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Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by DrABCD: 4:39pm On Sep 19, 2013 |
marvelling:no a physiologist is not a histopathologist and vice versa.....the two can function togeda but a physiologist can not subtitute a histopathologist! |
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by kenlash1(m): 4:40pm On Sep 19, 2013 |
Like someone rightly said , no body wld see a medical laboratory scientist and want to employ a biochemist, its sounds bizarre ,other medical professions ar churning out graduates nd dia fields have NT been able to employ Dem, storming mdcn or mlscn isn't d way forward cos come to think of it , you are NT a doctor or a medical laboratory scientist so wat re u storming there for? My advice is seek a career path and follow it. Ps: don't take it in bad fate 1 Like |
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by sainty2k3(m): 4:40pm On Sep 19, 2013 |
Let God direct your path, u can make it with the basic medical sciences. But as for nigeria of today Bsc will not be enough except u are well connected, but if u carefully choose a PG speciality n its going to pay off |
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by phineas: 4:43pm On Sep 19, 2013 |
The problem with undergraduates in Nigeria is simple,you have no carrear mentors. Who builds a house without first counting the cost? Most expect to graduate and a job fall in their laps by chance,connections or luck.truth is what you need is adequate planning and using your spare undergrad time to align with opportunities and free courses that abound some on the internet this will give you a competitive edge in the area u want to work in and you start from that 100l not after NYSC. BMS physiology,microbiology and biochem are in high demand in many org,and there is no week you don't see adverts from such org for vacancies.from quality assurance in med,to biomedics,to data management,to disease surveillance,trainings,etc also the fed govt ,state govt,NPHDA, amongst others and there are some that pay better than clinical consultants of 20yrs will ever hope to earn in Nig.....there ur degree isn't discriminated so long as you have basic medical knowledge and exp neccesarry for the job. My point is rather than been pesimistic from the onset,the way forward is to meet snr ones that have grad and been working for yrs they'll tell you what they have learnt about the industry,the opportunities that are available and what they would require so u start planning towards it.another way is to check the papers not for a job but for the requirements for those posts that BMS can apply for,meet up with pple from those org ask questions,start planning. Avoid neg pple and those striving for roles not suited to them,find succesfull pple in your field that earn well and ask them the way,Network like mad starting now is the key,those relationships will come in usefull sometime in future,cos a lot of openings never get advertized but spread by word of mouth in the same setting and you only tell those you know. if you want to travel,the time to start planning is also 100l. My 2 piece. 12 Likes |
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by 25Calibre(m): 4:43pm On Sep 19, 2013 |
efe2luv: Seek the face of God. He will direct you on which path to take. Ask genuinely for direction and sow a seed of faith for your new foundation. He will direct you n u wont regret it. It worked for me thats why am sharing my experience. I graduated from uniport studied anatomy. But i tell u it is in ur most confused state that u find direction from God. The most gullible statement I've read in a long while. How is God going to come down and choose a career path for you? I know Nigeria is very religious, so why hasn't God come down to magically create employment for the multitude of unemployed graduates in Nigeria, or aren't many of them believers? I hope cash-hungry pastors haven't been fleecing you of your money, with promise of a divine manifestation? 5 Likes |
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by Nobody: 4:54pm On Sep 19, 2013 |
I remember I had a conversation with a friend a few years before we left the university, we asked ourselves: with this biochem na where we go work self? Well a lot of us have gone into sales representative jobs and other industries. Like someone said I think there should be a concerted push to make the MLSCN accredit people who have studied the basic medical sciences, who wish to continue in this career path. For unemployment opportunities I think its best people just find a niche that appeals to their natural skills combined with their education. |
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by Nobody: 4:56pm On Sep 19, 2013 |
I'm currently a BSc. Anatomy student,starting 200lvl after ASUU strike. I was never interested in the course.All i want to be is a dental surgeon.As fate will have it,admission turned out stiff,i was offered Anatomy,i didn't like it but changed my mind because some people convinced me tho i later discovered its poo here in Nigeria.. What i see here is that Agencies/Hospitals try to reduce costs..Employing a biochemist,anatomist and physiologist to 3duties is simply a waste of money when a medical/dental officer can actually do 'everything'. When people here you study anatomy,the only thing they think and say is 'dead bodies'.They all say the only usefulness of an anatomist is mortuary.It's really bad!There are many things BMS graduates can do but the facilities or opportunities are not just here. The other time a fellow anatomy student was telling me there are lots of ways to make it as a BMS graduate,he mentioned going for MSc and PhD after the BSc.He is simply brainwashed by what our Lecturers say about the course. The fact is,not everybody can go for Masters and Phd immediately cos not all of us were born with silver spoons!... Our lecturers try a lot to convince us towards the course.The worst part of it is that most of them never did BMS,they did MBBS or BDS and did Masters/Phd in BMS courses. It will be better if government can return the courses to the way they were before i.e as postgraduate courses for people who do medicine or dentistry! Or better still,the courses should be ran in a kind of double degree stuff..Its better for the student to know he is doing a 6yr course(BSc and Msc) together than to do 4yr course n expect money to flow in! What pains me is that we do virtually everything medical n dental students do in PreClinical!. The courses i'm to do in 200lvl are Anatomy(Splited into Histology,Neuroanatomy,Embryology n Gross),physiology, and medical biochemistry!..No difference from medical students..The same textbooks,and at the end,we suffer!.. I wish i never accepted the course(i was forced)..Anyway i believe it will be over soon(i applied for jamb this yr). My advice for people doing anatomy n physiology wu r still in 100lvl and are still of young age is to go for another jamb.You will have Bsc Anatomy later and discover it's just paper!.No values attached! 3 Likes |
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by pembisco(m): 4:56pm On Sep 19, 2013 |
Mst of u here ar only bein sentimental. Sm ar evn talkin of stormin d NMLCN,to do wt if i may ask? Chanel ur grievances to d ryt place wch is NUC for recomendin d courses a micro biologist hs 2 undago 2 obtain Bsc. Ok. Does a biochemist or microbiologist study courses like heamatology,chemical pathorlogy or histopath wch ar d core courses in medical lab science? Ask a microbiologist d names of d major/superfiscial veins of d upper limb wch ar usd in blood collection nd i bed he dos nt knw,why because he studied d gross anotoy of d upper limb wch a medical lab student studiet. Tink of courses like biomedical ethics,they dnt knw ol diz nd u'l be same pple 2 complain wen thers a mess up in d lab due 2 lack of professionalish. We kn go on nd on as to so many reasns y they dnt hv a place in d MLS. So pls leav med lab alone. JUST LIKE A MEDICAL LAB SCIENTIST CANNOT HEAD A HOSPITAL bt a doctor So CAN A Microbiologist neva head or take d job of a MEDICAL SCIENTIST |
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by DrABCD: 4:58pm On Sep 19, 2013 |
worldwide BMS graduates are mainly biomedical researchers and educators....d lack of wrk hs to with the system generally and not ill-feelin frm MDCN, we dont do research wrk in nigeria as much as people in the outside world, so only the lecturin job is left for them........ nigeria finds its difficlt to provide simple-basic medical care to d populace tok more of sponsorin a research work. i pray u hv wrk soon!! 1 Like |
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by jelmusboy(m): 5:04pm On Sep 19, 2013 |
marvelling:Why did you want to storm MLSCN? Is Medical Laboratory Science as a course not different from Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry and Microbiology? You better know where to lodge your complain. I rejected an offer at UNILORIN to study Microbiology in 2004, now am a Medical Laboratory Science, graduated from LAUTECH and gainfully employed with Lagos State Government. If you want to be a Medical Laboratory Scientist or Biomedical Scientist, you better go back and start from 100 or 200 Level cos we don't have the associate program anymore. It is Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science (BMLS)which is a professional degree like MBBS, B.Pharm, B.NSc, LL.B etc. I can be of help if you need more info. U can reach me on 08038365436, 27695e9d. 6 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by jelmusboy(m): 5:10pm On Sep 19, 2013 |
marvelling:Who told you a Physiologists can work as an Histopathologists? You better don't say what you don't know. Am a Medical Laboratory Scientists with specialty in Medical Microbiology and I know what all the four major aspects of Diagnostic Medicine entails. So, stop passing wrong info. If you need enlightment, contact me on 08038365436, 27695e9d. |
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by Cubeet: 5:11pm On Sep 19, 2013 |
crystalballs: of immense possibilities but...corruption and self centeredness.Naija not NIAJA |
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by DrABCD: 5:11pm On Sep 19, 2013 |
please i want the BMS members here to highlite thr role in a hospital..... |
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by Nobody: 5:12pm On Sep 19, 2013 |
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by Nobody: 5:14pm On Sep 19, 2013 |
Dr.ABCD:when i was doin anatomy, wat dey wanted to deceive me wit den was''ANATOMIST WORK WITH SURGEON,A SURGEON CANT WORK WITHOUT AN ANATOMIST''..dat bullshit 5 Likes |
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by Nobody: 5:18pm On Sep 19, 2013 |
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by Nobody: 5:20pm On Sep 19, 2013 |
It is so in most countries..Thats the normal thing.. But it doesnt work like that here! Osahon7: when i was doin anatomy, wat dey wanted to deceive me wit den was''ANATOMIST WORK WITH SURGEON,A SURGEON CANT WORK WITHOUT AN ANATOMIST''..dat bullshit |
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by Nobody: 5:27pm On Sep 19, 2013 |
Dr.'Hesjay:Goodluck bro!!! My carrer mentor told me then wen i was studyin anatomy dat its beta for me to lose 2yrs dat i spent in anatomy and study a professional course where i will help ppl and give dem deir lives back dan for me to study a course like anatomy and remain jobless for 5yrs |
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by chreldb(m): 5:28pm On Sep 19, 2013 |
This is an interesting thread, I wonder why it took so long to get to front page. That aside let me give my own two kobo. First and foremost my initial analysis is that most graduates of BMS have little understanding of what role they are meant to play in the medical field (i'll get back to that). Secondly the brutal truth is that a BMS graduate (BSC) has little or no role to play in a hospital. Now let me expantiate. As a graduate of BMS you are trained to focus the career path of a scientist (research) but you want to do the job of a doctor. What most people don't understand is that doctors are not scientist. Scientists advance knowledge, whereas doctors merely apply existing knowledge. Unlike the MD who does not need to produce any original research, scientist must produce original research and earn some professional credibility. It typically takes a couple of years longer to become a scientist most times you have to earn a PhD. Part of the reason it takes so long is that the scientist is being trained on how to think critically about existing knowledge, and it can take a while to find one's niche and fill a gap in the knowledge base. This means that if you yourself want to make important scientific discoveries and then tell the world about them, you will be much better prepared by getting a PhD than an MD. You also will be much better prepared to criticize studies you read about in virtually any field because you will be trained in critical thinking and writing. MDs typically aren't as qualified as scientists to evaluate research studies and their significance. If you want to play the role of a doctor, ask yourself if you will be content with applying the knowledge you learn (MD) from other people, or if you would like to get in on the action of making the discoveries yourself (PhD/scientist). For instance, would you like to be one of the scientists who are figuring out how to cure cancer? Would you like to see if giving aging mice a particular the enzyme (one that you discover) makes their hair shiny again and restores their fertility (PhD/scientist)? Or would you be content giving your future medical patients the proper dose of the medications that arise from this research and then seeing the signs of youth return in your patients (MD)? These are the kind of things BMS graduates should understand in order to re orientate themselves. This difference in training also means that if you want to know what the cutting-edge knowledge is in a given field, you have to ask a scientist in that field, not an MD. So for instance, let's say you or your mate is having trouble getting pregnant. If you just ask your local obstetrician or gynecologist what the cutting edge discoveries are regarding fertility, that MD is not likely to know. That MD can give you fertility treatments that he or she has learned about and tried with other patients. Finally don't forget that a good number of doctors have years of postgraduate medical training and have become specialist in areas that are highly related to courses in BMS such as anatomy physiology and BCH. So how do you with just a BSC expect to compete with that in a medical setting. The upshot of my message is this: As a graduate of BMS it is imperative that you spend some more time developing yourself. If you do so you would get the same if not more respect and recognition that an MD has. Besides if you actually read medicine you would have to do that anyways. So what is stopping you now? Even doctors know these truths that is why you see them trying to get PhD's in this same BMS you are complaining about. While I give my props to doctors I would like to encourage the BMS graduates to strive to follow the path they have been put on and become the scientist they are meant to be. Make no mistake about it your BSC degree does not yet qualify you to be called a scientist yet. And if you insist on been relevant in the medical field this is the best advice I can offer to the best of my knowledge. Hope this helps and does not come in bad taste. Cheers 14 Likes |
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by Acousticlexi: 5:31pm On Sep 19, 2013 |
thirty: Hi felow nairalander,what year did she graduate? Might know her |
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by avenga1: 5:31pm On Sep 19, 2013 |
I wonder why an undergraduate of BMS laments over Job opportunity..if we don't have a place in Hospitals/clinics, what happens to Ministry of Health and Health sectors in other Ministry( such as Min of Foreign affairs et al). Yes, I'm an undergraduate of Human Anatomy. I do almost same courses with MBBS student..if a graduate of MBBS can work with the Ministry of Health why can't I?? All I believe in is 'Doing It and doing it well' and I knw WE CAN |
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by Nobody: 5:32pm On Sep 19, 2013 |
Wow....a million likes for this... But the main problem is that Nigeria does not give room for research or scientist work as you said... In the U.S,BMS graduates still do clinical work.You cannot see a doc setting ECG or testing nerve function in the u.s! chreld_b: This is an interesting thread, I wonder why it took so long to get to front page. That aside let me give my own two kobo. First and foremost my initial analysis is that most graduates of BMS have little understanding of what role they are meant to play in the medical field (i'll get back to that). Secondly the brutal truth is that a BMS graduate (BSC) has little or no role to play in a hospital. Now let me expantiate. As a graduate of BMS you are trained to focus the career path of a scientist (research) but you want to do the job of a doctor. What most people don't understand is that doctors are not scientist. Scientists advance knowledge, whereas doctors merely apply existing knowledge. Unlike the MD who does not need to produce any original research, scientist must produce original research and earn some professional credibility. It typically takes a couple of years longer to become a scientist most times you have to earn a PhD. Part of the reason it takes so long is that the scientist is being trained on how to think critically about existing knowledge, and it can take a while to find one's niche and fill a gap in the knowledge base. This means that if you yourself want to make important scientific discoveries and then tell the world about them, you will be much better prepared by getting a PhD than an MD. You also will be much better prepared to criticize studies you read about in virtually any field because you will be trained in critical thinking and writing. MDs typically aren't as qualified as scientists to evaluate research studies and their significance. |
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by Dibangoking(m): 5:36pm On Sep 19, 2013 |
I am supposed to be a 200 level Anatomy student by now,thanks to ASUU...I aspired for medicine for what seems like an aeon to my dad. I was not born with a silver-spoon,hence,papa 's hoping I will save the family. Looking back,I discovere d all eyes on me,I decided to take a para-medical course,hoping that along the line I would figure out what to do. Seriously,right from the school authority and staffs,they see the courses as "poo". They boast of the medical students in classes,see them as superiors,even in the gross anatomy lab.They give priority to the medical students {so I heard}. Some of the medical students even parade themselves as "special" as if we did not all wrote the same "JAMB" Papa saw one day,on one of my credentials that I was in d medical faculty...You needed to see the smile on his face...I was like "WTF ![]() Right now I am kinda confused...Am aging...writing Jamb again...papa keeps reminding me of the role am gonna play in the "nearest" future... But why would doctors wanna do all the work? I was heard,{though I stand to be corrected}that an anatomist is supposed to be in the theatre in every surgery being carried out...And same {in another field in the health sector} goes for the physiologist. |
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by Nobody: 5:38pm On Sep 19, 2013 |
steg0miah: doctors are not their problems. those courses are actually relevants. pharmacists are not allowing pharmacologists to practice while med lab scientists would not allow anatomist(histologist),microbiologist and biochemist to work in the bench. for physiologists i know a few working in hospital operating eeg and ecg machine. for exercise physiologists physiotherapists are their headache. 2 Likes |
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by Acousticlexi: 5:43pm On Sep 19, 2013 |
chreld_b: This is an interesting thread, I wonder why it took so long to get to front page. That aside let me give my own two kobo. First and foremost my initial analysis is that most graduates of BMS have little understanding of what role they are meant to play in the medical field (i'll get back to that). Secondly the brutal truth is that a BMS graduate (BSC) has little or no role to play in a hospital. Now let me expantiate. As a graduate of BMS you are trained to focus the career path of a scientist (research) but you want to do the job of a doctor. What most people don't understand is that doctors are not scientist. Scientists advance knowledge, whereas doctors merely apply existing knowledge. Unlike the MD who does not need to produce any original research, scientist must produce original research and earn some professional credibility. It typically takes a couple of years longer to become a scientist most times you have to earn a PhD. Part of the reason it takes so long is that the scientist is being trained on how to think critically about existing knowledge, and it can take a while to find one's niche and fill a gap in the knowledge base. This means that if you yourself want to make important scientific discoveries and then tell the world about them, you will be much better prepared by getting a PhD than an MD. You also will be much better prepared to criticize studies you read about in virtually any field because you will be trained in critical thinking and writing. MDs typically aren't as qualified as scientists to evaluate research studies and their significance.well said. You just hit the nail on the head. I'm a physiology graduate and this was all I thought through my stay in school. People with Bms work at times in teaching hospitals, physiologists esp. Some work in CPR unit where they operate ECG. Machines and others operate EEG machines. But sincerely, I think BMS should be scrapped in Nigeria. Nigeria is not capable of Research now. If you want to be a doctor, then go and read MBBS. The government and the schools should not shortchange us by making us feel that we are in a medical school. Honest opinion. @Acoustic_lexi 2 Likes |
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by Nobody: 5:44pm On Sep 19, 2013 |
Laalamed:most ppl dont knw wat u just posted..all wat dey know is beefin doctors and blamin dem for der carrier stagnacy....make dem give doctors breathing space abeg 1 Like |
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by Aifey(m): 5:48pm On Sep 19, 2013 |
The problem remains d nigerian failed system, they create course 2accomodate d numbers applyin for jamb n control illitracy but wht happens after graduation is non of their bussines. |
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by TONYE001(m): 5:51pm On Sep 19, 2013 |
Good one OP. I just had my B. Sc in Human Physiology and I made a Second Class Upper. I understand that getting a job as an Anatomist or Physiologist is difficult but there are still possibilities. One may decide to further and specialize in any of the branches (eg, in Physiology: Blood and Body Fluid Physiology, Cardiovascular Physiology, Neuro Physiology, etc.). There are also vacancies to work in some health NGOs (eg, the various HIV/AIDS NGOs). They pay well. You can also deviate a little into Laboratory Sciences, Radiography (Anatomists), Electrophysiology (EEG, EOG, ECG etc). For those that wanted Medicine, simply seek means of going back to the medical school. Thank you. 2 Likes |
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by enny09: 5:58pm On Sep 19, 2013 |
marvelling: ok here I go! but do you know that nigeria universities now offer medical laborarory scientist as a course and award BMLS (Bachelor of medical laboratory science) to MLS graduates and not Bsc, so if u will like to be one them, it will better to pick a direct entry form from UTME, or just forget about it. MLS is not microbiology it is divided into 4 area of specialization 1. Heamatolgy and blood transfusion 2. Histopathology and cytology 3. Chemical pathology 4. microbiology and parasitology hence u will not b allow to have internship in MLS, because u will have to pass thru all d 4 listed above specialization, That is d reason MLSCN (medical laboratory science council of nigeria) scrap Bsc microbiology associate programme cos we now have university offering the programme if u want to b a MLS then put in for it from the university, and there are no shortage of MLS so y would they allow a one or two year associate programme when they are planing to have nigerian universities offering DMLS (Doctor of Medical Laboratory Science) as it is been done in UK and many countries. so how will Bsc microbiology or biochemistry fit into the system. 1 Like |
Re: Basic Medical Science In Nigeria - The Way Forward? by drdams: 5:58pm On Sep 19, 2013 |
In d good old days, graduates of anatomy, physio, medical mic, med parasitology, et al ar entitled to d licensce of d Medical Laboratory Science Society of Nigeria only if u offer a post graduate dip. Course in med. Lab science and write and pass d subsequent professional exams. Now, smtyms in 2008/2009, d constitution changed. Why, ? Med Lab Science Major believe they wud soon bcom extinct cos oda bms grad wit d licence ar more diverse than them., politics entered, d new constitution stipulates u must av a BMLS either through utme or Direct Entry ( they xpect oda BMS 2 start frm 200L after 5yrs B.Sc. N NYSC, Imagine?) This alone pose a threat to d dreams of most cos u canneva xtablish and control a Med Lab without this liscence.. They left most pple hopes in Shambles!! Thats not d norms inAdvance Countries... Av seen Zoology, Mcb and even BcH grad xtablish a lab with full accreditation and license (when d constitution was still favourable).. High Point : Nigerians are the problems of Nigerians. D best thing for BMS now is to increase their research prowess, go into academics or deviate into d corporate field by acquiring d required professional certification. |
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