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Re: How To Conquer Barrenness/ Poverty Spiritually & Physically by waistbead: 10:33pm On Sep 03, 2013 |
Hmmm!@Mama God's sent, na me oo!I almost lost it cos of some insensitive friends r hiding their pregnancies from me as if I'm a witch or as if I'll steal it from them..the one dat struck me most,my course mate then in schl called me and mocked herself.she said,waistbead,NO B TO MARRY DRIVE BIG MOTOR,NA TO BORN PIKIN...hmmm!Mama God's sent,I won kill myself but I tank God I didn't do anyting silly...Servant Vic prayed for me and I'm getting better by d day... @putu4,I dey o!tanks dear I appreciate.hope u r doing gr8t? |
Re: How To Conquer Barrenness/ Poverty Spiritually & Physically by Goldenbaby(f): 7:08am On Sep 04, 2013 |
@Waistbead,my Dear,Don't mind her, God has remembered you already.. |
Re: How To Conquer Barrenness/ Poverty Spiritually & Physically by janutra: 9:00am On Sep 04, 2013 |
![]() @ All pls help me to pray, I have been speeking with Servant Vic for the prayer point so that I will be booked for this month deliverance, he told me this morning that there are some people who he did not book last month because of his bible college that he went for. As a result, those that could not attend last month deliverance session will need to be attended to first and i should just be praying to God to come to my aid.. My people, which type prayer point have I not prayed, which kind of deliverance have i not attended, including the one I went down and refuse to stand up, so that the pastor will leave my head alone, and when I got home the demons just regroup and increased their attack, pls I dont know which prayer point i will pray again, is it fall down and die? Trust me ,if it is prayer I can pray for 2hours non stop, but i know my case is more than that, Is like I need a place where power pass power like some of the testimony i hear from those who have gone to servant Vic Deliverance Ministry. Pls, those of you who have gone, please help me out, I need this deliverance Sister Godsent, Goldenbaby, Sotum, pikinmama, ada40 etc pls what do i need to do to be booked? |
Re: How To Conquer Barrenness/ Poverty Spiritually & Physically by canalily(m): 12:15pm On Sep 04, 2013 |
God's sent:@God's sent. Thanks 4 ur post. I can see ur intersession in prayers. Buh pls follow me up with my mails. I stil need ur replies cos i hav some multiferious problems to share with nd a strong advice from you. Thank you. |
Re: How To Conquer Barrenness/ Poverty Spiritually & Physically by Godssent: 5:07pm On Sep 04, 2013 |
let people talk no more exceeding proudly; let no arrogancy come out of your mouth; for the Lord is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed. @Waistbead, You can read on to verse 9. (1st Samuel: 2:verse, 3-9) @waistbead, don’t let what your friend said trouble your heart, just remain focused, she is not the one talking, But a demon used her mouth to speak to you so that you will get angry and either fight your dh verbally or you commit suicide. , but of a truth I tell you, those kind of words are the kind of word that bring fort baby boy as first child for a long waiting couples and once you start hearing direct mockery like this just know that the time of your bfp is at hand then start doing all the necessary things for it to manifest physically. @janutra, pray as you can and follow any instruction servant vic gives you, no matter the spiritual battle God will deliver you just follow his instructions as he directs you. @canalily, i will chek my email to see the mail u sent, i don't thinks i have any mail i have not replied. Sometimes when I sit in front of my pc, I keep wondering how I can tell you people and how you all will understand that you all will soon get there that those of you that are crying for the fruit of the womb will soon become mothers and fathers, that those that are looking for good connection will soon be divinely connected, that those that are looking for good future partner, will soon select the best among the many that will come your way, that those that are seeking for good job will soon be connected to the kind of job they wish to have. At a time in my life I thought life was full of trouble and constant struggling and heart breaking, but God delivered me and gave me all round peace, Dear reader please take it step by step and you will arrive with your all round bfps soon in Jesus name I want to share this with all of us here for the sake of those that has that slogan of “do not settle for less” as the slogan that directs their life and foot step. Cos some of us who have finished school for long without getting a job are living by this slogan, that says “DO NOT SETTLE FOR LESS” let me not explain much so that I don’t end up with a very long post that will get you confused. Please, See and listen, if you have no job now, go for that job you are looking at as a small job with a small salary, cos from there you will meet what is going to move you upward and forward for ever, yes go for it. Come outside first work to have an experience, yes work so that you can add that office to your cv as one of your working experience, stop staying at home come outside something positive that is among what will move your life forward is outside not inside your house, there is something positive that is inside that job but you may not see it now cos you are thinking of the little salary and the stress involve, no so long you have a home where you can sleep and wake and have some little food to eat, like may be your parents house, or your friend’s house, take up that your cloth that you are wearing to football match viewing centre, iron it very well wear it and go for that job you are looking down at. You may not understand, last time I told you all here that I had only one good cloth that I would wash in the night and wear it the next morning, I know many of us here knows when shaking material cloth was in-vogue, That was my type of cloth after washing I will fling it almost dried in my hand before hanging it so that I can wear it the next morning to enable me go about looking for where I can read free newspaper to see companies that have job vacancies, in that process I became a newspaper vendor going from office to office, Lawyer’s chambers,bank's premises, motor parks, to give out newspapers to my customers, one day a conductor mocked me at a motor park and said to me “ you fine girl de hawk newspaper u no de shame? And I looked at him and continue hawking my paper the next day I told the owner of the business that he should add, sport and other magazines i.e Hints R&B etc to the papers I was hawking, he agreed and that increased my sales. One day I got a job via the vacancies advert in the newspaper, I went for the job after working for three months with a very little salary, they told me that the MD said they should pay me half of my salary cos business was bad that particular month, I refused but accepted it at last, after collecting my salary I resumed my normal duties on the agreement of half salary every month , but I never knew that God has set someone there, a woman that works in a production company to help me , that very day I was coming back from work, when I greeted her and pass by but she stopped me and told me how much she cherished the way I normally greet her each time I pass by her house, so we get talking after one week she saw me again along that same road to my half salary job, she invited me to her place, asked me to write an application letter attached with my credentials, I did and after a while I was invited for an interview, then after that they sent down a messenger with a letter that I should resume work , but under one condition, to work under probation for one yr, with only feeding allowance, but if after one yr they could not find any fault with me, then I can be a confirmed worker, I accepted, from there I began to meet people that I would n’t have met in my life till I die, if I had not come into that company, from there I met another lady that introduced me to a business she was into but I had no capital, so after working there for one yr I was confirmed a staff of that company with a fat salary, still meeting great people that are always ready to move my life forward ‘WHAT A MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE” at a time I got five different jobs with fat salaries I got confused I did not know the one to choose, I finally choose the best among them and still have personal business, BY THIS TIME MY PEOPLE, I STARTED EATING WITH TWO HANDS, EATING ON THE TABLE, RENTED A BEAUTIFUL HOUSE, PAY LANDLADY ‘S RENT YEARS IN ADVANCE, eeeeeeeehe! Is this how God lifts people up? SUITORS WERE RUSHING IN AS IF I JUST WON MISS WORLD BEAUTY PEGEANT CONTEST. I GOT CONFUSED ABOUT WHOM TO CHOOSE COS SOME OF THEM KNOWS I WAS DOING WELL, AND COULD BE TARGETTING MY PEPPER IN THE NAME OF MARRIAGE ![]() ![]() ![]() Helloooooooooooooo are you still there? (1) before this happen I was squatting with a widow with five children who is not my relative, but I met her through a lady that her mother is from my village but her father is a husband to that widow but we schooled together. My thanks goes to that widow who gave me shelter and food to eat, may ur children never lack good things. (2) before I became a paper vendor I was squatting with a calabar girl named Pat, who serves in a restaurant where she normally bring food or left over for us to eat, sometimes we add cubes of sugar to okro soup to make it sweet, then put garri inside plenty water and allow it to stay for hours so that it will swell up very well to satisfy both of us ![]() ![]() ![]() (3)MY THANKS GOES TO THAT PASTOR THAT KEPT TELLING ME THAT GOD HAS A BIGGER THING FOR ME IN FUTURE, BUT I DOUBTED HIM COS I COULD NOT SEE ANY SIGN OF GREATNESS THEN. (4)i thank God most especially for the woman that introduced me to a business that boosted my fortune. DEAR UNEMPLOYED READER THAT IS WAITING FORE HIGH PAYED JOB, STOP THAT SLOGAN OF ” DON’T SETTLE FOR LESS” LOOK FOR WHERE YOU CAN GO FOR DELIVERANCE TODAY AND MAKE A MOVE. TO SINGLE LADIES, DO NOT HOPE ON MEN TO HELP YOU, HOPE ON GOD, AND MAKE A MOVE AND YOU WILL SOON BE A HEROIN, Learn to greet people even the mallam that is selling tom-tom inside caravan in your street may be your number one ladder to climb to your success , so don’t underestimate anybody. Smile when greeting people don’t frown as if you are just coming back from burial ground. Stop looking at your credentials before you relate with people. @All, the number one secret of my success and fortune was humility, respect, greeting, and never say die attitude, be a down to earth person and let God the lifter come and lift you up. Who said you should not settle for less? My friend forget that thing, Ok, tell me the truth. Are you not less? ![]() ![]() ![]() At the end of every stress should be a gain that can make you to forget all the stress you went through MAY THE ALMIGHTY GOD SETTLE ALL OF US PERFECTLY AND TAKE US HIGHER IN JESUS NAME. PLEASE MANAGE TO READ AND CORRECT GRAMATICAL ERRORS U MAY FIND WHILE READING, IT IS NOT BN EASY TYPING WITH ONE AND SINGING LULABBY FOR MY LITTLE OGA ON THE OTHER HAND. THANKS FOR READING. 1 Like |
Re: How To Conquer Barrenness/ Poverty Spiritually & Physically by kike100: 6:30pm On Sep 04, 2013 |
@Godsent, waoooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! So true is the saying that if u think u get problem, listen to another Peron's story..... Above all, we thank God for victories on all sides. Our God,omnipotent, ominigbogbo e, OBA ASEKAN MAKU, kabeyesiiiiiiii re...arise and birth your glory in our lives this month IJN, Amen |
Re: How To Conquer Barrenness/ Poverty Spiritually & Physically by canalily(m): 7:45pm On Sep 04, 2013 |
@God's sent, you are indeed what you chosed to ansa. Infact i alwaz follow this thread bomber to bomber cos of the encouragement nd inspirations i do get 4rm your posts nd other contributors. I wil send you a mail, please never get bored with my problems. Thank you so much for your follow up nd encouragng words. |
Re: How To Conquer Barrenness/ Poverty Spiritually & Physically by canalily(m): 7:56pm On Sep 04, 2013 |
kike100: @Godsent, waoooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! So true is the saying that if u think u get problem, listen to another Peron's story..... Above all, we thank God for victories on all sides. ![]() |
Re: How To Conquer Barrenness/ Poverty Spiritually & Physically by LoreTemi1(f): 8:30pm On Sep 04, 2013 |
@all my wonderful mama's and papa's that wished me a happy birthday,thanks sooooooo much.May God never forget u,and I say AMEN to those prayers. @mama Godsent,u are a darling,darling,darlingggggggggg,if not for u,the kind of joy and peace I'm now experiencing in my marriage might not have been. Although I'm not there yet but I believe that someday,I will get there. Thanks so much.{Kisses} @waistbeed,pls don't feel bad at all,that lady is just helping u to remind ur God that it is time to bless u. @Goldenbaby,I want to believe that things are now getting better since ur deliverance. @all,I hail oooooooooooo. |
Re: How To Conquer Barrenness/ Poverty Spiritually & Physically by janutra: 9:36pm On Sep 04, 2013 |
Godsent waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooooooooooooooh, I am always encouraged any time I read your post. God bless you and your family IJN |
Re: How To Conquer Barrenness/ Poverty Spiritually & Physically by Nobody: 9:42pm On Sep 04, 2013 |
@Godsent, that is really inspiring, thank you and God bless you all. |
Re: How To Conquer Barrenness/ Poverty Spiritually & Physically by pintoxx(m): 10:24pm On Sep 04, 2013 |
@Godsent ur story is touching n encouraging,can't bliv u went thru all dis n u r who u r 2day,God is really gr8,thanks dear4ur motherly n sisterly advice,it's apprecited. @waistbead no mind her jare ,na jealousy deny worry am very soon when ur bfp show she go regret y she allow devil 2 use her to hurt u abegi deny cruise ur ride dey waka nofin do u my sista ! @all ,1 luv. |
Re: How To Conquer Barrenness/ Poverty Spiritually & Physically by visitor30(m): 10:34pm On Sep 04, 2013 |
@Mummy God's sent, you are actually what you name is. This is really awesome and am highly lifted and encourage. May the joy and favour of God remain with your family and may the oil of God's glory in you be replenish daily in Jesus Name! @All, let's keep up the fire. Am all geared up and preparation has started towards this month's deliverance session. Spoke with Servant Vic today and am humbled by his simplicity. Wishing you all a blessed night and sweet beautiful dreams. |
Re: How To Conquer Barrenness/ Poverty Spiritually & Physically by Rute(f): 8:50am On Sep 05, 2013 |
Thank you Sis Godsent for blessing us with yo experiences @Waistbead when your miracle is close the devil will start throwing his last grenades you must know those are the last kicks of a dying horse .your victory is certain my dear no devil in hell will stop it now |
Re: How To Conquer Barrenness/ Poverty Spiritually & Physically by Goldenbaby(f): 9:15am On Sep 05, 2013 |
@God's Sent, thanks for explaining your life story to us, I believe that God will re-write my story as he did to you... @Lore&Temi, God is on the throne, he has visited me.. @Pintoxx, #Hugs# |
Re: How To Conquer Barrenness/ Poverty Spiritually & Physically by Mychildren(f): 10:02am On Sep 05, 2013 |
Hello my people, rejoice with me ,The Lord has added another year unto me. It's my birthday today. I bless his holy name for the journey so far though its not been easy but his grace has been sufficient. Please shower me with prayers that by this next year I will celebrate with my children. I saw my period last in May and HPT is negative till this morning, which has never happened to me before, my doctor has told me there's nothing they can do for now not even blood test or scan. But I know my manufacturer, my redeemer Liveth and this situation will end in miracle and praise. |
Re: How To Conquer Barrenness/ Poverty Spiritually & Physically by canalily(m): 10:21am On Sep 05, 2013 |
Mychildren: Hello my people, rejoice with me ,The Lord has added another year unto me. It's my birthday today. I bless his holy name for the journey so far though its not been easy but his grace has been sufficient. Please shower me with prayers that by this next year I will celebrate with my children. I saw my period last in May and HPT is negative till this morning, which has never happened to me before, my doctor has told me there's nothing they can do for now not even blood test or scan. But I know my manufacturer, my redeemer Liveth and this situation will end in miracle and praise.yes! !God knows why he made it negative to the physical buh had ORDAINED "IT" POSITIVE in the SPIRITUAL! Buy this time next year you will share your cake double!! |
Re: How To Conquer Barrenness/ Poverty Spiritually & Physically by iphie17: 11:19am On Sep 05, 2013 |
@God's sent am rly inspired by ur posts. ..may God continue to bless u nd ur family IJN Amen @all may God bless us in our various endeavours Amen |
Re: How To Conquer Barrenness/ Poverty Spiritually & Physically by Honiepie24: 11:30am On Sep 05, 2013 |
Goodmornin my people,hw is everyone?Godsent am touched @ ur write up,may God bless us all,pls can anyone giv me servants number? |
Re: How To Conquer Barrenness/ Poverty Spiritually & Physically by Honiepie24: 11:31am On Sep 05, 2013 |
sorry i meant servant vic's number. |
Re: How To Conquer Barrenness/ Poverty Spiritually & Physically by Rute(f): 12:45pm On Sep 05, 2013 |
Happy birthday Mychildren yo expectations will never be cut off IJMN |
Re: How To Conquer Barrenness/ Poverty Spiritually & Physically by menes: 1:46pm On Sep 05, 2013 |
God'sent tank u so much for showing ur fellow sisters the way to be free ur right up is another mover that can move a hopless person to her destiny God'sent said we should always ask of somebody that stopped posting for long time so @funkybaybee my sis,how are u doing? ur post is one of the ting dat encouraged me to go to servant vic deliverance min. tanx @Happy birthday to Mychildren may God give you a bfps as birthday gift @Honiepie24, dis is the man of God number that i was given, 08153309479. if u go 4 deliverance position urself dont doubt, & u will get the great touch of Almighty God. servant vic tutored me on phone with the word of God bf i went there, cos i was shy to go there cuz am a Muslim bt he told me dat i could come there and pray in the name of Allah,& still have a testimony cos God is God of all flesh, dat i shld renounce all evil convenant from my root, and keep my ways with God clean and so on i was convinced so i went now am delivered the palmwine i drank for yrs in my dream started coming out from my body since on deliverance day evening dat i drank the anointing water and oil. the ceased period since nine months came out dis morning. what else do i need Alhamdulilahi Robili Halamina. 1 Like |
Re: How To Conquer Barrenness/ Poverty Spiritually & Physically by LoreTemi1(f): 3:35pm On Sep 05, 2013 |
@mychildren,happy birthday to u,I pray that by this time next year,u will be carrying ur children in jesus name. @menes,thanks be to God,ur testimony shall be permanent in jesus name. |
Re: How To Conquer Barrenness/ Poverty Spiritually & Physically by kike100: 3:40pm On Sep 05, 2013 |
Happy buffday MyChildren, wishing u many more years of God's blessing |
Re: How To Conquer Barrenness/ Poverty Spiritually & Physically by julieton: 4:01pm On Sep 05, 2013 |
Happy birthday Mychildren, your children will soon come physically IMNJ @ menes, great testimony may God finish what he has started in ur life in Jesus name all newbies u all are wellcome u all will testify IJN. |
Re: How To Conquer Barrenness/ Poverty Spiritually & Physically by waistbead: 6:05pm On Sep 05, 2013 |
@Mama God's sent, tank u for always interceding for us.u will never walk alone IJN Amen. @Goldenmama,Janutra,Rute,Lore&Temi,Pintoxx,Kike100 it's well wit us and everyone else waiting on d this time next year we will be called mama somebody IJN Amen. @mychildren,HBD gurl I join my faith wit urs,by this time next year u will be nursing ur child/children IJN Amen. ONE LOVE... |
Re: How To Conquer Barrenness/ Poverty Spiritually & Physically by Goldenbaby(f): 6:47pm On Sep 05, 2013 |
@Mychildren, happy Birthday, may your heart desires be fulfilled in Jesus Name Amen. @Menes, Our Lord is Marvellous,your testimony is permanent Amen @Waistbead, Amen to your prayers. |
Re: How To Conquer Barrenness/ Poverty Spiritually & Physically by visitor30(m): 7:01pm On Sep 05, 2013 |
@Mychildren, Happy birthday and may your children surround thy table IJN! @ menes,waoooh! What a wonderful testimony, may God finish what he has started in your life in Jesus name. |
Re: How To Conquer Barrenness/ Poverty Spiritually & Physically by Honiepie24: 7:17pm On Sep 05, 2013 |
@menes wow,this is awesome,congratulations,i stay very far from lagos,must yu go there physically? |
Re: How To Conquer Barrenness/ Poverty Spiritually & Physically by ada40: 12:37pm On Sep 06, 2013 |
this kind Godooooo i never see your type oooo this kind Godoo blessed be thy holy name! where is everyboryee @all joing me in praising baba God baba talk and do God, jehovah overdo i just got my bfp today B. F. P ewoo, come and see come and see what the Lord has done. af is late with 11 days i dnt care to check cuz sometyimes it will stay late & come out later after days i decided to test with hpt dis moning gt a light second line i ran to a nearby lab did blood test pregynancy positive. God who am i dat u answer me. all i 've bn saving for ivf bt when d money will almost complet one problem will just come & reduce d money since 3 yrs d money is never complet to pay for one cycle of ivf. abumonyeeeeeeeeeee chineke necherem echicheoma 1 Like |
Re: How To Conquer Barrenness/ Poverty Spiritually & Physically by janutra: 1:38pm On Sep 06, 2013 |
waoooo Congratulations ada40, i wish you H&H nine months, am happy for u.thank u God |
Re: How To Conquer Barrenness/ Poverty Spiritually & Physically by eve22: 2:15pm On Sep 06, 2013 |
@ ada40. congratulations dis is d Lord's doing, @All my lovely mummies and daddies in d joyful thread. with great joy in my heart i come in to announce the safe delivery of my baby boy on 31st of August i am very very hapy cos doctor have planed CS for me cos baby was lying horizontal till almost due date but God used servant vic deliverance ministry to turn dis baby head down, the doctor detected tight pelvic but God opened the door and my baby came out alive no cs praiseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Master Jesus. may God give all d waiting mamas & papas their children in Jesus name amen 1 Like |
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