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North Korea Says WWW3 Could Breakout Today Or Tomorrow (Literally) - Foreign Affairs - Nairaland

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North Korea Says WWW3 Could Breakout Today Or Tomorrow (Literally) by Nobody: 9:57pm On Apr 03, 2013

The North Korean military says it has ratified a "merciless" attack against the United States, potentially involving a "cutting-edge" nuclear strike.

"The moment of explosion is approaching fast," the army said in a statement on state news agency KCNA.

War could break out "today or tomorrow", the statement said, quoting a spokesman for the General Staff of the Korean People's Army.

"The merciless operation of (our) revolutionary armed forces in this regard has been finally examined and ratified.

"The US had better ponder over the prevailing grave situation."

The North's Committee for Peaceful Reunification of Korea was later quoted by KCNA as threatening to withdraw its 53,000 workers from the joint industrial zone it shares with the South.

Pyongyang informed Seoul on Wednesday that it was stopping the daily movement of South Koreans to the Kaesong complex, the last real surviving point of contact between the two countries.

And the committee said: "If the South Korean puppets and conservative news media keep badmouthing (us), we will order all our workers to pull out from Kaesong."

North Korea's latest pronouncements came as Washington scrambled to reinforce its Pacific defences, preparing to move an advanced missile defence system to the island of Guam.

The land-based weapon, which is primed to shoot down short and medium-range missiles, will be sent to the US territory to defend its bases there.

The Pentagon has already sent bombers, stealth aircraft and ships.

South Korea's Yonhap news agency said the North had moved a mid-range Musudan missile to its east coast.

The missile is believed to have a range of 1,875 miles (3,000km) or more, which would put all of South Korea and Japan in range and possibly also the US territory of Guam in the Pacific Ocean.

North Korea is not believed to have tested these missiles, according to most independent experts.

Tensions have been soaring on the Korean peninsula since the North launched a long-range rocket in December and conducted its third nuclear test in February.

North Korea has threatened missile and nuclear strikes against the US and South Korea in response to UN sanctions and joint military drills.

European diplomatic sources speaking to Sky News from the North Korean capital have said there is nothing there to suggest war is imminent: no sign of conscripts being signed up or unusual troop movements.

US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel said on Wednesday that North Korea's "bellicose, dangerous rhetoric" posed a "real and clear danger" to America and its allies South Korea and Japan.

"They have nuclear capacity now, they have missile delivery capacity now," he said.

"We take those threats seriously, we have to take those threats seriously.

"We are doing everything we can, working with the Chinese and others to defuse that situation on the peninsula.

"I hope the North will ratchet its very dangerous rhetoric down."

The UK Government said it was not warning of an immediate risk to British citizens travelling to or living in South Korea.

In a statement to Sky News, the UK Embassy in Seoul said: "We have noted North Korea’s most recent statement, we are monitoring the situation and are in close contact with allies.

"We have been clear to North Korea that its long-term interests will not be served by threatening the international community and increasing regional tensions.

"We have updated our Travel Advice, advising British nationals in Korea and those travelling here to follow the advice of local authorities and subscribe to our travel advice, Twitter feed and Facebook page. We currently assess there is no immediate risk to British nationals in or travelling to Korea."

The tensions surrounding Kaesong - established in 2004 and a crucial source of hard currency for North Korea - carry enormous significance.

Neither of the Koreas has allowed previous crises to significantly affect the complex, which is the only surviving example of inter-Korean cooperation and seen as a bellwether for stability on the Korean peninsula.

China, the North's sole major ally, appealed for "calm" from all sides, repeating Beijing's oft-declared position.
Re: North Korea Says WWW3 Could Breakout Today Or Tomorrow (Literally) by OniJohn: 10:03pm On Apr 03, 2013
Must there be always war, cant there be room for reconciliation, justice and peace? May God help us ooo.

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Re: North Korea Says WWW3 Could Breakout Today Or Tomorrow (Literally) by Nobody: 10:05pm On Apr 03, 2013
Oni John: Must there be always war, cant there be room for reconciliation, justice and peace? May God help us ooo.
God is helping us. thats why there is this war. to destroy the evil peoples of the world. CANT YOU SEE ? THE LORD IS HELPING US
Re: North Korea Says WWW3 Could Breakout Today Or Tomorrow (Literally) by OkikiOluwa1(m): 10:15pm On Apr 03, 2013
And this thing is getting serious daily. De de mirawo, North Korea & USA.

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Re: North Korea Says WWW3 Could Breakout Today Or Tomorrow (Literally) by confusion247(m): 11:02pm On Apr 03, 2013
North Korea is an empty vessel, the correct statement should be "tomorrow or next the destruction of North Korea will commence".

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Re: North Korea Says WWW3 Could Breakout Today Or Tomorrow (Literally) by Nobody: 11:29pm On Apr 03, 2013
confusion247: North Korea is an empty vessel, the correct statement should be "tomorrow or next the destruction of North Korea will commence".

Even if North Korea is crushed, there is something called collateral damage. The US may not go as unscathed as you may think.
Re: North Korea Says WWW3 Could Breakout Today Or Tomorrow (Literally) by Everfrank(m): 12:35am On Apr 04, 2013
How I wish the Americans will experience war on American land so they will feel what many are feeling caused by their murderous rulers. Whatever happen as a result of this tension should be blamed on US.
The only way to have global peace is for all to be ready for and capable of war. Let God help the North Koreans against the anti Christ war mongers. angry

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Re: North Korea Says WWW3 Could Breakout Today Or Tomorrow (Literally) by pazienza(m): 12:55am On Apr 04, 2013
Everfrank: How I wish the Americans will experience war on American land so they will feel what many are feeling caused by their murderous rulers. Whatever happen as a result of this tension should be blamed on US.
The only way to have global peace is for all to be ready for and capable of war. Let God help the North Koreans against the anti Christ war mongers. angry

North korea should be commended,they refuse to be America's pupette, i admire their courage. Nobody should have monopoly to nuclear weapons,especially when it's on record that these bullies had used these weapons to invade sovereign weaker nations in the past.

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Re: North Korea Says WWW3 Could Breakout Today Or Tomorrow (Literally) by confusion247(m): 8:15am On Apr 04, 2013

Even if North Korea is crushed, there is something called collateral damage. The US may not go as unscathed as you may think.
Yes i know but North Korea should think not about world war. A foolish government that is going for arms race instead of economic developmental race.
Re: North Korea Says WWW3 Could Breakout Today Or Tomorrow (Literally) by confusion247(m): 8:28am On Apr 04, 2013
Everfrank: How I wish the Americans will experience war on American land so they will feel what many are feeling caused by their murderous rulers. Whatever happen as a result of this tension should be blamed on US.
The only way to have global peace is for all to be ready for and capable of war. Let God help the North Koreans against the anti Christ war mongers. angry


North korea should be commended,they refuse to be America's pupette, i admire their courage. Nobody should have monopoly to nuclear weapons,especially when it's on record that these bullies had used these weapons to invade sovereign weaker nations in the past.
If only you know exactly what nuclear weapon is all about, you will never support any country to have it. USA and Russia are reducing their nuclear arsenal and trying to eliminate it, then you thought they will allow another country to develop it, NO THEY WON'T. USA have used it before and we all knew what the result was and that should never be allowed to happen again.
Re: North Korea Says WWW3 Could Breakout Today Or Tomorrow (Literally) by pazienza(m): 9:52am On Apr 04, 2013

If only you know exactly what nuclear weapon is all about, you will never support any country to have it. USA and Russia are reducing their nuclear arsenal and trying to eliminate it, then you thought they will allow another country to develop it, NO THEY WON'T. USA have used it before and we all knew what the result was and that should never be allowed to happen again.

USA has no plans of reducing her missile stock piles,even if they do, until they have fully disarmed themselves,they have no moral high ground to dictate to others that wish to stock pile some.

Has north korea and iran ever invaded any sovereign country with her nuclear might? USA did so in iraq,the NATO did that in libya. These people are hypocrites,they can only deceive the gullible and weak minded folks.

Iran and north korea using their nuclear weapon against perceived enemies is a theory and propaganda,propagated by the west through their well oiled propaganda machines(CNN and BBC,ETC).

USA and their european cronies using their nuclear might against weaker countries is a reality and not theory,it has happened before and will happen again,if weaker countries don't buckle up.


Re: North Korea Says WWW3 Could Breakout Today Or Tomorrow (Literally) by Nobody: 11:25am On Apr 04, 2013

Has north korea and iran ever invaded any sovereign country with her nuclear might? USA did so in iraq,the NATO did that in libya. These people are hypocrites,they can only deceive the gullible and weak minded folks.

Good morning Paz,

I don't think Iran is a nuclear power house yet and the war the US and NATO had with Iraq and Libya respectively are far from what one can describe as the 'use of nuclear might'.
Re: North Korea Says WWW3 Could Breakout Today Or Tomorrow (Literally) by pazienza(m): 12:14pm On Apr 04, 2013

Good morning Paz,

I don't think Iran is a nuclear power house yet and the war the US and NATO had with Iraq and Libya respectively are far from what one can describe as the 'use of nuclear might'.

If libya had nuclear capabilities, NATO would have thought twice before invading her. USA can only dish out sanctions to iran,but can never invade her without attracting a collateral damage. Iran's nuclear capability is a deterrent to US imperial plans for her.


Re: North Korea Says WWW3 Could Breakout Today Or Tomorrow (Literally) by Bawss1(m): 2:32pm On Apr 04, 2013

If libya had nuclear capabilities, NATO would have thought twice before invading her. USA can only dish out sanctions to iran,but can never invade her without attracting a collateral damage. Iran's nuclear capability is a deterrent to US imperial plans for her.

I see. And Iran has nothing but sweet love for Israel right?
Re: North Korea Says WWW3 Could Breakout Today Or Tomorrow (Literally) by Ubenedictus(m): 3:55pm On Apr 04, 2013

I see. And Iran has nothing but sweet love for Israel right?
and israel has nothing but sweet love for iran right?

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