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As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take - Romance (2) - Nairaland

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Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by Jackal1(m): 7:43pm On May 05, 2008

why the Abbey?

Where else would a VIRGIN go? A whorehouse? grin grin grin
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by Dreloaded(f): 7:45pm On May 05, 2008
since when do virgins engage in 4-somes?
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by 4Him1(m): 7:45pm On May 05, 2008

Babes, u will take every shit that comes your way especially when your spouse has the same qualities or more. . . .

Blimey. . . . .what has being British, self-educated, young or whatever has to do with this. . . . .
If u are hoping to go to Nigeria to choose a dude, then expect your toes to be kissed and your spouse to wash your undies. grin grin
However, if u are hoping to date a Brit/Nigerian in the UK. . . . .You are just anutha chic around the corner.
There are 66 million Brit citizens in the UK and about 2.2 Brit Nigerian gals that are single. . .so what makes u special. . .

Expect to cook, wash, pound yam in a mortar. . . . . I will even make u grind pepper on a stone and balance a tray on your head to test your Nigerianity.
Take care of the kids with the anticipation of remaining a full house wife and putting your certificates in the bin.
Whats more? Be submissive, respectful and act like a proper well brought up Nigerian woman.
It means kneeling down when u meet me parents and elders of the family. . .

If u can't live with that. . . . .go to the ABBEY. grin grin   Better still, marry a white DUDE.

100% in agreement.
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by vivaladiva(f): 7:48pm On May 05, 2008
constructive suggestions not retarded insinuations
it makes a lot of difference where i come from b/cos i am trying to understand a particular mindset of some nigerian men
i am not taring every one wif the same brush so chill out
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by Dreloaded(f): 7:49pm On May 05, 2008
only Yorubas kneel tongue
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by LadyT(f): 7:51pm On May 05, 2008
D-reloaded she don't want to talk about that  angry leave it alone

The fact she was soliciting sex on here has nothing to do with the current topic.
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by aloib(f): 7:51pm On May 05, 2008
abeg to each his own jare,
aint it the duty of the woman to take care of the home geez, if u aint ready to take care of ur home, then dont get married now, at least while being single, no one would force yu to cook when yu dont feel like,
about the pleasing his family or friends, dunno bout that sha, prolly speaks bout the type of men u rol with
learning to control ur temper, aint yu like supposed to be like that, wether to a husband, child, friend
lol, phewww,
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by Dreloaded(f): 7:52pm On May 05, 2008

D-reloaded she don't want to talk about that  angry leave it alone

The fact she was soliciting sex on here has nothing to do with the current topic.

Lmao. E ma binu Iya Viva,
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by vivaladiva(f): 7:52pm On May 05, 2008
i think u would be in a better position to go to hell
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by tRoOE(f): 7:52pm On May 05, 2008
as a self educated young nigerian/british woman how much shit do i have to take from a nigerian man.? my blood boils over when the price for sticking to nigerian men includes
cooking when u feel or don't feel like
making sure the house is clean 24/7
pleasing his family and friends
learning not to have an opinion
trying to control your temper
having to hear this all the time " am a nigerain man so i can ,

I think you are the one with the issue here not the Naija guys like you claimed
Do you need to make announcement that you are mix nigerian/british undecided, or do you need a microphone because I get one right here
So you are self educated undecided who cares and who isn't
Empty barren makes the loudest noise, not surprise
What is wrong in cleaningundecided, wouldn't you clean your own house if happens to leave alone
So what is wrong in cooking for your man undecided
Someone with a hot temper can be in a relationship, because it won't last
Who said you can't have your own opinion when dating a Naija man
If you have problem with Naija men then stop dating them abi na by force grin

Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by vivaladiva(f): 7:55pm On May 05, 2008
i wasnt soliciting sex i was looking for like minded people
if u think am about to pay for some sex than u are def talking out of ur arse
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by Dreloaded(f): 7:55pm On May 05, 2008
seriously british Nigerians have got to be the most egotistical of the so called "westernized" nigerians.

Both the men and women. they are the ones you see claiming British with "Nigerian parentage"

ma lu mi o, lady T  tongue
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by Nobody: 7:56pm On May 05, 2008
What is happening hiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa angry angry angry grin grin
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by Jackal1(m): 7:57pm On May 05, 2008

since when do virgins engage in 4-somes?

Maybe she wasn't impaled in one of her many trysts. grin grin grin


constructive suggestions not retarded insinuations
it makes a lot of difference where i come from b/because i am trying to understand a particular mindset of some nigerian men
i am not taring every one with the same brush so chill out

Can u just tape it shut?
One problem i have with lasses like u is the fact that u take ur Britishness as being special. . . . Me dont think so!!!!!!
If u are a Briton. . . Congrats!!!! However there are over 30 million women like u lying around the corner.
Are u aware those junkies @ SOHO begging for 5 pounds to buy crack are British citizens as well? grin grin grin
Please stop this stupidity of urs and give Nigerian men a breather.


only Yorubas kneel tongue

Dont even kid urself, babes.
If i marry Paris Hilton, she would kneel down for me parents.
It's either she puts up of Bleep off. . . .
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by desodgi(m): 7:57pm On May 05, 2008
Do I smell clouts in here grin ?
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by LadyT(f): 7:57pm On May 05, 2008
No Viva I dont think you wanted to pay for it.

I just asked a simple question about your Nigerian boyfriend is he the one you have group sex with  I just found it hard to believe that same guy would be so old fashioned.  But instead of answering you went nuts.

Im very sorry I didnt know that was a secret and no one was supposed to know about the 4some thing.

Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by vivaladiva(f): 7:58pm On May 05, 2008
i f u are ofende by my heritage then u can lick my cunt
so what if u, did i tell u not to be
if i choose to include that in my thread so what
tis my fing perogative
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by Busta(f): 7:59pm On May 05, 2008
talk about metamorphosis lipsrsealed
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by desodgi(m): 8:01pm On May 05, 2008
Sorry viva if I may be countenanced, are you one of those born in naija and later traveled to the uk?
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by vivaladiva(f): 8:02pm On May 05, 2008
the thing they pain u because na dagbo u dey use take work
oboy me no send u oo
dont take it personal
u can have a chip on ur shoulder tis free
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by TheSly: 8:02pm On May 05, 2008
how much shit do i have to take from a nigerian man
As much as possible. . . . . if u aint cool with it. . . u can go and get yourself a smelly Chinese dude. . .
Or better still. . . .Get yourself an Indian dude. . . But they smells like garlic though. . . wink
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by Dreloaded(f): 8:03pm On May 05, 2008

talk about metamorphosis lipsrsealed

more like bipolar. Thankfully England and its free healthcare can cater to her madness  grin
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by desodgi(m): 8:04pm On May 05, 2008

the thing they pain u because na dagbo u dey use take work
oboy me no send u oo
don't take it personal
u can have a chip on your shoulder tis free

Av I done something wrong by just asking a simple question?
I guess that aint for me. cool
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by Nobody: 8:04pm On May 05, 2008
sly u can never give a good advise in dis ur life grin grin grin grin

wetin concern garlic wt wetin we dey talk hiaaaa
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by aloib(f): 8:05pm On May 05, 2008
adesodgi, wat it do, long time :p
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by vivaladiva(f): 8:05pm On May 05, 2008
no desorji ur highness
i was born in manchester
and had the privillage and non privillage of living in nigeria for a good number of years
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by desodgi(m): 8:05pm On May 05, 2008

more like bipolar. Thankfully England and its free healthcare can cater to her madness  grin


talk about metamorphosis lipsrsealed

Aint you guyz meant to be 5, 6 and 7 ? undecided
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by Tattooboy: 8:06pm On May 05, 2008
adesodgi, what it do, long time :p

shocked tell me its a mistake
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by joey007(m): 8:07pm On May 05, 2008
@ poster
i advice u to tell her before ur mind before she eventually breaks ur head when she discover ur intentions of not going to marry her.
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by Jackal1(m): 8:08pm On May 05, 2008
The Sly:

As much as possible. . . . . if u aint cool with it. . . u can go and get yourself a smelly Chinese dude. . .
Or better still. . . .Get yourself an Indian dude. . . But they smells like garlic though. . . wink

See me see palaver o. . . .

A NL member is fronting because she was lucky to have her immigration status changed from Indefinite Leave to Remain to a RED PASSPORT. . .
I cannot count the number of Brit girls that have gone down under me HAMMER. . . . . .
They come at 2 for 5 pounds. . . . . .Why do i have a feening VIVALADIVA is just anutha priggish atttention seeker!!!!

Just like u have said, she wld be better off dating a PAKI(Chip shop assistant). grin grin grin
At least, she would be pampered and have her panties washed with bare hands.
What a heap of applesauce from a spastic hilly nanny!!!
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by Nobody: 8:09pm On May 05, 2008
dis argument don do sef ,kai wetin?

viva if u cant do all dis(cleaning,cooking)then u higher a maid dat will do all dat for u

But pray d maid doesnt end up taking ur own position(corner) of d bed
Re: As A Self Educated Young Nigerian/british Woman How Much Shit Do I Have To Take by Dreloaded(f): 8:10pm On May 05, 2008

What a heap of applesauce from a spastic hilly nanny!!!

Admit it. You steal your "disses" from Famous Five books. dont you?

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