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Trinity: Why Is It Easier To Call Jesus God And Not The Holy Spirit - Religion (4) - Nairaland

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Re: Trinity: Why Is It Easier To Call Jesus God And Not The Holy Spirit by Nobody: 10:07pm On May 27, 2013

That Satan had the audacity to tempt Him shows His low estate. What do u expect Jesus to say? "You must worship me and me alone cos I'm God"? That's pride. He was humble, and directed all glory to God. Mind u, Jesus didn't say "worship the Father". He said "worship God", and dat includes the Holy Spirit.

Wrong, Jesus simply quoted old testament scripture.

Besides, have you asked yourself why SATAN called Jesus Son of GOD and not GOD.

Surely he knows Jesus more than you , no ?

Also when he was casting out demons, how come they never called him GOD, instead they called him Son of the most high God ?

Are we missing something here.

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Re: Trinity: Why Is It Easier To Call Jesus God And Not The Holy Spirit by ijawkid(m): 10:09pm On May 27, 2013

Then am asking you is Jesus their first born? How do you know if some of them have children? And how do you link that statement to firstborn in terms of first born of all creation. The bible say they meaning the people and it didn't say Yahweh. You just they do olivertwist here. I go call you dbanj

Lol.........and you are not even seeing the import of the scripture you're holding to....

That scripture says they would mourn as one mourns for a firstborn.....Jesus wasn't there firstborn ofcourse but that verse surely points to the kind of person Jesus was......

And o Yes Firstborn there has so much link with Jesus been the firstborn of all creation......

Firstborn na firstborn.....

And do you want to know from the scriptures that Jesus was called Yahwehs firstborn.....??.....
Re: Trinity: Why Is It Easier To Call Jesus God And Not The Holy Spirit by Debroslink: 10:11pm On May 27, 2013

Wrong, Jesus simply quoted old testament scripture.

Besides, have you asked yourself why SATAN called Jesus Son of GOD and not GOD.

Surely he knows Jesus more than you , no ?

Also when he was casting out demons, how come they never called him GOD, instead they called him Son of the most high God ?

Are we missing something here.

and what do u expect dem to call d Father assuming He was on earth? Father of God? May God make u understand the meaning of Son according to psalm 2:7. Who was Jesus before psalm 2:7?
Re: Trinity: Why Is It Easier To Call Jesus God And Not The Holy Spirit by benalvino(m): 10:15pm On May 27, 2013

If Adam was to be alive today, if he had not sin, he would have been our father Eternal. No?

Jesus took over from him when he bought us with his blood >>> the ransom and became our father. No ?

That is how Jesus became our "eternal father"
> futuristic.


So wrong because Adam have a beginning he was created about 6000 years ago so never mind you are wrong on that.
Re: Trinity: Why Is It Easier To Call Jesus God And Not The Holy Spirit by truthislight: 10:16pm On May 27, 2013

show me in the scriptures where Jesus called Mary His mother or keep quiet about this blasphemy forever

What ?

But Jesus is the son of Mary.

Re: Trinity: Why Is It Easier To Call Jesus God And Not The Holy Spirit by truthislight: 10:19pm On May 27, 2013

Revelation 1v8,11. Jesus said "I am Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last". He is the Almighty who left His glory and Majesty because the world can't contain Him. Hence He wept, hungered, bled, slept and died. Yes, He is the Ancient of days who came with the clouds of heaven (Daniel 7v22). The Great God who will appear in the Sky (Titus 2v13).

You are a fake Christian if you don't worship and serve this Lord God Almighty (John 20:28) who rose 4rm the dead.

Childs play! cool
Re: Trinity: Why Is It Easier To Call Jesus God And Not The Holy Spirit by nlMediator: 10:21pm On May 27, 2013

Show me where Jesus was prayed to, even Jesus told SATAN that we should worship GOD only and him only should we server.

"replied, "The Scriptures say, 'You must worship the LORD your God and serve only him.'" - Luke 4:8

This is further buttressed by Revelation 1v1 which goes :

"1 The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place." - Revelation 1v1.

Jesus made clear to His disciples that HE would answer to the demands they make - ask in His Name. How can somebody not God do what the disciples asked? He didn't say the Father will do it. He said, Jesus will do it. John 14.13-14.
Re: Trinity: Why Is It Easier To Call Jesus God And Not The Holy Spirit by Itsfacts: 10:24pm On May 27, 2013

Lol.........and you are not even seeing the import of the scripture you're holding to....

That scripture says they would mourn as one mourns for a firstborn.....Jesus wasn't there firstborn ofcourse but that verse surely points to the kind of person Jesus was......

And o Yes Firstborn there has so much link with Jesus been the firstborn of all creation......

Firstborn na firstborn.....

And do you want to know from the scriptures that Jesus was called Yahwehs firstborn.....??.....

So what is your point. Am saying it is a description on how they will mourn how can you not grasp that simple thing? If I mourn for my last born like the way one will mourn for his firstborn does it make him my first born? Remove the tin foil hat dude
Re: Trinity: Why Is It Easier To Call Jesus God And Not The Holy Spirit by Itsfacts: 10:28pm On May 27, 2013

Acts 7:59 "And they went on casting stones at Stephen as he made appeal and said: "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit."
Re: Trinity: Why Is It Easier To Call Jesus God And Not The Holy Spirit by ijawkid(m): 10:28pm On May 27, 2013

So what is your point. Am saying it is a description on how they will mourn how can you not grasp that simple thing? If I mourn for my last born like the way one will mourn for his firstborn does it make him my first born? Remove the tin foil hat dude

I understand your point clearly but I'm also bringing out a point which ofcourse you're ignoring..........
Re: Trinity: Why Is It Easier To Call Jesus God And Not The Holy Spirit by Nobody: 10:32pm On May 27, 2013
Itsfacts: @frosbel JESUS WAS PRAYED TO

Acts 7:59 "And they went on casting stones at Stephen as he made appeal and said: "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit."

Is that a prayer ?

Let's see how Jesus taught is to pray ?

" Our Father who art in Heaven ......"

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Re: Trinity: Why Is It Easier To Call Jesus God And Not The Holy Spirit by Nobody: 10:35pm On May 27, 2013

Jesus made clear to His disciples that HE would answer to the demands they make - ask in His Name. How can somebody not God do what the disciples asked? He didn't say the Father will do it. He said, Jesus will do it. John 14.13-14.

ask in his NAME to GOD , no ?

"Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son" - John 14:13


"that time you won't need to ask me for anything. I tell you the truth, you will ask the Father directly, and he will grant your request because you use my name." - John 16:23

Our Prayers are always to GOD in the name of JESUS.
Re: Trinity: Why Is It Easier To Call Jesus God And Not The Holy Spirit by benalvino(m): 10:38pm On May 27, 2013

I understand your point clearly but I'm also bringing out a point which ofcourse you're ignoring..........

your point to itsfacts is not valid... David was the last born in his family yet he was called the firstborn so are you saying you will link the mourn thing to David too?
Re: Trinity: Why Is It Easier To Call Jesus God And Not The Holy Spirit by benalvino(m): 10:39pm On May 27, 2013

Is that a prayer ?

Let's see how Jesus taught is to pray ?

" Our Father who art in Heaven ......"

If its not a prayer what is it?
Re: Trinity: Why Is It Easier To Call Jesus God And Not The Holy Spirit by ijawkid(m): 10:45pm On May 27, 2013

your point to itsfacts is not valid... David was the last born in his family yet he was called the firstborn so are you saying you will link the mourn thing to David too?

I hope we all know that the zechariah we are deliberating on was talking about Jesus...abi was david pierced??....if he was then we can fix him in.....

Always remember that Jesus is not Just a firstborn,he is Gods Firstborn.......
Re: Trinity: Why Is It Easier To Call Jesus God And Not The Holy Spirit by benalvino(m): 10:51pm On May 27, 2013

I hope we all know that the zechariah we are deliberating on was talking about Jesus...abi was david pierced??....if he was then we can fix him in.....

Always remember that Jesus is not Just a firstborn,he is Gods Firstborn.......

David was not pierced am saying some of the people who Pearce him dont have son and since it wasn't God morning what is your point like mentioned earlier it is a description. And firstborn means pre-eminent.
Re: Trinity: Why Is It Easier To Call Jesus God And Not The Holy Spirit by ijawkid(m): 10:56pm On May 27, 2013

David was not pierced am saying some of the people who Pearce him dont have son and since it wasn't God morning what is your point like mentioned earlier it is a description. And firstborn means pre-eminent.

And Jesus Christ been Gods firstborn means what??.....that Jesus is pre-eminent to God??....

mary called Jesus Christ her firstborn....what did she mean??.......
Re: Trinity: Why Is It Easier To Call Jesus God And Not The Holy Spirit by nlMediator: 11:00pm On May 27, 2013

ask in his NAME to GOD , no ?

"Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son" - John 14:13


"that time you won't need to ask me for anything. I tell you the truth, you will ask the Father directly, and he will grant your request because you use my name." - John 16:23

Our Prayers are always to GOD in the name of JESUS.

How about the answer part? How can one be asking God for something and a man undertakes to answer it? No man has such power. So, it's clear He's saying He has a role in prayer. And if you look at the whole context of the discussion, you'll see that He was trying to explain Himself and His relationship to the Father to them.
Re: Trinity: Why Is It Easier To Call Jesus God And Not The Holy Spirit by benalvino(m): 11:01pm On May 27, 2013

And Jesus Christ been Gods firstborn means what??.....that Jesus is pre-eminent to God??....

mary called Jesus Christ her firstborn....what did she mean??.......

She meant her firstborn and that is simple.
Re: Trinity: Why Is It Easier To Call Jesus God And Not The Holy Spirit by ijawkid(m): 11:11pm On May 27, 2013

She meant her firstborn and that is simple.

And what does she mean by her firstborn??...........
Re: Trinity: Why Is It Easier To Call Jesus God And Not The Holy Spirit by Itsfacts: 11:25pm On May 27, 2013

And what does she mean by her firstborn??...........

From what alvino is saying firstborn have different meaning like flesh in bible. Context is the key. Jesus cannot be born twice.
Re: Trinity: Why Is It Easier To Call Jesus God And Not The Holy Spirit by ijawkid(m): 11:45pm On May 27, 2013

From what alvino is saying firstborn have different meaning like flesh in bible. Context is the key. Jesus cannot be born twice.

We know Jesus can't be born twice.....all we want to know is what Jesus being Gods firstborn means

Ben said Jesus being called firstborn means pre-eminence.....

Oya na...try applying it to Jesus being Gods firstborn and the firstborn of all creation.......
Re: Trinity: Why Is It Easier To Call Jesus God And Not The Holy Spirit by truthislight: 12:11am On May 28, 2013

So wrong because Adam have a beginning he was created about 6000 years ago so never mind you are wrong on that.

That Jesus is our Eternal father then means he has no beginning?

Does the fact that we human will be given eternal life, does that also imply that we have no beginning?

Smh for you.

There is a difference between eternity and eternal.

Have you ever heard that any body will be given eternity? No.

But humans will be given eternal life. No ?
Re: Trinity: Why Is It Easier To Call Jesus God And Not The Holy Spirit by twosquare(m): 12:39am On May 28, 2013
FOR most of u doubting if Jesus is God...I think dis settles it.go and read d book of Hebrews chapter 1..d whole of it..mayb u will understand. Ur God,my God and our God-Jesus shed deity and bcame a man...he wasn't in eternity.He was and still God.Reduced himself 2 d glory of Adam. Got killed and conquered...didn't go back as d Word again....nt ashamed to call us brethren..... bcame a God-Man...that is a Man who is God.dats is y man is nw raised higher than The angels.
Re: Trinity: Why Is It Easier To Call Jesus God And Not The Holy Spirit by benalvino(m): 5:31am On May 28, 2013

That Jesus is our Eternal father then means he has no beginning?

Does the fact that we human will be given eternal life, does that also imply that we have no beginning?

Smh for you.

There is a difference between eternity and eternal.

Have you ever heard that any body will be given eternity? No.

But humans will be given eternal life. No ?

You really doing a bad job understanding eternal life... If you really read the bible you will know the bible definition of eternal life... It is inherited and can be lost that is why Adam lost is immortality he was created with eternal life... Now Jesus is the eternal father because we inherited eternal life from him and Adam also inherited eternal life from him which he lost when he sinned. Eternal life is different from eternal father. We did not inherit eternal life from Adam so dont blasphem and call Adam the eternal father bible never teaches that ijawkid made such statement once I dont know where that statement comes from or what verse or scripture it came from
Re: Trinity: Why Is It Easier To Call Jesus God And Not The Holy Spirit by Itsfacts: 8:28am On May 28, 2013

We know Jesus can't be born twice.....all we want to know is what Jesus being Gods firstborn means

Ben said Jesus being called firstborn means pre-eminence.....

Oya na...try applying it to Jesus being Gods firstborn and the firstborn of all creation.......

No what we want to know is how many firstborn does God have? If you answer that you might know the meaning of the term. Once again alvino is right
Re: Trinity: Why Is It Easier To Call Jesus God And Not The Holy Spirit by ijawkid(m): 9:08am On May 28, 2013

No what we want to know is how many firstborn does God have? If you answer that you might know the meaning of the term. Once again alvino is right

Alvino knows where I'm heading at........he knows...and he knows that when we get to that junction he'd be wrong.......

I just want to sit back and watch the 2 of you define what Jesus being Gods Firstborn means..........
Re: Trinity: Why Is It Easier To Call Jesus God And Not The Holy Spirit by benalvino(m): 9:20am On May 28, 2013

No what we want to know is how many firstborn does God have? If you answer that you might know the meaning of the term. Once again alvino is right

The colosians he quoted was even shooting him on the foot. Because if Jesus was created how did he create all things? Now in their bible they added other in the bible the question is what is their motive in putting other? When God call Israel is firstborn how can you explain that? What about David? Funny thing is in colosians their own bible they put other which is not there and in John 1:3 they forget to put other you see the inconsistency? Well I will be glad if he can answer me on this how many firstborn that God have and how can a created firtsborn create all things in even and earth... Whether thrones or you name it.
Re: Trinity: Why Is It Easier To Call Jesus God And Not The Holy Spirit by benalvino(m): 9:29am On May 28, 2013

Alvino knows where I'm heading at........he knows...and he knows that when we get to that junction he'd be wrong.......

I just want to sit back and watch the 2 of you define what Jesus being Gods Firstborn means..........

I have already told you stop acting like I haven't. You need to tell me how many firstborn God have. You dont have to sit back I have told you and you can't sit back and wash. You should tell me why other added to your bible.
Re: Trinity: Why Is It Easier To Call Jesus God And Not The Holy Spirit by Itsfacts: 9:40am On May 28, 2013

Alvino knows where I'm heading at........he knows...and he knows that when we get to that junction he'd be wrong.......

I just want to sit back and watch the 2 of you define what Jesus being Gods Firstborn means..........

Dude your questions has been answered many times over and over but you failed to address the points he made how many firstborn does God have? Did God created David before he created the earth? The Jesus create him self? If he is created how can he create all things? Why is other in your bible? Why did they forget to add other in John 1:3 there are so many question but answer this ones and you will understand what firstborn means in that context.
Re: Trinity: Why Is It Easier To Call Jesus God And Not The Holy Spirit by ijawkid(m): 9:50am On May 28, 2013

I have already told you stop acting like I haven't. You need to tell me how many firstborn God have. You dont have to sit back I have told you and you can't sit back and wash. You should tell me why other added to your bible.

You said firstborn means pre-eminent.....

And I have asked how is Jesus pre-eminent to his GOD and Father...??....

You better stop playing tricks bro......

You want to know why other was added in the NWT and in bracket??......
Re: Trinity: Why Is It Easier To Call Jesus God And Not The Holy Spirit by ijawkid(m): 9:51am On May 28, 2013

Dude your questions has been answered many times over and over but you failed to address the points he made how many firstborn does God have? Did God created David before he created the earth? The Jesus create him self? If he is created how can he create all things? Why is other in your bible? Why did they forget to add other in John 1:3 there are so many question but answer this ones and you will understand what firstborn means in that context.

Did God call david his Firstborn??....answer the question............

You guys have answered zilch......

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