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Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? - Career - Nairaland

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Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by Olucheye(m): 7:32pm On Jul 06, 2013
After the lot of experience I gained from the previous topic I posted here, I'm letting out another fear that has constantly consumed me and hoping that with the help of the MOD and vast NL'ders this topic will be trashed and generations coming up right behind and those already in it, will be saved from heading down that education drain line. There are thousands of graduates and undergraduates in our various higher institution of learning who have mixed stories mostly of negative comment or the 'I wish I had never....." tag as regards this course.

The current state of basic medical sciences courses (human anatomy and physiology) most especially in our country is shocking. Truth said, it's deteriorating at an alarming rate as our universities keep churning out graduates from this courses while the country currently does not have the capacity or any facility whatsoever to employ them(based on my knowledge).  Most graduates from this field roam the streets after receiving the shock of their lives when told they've got no definitive job specification in our hospitals. Somewhere they've all believed to earn a living from while they joyful collected their admission letters.

After coming to terms with this rude shock of life,  many have sought greener pastures outside the shores of the country by either re-enrolling to study MBBS or going for masters in Public health, with while some lucky biochemists have been able to get job in coy's like NAFDAC, pharmaceutical org's, e.t.c. The larger percentage of this graduates most especially those from humble background   have got no where to turn to are left to call the shots of moving forward which most are afraid to take based on previous mistake.  

I would love NL'ders to please help us graduates and young undergraduates with the following questions;
1. Prospective career paths in Nigeria and also in foreign countries.
2. Medical health institutes that require services of graduates of this courses both home and abroad. Sometimes past, I heard EkoIle or so mention the creation of a forensic centre by the Lagos state Government.
3. Other career paths that is readily available for those who might want to switch over and would not later be discriminated for it. (I know they will have to read and undergo professional exams)
4.  General advice for the teeming young ones who will rather pick up admission letters for this courses just to escape sitting at home for another year.

Thanks everyone. 
Dear MOD, as my Oga at the top kindly help move this to the frontpage so others could at least gain from the vast experience of those who will comment.


Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by integrobreed: 8:17am On Jul 07, 2013
i'm a Bsc. anatomy graduate currently on youth service. my ppa is in sch of health tech smwhre in d north. av bn doin my best 2 gain grasp of whre we (bms graduates) cn functn bt nothin very tangibl apart frm lecturing is availabl. stil doin mor research. As 4 whre i'm servin, i'v interest of bein retend inspite of d borin environ, communicatn challenges n evn security etc.

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Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by Jman06(m): 10:16am On Jul 07, 2013


Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by Olucheye(m): 5:27pm On Jul 07, 2013
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by marvelling(m): 1:34am On Jul 08, 2013
ok here I go!

I read microbiology grin and the little I understand about the system operating in nigeria is that b.sc holders are not eligible for any form of clinical practice. license for practice is not given. now the issue with basic medical sciences is not really different as the "professionals" that actually run the show don't want you guys to be licensed. why? I don't know, but I think its time we put pressure on the relevant medical councils to give us chance. how? I don't know, (we should form a coalition, storm their various secretariats and demand to be taken seriously in the scheme of things grin).

I was at the medical laboratory science council zonal office in lagos last year and i found out that initially, an internship program for b.sc holders in biochemistry and microbiology was being run by the council, but it was later scrapped and non of the people i asked was able to give a good reason why. [b][/b]WE NEED TO BE LICENSED OR ELSE NOTHING FOR US. datz all grin


Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by Liverpoolfc(m): 7:04pm On Jul 08, 2013
moderator pls frontpage this topic as a gift to BMS graduates. Pls
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by thirty(m): 11:19am On Jul 09, 2013
Hi felow nairalander,
my sister is an Anatomist graduate with 2.1 from Unilorin and master degree from Unilag. She need job urgently please. Kindly drop a message for her: ronkus101@yahoo.com
thank you.

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Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by Olucheye(m): 7:43pm On Jul 09, 2013
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by Liverpoolfc(m): 1:02pm On Jul 10, 2013
if i have had the power to barn the moderator, i would have done that for ignoring the plea to frontpage this topic. Suppose it was topic that concerns tonto dike, he/she would hv long frontpage it.. Vexiiiiiiiinnnnnngggg
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by marvelling(m): 2:38pm On Jul 10, 2013
Liverpoolfc: if i have had the power to barn the moderator, i would have done that for ignoring the plea to frontpage this topic. Suppose it was topic that concerns tonto dike, he/she would hv long frontpage it.. Vexiiiiiiiinnnnnngggg

my dear stop asking for front page! simply going by the amount of posts on this thread and the traffic it has generated, it does not deserve front page. BMS graduates/students should simply come in, discuss or air their grievances with the current situation and join heads together to find a solution. i spoke about the issue of obtaining a license to practice, you all acted as if its not relevant, but that's simply what is holding us back from being relevant in healthcare service delivery. we need to storm MLSCN and make our voices heard. the older generation no dey reason una, na time to take matters into our own hands! #SHIKENA cool
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by lirerih(m): 4:20am On Jul 12, 2013
The challenges facing the present day BMS graduates in Nigeria is what I'll call "the presence of the absence". As most of us rightly opined earlier, we need a registration council for the BMS. A registration council with oversight functions just like the MDCN and the MLSCN since we are all members of the "health team" with different functions. Hospital equipment such as the ECG, EEG, Spirometer, dialysis machines, etc as well as other services such as sterilization, phlebotomy, etc ought to be the job of a physiologist in the clinical setting. More so, I'd advocate that the BSc BMS programme currently run in our universities should be done together with the MSc where one may decide to either go into research and eventually become a research physiologist, biomedical scientist or go into clinical practice where he/she can become a core clinical physiologist with distinct functions in the clinical setting. Even those persons who would want to teach/lecture physiology and related courses in the higher institution, fall into the category of research physiologist. Unless steps are taken to move the BMS into such direction, we will just remain where we are and continue lamenting. It pains me to see that our so-called lecturers and "mentors" who also were in this stage at a particular time in their life are virtually doing nothing, saying nothing to remedy this situation. We have the PSN (Physiological Society of Nigeria), we also have the Anatomical Society of Nigeria as registered associations for Physiological and Anatomical Sciences in Nigeria. I hope one way or the other this gets to them for appropriate action.

NB: For crying out loud, na only for Naija these things different ooooo... Need I remind us that the Nobel Award Category for Medicine is named "the Nobel Award for Physiology or Medicine" and many notable research physiologist have been recipients of this award for years. If physiology wasn't given that regard and attention in the country of such recipients, tell me how they could have made ground-breaking research in medicine, let alone receive the Nobel Award?


Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by marvelling(m): 5:26am On Jul 12, 2013
lirerih: The challenges facing the present day BMS graduates in Nigeria is what I'll call "the presence of the absence". As most of us rightly opined earlier, we need a registration council for the BMS. A registration council with oversight functions just like the MDCN and the MLSCN since we are all members of the "health team" with different functions. Hospital equipment such as the ECG, EEG, Spirometer, dialysis machines, etc as well as other services such as sterilization, phlebotomy, etc ought to be the job of a physiologist in the clinical setting. More so, I'd advocate that the BSc BMS programme currently run in our universities should be done together with the MSc where one may decide to either go into research and eventually become a research physiologist, biomedical scientist or go into clinical practice where he/she can become a core clinical physiologist with distinct functions in the clinical setting. Even those persons who would want to teach/lecture physiology and related courses in the higher institution, fall into the category of research physiologist. Unless steps are taken to move the BMS into such direction, we will just remain where we are and continue lamenting. It pains me to see that our so-called lecturers and "mentors" who also were in this stage at a particular time in their life are virtually doing nothing, saying nothing to remedy this situation. We have the PSN (Physiological Society of Nigeria), we also have the Anatomical Society of Nigeria as registered associations for Physiological and Anatomical Sciences in Nigeria. I hope one way or the other this gets to them for appropriate action.

NB: For crying out loud, na only for Naija these things different ooooo... Need I remind us that the Nobel Award Category for Medicine is named "the Nobel Award for Physiology or Medicine" and many notable research physiologist have been recipients of this award for years. If physiology wasn't given that regard and attention in the country of such recipients, tell me how they could have made ground-breaking research in medicine, let alone receive the Nobel Award?

Your head they there! But i suggest we put pressure on mlscn to certify us for practice. Anatomists can function as histopathologists as far as diagnosis is the aim. Mdcn Will never entertain such plea because of their ego. Any other "professional body" without a charter can never achieve anything or influence events in favor of her members. Our best bet is mlscn, we need to prevail on them to train and license us for practice. #SHIKENA cool
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by HenryDagreat: 11:55pm On Jul 15, 2013

Personally I chose Anatomy thinking that it was health related (guess I was wrong). When you tell people you people you studied anatomy, they laugh sacarstically and ask about its relevance. Some persons think studying anatomy is big waste of time (mostly the medical students). People say the only prospect is either in lecturing or in the mortuary (cadaver/corpse specialist) people refer to it as a dead course. The most annoying thing is that studying anatomy in the university is not easy because it requires focus, dedication and discipline to be able to graduate well. We were exposed to several laboratory techniques ( histochemistry etc) yet we have no place in the hospital. So why study anatomy if we are not recognised. Some people travel overseas for their postgraduate studies (those who can afford it), some go back to study medicine, those who can't afford abroad apply for postgraduate study in other field ( a more rewarding field so to speak), only a few further in Anatomy to the Phd level.(What are the opportunities to explore if one should decide to further in anatomy?). Speaking of lecturing! Can all the graduates of anatomy be employed as lecturers? (No). So why study anatomy if it has no relevance to the health sector?

Funny enough you find out that most people in the Basic medical sciences (Anatomy and Physiology most especially)found themselves there against their wish. You find out that their original intentions were to study medicine. To me that's pure wickedness flinging people to the department with they knowing that it is insignificant. A great number of lecturers kids (the high and mighty) are only allowed to study medicine at their will! I wonder why they are considered more worthy even when they don't meet expectation. You can't find a lecturers kid studying Anatomy or physiology. Its always medicine. In some universities, you can even transfer from BMS to medicine. When you ask them they tell you because its both under the health profession (total nonsense).
Truely speaking, a lot of people are filled with regrets because they feel they have chosen a WRONG career path so to speak. Is this supposed to be so?


Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by weezii(m): 9:28pm On Aug 02, 2013
rightfully said guys. Currently in my school, we have stayed an extra year back because of no accreditation.
I think the reason why the body meant to do so is not speeding it up is cos' its not a "professional" course.

This leads to me to ask and i stand to be corrected...

What is Medicine without knowledge of Basic Medical Science?

Why is it so difficult for them to accept us into the healthcare sector?

I still cant jus understand why this has to be so and seems the main bodies meant to make a move for a better future for people in this field seem not to be doing anything about this.

My suggestion is this, invite any BMS student u know of, both graduate and undergraduate, let them flood this thread and draw traffic n comments and posts. This will go a long way in making our voice being heard, @least we can start from there.
Goodnight guys

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Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by princeduke2013: 11:08am On Aug 10, 2013
mi don tire ooo but guys is der any hope for us in field like masters in finance or occupational health.2ndly is der chance for us in oil industries
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by lirerih(m): 11:38pm On Aug 11, 2013
princeduke 2013: mi don tire ooo but guys is der any hope for us in field like masters in finance or occupational health.2ndly is der chance for us in oil industries

For Occupational Health, yes there is. IPS UNIPORT has an MSc Program in Occupational Health and Safety and graduates of physiology can apply for it. I made inquiry sometime ago and got that response from them.

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Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by princeduke2013: 7:42am On Aug 12, 2013
thanks buddy for more enlightenment
u 3 make sense
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by Madeu(m): 12:40pm On Aug 16, 2013

For Occupational Health, yes there is. IPS UNIPORT has an MSc Program in Occupational Health and Safety and graduates of physiology can apply for it. I made inquiry sometime ago and got that response from them.
Heard Federal University of technology Owerri(FUTO) also offer program in Occupational Health and Safety.

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Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by efe2luv: 6:39am On Aug 17, 2013
Seek the face of God. He will direct you on which path to take. Ask genuinely for direction and sow a seed of faith for your new foundation. He will direct you n u wont regret it. It worked for me thats why am sharing my experience. I graduated from uniport studied anatomy. But i tell u it is in ur most confused state that u find direction from God.

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Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by Olucheye(m): 8:36am On Aug 17, 2013
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by efe2luv: 8:59am On Aug 17, 2013
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by glizengem(f): 12:16pm On Aug 17, 2013
Still in 100l though, maybe our voices avnt bn heard, i used 2 fink d@ physiology was d bomb... I was regretn d fact d@ i was given admission in 2 d course, but av come 2 c it as God's own way of doing finz ... My dear spannites u ol av 2 b strong n employ God in everyfin u do, its a country d@ wev found ourselves ... I wish past graduates in bms can hear our pleas n stop those greedy doctors frm doing our jobs.... It beats my imaginations how a nigerian doc can functionas a pharmacist,a physiotherapist, a med lab attendant...etc its jst 2much. Av decided 2 leave my fate 4 God 2 decide..finkin of doing my msc in physiotherapy i heard 3 unis offer it..hope e go finally beta b4 graduation my 2cents though... Greatest spannites


Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by Madeu(m): 12:43pm On Aug 17, 2013
glizengem: Still in 100l though, maybe our voices avnt bn heard, i used 2 fink d@ physiology was d bomb... I was regretn d fact d@ i was given admission in 2 d course, but av come 2 c it as God's own way of doing finz ... My dear spannites u ol av 2 b strong n employ God in everyfin u do, its a country d@ wev found ourselves ... I wish past graduates in bms can hear our pleas n stop those greedy doctors frm doing our jobs.... It beats my imaginations how a nigerian doc can functionas a pharmacist,a physiotherapist, a med lab attendant...etc its jst 2much. Av decided 2 leave my fate 4 God 2 decide..finkin of doing my msc in physiotherapy i heard 3 unis offer it..hope e go finally beta b4 graduation my 2cents though... Greatest spannites
At bold.
Even in u.k and u.s schools it impossible, talk more of nigeria. You might think about exercise physiology, not MSC in physiotherapy. You can't even do your MSC in hematology in Nigeria.
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by Acidosis(m): 8:46am On Sep 18, 2013
Most people today find themselves in Physiology/Pharmacology/Anatomy/Medical Biochemistry department after the college of Medicine failed to admit them for MBBS...

I'll always advice such people never to accept para-medical courses.. Its a sure key to frustration except the individual involved is ready to explore other sectors.

Same applies to most courses in the faculty of science.

Who wants to employ a physiologist in a hospital when the Doc is ready and willing to do everything?

Or a Medical Biochemist when the Lab Scientist is available?

Pharmacology on the other hand is completely different from Pharmacy..
A Pharmacist cannot do the work of a Pharmacologist...

But who employs them to practise in Nigeria?

Now that all we do is import drugs from India and then call a Pharmacist to come for packaging and registration.

I think its time for NUC to completely cancel all 'irrelevant' courses to a common Nigerian in Nigeria


Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by steg0miah: 11:17am On Sep 18, 2013
Acidosis: Most people today find themselves in Physiology/Pharmacology/Anatomy/Medical Biochemistry department after the college of Medicine failed to admit them for MBBS...

I'll always advice such people never to accept para-medical courses.. Its a sure key to frustration except the individual involved is ready to explore other sectors.

Same applies to most courses in the faculty of science.

Who wants to employ a physiologist in a hospital when the Doc is ready and willing to do everything?

Or a Medical Biochemist when the Lab Scientist is available?

Pharmacology on the other hand is completely different from Pharmacy..
A Pharmacist cannot do the work of a Pharmacologist...

But who employs them to practise in Nigeria?

Now that all we do is import drugs from India and then call a Pharmacist to come for packaging and registration.

I think its time for NUC to completely cancel all 'irrelevant' courses to a common Nigerian in Nigeria

Seconded, those courses are almost irrelevant, the best you can do is to further for MSc and phd and hope you get a lecturing appointment, cos you'll still face competitions from Medical doctors, its better they scrap those paramedical courses.

I am a medical student, but got friends in physiology departments, that we do talk and they do lament, i do pity them they αℓωαчs look inferior, even the medicine now is becomming difficult to get employment nowadays, got seniors who are still looking for a place to attach, this are medical doctors oo, and its everywher, law, accounting, engineering....may God help us in this country!
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by Tobbie9(m): 11:45am On Sep 18, 2013

Seconded, those courses are almost irrelevant, the best you can do is to further for MSc and phd and hope you get a lecturing appointment, cos you'll still face competitions from Medical doctors, its better they scrap those paramedical courses.

I am a medical student, but got friends in physiology departments, that we do talk and they do lament, i do pity them they αℓωαчs look inferior, even the medicine now is becomming difficult to get employment nowadays, got seniors who are still looking for a place to attach, this are medical doctors oo, and its everywher, law, accounting, engineering....may God help us in this country!
Are u saying there are now unemployed doctors in Nigeria? na to pass usmle commot for naija, I can't imagine after 6+x yrs in med school only to graduate into unemployment, back to the topic at hand the BMS graduates aren't being treated fairly at all seeing as these courses are the foundation of medical practice especially physio, and pls don't be so quick to blame the doctors I don't believe they like doing all the work alone. oh well
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by HenryDagreat: 9:29am On Sep 19, 2013
Abeg those wey get money make una travel out. Nigeria is bleeped up. Personally BMS courses should be turned to just courses taken by medical and dental students. There is no need making them departments ( as in major course of study). Na rubbish courses. Even if u do it to phd level there is no guarantee for a better Job mtschewwwwwwwwwwwwww. Yeye thing!


Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by Nobody: 4:16pm On Sep 19, 2013
I share your pain.
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by Ochek: 4:27pm On Sep 19, 2013
thirty: Hi felow nairalander,
my sister is an Anatomist graduate with 2.1 from Unilorin and master degree from Unilag. She need job urgently please. Kindly drop a message for her: ronkus101@yahoo.com
thank you.

Let ur Sis check the ProHEALTH international web page for latest job openings
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by crystalballs: 4:28pm On Sep 19, 2013
Niaja...country of immense possibilities but...corruption and self centeredness.

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