend some @sshole seeking to be an overnight millionaire? Defending a country that exposes her smelly Butt to the world. An ordinary election, Nigeria can not conduct. We change and impeach governors like they are out of fashion when we all know that most of these politicians have no business in politics or ruling Nigeria. can you imagine a governor like that chap in Oyo state? It's ridiculous !
Re: Why Are Nigerians Made Scapegoat For Scams All Over The World? by SweetT1: 7:38pm On Mar 30, 2008

Sorry for the insults bro' but some Nigerians are just a victim of their own imaginations. They get excited over some BS instead of facing the realities of life and how sick our society has become. He wants me to defend a nation that is being sold to the highest bidder. E-monkey belongs to the same group as that pig in Otta. He paid billions of dollars to foreign businesses for electricity that is non-existence. He wants me to defend a nation that her kids are dying of starvation while a monkey in Agbada is stacking his foreign bank accounts with the country's treasury. I represent Nigeria by working extremely hard and being honest in my dealings and sending my hard earned Dollars home to pay for some form of taxes. Now i wish Nigeria could do the same for me.
Re: Why Are Nigerians Made Scapegoat For Scams All Over The World? by 3dhunter(m): 7:44pm On Mar 30, 2008
reading through the thread gives us the answer to the post

@ poster, they have given you all the answer that you need. AND THEY ARE ALL NIGERIANS
Re: Why Are Nigerians Made Scapegoat For Scams All Over The World? by vicade(m): 7:46pm On Mar 30, 2008
He wants me to defend a nation that her kids are dying of starvation while a monkey in Agbada is stacking his foreign bank accounts with the country's treasury.

Wrong Call. If you are a true nigerian , you look more at the positives than negatives and which kids are dying of starvation
You sound like all these white people who over exagerrate the look of things in nigeria  somehwhat  Mental Slavery.
Re: Why Are Nigerians Made Scapegoat For Scams All Over The World? by ifyalways(f): 8:01pm On Mar 30, 2008
@Topic cos 9jerians are very smart and successful people.
Almost every country engage in fraud BUT only 9jerians do it smartly,swiftly and succesfully
cheesy grin tongue
Re: Why Are Nigerians Made Scapegoat For Scams All Over The World? by SweetT1: 8:04pm On Mar 30, 2008

Are you serious?? You think Lagos life represent the whole of Nigeria?? Get real bro'. There are so many kids in the north and even in the rural areas of the south that can not even go to the hospital when they get sick. I was at UCH in Ibadan recently and i literally shed tears listening to what some Doctors are saying about what sick people can afford to pay for medical expenses. They had to take up collections for some patients. I know some of the western media over sensationalize their story about Africa but some worrisome things do happen. Some kids are fixated on the same diets day in and day out. The salvation of any nation begins with an honest evaluation of the state of that nation. Let us not be afraid to air our dirty laundry they can only get better when we open them up.
Re: Why Are Nigerians Made Scapegoat For Scams All Over The World? by SweetT1: 8:06pm On Mar 30, 2008

Give me a positive thing about Nigeria that i need to shout for joy??
Re: Why Are Nigerians Made Scapegoat For Scams All Over The World? by somze(f): 8:07pm On Mar 30, 2008
Sweet T:

The salvation of any nation begins with an honest evaluation of the state of that nation. Let us not be afraid to air our dirty laundry they can only get better when we open them up.

Are you sure of this?
Re: Why Are Nigerians Made Scapegoat For Scams All Over The World? by ebelegirl(f): 8:10pm On Mar 30, 2008
They are not SCAPEGOATS!! Lets not deceive our selves- given the population of Nigerians both within and especially outside of Naija they do commit a lot of the larges- scale scams. I luv Naija but we first have to be honest if we want to change this notion of Nigerians as scammers.
Re: Why Are Nigerians Made Scapegoat For Scams All Over The World? by emonkey(m): 8:12pm On Mar 30, 2008
Sweet T:

That's exactly my point, you worked in UK for 15 years and got deported. I can see why you are bitter.

This guy is a proper twit . As far as he is concerned, the only reason why people return home is because they are deported. I can see where your real fears are. Happy slaving !! grin
Re: Why Are Nigerians Made Scapegoat For Scams All Over The World? by SweetT1: 8:16pm On Mar 30, 2008

I'm very sure of it. When we air the truth, the corrupt politicians won't able to breath. We can not keep doing the same thing over and over again lying to ourselves that Nigeria is great. Even Ordinary Ghana is making a headway. Let's have a national debate on the TV, radio, Internet, churches, mosques etc etc. Let's expose our ills and if you see a corruption or anything detrimental to the health of the nation, call the authorities. cool
Re: Why Are Nigerians Made Scapegoat For Scams All Over The World? by SweetT1: 8:20pm On Mar 30, 2008

Yeah right. Why don't you tell us the reason why you ran back home. I love Nigeria with a passion and i'm getting ready to visit again. You must be one of those Obasanjo boys that lives in illusions. Get a grip and face the fact. Let your actions defend all that you have, including Nigeria !!! Cooping up in a cyber cafe sending out 419 Email is detrimental to the country.
Re: Why Are Nigerians Made Scapegoat For Scams All Over The World? by SweetT1: 8:42pm On Mar 30, 2008

Yeah that's what i thought, No reasons huh? Don't let scotland yard know that you are on the internet or else you will be scooped back into that cage. Now get off the internet and quit behaving like a loose Monkey. sad
Re: Why Are Nigerians Made Scapegoat For Scams All Over The World? by emonkey(m): 8:53pm On Mar 30, 2008
As we were saying before the nincompoop took over . This is what the original poster wrote :

I will tell you the one about the Nigerian 419 scam . Do you know that this fraud started more than 400 years ago and it was then known as The Spanish Prisoner trick ? Now it has been put on Nigeria and our government officials just nod their head in agreement like zombies.

And what about the era of the Nigerian finance companies offering magic interests on deposits. Charles Ponzi was doing it very well about 70 years ago in America . Most scams are the same old tricks being played over and over , and people keep falling for them.

I don't support dishonesty but I am naturally sick of being treated like a leper all over the world. I have been scammed several times and nobody made any noise over it even though I thought I was doing straightforward business transaction such as purchase of a product . I have been scammed by European, American, Asian persons and all I could say is that I will make sure it doesn't happen again, but when a Nigerian is caught out it becomes headline news worldwide. What bothers me is our government not man enough to stand up for our country's name and defend it. Nairalanders what do you think about this ?

The Questions asked are :

1. How did a 400 year old Spanish Prisoner Trick suddenly become "Nigerian 419 scam" .?
Answer : It is because people with a slave mentality "like you-know-whom" have accepted it as their lot in life to be known as scammers.

2. the poster said " I have been scammed several times and nobody made any noise over it even though I thought I was doing straightforward business transaction such as purchase of a product . I have been scammed by European, American, Asian persons and all I could say is that I will make sure it doesn't happen again, but when a Nigerian is caught out it becomes headline news worldwide. "
Answer: It is because bootlickers "like you-know-whom" will make sure that the entire world knows about it primarily to selfishly exonerate selves.

3. the poster said "What bothers me is our government not man enough to stand up for our country's name and defend it."
Answer : It is because sad sack Nigerians "like you-know-whom" living outside the country have accepted anyway that no good can ever come of the country (including themselves) - and will strive to destroy whatever credibility that is being attempted .

Evil people prefer to advise from a distance rather than playing a part in solving problems. I apologise though for assuming that everybody is able or willing or even mentally competent to make any positive contributions to building a better country. Sorry folks ,do get on with your lives the way you like it.

over to you sir
Re: Why Are Nigerians Made Scapegoat For Scams All Over The World? by SweetT1: 9:18pm On Mar 30, 2008

Sorry for the insults but i get really mad at the situation Nigeria is in. And it does no good putting bandage on a bad injury. I pray for Nigeria everyday and i hope a miracle will happen soonest. We can not continue this way, these innocent kids needs hope and a good life.
Re: Why Are Nigerians Made Scapegoat For Scams All Over The World? by skfa1: 9:29pm On Mar 30, 2008
@ Sweet T

"I would rather serve Oyinbo than slave in my own country"

I do understand how you feel about Nigeria, but one point pls trust me Black man will never serve white man in this world again.Gone are those days it will never happen again.

@ poster

I do not support scamming at all.
Re: Why Are Nigerians Made Scapegoat For Scams All Over The World? by vicade(m): 9:50pm On Mar 30, 2008

Give me a positive thing about Nigeria that i need to shout for joy??

@Sweet T

And are America And U.K. Eldorado ?
Re: Why Are Nigerians Made Scapegoat For Scams All Over The World? by AkedeOba(m): 10:02pm On Mar 30, 2008
I have a brother who worked for a construction company undertaking road maintenance for some London boroughs , and he tells me that his company is paid thousands of pounds by the boroughs monthly for work not done and which they now pay back to borough officials . It is a deal which happens everywhere , and we are not talking about a Nigerian construction company here. This is a top rated UK construction company . US government contractors I am assured are not more honest and this deal is standard. Italian contractors ?? grin grin grin

All over the world it is a matter of : "it is the person that is caught that is the thief" . Please let us begin to support our country. If we don't do it people all over the world will only assist us to destroy it further - they can't rebuild it for us.
Only Nigerians can destroy Nigeria
Only Nigerians can build Nigeria
Re: Why Are Nigerians Made Scapegoat For Scams All Over The World? by damola1: 10:39pm On Mar 30, 2008
As a guy who have lived among yahoo boys. I will tell you that, we are not the ones who break break down stores to access credit card information, ask the vietnamese?

I have lost over: 16,000USD to no other but Americans!!!!, one even told me to come down and get it, which I will when I am ready for him.

Have you ever tried dealing with a chinese!!!, they are more crooked than anyone, tell them you want this, they give you that,

I am proud to be a Nigerian, I will tell the story that I am a Nigerian and a proud one at that!!!,  Let no one rubbish my country because some of the problems we have, tell me which country don't have troubles, China is a Super power today, but have you try to see how poor a larger population of them are?,  do they talk about that?,  stupid nigerian, he's the only bad egg, I believe in my great country, journalist are becoming senators, my eko o ni baje governor is a Senior Advocate of Nigeria, my very own President, Umaru is a graduate or better still used to lecture.

rome wasn't built in a day, what millitary did to this country cannot just be fixed in 24hrs, it takes time, and I am ready to work with them.

Our judiciary is getting more perfect by the day, thats why over 5 governors from '07 elections are no longer there.

I am proud to be born Nigerian, my children will be Nigerian not dual citizen, NO way,  they must grow in Nigeria, and learn to help build the system.

This requires a collective effort, first of, we understand we are not perfect, therefore we should try as much as possible to continue fixing the situation, however, we should never allow people talk down on us, just because they think they know us, we are better than that!
Re: Why Are Nigerians Made Scapegoat For Scams All Over The World? by winnteam(m): 11:08pm On Mar 30, 2008
In my own small way, I FLY THE NIGERIAN FLAG in my car.
The flags do not cost much. Just N200.

Let every Nigerian fly it with pride. This is the only country you can lay claims to.
The HOME where you cannot face deportation.

You guys that ran away to oyibo land. Well done o.
It is not as if we cannot do the same. Truth be told, if we ran away like you. Would you have a place to return to?
"Visiting soon" ss not enough. Return home!! And stop asking if YOUR COUNTRY IS WORTH DYING FOR. Do you really think those people love you?

No They Don't!!

Re: Why Are Nigerians Made Scapegoat For Scams All Over The World? by SweetT1: 11:22pm On Mar 30, 2008

No place is Eldorado. And no one is saying Nigeria is not great but the leaders and some citizens of Nigeria are far from great. There are some countries in Europe that can not even boast of half of Nigerian resources and yet they prosper. Americans are very greedy and that's why they fall trap of these 419 letters but how many letters have you received from an American claiming to be the Governor of the central bank of USA? Nothing like that exists because they know that their is a heavy price to be paid for such acts. And when Americans do fraud, they invest the fraud in their own land. Not take it to a bank in Africa. Nigeria keep abusing one opportunity after the other because of bad management and horrible leadership. NIGERIA WILL EVENTUALLY GET TO THE PROMISE LAND AND BE A GREAT NATION BUT NOT IN THIS GENERATION. THIS GENERATION IS WASTED AND TOO STUBBORN.
Re: Why Are Nigerians Made Scapegoat For Scams All Over The World? by AkedeOba(m): 11:27pm On Mar 30, 2008
Sweet T:



I reject that !! With my own eyes and in my time will I experience the prosperity of Nigeria. I will work for it and I will reap the fruit. wink
Re: Why Are Nigerians Made Scapegoat For Scams All Over The World? by AkedeOba(m): 11:30pm On Mar 30, 2008
Sweet T:



I reject that !! With my own eyes and in my time will I experience the prosperity of Nigeria. I will work for it and I will reap the fruit. wink
Re: Why Are Nigerians Made Scapegoat For Scams All Over The World? by winnteam(m): 11:31pm On Mar 30, 2008
Sweet T:


No place is Eldorado. And no one is saying Nigeria is not great but the leaders and some citizens of Nigeria are far from great. There are some countries in Europe that can not even boast of half of Nigerian resources and yet they prosper. Americans are very greedy and that's why they fall trap of these 419 letters but how many letters have you received from an American claiming to be the Governor of the central bank of USA? Nothing like that exists because they know that their is a heavy price to be paid for such acts. And when Americans do fraud, they invest the fraud in their own land. Not take it to a bank in Africa. Nigeria keep abusing one opportunity after the other because of bad management and horrible leadership. NIGERIA WILL EVENTUALLY GET TO THE PROMISE LAND AND BE A GREAT NATION BUT NOT IN THIS GENERATION. THIS GENERATION IS WASTED AND TOO STUBBORN.

I hope you know you belong to this generation too.
Where is the origin of 90% of the SPAM mails?
You seem to be defending these oyibo people you know.
Are you saying we have not made progress in fighting 419?
Re: Why Are Nigerians Made Scapegoat For Scams All Over The World? by TheSly: 11:33pm On Mar 30, 2008
I reject that !! With my own eyes and in my time will I experience the prosperity of Nigeria. I will work for it and I will reap the fruit.
I hope u r still very young!. . . like 6-7yr old?

Are you saying we have not made progress in fighting 419?
Apparently. . . . . . .no.
Re: Why Are Nigerians Made Scapegoat For Scams All Over The World? by AkedeOba(m): 11:42pm On Mar 30, 2008
You cannot eradicate crime anywhere in the world. In fact wherever commerce exists, crime must be there, they go hand in hand . The only place where you will find no crime is heaven . Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die smiley - We want good country but nobody wants to pay the price for making it better. But we will get there one day, I'm sure in my lifetime.

Update on my story of British House of Commons :

The Speaker of the House of Commons is currently trying to prevent full disclosure of the details of MPs second homes, that are funded by the claiming of expenses, of up to £23,000 per year, from the taxpayer. He has appealed to the courts against an Information Tribunal ruling on the basis that the addresses of these homes should not be made public for security reasons.

The Tribunal considered this matter but decided that since the constituency address of all MPs is already public, there was no additional security risk. The need to know the London address of the MP is to confirm that a second home does in fact exist - as some MPs in the past actually used the address of a 'friend', but still claimed the full second home allowances, whilst continuing to live at their constituency home.

So what exactly is Mr Michael Martin trying to hide ?

See full story here - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2008/03/30/nexpenses130.xml

Does all this look familiar to anybody watching Abuja and our lawmakers ? Corruption has no country.
Re: Why Are Nigerians Made Scapegoat For Scams All Over The World? by damola1: 11:52pm On Mar 30, 2008
To the guy who says not in his Generation, well he can Die with Obasanjo generation, as for me, I have started seeing changes, I have seen people move from just talk but to the boardroom, I have seen people die for my country ( MKO, Falae = Chief Bola Ige etc), I have seen noise makers like Oshomole become a governor, listen, If you are outside Nigeria you are missing and this is the best time to come home, whatever your skill, people will tripple the price here, everything is growing very fast and better!!.

2. Lets go down past time: 20years ago, was my country like this?,  with the way things are changing and people with sense are getting into power, do you not think 20years down, Nigeria will be greater,

Why don't we give names like Olosi, ODE, MUMU rather; damola to our children, because of course we want them to be wealthy, just the same way, lets speak well of the good things about our country, and just maybe that guy who might be considering defrauding another will have a change of heart,  it's largely because a lot of people have givien up on this great nation that they continue to do bad, give them hope and see how things will change

I am proudly Nigerian!!!
Re: Why Are Nigerians Made Scapegoat For Scams All Over The World? by SweetT1: 11:54pm On Mar 30, 2008

To be honest with you, i can't stand most of the Oyinbos but some Oyinbos are sweethearts. Despite what you hear about racism in America, America has become a melting pot. Every Nation in the world has a citizen in America. America is the only few country that i know that rewards honesty and hard work. No doubt, there is racism but in my opinion the racism in Nigeria is worst that the one in USA. I've seen companies lose millions of Dollars over racism and i have seen white boys lose their lively hood over being a racist. There is racism but it's not as blatant as it used to be.

Nigeria has tried in the effort to eradicate fraud but i think the so-called EFCC is a ruse by Obasanjo to shut down the opposition and i hope it bite him in the butt. Until when people like Babangida, Obasanjo Atiku etc etc are given a fair trial and brought to account for their roles in the looting of the treasury, then i will say the fraud eradication scheme is only a cosmetics.
Re: Why Are Nigerians Made Scapegoat For Scams All Over The World? by SweetT1: 11:56pm On Mar 30, 2008

Is Olu Falae dead??

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