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Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! - Autos (7) - Nairaland

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Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by Adekagood: 3:19pm On Oct 12, 2014
I was almost a Victim to these guyz.. The dude advertised a Honda Evil Spirit (2010) for N800k, we had 1.2M budgeted for EOD already, i tot it was Ans prayers.. I called d cwasy fellow, and he asked me to come to their Auction park at Abeokuta, Mind U, I work at VI.. I left the office to go down to Abeokuta during office hours to go pay for the ride. I held 100k along, in other to make deposit as initially requested by him to secure the car.

As soon as I got to Abeokuta, I called the Eediot, he picked up and told me dat he's sorry that he said Sango, not Abk.. I went back to Sango n called him.

He picked n said dat he was sorry that he was sent to Sagamu.. It was den dat I began to suspect him.

I called one of my friends at MTN office to help me trace his line immediately and send me his full details. I was informed dat he registered his name as just Josef n he wrote Airport road as his address..

I was VEXED!!! angry

But I fank God dat he saved me from his hands..
na testimony be this! Ur Pastor don hearam?
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by Emekayoung(m): 4:03pm On Oct 12, 2014
na testimony be this! Ur Pastor don hearam?
He has been saved frm lion's den
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by MYAs2011: 10:55pm On Oct 13, 2014
Lmaoooooooooooooooooooo.............. If you guys hear my own story ehnnnnnnnn, una go laugh me die..... I almost fell victim too but thank GOD I AM A SHARP MAN TOO.....if not them for help me empty my account......... Its not possible forr me to sleep on a bicycle..... "lailai"
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by snazzy5050(m): 7:48am On Oct 14, 2014
Please is there going to be any custom auction in 2015
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by olanshi: 10:36am On Oct 14, 2014
Please is there going to be any custom auction in 2015

Scam of life!

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Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by MYAs2011: 10:56am On Oct 14, 2014
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by Emekayoung(m): 12:21pm On Oct 14, 2014
Those guys accounts shuld be deleted asap.. Can u imagine? 300k for a 1999 toyota camry..
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by MYAs2011: 5:39pm On Oct 14, 2014
Nothing like that
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by Emekayoung(m): 9:46pm On Oct 14, 2014
Dont just waste ur time going there,because i went there early last month to see and confirm things for myself due to numerous and outrageous low prices of cars i see online,i met one custom man at seme border and he told me not to listen to anybody concerning auction sales of cars. He said dat auctioning of cars are done face to face in abuja,cash and carry no stories..
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by purplekayc(m): 2:22pm On Oct 21, 2014

What can I say? When u try to make a sale and buyer tells you X,Y or Z website is selling it at an obviously ridiculous price, what can you do? Just wish the buyer Good luck. Penny wise, pound foolish.

Someone once told me that she saw 2008 Range Rover HSE listed for $6000. All explanations fell on deaf ears. what else can a brother do that let her try, since only a trial would convince her that her fund is gone.
even on fcaebook?coz I hsv been seeing a lot of auctions there oo
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by purplekayc(m): 2:23pm On Oct 21, 2014

What can I say? When u try to make a sale and buyer tells you X,Y or Z website is selling it at an obviously ridiculous price, what can you do? Just wish the buyer Good luck. Penny wise, pound foolish.

Someone once told me that she saw 2008 Range Rover HSE listed for $6000. All explanations fell on deaf ears. what else can a brother do that let her try, since only a trial would convince her that her fund is gone.
even on Facebook?coz I hsv been seeing a lot of auctions there oo
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by purplekayc(m): 2:23pm On Oct 21, 2014

What can I say? When u try to make a sale and buyer tells you X,Y or Z website is selling it at an obviously ridiculous price, what can you do? Just wish the buyer Good luck. Penny wise, pound foolish.

Someone once told me that she saw 2008 Range Rover HSE listed for $6000. All explanations fell on deaf ears. what else can a brother do that let her try, since only a trial would convince her that her fund is gone.
even on Facebook?coz I have been seeing a lot of auctions there oo
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by z3us(m): 11:02am On Oct 25, 2014

@CustomsNG on Twitter

Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by femmy2010(m): 1:56pm On Oct 29, 2014
Bought a car at Cotonou Benin Already grin
visit www.cotonoucars.net now and apply for your car to be delivered to you in Nigeria with Accident immunity Cover for just a token. cool

Caveat emptor .
If you indeed bought a car on that site and awaits delivery then be sure you have been cowed.

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Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by AutosBay(m): 6:02pm On Oct 31, 2014
@ femmy2010 I absolutely agree with you.
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by AdeniyiA(m): 2:45pm On Nov 02, 2014
The simple question i have is that, does the custom service auction cars?
if yes how do we get connected to them if we wish to buy cars from it.
i agree there are scammers ,but many who spoke against customs or others on this thread are car dealers
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by erico2k2(m): 6:10pm On Nov 03, 2014
The simple question i have is that, does the custom service auction cars?
if yes how do we get connected to them if we wish to buy cars from it.
i agree there are scammers ,but many who spoke against customs or others on this thread are car dealers
THEY DONT.garritttt
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by femmy2010(m): 11:28pm On Nov 03, 2014
The simple question i have is that, does the custom service auction cars?
if yes how do we get connected to them if we wish to buy cars from it.
i agree there are scammers ,but many who spoke against customs or others on this thread are car dealers

A word is enough for the wise.
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by AutosBay(m): 9:52pm On Nov 06, 2014
Would always advice my prospective Buyers please try to see what you want to purchase before making any payment at all.
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by Redstone(m): 11:25pm On Nov 06, 2014
I don't know why people fall for such scams.
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by hzrvip(f): 7:52am On Nov 12, 2014
[b]Day In Day Out, Fraudsters are seeking for New Ways to Fleece Nigerians of their Hard Earned Money, The Latest Scheme is about Purported sales of Nigerian Customs Seized Vehicles Online Auction.

Within the past 30 days, I have Banned Over 200 usernames and Over 1000 Fraudulent Posts and Threads of Sales of Customs Seized vehicles on the Autos Section Which were without any Doubt Fraudulent.

The Modus Operandi of these Nefarious Elements are to Post Purported Customs Seized Vehicles at RIDICULOUSLY LOW Prices and Demand for Deposits to "Secure the Car " or "Secure the File" at Customs Offices.

Most Times, they go as far as Posting Photos of Customs Officials on their Profile Pages thereby Impersonating genuine Customs Officers.

They have Flooded the Nigerian Online Space now and are On Every Major Car Websites with Free Listings.

A Couple of Months Ago, The PUNCH Newspapers Nabbed a Syndicate of These Type of Fraud from an Innocent Buyer Who wanted to Buy a 2010 Toyota Camry for N400,000.

You can read it here http://www.punchng.com/feature/saturday-people/customs-officer-duped-me-says-man-who-wanted-to-give-mum-a-car-gift/

We Encourage Buyers to Beware of Auto Adverts with Ridiculously Low Prices, It takes a certain level of Greed to Fall Victim of Fraud in Most cases.

NIGERIAN CUSTOMS DO NOT Auction Cars Online, NOT Anywhere in the Country, All Customs Auction Bids Are Done Physically from ABUJA.

Furthermore, We Encourage Buyers to Know Who they are dealing With, Not all that Glitters is Gold and Not Everything You see Online is Genuine.

We Implore Members to report Suspicious Adverts to the Moderators Via the " Report to Moderator Button" Located on every Post.


So sometimes there will be this kind of situation, we have well prepared
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by AutosBay(m): 7:45pm On Nov 14, 2014
I really feel a Cybercrime Agency should be set up in Nigeria charged with the sole responsibility of monitoring and tracking incidents of fraud online.

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Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by ChynoBEATS: 3:17pm On Nov 24, 2014
I really feel a Cybercrime Agency should be set up in Nigeria charged with the sole responsibility of monitoring and tracking incidents of fraud online.
_____ as-in ehn..... Dey duped my brother of 1m For a bus he paid for .... sad sad I pray they catch one of them one day , he'll pay dearly 4it
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by emalex4great007(m): 4:04pm On Dec 04, 2014
Thank You! I hope people will read this and say no to these scammers.
........beware of scams is a very gud submit and its worth doin.....bt d ongoin auction of cars by the nigeria custom is real....a friend of mine jst bought a car frm d nig. Custom for 400k.......he went 2 lagos 4rm uyo and visited the custom office concerning the deal on advert.....surprisingly its for real nd nw he is a owner of a coroller car.....if u must buy go and buy directly from d custom office and avoid bn duped by any1.....tnk u

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