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France Legalises Same-sex Marriage - Foreign Affairs (5) - Nairaland

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Re: France Legalises Same-sex Marriage by Nobody: 11:48am On May 20, 2013

Ahhh!!!....another gay comes up.....

I still stick to my words that I hate the act,which in turn means I would never support gay marraige and gay couples wanting to own kids........

And when I said I hate the act and not the people that doesn't translate to me LOving homosexual practicers...........

Thank you!!!......

So if you love them, why aren't you in support of a decree that will give them freedom to enjoy the joy of bringing up a child?

How does that right infringe in any way on yours, as it's quite obvious you 'hate the act' not the actors?

If doctors are able to detect homo and hetero babies in the future, wouldn't you want all homo babies to be killed?

Pause. Let's do the maths. I hate homosexual acts. Homosexual acts can only be carried out by homosexuals. Kill homosexuals, then the act I hate goes.

Yup. That's how one gets crazy. No wonder God ran mad and sent his kid on a suicide mission, leaving him on the cross to die like the crook he was.
Re: France Legalises Same-sex Marriage by patostation(m): 11:53am On May 20, 2013

So according to you, barren women, impotent men, and old people have no right to adopt and raise kids, since nature is not in their favor? Where do you geniuses come up with these rules? How do you know nature's laws?

My God Jehovah! Gays, homosexuels and reprobate minds have infiltrated Nairaland. They will soon start propagating their depravity and sodomic ideology here. God, you that produced them from male and female marriages but they now see it as wrong, kindly make all their generations gay and lesbian so that thé fate of Sodom and Gomorrha will befall them, amen. Say amen if you are a straight "normal" human being.
Re: France Legalises Same-sex Marriage by Nobody: 12:03pm On May 20, 2013
I don't know why heterosexuals are wasting their time responding to jargons from homos. It's very simple, COME practice your disgusting act in Nigeria openly or in my Street and See what happens next. I guarantee you that you'd be lucky to spend 14 years in Jail-that is if my ANGRY street boys don't lynch you and burn you till that. Assuredly, i'll personally provide the petrol and matches.
Re: France Legalises Same-sex Marriage by Nobody: 12:06pm On May 20, 2013
barcanista: I don't know why heterosexuals are wasting their time responding to jargons from homos. It's very simple, COME practice your disgusting act in Nigeria openly or in my Street and See what happens next. I guarantee you that you'd be lucky to spend 14 years in Jail-that is if my ANGRY street boys don't lynch you and burn you till that. Assuredly, i'll personally provide the petrol and matches.

grin grin grin

Sadly, his signature reads 'I believe in a better Nigeria'... lol

Idiots will provide fuel to burn homosexuals, and watch heterosexuals, rapists, crooks run amok on the streets...

Better Nigeria my left ass..

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Re: France Legalises Same-sex Marriage by Nobody: 12:06pm On May 20, 2013
The world is turning in2 a mess! wel iam nt surprise because these are signs God mad known 2 us dt d world is comin 2 an end!beliv me tim is comin nigeria wil alxo legalise same sex marriage
Re: France Legalises Same-sex Marriage by Nobody: 12:08pm On May 20, 2013
It's high time concerned Nigerians sponsor bill to the NASS advocating for Death Penalty for homosexuals. Its like the 14 years jail term is too lenient on the crime. Better still the Government should hand over judgement of such illicit act to the hands of the Public for JUNGLE JUSTICE. I guarantee that with JUNGLE JUSTICE, no gay or lesbian born or a woman(or man) wil attempt to publicly advocate or practice homo in Nigeria.
Re: France Legalises Same-sex Marriage by Nobody: 12:08pm On May 20, 2013
AccessME: The world is turning in2 a mess! wel iam nt surprise because these are signs God mad known 2 us dt d world is comin 2 an end!beliv me tim is comin nigeria wil alxo legalise same sex marriage

The good thing about YAHWEH.. he prophecied that people will start to mock him, and change all his homophobic and irrational laws.. and that will bring about the END TIME.. his END not ours...
Re: France Legalises Same-sex Marriage by Nobody: 12:14pm On May 20, 2013

grin grin grin

Sadly, his signature reads 'I believe in a better Nigeria'... lol

Idiots will provide fuel to burn homosexuals, and watch heterosexuals, rapists, crooks run amok on the streets...

Better Nigeria my left ass..
Mr Mosquito, i suppose you are a gay practicing your act outside Nigeria or secretly practicing in Nigeria. Man i want to appeal to you in the name of anything you hold sacred that you shouldn't let me CATCH you in my street spewing pro-gay views or practicing such. If i do, you may not live to tel your story. The better Nigeria WE CRAVE for is one devoid of social vices like homosexualty.
Re: France Legalises Same-sex Marriage by proproman(m): 12:16pm On May 20, 2013
barcanista: I don't know why heterosexuals are wasting their time responding to jargons from homos. It's very simple, COME practice your disgusting act in Nigeria openly or in my Street and See what happens next. I guarantee you that you'd be lucky to spend 14 years in Jail-that is if my ANGRY street boys don't lynch you and burn you till that. Assuredly, i'll personally provide the petrol and matches.

quick question, are you a christian?
Re: France Legalises Same-sex Marriage by wiegraf: 12:17pm On May 20, 2013

Ahhh!!!....another gay comes up.....

I still stick to my words that I hate the act,which in turn means I would never support gay marraige and gay couples wanting to own kids........

And when I said I hate the act and not the people that doesn't translate to me LOving homosexual practicers...........

Thank you!!!......

You obviously don't love them, at least publicly, considering the vitriol in your posts. That's why I say you were lying before, as you did claim to not have with them per se, just the act.

You behave as if one j.izzed in your breakfast, we suspect the problem is you want one to j.izz in your breakfast but can't admit it, hence this rabid behavior. Seriously, you now see pipis everywhere, calling anyone who disagrees with you ghey (as if it's an insult sef).

Anyways, I suggest you take care of the problem now, before you end up like one of these guys.


These good hypocrites seem to particularly like boys sef. I suppose since they were afraid of men but needed relief they settled for boys. That's why I worry for you, it musn't get to that stage . Tell me where you are, as you're so scared of brahs I'll help you out by organizing a real, strong man to meet you and settle your problem. Do you have a picture I can upload unto a dating site?
Re: France Legalises Same-sex Marriage by Nobody: 12:19pm On May 20, 2013
barcanista: Mr Mosquito, i suppose you are a gay practicing your act outside Nigeria or secretly practicing in Nigeria. Man i want to appeal to you in the name of anything you hold sacred that you shouldn't let me CATCH you in my street spewing pro-gay views or practicing such. If i do, you may not live to tel your story. The better Nigeria WE CRAVE for is one devoid of social vices like homosexualty.

You have to be a Christian. Only such will unashamedly display their myopic thinking.

So to raise awareness for the rights of a minority makes you a part of them?
To raise awareness for rights of disabled makes me disabled?
Are you really this stupid or it it just the weather?

You can scream and shout all you want. One day, one of your kids will be homo. I hope they treat him the way you plan on treating others.
Re: France Legalises Same-sex Marriage by Nobody: 12:20pm On May 20, 2013

quick question, are you a christian?
Quick answer, YES, i'm a christian BUT that is my religious belief. The Greater Interest of Nigeria State is more of importance to my personal religious views. The Nigeria People clearly says NO TO HOMOSEXUALITY, as a law abiding citizen, i'll do anything and everything within my powers to make sure that all known homosexuals are eliminated from Nigeria's soil. Whether they practice abroad or in the closet is not my business, but once it becomes public, ALL HELL SHALL BE LET LOOSED
Re: France Legalises Same-sex Marriage by wiegraf: 12:24pm On May 20, 2013
barcanista: I don't know why heterosexuals are wasting their time responding to jargons from homos. It's very simple, COME practice your disgusting act in Nigeria openly or in my Street and See what happens next. I guarantee you that you'd be lucky to spend 14 years in Jail-that is if my ANGRY street boys don't lynch you and burn you till that. Assuredly, i'll personally provide the petrol and matches.

You seem to need even more help than @ijaw. Perhaps a gang ban.g? They can replace these street boys of your fantasies
Re: France Legalises Same-sex Marriage by Nobody: 12:24pm On May 20, 2013

You have to be a Christian. Only such will unashamedly display their myopic thinking.

So to raise awareness for the rights of a minority makes you a part of them?
To raise awareness for rights of disabled makes me disabled?
Are you really this stupid or it it just the weather?

You can scream and shout all you want. One day, one of your kids will be homo. I hope they treat him the way you plan on treating others.

Bros i no de make mouth, if you like call yourself Gay activist or practitioner, JUST don't let me catch you in my street advocating for gayism or lesbianism otherwise sir, your story shall be WAS. if you doubt me, i shall provide you my street name and implore you to come with your advocacy for pro-homo
Re: France Legalises Same-sex Marriage by Nobody: 12:30pm On May 20, 2013

You seem to need even more help than @ijaw. Perhaps a gang ban.g? They can replace these street boys of your fantasies
If you like sido 4 your parlour with your phone de call me name i no bother. but if you really be man and you sure believe your gayism whether as an advocate or practitioner, PLS come to my street and do your advocacy and we'll see what happens next. I shall provide my street information if you know say e sure for you. THE Nigeria of our dream is one devoid of social vices, armed robbery, criminality, fraud, homosexuality etc are not what we seek.
Re: France Legalises Same-sex Marriage by wiegraf: 12:34pm On May 20, 2013
barcanista: If you like sido 4 your parlour with your phone de call me name i no bother. but if you really be man and you sure believe your gayism whether as an advocate or practitioner, PLS come to my street and do your advocacy and we'll see what happens next. I shall provide my street information if you know say e sure for you. THE Nigeria of our dream is one devoid of social vices, armed robbery, criminality, fraud, homosexuality etc are not what we seek.

Pls do post your details. Thank you
Re: France Legalises Same-sex Marriage by Nobody: 12:37pm On May 20, 2013

Pls do post your details. Thank you
OK. i Stay at CAMPOS in Lagos Island. Sir when should we be expecting you?
Re: France Legalises Same-sex Marriage by Nobody: 12:41pm On May 20, 2013

Pls do post your details. Thank you
Evil. angry You trapster... grin
Re: France Legalises Same-sex Marriage by patostation(m): 12:50pm On May 20, 2013
Although asserting they were wise, they became foolish and turned the glory of the incorruptible God into something like the image of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed creatures and creeping things.

Therefore God, in keeping with the desires of their hearts, gave them up to uncleanness, that their bodies might be dishonored among them, even those who exchanged the truth of God for the lie and venerated and rendered sacred service to the creation rather than the One who created, who is blessed forever. Amen. That is why God gave them up to disgraceful sexuall appetites, for both their females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary to nature; and likewise even the males left the natural use of the female and became violently inflamed in their lust toward one another, males with males, working what is obscene and receiving in themselves the full recompense which was due fr their error. (Romans 1:22 - 27)

What! Do YOU not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men, nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit God’s kingdom. (1 Cor 6:9,10)

7 So too Sod´om and Go·mor´rah and the cities about them, after they in the same manner as the foregoing ones had committed fornication excessively and gone out after flesh for unnatural use, are placed before us as a warning example by undergoing the judicial punishment of everlasting fire. (Jude 7)
Re: France Legalises Same-sex Marriage by proproman(m): 12:59pm On May 20, 2013
barcanista: Quick answer, YES, i'm a christian BUT that is my religious belief. The Greater Interest of Nigeria State is more of importance to my personal religious views. The Nigeria People clearly says NO TO HOMOSEXUALITY, as a law abiding citizen, i'll do anything and everything within my powers to make sure that all known homosexuals are eliminated from Nigeria's soil. Whether they practice abroad or in the closet is not my business, but once it becomes public, ALL HELL SHALL BE LET LOOSED

And you are the law enforcement agency tasked with doing such. What happened to Jesus first and other things next? And when the bible said "Love your neighbour as yourself", was it a conditional statement. Love your neighbour as yourself only if they're straight?
Re: France Legalises Same-sex Marriage by patostation(m): 1:00pm On May 20, 2013
Now these things became our examples, for us not to be persons desiring injurious things, even as they desired them. Neither become idolaters, as some of them did; just as it is written: “The people sat down to eat and drink, and they got up to have a good time.” Neither let us practice fornication, as some of them committed fornication, only to fall, twenty-three thousand [of them] in one day. Neither let us put God to the test, as some of them put [him] to the test, only to perish by the serpents. Neither be murmurers, just as some of them murmured, only to perish by the destroyer. Now these things went on befalling them as examples, and they were written for a warning to us upon whom the ends of the world have arrived. (1 Cor 10:6 - 11)
Re: France Legalises Same-sex Marriage by ijawkid(m): 1:01pm On May 20, 2013
wiegraf: I remember reading somewhere that being in hate was just as satisfying as being in love. It sort of makes sense.

Anyways.. Kudos barbarians.. Don't let me get in the way of your hate-mongering

grin.......run along gay wiegraf........

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Re: France Legalises Same-sex Marriage by patostation(m): 1:06pm On May 20, 2013
Do not be misled: God is not one to be mocked. For whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap; because he who is sowing with a view to his flesh will reap corruption from his flesh, but he who is sowing with a view to the spirit will reap everlasting life from the spirit. So let us not give up in doing what is fine, for in due season we shall reap if we do not tire out. (Galatians 6:7 - 9)

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