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Will Christians Be Around During The Great Tribulation? - Religion (4) - Nairaland

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Re: Will Christians Be Around During The Great Tribulation? by Nobody: 9:02am On Jul 26, 2013

Funny you... I guess everyone has the right to believe whatever they want to though.

grin and what is this statement suppose to mean? That i don't believe Christ died for my sins.I don't believe this statement is coming from you a brother in Christ.This statement should have been given to an atheist not me bro..
Re: Will Christians Be Around During The Great Tribulation? by shdemidemi(m): 9:56am On Jul 26, 2013
Bidam: grin and what is this statement suppose to mean? That i don't believe Christ died for my sins.I don't believe this statement is coming from you a brother in Christ.This statement should have been given to an atheist not me bro..

I am not insinuating none of your assumptions, I have simply learnt a lesson through this forum on how to present Christ and I am still learning. I went into a fein, endless confrontation with someone on a particular topic. I sat down to think about the entire exchange, I eventually came to a conclusion that I have wrongly represented the star of the gospel, JESUS. He did all the work, why should I be trying to get any glory when I am but similar to a newscaster broadcasting the news of a star.

Bro, I just want to give my side of the story and let God do the rest.

Re: Will Christians Be Around During The Great Tribulation? by victorazy(m): 10:05am On Jul 26, 2013
Tgirl4real: Is the teaching of "Rapture" scriptural?

According to 11Thess 2, will Christians be around during the time of the antichrist?

Is "rapture" and the second coming of Christ one and same event?

Are we going to be part of the great tribulation?

Is Matt 24 referring to the Jews or to all Christians?

U guys are funny. Anti-Christ is here on earth since 34 yrs ago and is now in Nigeria "what is Boko Haram?" Killing of Christians.
Re: Will Christians Be Around During The Great Tribulation? by Jamjoji(m): 10:17am On Jul 26, 2013
Tgirl4real: Is the teaching of "Rapture" scriptural?

According to 11Thess 2, will Christians be around during the time of the antichrist?

Is "rapture" and the second coming of Christ one and same event?

Are we going to be part of the great tribulation?

Is Matt 24 referring to the Jews or to all Christians?
spare me all dis gibe.
Re: Will Christians Be Around During The Great Tribulation? by PStacks(m): 10:28am On Jul 26, 2013
Everybody would be around during the Great Tribulation.. Only those who have earned it would escape the tribulations by their works.. Good work.

During the Great Tribulation of Noah's Time.. Noah had a Boat and he save his family and friends and animals with his boat. If the world is gon be destroyed by this ever increasing global warming, with land slides and eartquakes in China, Flooding in India, Floods in Central Europe Germany, Cezc republic and where have you.. Floods in Benue, nassarawa and Kogi.. Let's say Man Pays for Global Warming with A Flood like that in the Time of Noah, that Flood is a Great tribulation. Only people that would survive the flood would be people like Abramovic (owner of chelsea Fc), and everybody that has a Yatch (boat). If Fire would destroy the world and the Air is safe, only people that can hover in the Air with their Private Jets would survive, like Obama would be in his Airforce one and hover the Air and watch the earth destroy till he can land after the destruction.. If its water, a Boat would save you.. U must be wealthy enof to afford one, if it is Air, a Private Jet would save u, u must be wealthy enof.. And if it is Land.. Let's take the Tornado that happened in Oklahoma USA.. The Tornado was so devastating and it too away everything and anything.. It took buildings, it took cars, it took trees and what have you, but some people still survived in the Tornado Alley, People that bulit under-Ground under their houses.. People that had Bunkers! People with a Ground Zero.. Its possible u are under the Ground and a Tribulation like a Tornado comes and doesn't take you like in Okalahoma USA.. Its possible a Tribulation comes in form of flooding as a result of Global warming and only a Big boat can save you like Noah.. If you must be in the Air, only a Private jet can save you.. Anyway, u must work hard, earn money and be able to buy urself out of the tribulation and not that any beast would give you 666.. Your 666 is your Money..
Any death that kills a wealthy man, would kill a billion poor people..

We all have wild imaginations of the End time.. The end time is not a miracle its a result of Man's work... Global warming is man's fault and flooding is a result of global warming..

A collapse is imminent and no escape.. A Collapse is guaranteed..

The heart of a man is despirately wicked and that wickedness would consume Man but the Meek Man shall inherit the earth..

Only the Meek shall inherit the earth..

Great tribulation is real and no anti christ would beg you to come take 666 cos there would be so much chaos, everybody running helter scelter, who will have time to tell u to come and take the mark of the beast.. The mark of the beast is what u have by urself to save..

Its a theory av propounded in my head and forgive me nairalanders if I'm f*ucking with ur heads but a collapse is sure and non-negotiable, how u prepare for the collapse is what differentiates u..

When u prepare for the worst and hope for the best.. If ur worst is what u are prepared for.. If you are prepared for it, when it comes, it doesnt take u unaware, but a worst that meets u unaware would consume you, but if you know a worst is comming and you are prepared for it, when it comes and meets u prepared, then u will smile while other groan in pain..

U must be Prepared.. "Boy's Scout" slogan..

Preparedness offsets uncertainties..

We all have wild imaginations of the great Tribulations but we must ne realistic about it..

All these Nuclear war heads America has, Iran is enriching Uranium.. One of this war head alone is capable of Bringing a collapse to the earth..

A nuclear war head can cause Fire Tribulation..

Global warming can cause Flood tribulations and anormalities in weather patters..

Earthquakes and Volcanic eruptions can cause a Tribulations.. But the Meek shall inherit the Earth..

Work hard for your salvation...

Only the Meek shall Inherit the earth..
Re: Will Christians Be Around During The Great Tribulation? by Abeskey: 10:29am On Jul 26, 2013
Study into the events of endtime and endtime is called ESCATHOLOGY.LET me outline the series of invent that marks the endtime.I will provide details on any of them if ask to

1. Pre-rapture events such as earth quake and other natural disasters and events as mentioned in the Bible---- Earth
2. Rapture -------- Earth
3. Tribulation Period ----- Earth (Emergence of the antichrist)
4. Marriage Supper of the Lamb - heaven N:B 3 and 4 will happen simultaneously
5. The Second Coming of JESUS CHRIST --- Earth
6. The Millennial Reign --------- Earth
7. The Judgement
Re: Will Christians Be Around During The Great Tribulation? by elampiro(m): 10:30am On Jul 26, 2013
Tgirl4real: Is the teaching of "Rapture" scriptural?

According to 11Thess 2, will Christians be around during the time of the antichrist?

Is "rapture" and the second coming of Christ one and same event?

Are we going to be part of the great tribulation?

Is Matt 24 referring to the Jews or to all Christians?

Mathew 24 said even the elect could be misled by the Antichrist and false prophets. That means Christians will be around during the tribulation. The separation of the good and the bad (one taken the other left) will happen after 'the tribulation of those days'.

Rapture was introduced by the devil to mislead christians to follow the Antichrist when they will still be waiting endlessly for the rapture to happen.
Re: Will Christians Be Around During The Great Tribulation? by MizKwin: 10:34am On Jul 26, 2013
Yes Christains wil be fully around,n d most interestin is d@ tribulation is here,is hapenin nw,John 16:33,"in d world you shal hav tribulation,trial,distress n faustratn,but be of good cheer",here Jesus is telin d christains,d new creation,d@ we shud be of good cheer,bc he has overcomed d world.remember u'r not of dz world hence u'r a new creation.job 22:29,When men are cast down,then thou shalt say,there is liftin up,so brother d@ time is here,if u dnt want 2 be affectd by al dz go 2 jesus confess wit thou mouth n he shal Lord al d@ concerns u.God help us all.Amen.
Re: Will Christians Be Around During The Great Tribulation? by Nobody: 10:37am On Jul 26, 2013
Abeskey: Study into the events of endtime and endtime is called ESCATHOLOGY.LET me outline the series of invent that marks the endtime.I will provide details on any of them if ask to

1. Pre-rapture events such as earth quake and other natural disasters and events as mentioned in the Bible---- Earth
2. Rapture -------- Earth
3. Tribulation Period ----- Earth (Emergence of the antichrist)
4. Marriage Supper of the Lamb - heaven N:B 3 and 4 will happen simultaneously
5. The Second Coming of JESUS CHRIST --- Earth
6. The Millennial Reign --------- Earth
7. The Judgement
We would love to hear all this ESCHATOLOGY of yours thanks.
Re: Will Christians Be Around During The Great Tribulation? by thaoriginator: 10:48am On Jul 26, 2013
The end is at hand. Which hand? Left or right?
Re: Will Christians Be Around During The Great Tribulation? by arantess: 10:51am On Jul 26, 2013
Tgirl4real: Is the teaching of "Rapture" scriptural?

According to 11Thess 2, will Christians be around during the time of the antichrist?

Is "rapture" and the second coming of Christ one and same event?

Are we going to be part of the great tribulation?

Is Matt 24 referring to the Jews or to all Christians?
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Re: Will Christians Be Around During The Great Tribulation? by Mintayo(m): 10:52am On Jul 26, 2013
[quote author=shdemidemi]1 cor 15:50

51 Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed— 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

1 thess 4
13 But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus.[b]

15 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. 16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore comfort one another with these words.

I believe all this will happen followed by a seven year tribulation
Daniel 9
27 Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week;
But in the middle of the week
He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering.
And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate,
Even until the consummation, which is determined,
Is poured out on the desolate.”

and the second coming of Christ to set up the reign of Christ [Zechariah 14:1-9


The Book of Revelation primarily deals with those final seven years before the return of Christ at His Second Coming; then the setting up of His Kingdom upon the earth. This seven years is primarily God dealing with the Nation of Israel; however, all the world will become involved.

Three major events that will take place

1. The appearance of the Anti-christ when he will sign that seven-year peace treaty with the Nation of Israel, which will again kick God's time clock back in gear, as it has been stopped now all during the Church Age.

2. The appearance of those two witnesses. They will come to the Nation of Israel in Jerusalem. And they will begin proclaiming God's Word to the Nation of Israel, and out of the ministry of these two...

3. God is going to seal and commission the 144,000 young Jewish men whom God will use to circumvent the globe. They won't be preaching the Gospel of Grace as we know it, but, rather, they will be reverting back again to the Gospel of the Kingdom as it was being proclaimed at the time of Christ and Peter and the eleven.

There is a vast difference between the Gospel of Grace and the Gospel of the Kingdom. When you understand that, the Bible is much less confusing. At that time, the Age of Grace has ended and the Church is gone. A person will no longer have the opportunity to join a local congregation. But rather these 144,000 will be telling the world that the King is coming. After all, that was the message in Christ's earthly ministry. He Himself referred to it more than once as the Gospel of the Kingdom. The King and His Kingdom were about to come on the scene. Of course Israel rejected that, and the King was crucified. God raised Him from the dead, called Him back to heaven to sit at the Father's right hand until His enemies should be made His footstool. That `until' signifies the time when He will once again deal with His Covenant people of Israel.

14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.

If we divide this verse into two,

'And this gospel of the kingdom'

This Gospel of the Kingdom. Not the Gospel of Grace. We preach today the Gospel of Grace that you must believe for your salvation, that Jesus died for your sins, was buried, and rose from the dead. Jesus Himself revealed that to the Apostle Paul, and Paul alone, in I Corinthians 15:1-4, Romans 10:9-10 and many other places in Paul's writing. But Jesus and the twelve preached the Gospel of the Kingdom which is believing for salvation that Jesus was the Messiah, repentance, and baptism.

"...shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come."

Isn't that plain? But you have to know which Gospel. Paul tells us in Galatians 2:7-9 that there were two Gospels, one that he (Paul) preached to the Gentiles (uncircumcision) by revelation from Jesus Christ. And the other that John the Baptist, Jesus, Peter and the 12 preached to the Jews or Nation of Israel (circumcision).

Jesus said, "The same Gospel of the Kingdom that He preached in His three years of ministry will be proclaimed again during the Tribulation." Now Just stop and think. If that Good News is proclaimed to every nation on earth, that the King is coming, it will last for th
Re: Will Christians Be Around During The Great Tribulation? by Mintayo(m): 10:53am On Jul 26, 2013
shdemidemi: 1 cor 15:50

51 Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed— 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

1 thess 4
13 But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus.[b]

15 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. 16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore comfort one another with these words.

I believe all this will happen followed by a seven year tribulation
Daniel 9
27 Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week;
But in the middle of the week
He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering.
And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate,
Even until the consummation, which is determined,
Is poured out on the desolate.”

and the second coming of Christ to set up the reign of Christ [Zechariah 14:1-9


The Book of Revelation primarily deals with those final seven years before the return of Christ at His Second Coming; then the setting up of His Kingdom upon the earth. This seven years is primarily God dealing with the Nation of Israel; however, all the world will become involved.

Three major events that will take place

1. The appearance of the Anti-christ when he will sign that seven-year peace treaty with the Nation of Israel, which will again kick God's time clock back in gear, as it has been stopped now all during the Church Age.

2. The appearance of those two witnesses. They will come to the Nation of Israel in Jerusalem. And they will begin proclaiming God's Word to the Nation of Israel, and out of the ministry of these two...

3. God is going to seal and commission the 144,000 young Jewish men whom God will use to circumvent the globe. They won't be preaching the Gospel of Grace as we know it, but, rather, they will be reverting back again to the Gospel of the Kingdom as it was being proclaimed at the time of Christ and Peter and the eleven.

There is a vast difference between the Gospel of Grace and the Gospel of the Kingdom. When you understand that, the Bible is much less confusing. At that time, the Age of Grace has ended and the Church is gone. A person will no longer have the opportunity to join a local congregation. But rather these 144,000 will be telling the world that the King is coming. After all, that was the message in Christ's earthly ministry. He Himself referred to it more than once as the Gospel of the Kingdom. The King and His Kingdom were about to come on the scene. Of course Israel rejected that, and the King was crucified. God raised Him from the dead, called Him back to heaven to sit at the Father's right hand until His enemies should be made His footstool. That `until' signifies the time when He will once again deal with His Covenant people of Israel.

14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.

If we divide this verse into two,

'And this gospel of the kingdom'

This Gospel of the Kingdom. Not the Gospel of Grace. We preach today the Gospel of Grace that you must believe for your salvation, that Jesus died for your sins, was buried, and rose from the dead. Jesus Himself revealed that to the Apostle Paul, and Paul alone, in I Corinthians 15:1-4, Romans 10:9-10 and many other places in Paul's writing. But Jesus and the twelve preached the Gospel of the Kingdom which is believing for salvation that Jesus was the Messiah, repentance, and baptism.

"...shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come."

Isn't that plain? But you have to know which Gospel. Paul tells us in Galatians 2:7-9 that there were two Gospels, one that he (Paul) preached to the Gentiles (uncircumcision) by revelation from Jesus Christ. And the other that John the Baptist, Jesus, Peter and the 12 preached to the Jews or Nation of Israel (circumcision).

Jesus said, "The same Gospel of the Kingdom that He preached in His three years of ministry will be proclaimed again during the Tribulation." Now Just stop and think. If that Good News is proclaimed to every nation on earth, that d King is coming, it will last
Re: Will Christians Be Around During The Great Tribulation? by Emylexray(m): 10:54am On Jul 26, 2013

Ok, so here is a my view. I'll start with this rapture

The idea that Christians will be raptured before the tribulation period was first considered in the 1830 by a man called John Nelson Darby - a GENTILE, can you imagine. This is not biblical. Period. Type 'rapture' in wikipedia and you can read this, and find out more about this man if you wish.

So holy spirit had been revealing truths since Pentecost, and it is now only in 1830's, in the United Kingdom, did God now reveal it to a gentile. What a farcical idea.

The reason why this guy, and many people think the rapture is before the tribulation is because they confuse the tribulation with God’s wrath. Let me show you these are separate:

Matthew 24:29 29 "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken"

Ok, so the sun and moon will be darkened. According to Revelaiton, this does not happen until after the 6th seal is opened:

Revelation 6:12 “12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood

So what else happened AFTER the tribulation, AFTER this moon darkening takes place?

13-16 "and the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. 14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. 15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains
16 and said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: 17 for the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

God's wrath and tribulation are indeed separate events, with tribulation some period beforehand.

So why does tribulation occur?
Matthew 13:21 “ yet hath he not root in himself, but dureth for a while: for when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the word, by and by he is offended”

John 16:1“These things have I spoken unto you that ye should not be offended

Tribulation is persecution that arises because of the word. They are going through it because they are making a stand for the word of God.

Matthew 24:13 " But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved"
Endure what? Persecution/tribulation. They will receive their reward in heaven, they will not disappear into a cloud.

Interestingly, if you do a search, of the 22 times tribulation is mentioned in the bible it is talking about saved people going through tribulation. The other 2 times, it is not referring to end times, it is simply talking about people going through persecution in general.

John 16:33 “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

Acts 14:22 “ Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God

So these people think the greatest opportunity for us to prove our faith is when God will just carry you away? I think not.

Ok I notice I am not explaining timeline but rather disproving the pre-trib rapture nonsense. But when you can read the word through the correct lense, it will make more sense - not to say I am an expert. I will post seperately on timeline

weldone sir! I enjoyed reading!
Re: Will Christians Be Around During The Great Tribulation? by Vatwir: 11:05am On Jul 26, 2013
Chibuebem: we're not in those 7 years yet ma'am. Please take it easy. And the rapture is NOT THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST. It is his appearance in the air. Read that scripture in thessalonians well ma'am. Thank you.

Really love your reply sis...pls, would like to add you on facebook. What's your account name?cheesy
Re: Will Christians Be Around During The Great Tribulation? by Ubenedictus(m): 11:06am On Jul 26, 2013
Tgirl4real: Is the teaching of "Rapture" scriptural?

According to 11Thess 2, will Christians be around during the time of the antichrist?

Is "rapture" and the second coming of Christ one and same event?

Are we going to be part of the great tribulation?

Is Matt 24 referring to the Jews or to all Christians?
sorry the so called rapture preached today is a human invention that started around the 18th century. Christians will be alive during the great tribulation that is why revelations talk about a battle with the anti-christ.
The only "rapture" you should expect is the final judgement.
That is my take on the issue
Re: Will Christians Be Around During The Great Tribulation? by mcb60(m): 11:09am On Jul 26, 2013
JesusisLord85: The word "tribulation" is in the bible 22 times in the new testament. You would think that at least one of those mentions would tell us something about a rapture happening just before that. They don't.

The danger of believing in pre-trib.. You will see antichrist and you will be decieved. We already know members of rabbinical Judaism (those who do not accept Christ as Messiah, as opposed to Messianic Jews) WILL accept antichrist:

John 5:43 “ I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.”

The muslims are waiting for their prophet too.
The bhuddists are waiting for their guru or something like that.
All these will accept antichrist and that is how you will get the one-world religion system at the end of days.
Those who 'think' they are saved and believe in pre-trib will fall for it too.
But NOT the elect.
Matthew 24:24 "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."

The tribulation is NOT God's wrath. It is the devil persecuting the saints because his time is short. You and I will be there for it. Better believe that.

God will rescue us from his own wrath at the end. "As it was in Sodom".

Further Thoughts About A Muslim Antichrist By Dr. David Reagan The January-February 2009 issue of our magazine,
the Lamplighter, was devoted to the issue of
whether or not the Antichrist could be a Muslim. I
argued that there is no possibility. Several readers questioned one of the points I
made in the article, and I would like to respond to
the question they raised. In the article I pointed out
that those who believe the Antichrist will be a
Muslim argue that he will be received by the Muslim
world as their long-awaited Mahdi, or Messiah. I took the position that this is a misleading to believe
"that all the Islamic world is living in breathless
anticipation of the appearance of the Mahdi, when
the reality is that 90% of all Muslims - the Sunnis -
are not looking for a Mahdi. In fact the concept of a
Mahdi is not even found in orthodox versions of the Hadith like Sahih al Bukhari and Sahih Muslim." I
further observed that "the Sunni Muslims are
looking instead for the appearance of the
Antichrist, whom they call the Dajjal. If a person
were suddenly to appear on the world scene
claiming to be the Mahdi, he would be automatically rejected by the vast majority of Muslims." Those who questioned my position on this matter
all pointed to two pieces of evidence which they
said prove that Sunni Muslims do believe in the
concept of a Mahdi. One was a fatwa issued by the
Muslim World League, a Sunni organization, in 1976
which proclaimed that belief in a Mahdi is "obligatory." The other was a long article on the
Internet entitled "The Twelfth Imam." In that article
the author points out that there have been Sunni
theologians throughout history who have believed
in a Mahdi. On the surface, both of these items seem to prove
that the concept of a Mahdi is central to Sunni
eschatology. But I would argue that both give
support to my position. Let me explain. The Fatwa of the Muslim World League First, let's consider the fatwa. For those who are not
familiar with Islam, let me begin by explaining the
meaning of this concept. In the Islamic faith a fatwa
is a religious opinion on Islamic law issued by an
Islamic scholar. In Sunni Islam any fatwa is non-
binding, whereas in Shi'a Islam it could be, depending on the status of the scholar. Now, it is true that the Muslim World League issued
a fatwa in October of 1976 commanding Sunni
Muslims to believe in the concept of an Islamic
Savior called the Madhi. But this League does not
speak for the Sunni world, despite its very
pretentious title. It is a council located in Saudi Arabia that dictates theology for a radical and
violent sect of the Sunnis called Wahhabism. This is
the sect that produced Osama ben Laden. At most,
there are probably about 30 million Wahhabis in
the world. That may sound like a lot, but it is not.
The Wahhabis constitute about one-half of one percent of the Sunnis, who number over 900
million. Further, the very fact that the leadership of this
radical sect felt it necessary to command its
followers to believe in the concept of a Mahdi is
evidence that such a belief is not widespread
among Sunnis. Arguing that this fatwa is evidence that the Sunni
world embraces the concept of a Mahdi is
equivalent to someone arguing that because the
Council of Apostles of the Mormon Church has
proclaimed Joseph Smith to be a prophet of God, all
professing Christians believe he was a prophet. The "Twelfth Imam" Article The second piece of evidence, the long article on
the Internet entitled, "The Twelfth Imam" also falls
short of proving that Sunnis have embraced the
concept of a Mahdi. To begin with, the article was
written by a Shiite who is trying to convince Sunnis
that they should believe in a Mahdi. In the process, he points to a number of Sunni theologians
throughout history who have accepted the
concept. The equivalent of this article would be one written
by a Messianic Jew to the Jewish world trying to
convince them that they should accept the idea that
Jesus was the promised Jewish Messiah - and in the
process quoting Jewish sages throughout history
who did accept Jesus as Messiah. Would such an article prove that most Jews believe in Jesus as their
Messiah? No, it would prove just the opposite. If the
Sunni world embraces the concept of the Mahdi,
then why is a Shiite trying so desperately to
convince them that they should do so? An Impossible Idea Finally, I would contend that even if both the Sunnis
and the Shiites believed in the concept of a Mahdi
and were living in anticipation of the arrival of this
Islamic Savior, there still would be no possibility
that they would ever unite behind such a person,
regardless of how charismatic and dynamic he might be. The very moment he declared himself to
be the Mahdi, one question would enter the minds
of all Muslims: "Is he a Sunni or a Shiite?" And if he
were a Shiite, which he would most likely be, the
90% of the Islamic world that is Sunni would have
nothing to do with him. The idea of all Muslims uniting behind a Mahdi is
about as absurd as the idea that any time before
the Rapture all Christians in the world will one day
unite behind the Pope. Let me conclude by giving you my sources for my
contention that the concept of a Mahdi is not
something that is characteristic of Sunni end time
thought: 1) Dr. Samuel Shahid, The Last Trumpet: A
Comparative Study in Christian-Islamic
Eschatology (Dr. Shahid is a Middle East native who serves as
director of Islamic Studies at Southwestern Baptist
Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth, Texas.) This book contains the most detailed treatment of
Islamic eschatology in the English language. In the
book, the author devotes an entire chapter to the
Shiite concept of a Mahdi. He states: "The messianic
Mahdi is the embodiment of the earnest longing
and hope of the Shi'ites who have been oppressed and persecuted through the course of history..." He
points out that a major point of controversy
between Shiites and Sunnis is the interpretation of
Sura 43, verse 61 in the Quran which states "and he
shall be the sign for the Hour." Shiites argue that
this refers to the Mahdi. Sunnis claim it refers to Jesus. He points out that Shiites "emphatically argue
that Islamic messianism is an essential part of Islam,
a concept that is alien to orthodox Islam." 2) Riffat Hassan, Journal of Ecumenical Studies,
"Messianism and Islam," Spring 1985 (Riffat Hassan is a Pakistani Muslim who has taught
at Harvard University. She currently serves as
professor of religious studies at the University of
Louisville.) In this article she emphasizes that one of the
distinctive characteristics of the Shiite branch of
Islam is its emphasis on the messianic concept of a
Mahdi, even though there is no direct reference to
such a person in the Quran. She sums up her
discussion with this observation: "Shi'a Islam has developed a network of intense messianic
expectation around the idea of the Madhi's return." 3) Encyclopedia Britannica Mahdi: (Arabic: "divinely guided one"wink, in Islamic
eschatology, a messianic deliverer who will fill the
Earth with justice and equity, restore true religion,
and usher in a short golden age lasting seven,
eight, or nine years before the end of the world.
The Qur'an (Islamic sacred scriptures) does not mention him, and almost no reliable Hadith (sayings
attributed to the Prophet Muhammad) concerning
the Mahdi can be adduced. Many orthodox Sunni
theologians accordingly question Mahdist beliefs,
but such beliefs form a necessary part of Shi'i
doctrine. 4) Wikipedia In Islamic eschatology the Mahdi ( also Mehdi;
"Guided One"wink is the prophesied redeemer of Islam
who will stay on earth seven, nine, or nineteen
years (depending on the interpretation) before the
coming of the day, Yaum al Qiyamah (literally "Day
of the Resurrection" or "Day of the Standing"wink. Muslims believe the Mahdi will rid the world of error,
injustice and tyranny alongside Jesus. The concept
of Mahdi is not mentioned in the Qu'ran nor in the
Sunni Hadiths such as Sahih al Bukhari. Many
orthodox Sunni theologians accordingly question
Mahdist beliefs, but such beliefs form a necessary part of Shi'ite doctrine. According to scholar Cyril Glasse, the advent of
Mahdi is not a universally accepted concept in Islam
and among those that accept the Mahdi there are
basic differences among different sects of Muslims
about the timing and nature of his advent and
guidance. The idea of the Mahdi has been described as important to Sufi Muslims, and a "powerful and
central religious idea" for Shia Muslims who believe
the Mahdi is the Twelfth Imam, Muhammad al Mahdi
who will return from occultation. However, among
Sunni, it "never became a formal doctrine" and is
neither endorsed, nor condemned "by the consensus of Sunni Ulama." It has "gained a strong
hold on the imagination of many ordinary" self
described orthodox Sunni though, thanks to Sufi
preaching. Another source distinguishes between
Sunni and Shia beliefs on the Mahdi saying the
Sunni believe the Mahdi will be a descendant of the Prophet named Muhammad who will revive the
faith, but not necessarily be connected with the end
of the world, Jesus or perfection. Among Shi'a Muslims "the Mahdi symbol has
developed into a powerful and central religious
idea." Shi'a Muslims believe that the Mahdi is the
Twelfth Imam, Muhammad al Mahdi, the Twelfth
and last Imam, who was born in 868 AD and was
hidden by God at the age of five. He is still alive but has been in occultation "awaiting the time that God
has decreed for his return." The coming of the Mahdi is a disputed notion within
Sunnis. The concept is not mentioned directly in the
Quran or Sahih al Bukhari; however, the Mahdi is
mentioned in the Sahih Muslim collection of Hadith
[depending on interpretation]. According to scholar
Cyril Glasse, "Belief in the Mahdi has been rejected by noted Sunni authorities as being a Messianism...
various Hadith about the Mahdi appear to be
inventions to support political causes." 5) LookLex Encyclopedia The Mahdi is a saviour figure in Islam, for which
there are several different interpretations in Sunni
Islam, and one dominant interpretation in Shi'i
Islam. In Sunni Islam, the "Mahdi" is just one of several
important figures, while the "Mahdi" of Shi'i Islam
has a real eschatological importance, and is in the
future the most important figure for Islam as well as
the world. The Arabic term "Mahdi" is best translated with
"divinely guided one". The main principle of the Mahdi is that he is a figure
that is absolutely guided by God. This guidance is
stronger form of guidance than normal guidance,
which usually involves a human being willfully
acting according to the guidance of God. The Mahdi
on the other hand, has nothing of this human element, and his acts will be in complete
accordance to God's will. The figure of Mahdi, and his mission, is not
mentioned in the Koran, and there are practically
nothing to be found among the reliable Hadiths on
him either. The idea of the Mahdi appears to be a
development in the first 2 3 centuries of Islam. In
the case of the Shi'i Mahdi many scholars have suggested that there is a clear inspiration coming
from the Messiah figure of Christianity and its ideas
of a judgement day in the hands of a religious
renewer. While there are many similarities between the Mahdi
and Messiahs, there are also many variations over
the Mahdi theme, which have differed from time to
time and from region to region. The first time we hear of the term "Mahdi" is in 686
CE, by the Muslim leader Mukhtar Thaqafi, for
Muhammad bni l Hanafiya (see below). Shi'i Islam Even in Shi'i Islam, there are variations, but these all
give the Mahdi an elevated and unique position. In
Shi'i Islam, the Mahdi is central to the creed,
contrary to Sunni Islam. Sunni Islam There are more than one way of defining the Mahdi
in Sunni Islam, but never is it given such an
importance as we can see it in Shi'i Islam. He is
generally a restorer, the one who will secure a
system where Muslims can live according to the
principles of Islam. 6) New World Encyclopedia The Mahdi, according to Shi'ite tradition, will arise at
some point before the day of judgement, institute a
kingdom of justice, and will in the last days fight
alongside the returned Jesus against the Dajjal, the
Antichrist. However, like most religious concepts, various
Muslim traditions have ascribed different
characteristics to the Mahdi. Also, as Mahdiism is
closely related to the leadership of the Ummah, it
has had the potential to be abused as some leaders
of secularly focused politico religious movements in the name of Islam who have claimed to be the
Mahdi. Of those Sunnis that hold to the existence of the
Mahdi, some believe the Mahdi will be an ordinary
man, born to an ordinary woman. Umm Salamah
said: "I heard the Messenger of Allah (Peace be
upon Him) say: 'The Mahdi is of my lineage and
family." The Shi'a belief is that Mahdi has been alive and in
occultation for 1200 years and is eleven
generations down from Muhammad, i.e. the twelfth
Shi'a Imam Muhammad al Mahdi. The coming of the Mahdi is a disputed notion within
Sunnis, with the claim being denied by some
Muslims who regard the Qur'an as the sole
authority in Islam. Mahdi is not mentioned in the
Qu'ran and there are few authentic hadiths that
mention him in detail. 7) Dr. J. Dominguez "Branches of Islam" Asserts that one of the fundamental differences
between the Shi'ite and Sunni branches of Islam is
that the Shi'ites believe in a Messianic Mahdi. cool Dr. Jim Eckman "Sunnis versus Shiites: What's the Difference?" Finally, permit me a review of the major theological
differences between Shiites and Sunnis. Shiites and Sunnis agree on core beliefs of Islam-
the Quran and the Five Pillars. Shiites believe that the original Imams were divinely
inspired and infallible in their judgments. Shiites clerics (imams) hold an elevated spiritual
status forbidden by the Sunnis. Sunnis reject the teaching of a "hidden" imam but
do accept the end time beliefs of the Quran. Shiites have a deep regard for martyrdom,
incorporating many rituals and demonstrations
absent in Sunnis. Shiites are more eschatological than Sunnis. Shiites believe that the Imam al Mahdi, the
"Expected or Awaited" leader, will herald the end
of time when he returns. The Mahdi and his army of
followers will in effect be the army of Jesus before
he returns. They will join Jesus in defeating the
Antichrist, liberate Palestine and unite the world under Islam. Again, this belief is what drives the
current Iranian president. 9) Mideast and North Africa Encyclopedia In Arabic, the term al Mahdi means "the guided
one." For Islam, the term developed through
medieval Shi'ite thought into a concept charged
with genealogical, eschatological (referring to the
end of the world), and political significance. By the
eighth century, the Mahdi would be characterized as a descendant of the prophet Muhammad, whose
appearance as the redeemer, or messiah, presaged
the end of the world and all earthly political and
religious corruption. Today, in Iraq and Iran, and in portions of Arabia
and the gulf, the Shi'a branch of Islam is
represented by Twelver Shi'ites, who believe in the
return of the hidden twelfth descendant of
Muhammad as the Mahdi. Until he reappears,
Twelver Shi'ites believe that only their mujtahids (an elite group among their religious learned) have the
power as the Mahdi's intermediaries to interpret the
faith. The concept of the Mahdi is not central to the beliefs
of Sunni Islam, but it has popular appeal.
Re: Will Christians Be Around During The Great Tribulation? by denzel12: 11:23am On Jul 26, 2013
Tgirl4real: Is the teaching of "Rapture" scriptural?

According to 11Thess 2, will Christians be around during the time of the antichrist?

Is "rapture" and the second coming of Christ one and same event?

Are we going to be part of the great tribulation?

Is Matt 24 referring to the Jews or to all Christians?
I dont think this thread you started will give you your answers dear.If you didn't get these answers from your church or pastor why do you think u'd get them in NAIRALAND. Best find answers to your questions by the one who authored the scriptures you are quoting(God by His spirit) before you and some quiet participants take up new beliefs and convictions that may harm their faith.
Re: Will Christians Be Around During The Great Tribulation? by bishoppapi: 11:42am On Jul 26, 2013
Rapture Theory: Is it Biblical?

Those who believe in a "rapture" - a supposed event that will wisk away Christians to heaven and from the tribulation time - has no biblical backing. Worse yet, it is responsible for a false hope that many are counting on, but which will NOT happen as they believe.

Let's address the rapture by looking at a number of scriptures that have to be answered that call into question any rapture taking place as many believe it will.

1 Th 4:16 "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first :17 Then we which are alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord."

The above 2 verses are the primary scriptures used to support a rapture theory. Of themselves, this simply teaches that the dead in Christ and those still alive who are a part of the true Church will be raised... RESURRECTED to, or changed to, spirit.

Some make a big to-do about the words translated "shall be caught up" as if these words had some spiritual significance that supports the rapture theory. The words are taken from the Greek - ( to seize (in various applications): - catch (away, up), pluck, pull, take (by force)). This simple means what it says and nothing more... that when the resurrection takes place, we will rise - be brought up to where Christ is... in the clouds. To build a doctrine out of this alone is dangerous.

Let's look at scriptures speaking about the "church:"

Rev 12:14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, (3 and 1/2 years) from the face of the serpent. Rev 12:15 And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. Rev 12:16 And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth. Rev 12:17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

In the above scriptures, we see a number of issues being revealed. The woman is clearly the Church of God... God's true people. This church is taken to a place of protection for 3 and one half years, away from Satan's influence and attacks. The scriptures show that this protection is right here on Earth, and lasts during the tribulation time. God provides miracles that protect this group of people and this makes Satan angry, after which Satan goes back to make war with... WHAT? The "remnant of her (the Church's) seed." This means those NOT protected in God's Church are having to face persecution and are STILL right here on this earth.

(NOTE: An interesting parallel or type of this can be seen in how God dealt with Pharaoh and ancient Israel. Pharaoh eventually allowed Israel to leave their bondage, led by God, but then changed his mind and sent an army to take them back. Pharaoh is a type of Satan who holds the world in bondage to sin. God provides escape for His people, and protects them from the people who want to put them back into bondage. God allowed the waters of the Red sea to swallow them up, just as the "earth" swallows up this "flood" or army being sent to stop these people of God from escaping. Interesting that it seems that the church is on its way to this place, and THEN the armies are sent to get us back, like a change of mind on the authorities part... as Pharaoh changed his mind...).

Rev 6:9 "When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. 10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, "How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?" 11 Then a white robe was given to each of them; and it was said to them that they should rest a little while longer, until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethren, who would be killed as they were, was completed."

This scripture while NOT a literal situation. Why would God be keeping "souls" under an alter? This is simply acknowledging that there are saints who were killed and are now "resting" in death, because they were martyred, till they are resurrected to spirit life. Those to "BE" killed as yet during the tribulation time are NOT protected, but lose their lives.
Re: Will Christians Be Around During The Great Tribulation? by Toks2008(m): 11:43am On Jul 26, 2013
A Message from Jesus to the world. Every Muslim must read this.

As I stood at the portal of hell, I could not help the tears rolling down my eyes and I marvel at the way millions of souls are thrown into hell, a place of utter hopelessness, terrible suffering, eternal sorrow and unimaginable terror unleashed on the occupants by Satan and the demons which will continue forever and ever without an end. And I wept even more because I know this is never GOD’s plan for man.

GOD never created hell fire for humans but for Satan and the demons but the devil have permeated the minds of man, block their minds from accepting salvation and finally bring them to hell after death to be tortured forever by the demons in a way too gruesome for any living soul to imagine.

My name is Jesus, the word of GOD made flesh. I was sent to the world to sacrifice my life to save mankind from eternal damnation but many still reject the sacrifice GOD made by sending me to to be crucified in the most condemned manner unimaginable by men.

Many film makers in the world have tried to illustrate the sufferings I went through but have not even come any close.

Many people do not understand this mystery that GOD had to send me to be crucified in order to save all men from eternal doom. This is a mystery that many still cannot decipher.

You must understand that God ways are not our ways. It has been in the law of GOD that nearly everything must be cleansed by blood and without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins. (Hebrews 9:22)

In the past, before I was sent to the world, men had to sacrifice animals each year to cleanse them from all sins but this became a boring routine and GOD wanted a sacrifice once and for all to cleanse man from every form of sins but it was impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away the sins of the world (Hebrews 10:1-4) and this was why GOD sent me to be the ultimate sacrifice for the whole world and whosoever believes in this sacrifice and accept me as his or her savior shall be saved and will have no space in hell but will live together with me in the kingdom of GOD forever and ever.

Many people do not understand when some people call me the son of GOD. The truth is that I was created by the word of GOD and was not conceived by man’s fluid. I came to the world through a virgin. I am the word of GOD made flesh, I am the son of GOD by divine paternity and not biological for GOD was not giving birth to neither does he give birth to any one biologically. (John 1:1)

I was sacrificed on the cross of Calvary to save all men. Whether you practice Islam as a religion or Christianity, GOD cares less for he is not interested in religion and he never created any religion and in his kingdom, religion does not exist.

What GOD wants is a relationship with him by acknowledging the sacrifice made on the cross and until you accept me as your savior, you may never have any relationship with my father, the creator of Heaven and earth.

Many people believe that just been good and keeping GOD’s laws will take them to heaven but unfortunately this is not the case.

It is ok to keep the laws and commandments but in order to inherit the kingdom of GOD you must believe in your heart that I died on the cross to save you, rose up from the dead and confess with your mouth that I am your Savior and until you do this, you will never be part of my father’s Kingdom. (Romans 10:9)

If only the people on earth understand the magnitude of the splendor that awaits them in paradise, they will not waste any more second before getting saved. Believe me, the minds of mortal man cannot comprehend what GOD have prepared for them that accept me as their lord and savior(1 Corinthians 2:9)

The treasures of this world that men kill for are used in paradise to make streets where people walk on talking about the purest of gold that the world is yet to discover.

Rare gems that have not even been discovered on earth are used as foundations for the mansions in heaven. (Revelation 21:18)

Many mortals have been caught up into heaven to have a glimpse of paradise just as my father revealed to John in the book of revelations and their stories have been the same.

Paradise is like another planet million of times bigger than this present planet earth.

Every activity in the world exist there asides getting married or anything evil or sorrowful. The technology that exists there is light years away from what the earth has at the moment and by far more interesting than the present earth.

Think about all you can find in this present world and just imagine same in paradise but far more beautiful and advanced. The TV sets and all appliances work perfectly without been plugged to any power source but the glorious ray from the throne of my father powers the new world.

The transportation system is far beyond human reasoning as you can either decide to travel by the speed of taught or by simply standing on the golden street to take you anywhere you want or you can use the flying shuttles of any kind you want and lots more.

You are guaranteed to have a ready mansion for you in paradise just to suite your taste perfectly with exact design and furniture settings you desire and adorned with such rare decors that can only be imagined by you as mortal being.

Some mansions are built under the crystal river for people who love the aquatic environment while some are built on trees for those who love the environment and we even have countless mansions suspended in the sky.

Just imagine where you want your mansion to be and the exact colors, dimensions and any type of furniture you desire and you are guaranteed to have it built for you totally free and you will live there forever and ever.

No matter the talent you have, you can be sure to maximize it and not for money but for fulfillment. Everything is free and no need for the use of money. Sportsmen will have a great time as we have all sporting activities present on earth except violent sports like boxing and wrestling with more sophisticated sporting facilities and locations.

For those who love their pets so much, you can be sure to have them with you in paradise.

For those who have lost dear ones I urge you not to cry as long as they have accepted me as their lord and Savior before they died because they will be in paradise enjoying even a greater life.

For parents or women who lost a child prematurely through abortion, miscarriage, still birth or infant death I assure you that your children are safe in heaven, growing up slowly and you are sure to see them welcome you at the pearl gate if you make heaven.

There will be so much to eat and drink in paradise and you are guaranteed to have the best of varieties of foods you can ever imagine from all different countries of human race.

There are so much more to discover about paradise, a place of unimaginable joy and splendor.

A world specially created by GOD and where every structure in it is meticulously designed by Jehovah. But I have just revealed just a little to you as you will get to discover even more when you join me there.

I want you all to understand that my Father is kind, merciful, and very loving. No matter the magnitude of your sins, he will accept you if only you accept me as your lord and savior.

Are you a fornicator, cultists, drug addict, intimate pervert (gay), addicted to any form of sinful habit, just come to me and accept me as your lord and savior and I will cleanse you from all these sins and you will be a new person with old things passing away and will never be remembered by me and my father (Matthew 11:28).

This I say to the Muslims, I am not like other prophets you know, and my mission to the world was to come and save all mankind from eternal damnation. I was actually crucified contrary to your beliefs and this was why I was created by the word of GOD, and attained the son-ship status by divine paternity and this why I am called the son of GOD.

If you are a Muslim, I am not interested in you stopping your daily prayers or visiting Saudi Arabia. Neither am I interested in seeing you stop observing your festive periods BUT ALL I WANT FROM YOU IS TO ACCEPT MY DEATH AS AN ATONEMENT FOR YOUR SINS.

Accept me as your Savior and only then you can have hope of having a place in paradise . If you die without accepting me as your lord and savior, you have automatically reserved a place for yourself in hell with the devil and the demons and you will remain there forever and ever. This message will stand as proof that you have been warned.

I say this to the believers, be careful not to lose your salvation. If you are still struggling with any sin in your life, please don’t lose hope and give up your salvation but cry unto GOD and he will remove the power of that sinful act upon your life with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Many people I see dropping into hell have at one time or the other accepted me as their lord and Savior but because of repetitive sins in their life, they gave up their salvation saying they are not worthy of my Father's kingdom.

This is why I’m sending this message to tell you all that once you have accepted me as your Savior, GOD will never reject you anytime you ask for forgiveness in my name no matter how many times you fall into sin. This is why I died to cleanse you from the sins of yesterday, today and tomorrow (1 John 2:1).

Nevertheless, my death on the cross does not give you the liberty to sin but to be cleansed from your sins and make you live above sins in your life. (Romans 6:1)

Accepting me as your lord and savior is the simplest decision you can ever make yet the most important decision you need to make.

Just read these words below out loud wherever you are and you are automatically saved.

Salvation Prayer:

Dear God in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness.

I believe that your only begotten Son Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin.

You said in Your Holy Word, Romans 10:9 that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved.

Right now I confess Jesus as the Lord of my soul. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. This very moment I accept Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved.

Thank you Jesus for your unlimited grace which has saved me from my sins. I thank you Jesus that your grace never leads to license, but rather it always leads to repentance. Therefore Lord Jesus transform my life so that I may bring glory and honor to you alone and not to myself.

Thank you Jesus for dying for me and giving me eternal life. Amen.

Congratulations. You are saved and your name has been written in the book of life.

Please get a bible and read regularly and also ask for the Holy Spirit to perfect your salvation and i will never leave you or forsake you.

Congratulations once again and I hope to welcome you to my father’s kingdom when you leave this mortal world.

This message is true, do not ignore it and do not postpone your decision to accept Jesus because tomorrow may be too late.

To read more about the testimonies of people who have been caught up like John in the book of revelations to see heaven and hell then visit this web page: http://www.divinerevelations.info/Documents/misc/HEAVEN.htm

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Re: Will Christians Be Around During The Great Tribulation? by bishoppapi: 11:44am On Jul 26, 2013
Rapture Theory (Contd)

Dan 11:35 "Some of the wise will stumble,(stumble=OT:3782 cast down, be decayed, (cause to) fail, (cause, make to) fall) so that they may be refined, purified and made spotless until the time of the end, for it will still come at the appointed time." NIV

Notice that this addresses God's own... who are tried, up to the end of this age, and Christ's return. There is no taking of these away from earth.

Next we have to ask, just when does Christ return to this Earth, and where does He return to ON Earth?

John 17:15 "My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one."

Christ's will was that His called were NOT to be taken out of the world, not raptured away.

1Co 15:52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

Rev 1:7 Behold, he comes with clouds;

Notice this tells us that at the last trump... Christ will return and resurrect His saints to be gathered to Him in the clouds of our sky. When is this last trump that sounds so loudly and that ALL will see and hear?
Rev 8:6 "And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound."

Rev 11:15 "And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become [the kingdoms] of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever."

Christ returns to Earth at the sound of the last/7th trumpet, and every eye will see this return. This return is at the end point of the tribulation period as Revelation clearly shows, so how can a "rapture" take the saints to heaven prior to the last trump? Lastly, where does Christ Himself go AT His return? He meets the saints in the air as He is returning with the armies of Heaven, and at THAT time, he goes to a specific place...

Zec 14:4 "And his feet shall stand in that day (The last trump - Christ's return to Earth) upon the mount of Olives, which [is] before Jerusalem on the east..."

Notice that Christ comes to resurrect the saints, gathering them from one corner of heaven to the other...

Mar 13:27 "And then shall he send his angels, and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven."

Notice that the elect are gathered from all over the earth... under, on and above. "Heaven" here is the first heaven, (sky-atmosphere) or the highest mountain tops, not people supposedly in the third heaven.

Also remember... Christ tells us in Mt. 24...

Matt 24:22 "And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect's sake those days will be shortened".

If the Elect are raptured from the earth, why would Christ have to "shorten" the days "for the elect's sake?" They are already safe in heaven, right? No, Christ shortens the days so that His elect are NOT eliminated with all flesh on earth. He steps in to stop this destruction that would destroy the whole planet, including those elect who are on this earth waiting for Christ's return and the resurrection. The elect's "sake" likely also refers to Christ's promise to His saints of ruling with Him on this earth over the nations. If the earth were destroyed, God's plan, the millennium, etc., would not happen as He wills.

So, where does Christ immediately go after the resurrection of those who have died in Christ, and all those in the true church yet alive on earth? Christ then goes, that same day, to the Mount of Olives, (Zach 14:4 above) the very spot where He left His apostles long ago. In order to believe and accept the rapture theory, you have to disregard these scriptures that tell us the sequence of events that involve Christ's return and the resurrection of the saints.

The return of Christ is after (or at the close since there are yet 7 last plagues yet to be poured out AFTER the resurrection) of the tribulation period of 3 and one half years, NOT before it. The church - a portion of it - is protected by God on this Earth, while the other portion is persecuted and likely many, if not all, martyred.
Re: Will Christians Be Around During The Great Tribulation? by bishoppapi: 11:45am On Jul 26, 2013
Rapture Theory (Final Part)

Also keep in mind that the Two Witnesses of God...

Rev 11:3 "And I will give [power] to my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred [and] threescore days, (3 and one half years... tribulation period) clothed in sackcloth. Rev 11:7 And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them. Rev 11:8 And their dead bodies (they are not in heaven waiting...) [shall lie] in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified."

Rev 11:11 And after three days and an half the Spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; (resurrection of the entire church at Christ's return) and great fear fell upon them which saw them. Rev 11:12 And they heard a great voice (same great voices of Rev 8:6) from heaven saying to them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them.

... are alive and preaching to the whole world during the tribulation period, are killed, and then are resurrected at the same time ALL the saints are resurrected... at the last trump... when the loud voices in heaven are heard and EVERY eye sees Christ return, and they ascend to (the first) "heaven," the sky and clouds.

How many resurrections are there? At least two that we can see from scripture, possibly three. The FIRST resurrection is of the saints at Christ's coming. If the rapture were true, there would be a resurrection before the tribulation and one after it... then another one after the 1000 year reign of Christ, which by the way is ON EARTH, NOT in heaven where everyone thinks they will be. Why would you even want to go to heaven when Christ will be here on earth?

The greatest threat the rapture theory makes is in the hope countless people have who believe that it will occur prior to the tribulation... thinking it will save them from this time period. This creates a false sense of security and often makes for a sleeping and weak Christian belief system that prevents the bride, (the body of Christ) from "making herself ready."

The question, finally, to ask yourself is this: "What will you do if the rapture does NOT occur, as you expect?" Will this cause you to lose hope that God is in charge? Will you panic when things fall apart around you and yu are not wisked away like you expect?

The greatest issue is not "escaping" tribulation, but drawing close to God so that we may be counted worthy to escape...

Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape (Rev 12:14-17) all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

This isn't saying to "pray that you may be counted worthy..." but to "pray always..." that the results of prayer, and drawing close to God in spiritual understanding, may allow you to escape "all these things" which Christ spoke about, and NOT have to be the remnant of the church who were NOT ready and had to be tried (Rev. 3:14-21) overcome, and be perfected.

The rapture as taught is a false teaching that will not occur as most expect it will. We need to be aware of the truth of Christ's return, and be preparing for it and to rule with Him once here on Earth.
Re: Will Christians Be Around During The Great Tribulation? by Pilot2: 11:45am On Jul 26, 2013
Yes the pretending Christians will live to face the music,they will reap what they sowed lol grin grin grin grin grin grin
Re: Will Christians Be Around During The Great Tribulation? by DonaldGenes(m): 11:51am On Jul 26, 2013
To buttress to some added points..The Holy Spirit is still around with us and that's why the Antic-christ can't even show him face,it is when the Holy Spirit is taken away from the earth is when Anti-christ start their toturing but it is well sha they will be finally destroyed(tormented by the Almighty God)soon
Re: Will Christians Be Around During The Great Tribulation? by Nobody: 11:57am On Jul 26, 2013
Really love your reply sis...pls, would like to add you on facebook. What's your account name?cheesy
lol. Sorry, I'm male not female. Email me first.
Re: Will Christians Be Around During The Great Tribulation? by zig2ryme04: 12:25pm On Jul 26, 2013
Pilot2: Yes the pretending Christians will live to face the music,they will reap what they sowed lol grin grin grin grin grin grin

what are you?
Re: Will Christians Be Around During The Great Tribulation? by lexrichy(m): 12:34pm On Jul 26, 2013
DrummaBoy: I believe also that the visions of hell and heaven OLAADEGBU publishes on nairaland are from the antichrist.

Those visions have only one message: SALVATION BY WORKS. This is the leading error that the antichrist has been selling since the days of apostle Paul. If it is not circumcision, it would be that Jesus did not come in the flesh - the Gnostic Heresy, or it would be Roman catholicism and their resort to Mary and saints for mediation and salvation, or it would be the holiness movement - YOU MUST WORK OUT YOUR SALVATION WITH FEAR AND TREMBLING - forgetting it is God that workS in US to will and to do according to his good pleasure.

In the days to come ANGELS shall come preaching another gospel. Gal 1:8;9: They will deceive many, and like OLAADEGBU, there main point will be that Jesus death and resurrection is not enough, U must do this or that MORE to be saved.

T B Joshua is an agent of the antichrist and many like him.

Jesus has warned us - beware that U are not deceived. Matthew 24.
which one will somebody believe now?
Re: Will Christians Be Around During The Great Tribulation? by Nobody: 12:45pm On Jul 26, 2013
Tgirl4real: Is the teaching of "Rapture" scriptural?

According to 11Thess 2, will Christians be around during the time of the antichrist?

Is "rapture" and the second coming of Christ one and same event?

Are we going to be part of the great tribulation?

Is Matt 24 referring to the Jews or to all Christians?

There is nothing like rapture in the christian theology. All Christians from the time of the apostles till now are expecting the return of Christ not the disappearance of the saints. Christians will go through the great tribulation. The teaching that Christians will not be around during the great tribulation or that christians will disaaper before the man of sin ( Antichrist) is revealed are heresies propagated by Tim Lahye in his book "left behind"

Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessnessa is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God. - 2 Thess 2: 3- 4

I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years.(The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years.
- Revelation 20: 4 - 6

It is evident from the two passages above that Christians will be around during the great tribulation and many shall be killed. It should also be noted that there is no disappearance of the saints. For those who were killed in the tribulation per took in the first resurrection.

If the idea that there will first be a resurrection before man of sin is revealed then Revelation 20: 4 -6 will become a lie.

When the bible talks about being caught up in Thessalonians it uses it as a sort of welcome or gathering. i.e when a mother returns from work the children runs to meet the mother to all come in together. Not like the children disappeared from home. Or how shall it be be that believers resurrect and many are left stranded in various nations cos Jesus landed in Jerusalem. He shall gather them to himself and together all shall be with Lord. They shall all land wherever he lands. This is what the bible teaches not the lie that "religious" men are teaching today.
Re: Will Christians Be Around During The Great Tribulation? by Nobody: 12:48pm On Jul 26, 2013
Donalð Genes: To buttress to some added points..The Holy Spirit is still around with us and that's why the Antic-christ can't even show him face,it is when the Holy Spirit is taken away from the earth is when Anti-christ start their toturing but it is well sha they will be finally destroyed(tormented by the Almighty God)soon

From which of the scriptures did you learn this? Pure LIE
Re: Will Christians Be Around During The Great Tribulation? by drstan(m): 12:57pm On Jul 26, 2013
Re: Will Christians Be Around During The Great Tribulation? by drstan(m): 12:57pm On Jul 26, 2013

This is how the rapture and the great tribulation will be, i just recieve it lately, 1.there will be rapture, but is only few believer that will make it, that is those that believe in jesus as the son of God, and work according to Gods standard. 2. After the rapture the great tribulation, note: those who die now i.e those who die before the rapture, will not be among those who will be rapture, because they are all asleep. Theirs is coming. So during the great tribulation the unbelievers and the christian that where unable to make the rapture will have to pay with there blood, just as jesus paid for our sin on the cross but that time it will be hard because the punishment and pain will be too much to bear,so many people will end up recieving the mark of the beast. 666. And those that recieve it will be doom for ever in the lake of fire.
3. After the great tribulation jesus christ will now come down from heaven and chain satan for a thousand year , and those that died in that great tribulation and those that stand the pain will now reign with jesus here on earth for that thousand years. Because they have paid with there blood,
4. After the thousand years is over we will now have the white throne judgement, those that have die long time ago, will now be judge according to what they have done on earth when they were still living, so those that did bad things which their name is not in the book of life will be casted into the like of fire, while those that did good things will now recieve their reward,
5. Then the new heaven and the new earth will now come so they will now reign with Jesus for ever here on earth. That is why the bible said there is no repentance in the grave, if you die in sin now you will not have the chance to pay with your blood again, that means during the white throne judgment is Hell straight , since you dont know when you will die why not live a holy and acceptable life according to Gods standard, so that you will go with Jesus when He comes, and escape the great tribulation .for me i have choice to wait on Jesus patiently till He comes remain bless.


Re: Will Christians Be Around During The Great Tribulation? by Nobody: 1:01pm On Jul 26, 2013
JesusisLord85: The word "tribulation" is in the bible 22 times in the new testament. You would think that at least one of those mentions would tell us something about a rapture happening just before that. They don't.

The danger of believing in pre-trib.. You will see antichrist and you will be decieved. We already know members of rabbinical Judaism (those who do not accept Christ as Messiah, as opposed to Messianic Jews) WILL accept antichrist:

John 5:43 “ I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.”

The muslims are waiting for their prophet too.
The bhuddists are waiting for their guru or something like that.
All these will accept antichrist and that is how you will get the one-world religion system at the end of days.
Those who 'think' they are saved and believe in pre-trib will fall for it too.
But NOT the elect.
Matthew 24:24 "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."

The tribulation is NOT God's wrath. It is the devil persecuting the saints because his time is short. You and I will be there for it. Better believe that.

God will rescue us from his own wrath at the end. "As it was in Sodom".

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