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As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take - Romance - Nairaland

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As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by vivaladiva(f): 6:44pm On May 05, 2008
as a self educated young nigerian/british woman how much shit do i have to take from a nigerian man.? my blood boils over when the price for sticking to nigerian men includes
cooking when u feel or dont feel like
making sure the house is clean 24/7
pleasing his family and friends
learning not to have an opinion
trying to control ur temper
having to hear this all the time " am a nigerain man so i can , "
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by Dreloaded(f): 6:45pm On May 05, 2008
stop dating egotistical lazy morons? 

Never heard 'as a Nigerian man" in my life. I'd most likely laugh in his face
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by desodgi(m): 6:48pm On May 05, 2008

Hey guyz whats up?
How y'all this afternoon. . . ?


Well you dont need to take much shit from anyman, all you need to do is study your guy before given into marriage that he's not the kind that would have much to be pleased by his Nigerian/ British wife.
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by babyx(f): 6:52pm On May 05, 2008
hey gal,
what you are complaining about is not just a nigerian man thing.
Most men are just blinded by their ego, Know what you can take in a relationship, spell it out to this man, let him know you are not his MAID, COOK or CLEANER, w angry whatever you do at home is becaue you love to not out of a sense of duty or LOVE,
Pls let your man know were the boundaries!! arent you flesh and blood?

Good Luck. smiley
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by Nobody: 6:52pm On May 05, 2008
you don't have to take any shit from any nigerian guy,i believe wherever does not please someone,that person shouldnt even go there at all,inorder to avoid marital mistake,afterall its not a must every nigerian woman marries a nigerian man
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by welli(f): 6:57pm On May 05, 2008
i belive u're a nigerian!culture is culture nd if culture states dat u should obey his family nd cook 4 him,i see nuttin wrong wit dat.*dat does nt make u a slowpoke.i mean a push around.
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by vivaladiva(f): 7:01pm On May 05, 2008
@ welli , it is argument s like urs that set my soul on fire. culture is not static it is dynamic. what is acceptable today does not ncessarily have to be acceptable tommorrrow.
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by vivaladiva(f): 7:03pm On May 05, 2008
' jenny i do see reasons with u fortunately am not married and i doubt if i ever wld be
but i do like my nigerian men
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by desodgi(m): 7:05pm On May 05, 2008
Congratulations. cheesy
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by 4Him1(m): 7:05pm On May 05, 2008
bla bla bla. This kind of threads send you to sleep to be honest. Dating a Nigerian man is not compulsory. Look for British men pls.

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Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by welli(f): 7:06pm On May 05, 2008
@ viv yea.i'm not into any argument.jst sayin der's nuttin wrong wit cookin 4 your man nd tryin 2 be nice to his family as long as he isn't pushin u around  nd if he's over claimin rite kick his ass.
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by Nobody: 7:10pm On May 05, 2008
' jenny i do see reasons with u fortunately am not married and i doubt if i ever would be
but i do like my nigerian men

yea,then if u like d nigerian men, have no choice but to obey d culture ,where a woman has to cook,live in peace wt d husbands pple,clean d house

mind u,u dont have to control ur temper,cos i call it pretense wen one is angry and cant tell whoever dat is responsible for dat anger,dat u r angry

2ndly u have an opinion,nobody will tell u not to have an opinion over something

viva u make it sound as if marrying a nigerian man is like living in bondage
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by Busta(f): 7:14pm On May 05, 2008
Sup Viva,  tongue

u might actually be blowing this a lil out of proportion.

besides, not all nigerian guys are like that.
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by welli(f): 7:16pm On May 05, 2008

yea,then if u like d nigerian men, have no choice but to obey d culture ,where a woman has to cook,live in peace  wt  d husbands people,clean d house

that is xactly my point.even in europe here,u still ve to clean da house,cook nd make his family kool wit u.its nt only a cultural tin bt an individual
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by vivaladiva(f): 7:20pm On May 05, 2008
u guys are completely missing the boat
perharps i will go back to abusing and irritating every one
this f lacks constructive and objective comments which is what i tot originally
hey busta whats up girl
hey desorji congratulations to u too
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by LadyT(f): 7:24pm On May 05, 2008
VIVA don't jump on me but is this the same guy you have group sex with?

Does he push for this or is it a joint decision?

I can't see any guy who allows you to enjoy this kind of activity being an egotistical maniac.
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by vivaladiva(f): 7:27pm On May 05, 2008
are we talking about sex here or what
4get i even posted this thread/topic
i know when i hear arses talking instead of brains
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by LadyT(f): 7:28pm On May 05, 2008

Touchy touchy!!!
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by LASIEFAIRE(m): 7:30pm On May 05, 2008
as a self educated young nigerian/british woman how much shit do i have to take from a nigerian man.? my blood boils over when the price for sticking to nigerian men includes
cooking when u feel or don't feel like
making sure the house is clean 24/7
pleasing his family and friends
learning not to have an opinion
trying to control your temper

having to hear this all the time " am a nigerain man so i can , "

that was your original post. About keeping the house clean, I don't think anyone should be told that, nonetheless I don't see it as just the females duty, it should be something both parties take equal share in.
learning not to have an Opinion, God forbid that we be slaves again. As soon as you feel you lack an opinion - call a timeout and quit. being in a relationship is not slavery, its freedom.  learn to control your temper, thats a good thing.
no need for the Nigerian man in there, the idea is to address your man's personal shortcomings not is Nationality
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by HRhotness(f): 7:32pm On May 05, 2008
[size=16pt]you dont hav to take shit from Nigerian men or any other man for that matter![/size]
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by vivaladiva(f): 7:33pm On May 05, 2008
to whom it may concern
i am sexually adventurous, i am a wolf in wolf clothing
unlike the many wolves i see dressed as sheeps
since i am the only one inflicted with this disease, we can safely drop this topic and move on
nigeriam men are wonderful capish
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by 4Him1(m): 7:34pm On May 05, 2008
too much information, no one asked . . . no one is bothered.
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by Dreloaded(f): 7:35pm On May 05, 2008

nigeriam men are wonderful capish

so why the thread
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by vivaladiva(f): 7:36pm On May 05, 2008
thank u las maybe what i should have said is above reasonable demands for all the items i listed
yes touchy touchy "i am alowed to be touchy if i feel so"
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by Nobody: 7:36pm On May 05, 2008
Why wouldn't you want your house to be clean 24/7? embarassed
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by vivaladiva(f): 7:37pm On May 05, 2008
to whom it may concern the comment was not directed at u so piss off
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by Nobody: 7:37pm On May 05, 2008
viva did u create this thread to cause trouble or what?we r all tryin to avoid trouble here ,help us by trying to avoid it too ok?
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by Jackal1(m): 7:39pm On May 05, 2008

as a self educated young nigerian/british woman how much shit do i have to take from a nigerian man.? my blood boils over when the price for sticking to nigerian men includes
cooking when u feel or don't feel like
making sure the house is clean 24/7
pleasing his family and friends
learning not to have an opinion
trying to control your temper
having to hear this all the time " am a nigerain man so i can ,

Babes, u will take every shit that comes your way especially when your spouse has the same qualities or more. . . .

Blimey. . . . .what has being British, self-educated, young or whatever has to do with this. . . . .
If u are hoping to go to Nigeria to choose a dude, then expect your toes to be kissed and your spouse to wash your undies. grin grin
However, if u are hoping to date a Brit/Nigerian in the UK. . . . .You are just anutha chic around the corner.
There are 66 million Brit citizens in the UK and about 2.2 Brit Nigerian gals that are single. . .so what makes u special. . .

Expect to cook, wash, pound yam in a mortar. . . . . I will even make u grind pepper on a stone and balance a tray on ur head to test ur Nigerianity.
Take care of the kids with the anticipation of remaining a full house wife and putting your certificates in the bin.
Whats more? Be submissive, respectful and act like a proper well brought up Nigerian woman.
It means kneeling down when u meet me parents and elders of the family. . .

If u can't live with that. . . . .go to the ABBEY. grin grin   Better still, marry a white DUDE.
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by Nobody: 7:39pm On May 05, 2008

to whom it may concern the comment was not directed at u so piss off
hmm, please be nice  embarassed smiley
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by vivaladiva(f): 7:40pm On May 05, 2008
has any heard about reading between the lines
yes ur house will be clean but there will be times when its untidy or u just cant be borthered because u are fliping tired
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by Nobody: 7:41pm On May 05, 2008
Babes, u will take every shit that comes your way especially when your spouse has the same qualities or more. . . .

Blimey. . . . .what has being British, self-educated, young or whatever has to do with this. . . . .
If u are hoping to go to Nigeria to choose a dude, then expect your toes to be kissed and your spouse to wash your undies. Grin Grin
However, if u are hoping to date a Brit/Nigerian in the UK. . . . .You are just anutha chic around the corner.
There are 66 million Brit citizens in the UK and about 2.2 Brit Nigerian gals that are single. . .so what makes u special. . .

Expect to cook, wash, pound yam in a mortar.
Take care of the kids with the anticipation of remaining a full house wife and putting your certificates in the bin.
Whats more? Be submissive, respectful and act like a proper well brought up Nigerian woman.
It means kneeling down when u meet me parents and elders of the family. . .

lol jackal u no well oooo grin grin grin cheesy cheesy
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by Dreloaded(f): 7:41pm On May 05, 2008
why the Abbey?

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