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Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! - Autos (9) - Nairaland

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Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by USAutoBuy(m): 4:18am On Mar 27, 2015
I don't want to be scammed, I'm jex about buying a 2001 Toyota sienna for #350,000. does this sound ridiculous?
I don't have any means of verifying the order. it's a pay on delivery bargain. but adewole Johnson, the seller says I have to pay #25,000 into his account for L. O. T ., A government sticker. please does this sound real at all?
he sent me this as his address
Adewole Johnson 09030340608. Address 3 floor,GDNL administrative Building Terminal E,shed 20 NPA Apapa Wharf Complex Apapa Lagos

Do people even listen? How much noise do we have to make on this? You truly want to get a 2001 Sienna for N350k?

Please go ahead. Don't let me stop you.


Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by Nobody: 4:00pm On Apr 05, 2015
Lots of scammed adverts flood most of the social media.

One needs to be careful particularly those custom seized vehicles put on sales for ridiculous prizes.

Better still, one can just post his or her goods for sales by following this link. http:///85181
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by inspiredm(m): 8:09pm On Apr 18, 2015

Are you looking for drivers to help drive your
vehicles to any destination in Nigeria? Just chat
with us and we will ensure your vehicles are
safely delivered to your destination anywhere in
Nigeria except the volatile States in the
. As a police officer, your vehicles are
BBM PIN: 794BD31C.

As a Police Officer, You are trained and armed to withstand any Insurgency, you should not be afraid.

If you as a Police officer ( despite trainings and arms at your disposal) is afraid to deliver a vehicle to the "volatile" States, then what is the hope of the Unarmed ordinary civilian.

I have a vehicle going to Borno Maiduguri, And I will contact you to Deliver it, If you back off because you are afraid, I will report you to the Police High Command.

We want Bold and Brave officers and men in Our Force.


Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by tundesto(m): 9:31pm On Apr 18, 2015

As a Police Officer, You are trained and armed to withstand any Insurgency, you should not be afraid.

If you as a Police officer ( despite trainings and arms at your disposal) is afraid to deliver a vehicle to the "volatile" States, then what is the hope of the Unarmed ordinary civilian.

I have a vehicle going to Borno Maiduguri, And I will contact you to Deliver it, If you back off because you are afraid, I will report you to the Police High Command.

We want Bold and Brave officers and men in Our Force.

Lol. I won't arm myself cos I am not going on oficial assignment. Even if armed, I am still not going. If you insist, then you must lead the way.

1 Like

Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by inspiredm(m): 9:54pm On Apr 18, 2015

Lol. I won't arm myself cos I am not going on oficial assignment. Even if armed, I am still not going. If you insist, then you must lead the way.

Lol, Oga Police Officer, You swore to an Oath to Serve and protect with Integrity.

CHANGE is Here. grin grin grin

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Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by Bostin(m): 5:53pm On Apr 19, 2015

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Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by USAutoBuy(m): 7:43pm On Apr 19, 2015
Beware of this guy claiming clearing agent based in Abeokuta Odusanwo oladimeji Ademola AKA Seedorf , he is a scam ...

you can share ur experience to help the house
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by Bostin(m): 8:12am On Apr 20, 2015
[quote author=USAutoBuy post=32895690]

you can share ur experience
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by Shable: 10:25am On Apr 30, 2015
I fell victim to the same scammers,but this time it was airconditioners and other home appliances that was advertised on google traders.I actually wanted to buy airconditioner 2hp that was advertised between the price range of 27000 to 40000.I was told to make a commitment of say half of the price ,after which they deliver the appliance to my house address..After making the payment of 15000 to an account number which they sent to me,up till now I have not seen the delivery...I called the sellers phone number a couple of time only for me to hear that the number has been switched off..today is making the 5th day I payed for the product.Pls people should bEWARE of this online scammers posing as genuine traders.

Kunleoduwole, You can report to the bank you made the deposit and they well set a trap for him somehow. The bank can put the account on restriction so the fraudster can not withdraw your money from the account(tru ATM) until he comes to the bank. Take care

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Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by Bostin(m): 4:18am On May 15, 2015
Hello ppl pls I want to know if okirika bale of foreign used clothes is allowed to import through Lagos apapa port. And what is the clearing process if loaded in a bus.
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by odyx: 8:16pm On May 20, 2015
My cousin fall victim weekend and paid N970k into their account with fidelity bank with name Yemi adenuga 6233998911 and Abdullahi akeem 6234900847 all base in Auchi Edo state but claims they are at Seme border. They are defraud buyers every minute.

Thier names of phone Abdul 08163253545 , the controller Yemi adenuga 08163212218
their drive johnson 08130118664

The posted E350 Benz for sale at N1.3m.
Is a bitter experience. Sss , police, fidelity bank mtn pls assist and trace these guy
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by USAutoBuy(m): 3:50pm On May 21, 2015
My cousin fall victim weekend and paid N970k into their account with fidelity bank with name Yemi adenuga 6233998911 and Abdullahi akeem 6234900847 all base in Auchi Edo state but claims they are at Seme border. They are defraud buyers every minute.
Thier names of phone Abdul 08163253545 , the controller Yemi adenuga 08163212218
their drive johnson 08130118664
The posted E350 Benz for sale at N1.3m.
Is a bitter experience. Sss , police, fidelity bank mtn pls assist and trace these guy

Sad to hear. But expecting to pay N1.3m for E350 Benz is kind of unrealistic don't you think? Even a Grade 1 2004/05 Big Daddy does not go that cheap. God will help him bear his loss
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by otedola1(m): 10:52am On May 23, 2015
Thx for your info! God Bless 9ja, God Bless NL, And God Bless Me

[b]Day In Day Out, Fraudsters are seeking for New Ways to Fleece Nigerians of their Hard Earned Money, The Latest Scheme is about Purported sales of Nigerian Customs Seized Vehicles Online Auction.

Within the past 30 days, I have Banned Over 200 usernames and Over 1000 Fraudulent Posts and Threads of Sales of Customs Seized vehicles on the Autos Section Which were without any Doubt Fraudulent.

The Modus Operandi of these Nefarious Elements are to Post Purported Customs Seized Vehicles at RIDICULOUSLY LOW Prices and Demand for Deposits to "Secure the Car " or "Secure the File" at Customs Offices.

Most Times, they go as far as Posting Photos of Customs Officials on their Profile Pages thereby Impersonating genuine Customs Officers.

They have Flooded the Nigerian Online Space now and are On Every Major Car Websites with Free Listings.

A Couple of Months Ago, The PUNCH Newspapers Nabbed a Syndicate of These Type of Fraud from an Innocent Buyer Who wanted to Buy a 2010 Toyota Camry for N400,000.

You can read it here http://www.punchng.com/feature/saturday-people/customs-officer-duped-me-says-man-who-wanted-to-give-mum-a-car-gift/

We Encourage Buyers to Beware of Auto Adverts with Ridiculously Low Prices, It takes a certain level of Greed to Fall Victim of Fraud in Most cases.

NIGERIAN CUSTOMS DO NOT Auction Cars Online, NOT Anywhere in the Country, All Customs Auction Bids Are Done Physically from ABUJA.

Furthermore, We Encourage Buyers to Know Who they are dealing With, Not all that Glitters is Gold and Not Everything You see Online is Genuine.

We Implore Members to report Suspicious Adverts to the Moderators Via the " Report to Moderator Button" Located on every Post.


Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by otedola1(m): 10:58am On May 23, 2015
Nothing is not Possible,
Okiriki Cloth is Contraband, but is depend how you take load maybe Container or Container Body Truck, b4 I can give you price, click my signature for more infor or contact
Olalekan Kazeem

Hello ppl pls I want to know if okirika bale of foreign used clothes is allowed to import through Lagos apapa port. And what is the clearing process if loaded in a bus.
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by angelo82: 10:59am On Jun 07, 2015
I sent a Volkswagen Sharan 98Models Tokunbo to Nigeria around Feb. this year with the plan of using it for transportation........I did all things that will make it to be road worthy even registered it but I have changed my mind due to stress of managing it for Road transportation and I will like to sell......I will like to know if you are capable of buying it for the purpose of re-selling it............


Lol, Oga Police Officer, You swore to an Oath to Serve and protect with Integrity.

CHANGE is Here. grin grin grin
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by saintjoel(m): 7:18am On Jun 09, 2015
THERE IS NOTHING LIKE CUSTOM AUCTION IN THE PORT OR AT THE BORDERS,LISTEN TO THE ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE SOURCE.... http://video-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xap1/v/t42.1790-2/10700045_619175591536737_1719982773_n.mp4?efg=eyJybHIiOjUzOCwicmxhIjo3Njl9&oh=2e04813d4e0930cd4123e58555b16cc7&oe=5579771F

Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by geemeshin(m): 9:56am On Jun 17, 2015
I sent a Volkswagen Sharan 98Models Tokunbo to Nigeria around Feb. this year with the plan of using it for transportation........I did all things that will make it to be road worthy even registered it but I have changed my mind due to stress of managing it for Road transportation and I will like to sell......I will like to know if you are capable of buying it for the purpose of re-selling it............

Post pictures here or send to geemeshin@yahoo.com...how much?

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