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Sterling Bank Invitation - Jobs/Vacancies - Nairaland

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FCMB MICROFINANCE BANK INVITATION FOR INTERVIEW / Accion Microfinance Bank Invitation / Sterling Bank Invitation For Online Test (2) (3) (4)

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Sterling Bank Invitation by spicychic847(f): 11:00pm On Jun 21, 2013
Just got scheduled for Sterling bank's test. Please someone help me out with their test format.
Re: Sterling Bank Invitation by omidan21: 11:38pm On Jun 21, 2013
[quote author=spicychic847]Just got scheduled for Sterling bank's test. Please someone help me out with their test format.[/quote

Same hereoooo I got scheduled for july 2nd.test format pls house]
Re: Sterling Bank Invitation by spicychic847(f): 12:01am On Jun 22, 2013
@omidan,wherz ur venue? Mine is ph
Re: Sterling Bank Invitation by Princenady(m): 12:17am On Jun 22, 2013
My brother got d invite also,we need d test seriously!!!
Re: Sterling Bank Invitation by xtanburg: 12:28am On Jun 22, 2013
how did u guys apply?
Re: Sterling Bank Invitation by kanenechi: 12:55am On Jun 22, 2013
spicychic847: Just got scheduled for Sterling bank's test. Please someone help me out with their test format.
i got the invite too but i was thinking that they needed OND not Bsc/HND. pls Bsc/Hnd graduates that got the invite should indicate . i wouldnt want to spend my money and time 4 PH journey and hear stories oo. Am Bsc and wouldnt wnt to be told in the test center that they want only OND. Lets put mount on this guys
Re: Sterling Bank Invitation by spicychic847(f): 7:17am On Jun 22, 2013
Am Bsc too..
Re: Sterling Bank Invitation by kayce19: 7:31am On Jun 22, 2013
How did u guys apply?
Re: Sterling Bank Invitation by Princenady(m): 9:19am On Jun 22, 2013
My brother is BSc
Re: Sterling Bank Invitation by ahmedbrown: 9:34am On Jun 22, 2013
Pls guys, how do you apply?
Re: Sterling Bank Invitation by obaxlove(m): 4:18pm On Jun 22, 2013
Hw did u guys apply? Help us abeg!
Re: Sterling Bank Invitation by Malubi(m): 4:31pm On Jun 22, 2013
Re: Sterling Bank Invitation by Princenady(m): 5:30pm On Jun 22, 2013
obaxlove: Hw did u guys apply? Help us abeg!

My brother said he went to their branch to submit cv
Re: Sterling Bank Invitation by obaxlove(m): 7:52pm On Jun 22, 2013

My brother said he went to their branch to submit cv

Thanks for ur comment, I ave been to many branches to drp my CV, but d pple there will tell me to go online. Pls which of d their branch did u drp ur CV? Pls can u help me drp mine? Thanks

1 Like

Re: Sterling Bank Invitation by Princenady(m): 6:34am On Jun 23, 2013

Thanks for ur comment, I ave been to many branches to drp my CV, but d pple there will tell me to go online. Pls which of d their branch did u drp ur CV? Pls can u help me drp mine? Thanks

At nottage street branch, Onitsha.
Re: Sterling Bank Invitation by obaxlove(m): 6:47am On Jun 23, 2013

At nottage street branch, Onitsha.

Thanks for ur comment, pls how can I get my CV across to d branch through u? I am presently in lag. Help me pls. Reach me on bolarinwaobasanjo@hotmail.com
Re: Sterling Bank Invitation by spicychic847(f): 10:00pm On Jun 24, 2013
Please wat's lagos test venue? Ans needed asap
Re: Sterling Bank Invitation by Princenady(m): 10:45pm On Jun 24, 2013
[quote author=obaxlove]

Thanks for ur comment, pls how can I get my CV across to d branch through u? I am presently in lag. Help me pls. Reach me on bolarinwaobasanjo@hotmail.com[/quote

I dnt think dey still receive
Re: Sterling Bank Invitation by cleoMcdanie(m): 11:24pm On Jun 24, 2013
I wonder why people scramble for bank jobs.I bet you,it will take u guys d grace of God 2stay on dat job for up2 6months.I'm talking out of experience.You guys should ask urselves,Why do banks employ almost every month?Its because people are resigning every week.The whole experience is not worth it.God help us all


Re: Sterling Bank Invitation by Nobody: 11:49pm On Jun 24, 2013
Experience not worth it ke. I'm sure that came out wrong. How many companies have branches? It's all one and just one. Banks are the greatest medium for employment. The reason banks always recruit is that they expand often..they build more branches..nt necessarily due to resignation like you said. Besides, most people that resign are moving to other banks as xperience hires. Mind you, there are bankers (full staff) and there are bank workers (contract staff).


Re: Sterling Bank Invitation by DeanOlamide(m): 12:47am On Jun 25, 2013
@ lurlar, deceive urself expansion my foot... They will fire u anytime u think u will last in it... So many tendering their resignation and hope u r a naija person and following what is happening around the banking sector? U will marvel... As for banking job i do not wanna be a party to it... Got sm invitations which i never ascepted they are time waster.

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Re: Sterling Bank Invitation by DeanOlamide(m): 12:48am On Jun 25, 2013
cleoMcdanie: I wonder why people scramble for bank jobs.I bet you,it will take u guys d grace of God 2stay on dat job for up2 6months.I'm talking out of experience.You guys should ask urselves,Why do banks employ almost every month?Its because people are resigning every week.The whole experience is not worth it.God help us all

U r correct jareeee my brother.. For banking? Me and them no dey do shw for employment
Re: Sterling Bank Invitation by DeanOlamide(m): 12:53am On Jun 25, 2013
lurlar: Experience not worth it ke. I'm sure that came out wrong. How many companies have branches? It's all one and just one. Banks are the greatest medium for employment. The reason banks always recruit is that they expand often..they build more branches..nt necessarily due to resignation like you said. Besides, most people that resign are moving to other banks as xperience hires. Mind you, there are bankers (full staff) and there are bank workers (contract staff).
Full staff and who do u think they are? Only 5 or 6 but d rest sorry.... And u talking about branches? Sorry for u am sure God gives u this to experience it.. U think u r better than those they fire week in week out? Or u got the best certificate? Build more branches with ur money? U simply not in this country of ours if u r meaning u hvnt start living in this part for u not to knw banking palava... I hv 5 persons working with banks... Two dropped not up to a year plus they employed for another non banking job, i hv another my own sister doing interview with another company not up to 4 month she was employed in GT.. U better start looking smwhere else... Cos banks is not where future is build.

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Re: Sterling Bank Invitation by Malubi(m): 8:22am On Jun 25, 2013
cleoMcdanie: I wonder why people scramble for bank jobs.I bet you,it will take u guys d grace of God 2stay on dat job for up2 6months.I'm talking out of experience.You guys should ask urselves,Why do banks employ almost every month?Its because people are resigning every week.The whole experience is not worth it.God help us all
Also be aware that more than 40-50 universities are graduating more than 80000 graduate with no jobs providing by government not to talk of polytecnichs and COE's. what do you want them to do? May be GOD don butter your bread before shall. NB: I AM NOT AGAINST YOU SHALL. THANKS
Re: Sterling Bank Invitation by billyberly: 8:26am On Jun 25, 2013
Lol...one man's meat is absolutely another man's poison. Dat it happpnd 2 "A" doznt mean it'l happn 2 "B." Itz all abt God!!!
Re: Sterling Bank Invitation by VickyTemmy: 6:18pm On Jun 27, 2013
Pls, let's go back to the original post, if u got the invite, any hint on hw their test is and is it recruitment for contract staff?
Re: Sterling Bank Invitation by olamideh: 6:48pm On Jun 27, 2013
Where are you doing the test. Can we gatecrash?
Re: Sterling Bank Invitation by olamideh: 6:53pm On Jun 27, 2013
Where are you doing the test. Can we gatecrash?
Dean Olamide:
Full staff and who do u think they are? Only 5 or 6 but d rest sorry.... And u talking about branches? Sorry for u am sure God gives u this to experience it.. U think u r better than those they fire week in week out? Or u got the best certificate? Build more branches with ur money? U simply not in this country of ours if u r meaning u hvnt start living in this part for u not to knw banking palava... I hv 5 persons working with banks... Two dropped not up to a year plus they employed for another non banking job, i hv another my own sister doing interview with another company not up to 4 month she was employed in GT.. U better start looking smwhere else... Cos banks is not where future is build.

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Re: Sterling Bank Invitation by point45(m): 7:42pm On Jun 27, 2013
@wonder why people scramble for bank jobs: because working in a bank is better than sitting at home. You have the experience that isn't worth it right? Some other people have the experience of staying at home and trust me, bank (temp or perm)is not to be compared with it.
Re: Sterling Bank Invitation by VickyTemmy: 8:16pm On Jun 27, 2013
point45: @wonder why people scramble for bank jobs: because working in a bank is better than sitting at home. You have the experience that isn't worth it right? Some other people have the experience of staying at home and trust me, bank (temp or perm)is not to be compared with it.
Na so my brother
Re: Sterling Bank Invitation by Nobody: 9:45pm On Jun 27, 2013
Sorry for yourself biko!
Dean Olamide:
Full staff and who do u think they are? Only 5 or 6 but d rest sorry.... And u talking about branches? Sorry for u am sure God gives u this to experience it.. U think u r better than those they fire week in week out? Or u got the best certificate? Build more branches with ur money? U simply not in this country of ours if u r meaning u hvnt start living in this part for u not to knw banking palava... I hv 5 persons working with banks... Two dropped not up to a year plus they employed for another non banking job, i hv another my own sister doing interview with another company not up to 4 month she was employed in GT.. U better start looking smwhere else... Cos banks is not where future is build.
Re: Sterling Bank Invitation by didicold(f): 7:52am On Jun 28, 2013
why dont u just provide d test format and if u cant mind ur own biz, if a bank dropped u after a short period on d job,doznt mean it will happen to someone else, after all we allknow of bankers dat have financed personal project and have good biznesses all from bankin salary, try to change ur mindset. Itz called sour grapes.


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