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Re: A Muslim Girl's Heart Desires by bukatyne(f): 9:14am On Aug 17, 2013
Ayoobscom: On every single occasions, I come across a topic as regards Hijab wearing culture,the sick reactions/comments coming from fellow xtians stings me a DEEP feeling of How Much the Christians hate Marry..the mother if the blessed Jesus.

If marry was named the pure,isn't her culture suppose to be their core habits?

#anyone who read that post by yuzedo listen now#....Yuzedo un-alterdly, is an unserious serial liar,whose synthetic/ rotten heart objectively conjoured such unreal but illusory event, to validate a ridiculous claim, that Muslim women are forced to wear Hijab...as a matter of fact he does not owe a car of his own neither do any of his lineage..#bigliaryuzedo..he queue to join staff bus everyday fyi.

#however,Hijab is not worn for Muslim men,Muslim women wore Hijab to please their creator..Allah.

Jumah mubarak sisters
I join in celebrating you
I join in celebrating Hijab
I join in celebrating Mother of the blessed Jesus

I wonder who snapped the pictures of "Mary" you see...

While you are at it, notice that most pictures of 'Jesus' also has an 'hijab' and He wears gowns and has long hair. I am 100% sure you wear hijab, gowns and have a very long hair... not so? undecided
Re: A Muslim Girl's Heart Desires by bukatyne(f): 9:23am On Aug 17, 2013
While Muslims don't complain about Christians getting married in spagetti,
Christians get excited about the hijab
It is simply a mystery

Misinterpreting facts will do you no good.

Not every non-muslim is a cristian, gerrit?

I am sure spagetti is the formal christian mode of dressing, not so? Please quote the verse that states so...
Re: A Muslim Girl's Heart Desires by Dharyhor: 9:29am On Aug 17, 2013

lwkm.. so islamic girls and ladies cover their head and bodies while the husbands whom they are preserving their bodies for get to marry 3 other girls like you?
Slavery..and subjection. thats all i see. Islam is forceful and weird.
It seems like dat 4rm d perspective of xtians bt is nt really wot dey think abt it
nd moreover, i dont understand y dey ar so much interested in prying into muslim affairs
Those wearing hijab knows dat it is obligatory upon dem in accordance 2 dos nd dont of d religion dey practise nt dat dey ar being compel 2 wear it
Any muslim women u c wearing hijab knows very well d privilege it gives dem over other women
Re: A Muslim Girl's Heart Desires by Mintayo(m): 9:31am On Aug 17, 2013

Misinterpreting facts will do you no good.

Not every non-muslim is a cristian, gerrit?

I am sure spagetti is the formal christian mode of dressing, not so? Please quote the verse that states so...
Re: A Muslim Girl's Heart Desires by Mintayo(m): 9:33am On Aug 17, 2013
It seems like dat 4rm d perspective of xtians bt is nt really wot dey think abt it
nd moreover, i dont understand y dey ar so much interested in prying into muslim affairs
Those wearing hijab knows dat it is obligatory upon dem in accordance 2 dos nd dont of d religion dey practise nt dat dey ar being compel 2 wear it
Any muslim women u c wearing hijab knows very well d privilege it gives dem over other women

Sorry,but i am just curious,what privilege does the hijab gives muslim women over other women? please.
Re: A Muslim Girl's Heart Desires by BetaThings: 10:00am On Aug 17, 2013

Misinterpreting facts will do you no good.

What facts have I misrepresented? Please point THEM out

Not every non-muslim is a cristian, gerrit?

Yes, I do "gerrit". But you are Christian. Are you not?
So I don't get the idea of you being bothered that Muslims are using the hijab

I am sure spagetti is the formal christian mode of dressing, not so? Please quote the verse that states so...
If you are really sure of that what would be the point of quoting the verse to you
And my point is simply this - a Christian can wear anything, or if you like, "unwear" anything. It does not bother or concern us in the least. So we don't really understand why the hijab is a topic for non-muslims (Christians inclusive), esp the myths
Re: A Muslim Girl's Heart Desires by bukatyne(f): 10:21am On Aug 17, 2013

What facts have I misrepresented? Please point THEM out

Yes, I do "gerrit". But you are Christian. Are you not?
So I don't get the idea of you being bothered that Muslims are using the hijab

If you are really sure of that what would be the point of quoting the verse to you
And my point is simply this - a Christian can wear anything, or if you like, "unwear" anything. It does not bother or concern us in the least. So we don't really understand why the hijab is a topic for non-muslims (Christians inclusive), esp the myths

The misinterpretation that all non-muslims are christians. esp when it comes to misdeeds.

Me bothered that muslims use hijab? Can you quote one of my posts on this thread to that effect?

I said you quote the verse the christian women should wear spagetti since you are so sure all spagetti wearers are christians?
Re: A Muslim Girl's Heart Desires by Sissie(f): 10:30am On Aug 17, 2013
So in essence if the female Christians think we female Muslims wear the hijab solely because of the men, it means you wear your own clothes because of the men, you are not dressing for your self, but because you want to be more appealing to the other sex, you want to be sexy to him right? So by your own analysis you turned yourself into an object to be desired and seen by all men, and you call it freedom? Is it really freedom or slavery? In a quest to turn yourself into sexual objects, you turn yourself into what your natural self isn't someone sees you without all the enhancements and can't recognize you. And you call me a slave.

Who really is thé slave?


I wonder who snapped the pictures of "Mary" you see...

While you are at it, notice that most pictures of 'Jesus' also has an 'hijab' and He wears gowns and has long hair. I am 100% sure you wear hijab, gowns and have a very long hair... not so? undecided

Men do wear long flowing dress that sorts of looks like gowns, just sewn in a different way from the women, the tazarce/jalabiya are examples, men in Islam are allowed to keep their hair, so if you have a long hair it's allowed the conditions is that it has to be even length, infact the keffiyeh worn by Arabs is similar to the "hijab" Jesus Christ photos have.

Msgamble: Isn't it a coincidence that France muslim-migrant(over 6 million) less than 2000women wore hijab..hijab is not islamic(as u're been led) buh purely arabian n persian culture av been wearing it b4 islam, most turkish,azerbiajan(non arab) don't wear it..my dear sister free urself off shackles lyk most muslim ladies in uni. do

The least you can do is educate yourself. Hijab is Islamic because all women don't obey doesn't make it less Islamic. I,e Christianity preaches abstinence before marriage, because many Christians don't abstain, does it make abstaining un-christian like.


lwkm.. so islamic girls and ladies cover their head and bodies while the husbands whom they are preserving their bodies for get to marry 3 other girls like you?
Slavery..and subjection. thats all i see. Islam is forceful and weird.

Oh so non islamic girls don't cover their heads and their husbands still divorce them and marry someone else, gets tired divorce and marry someone else, but in your mind now a serial monogamist is better than a polygamist. How many men married to just one wife can boast of not having extra marital affairs. If your a Christian show me a specific verse that says "do not marry more than one wife"


Re: A Muslim Girl's Heart Desires by BetaThings: 11:12am On Aug 17, 2013

Similarities between whom?

Some of the Christian commentators in this section wrap their posts lavishly with insults

What question(s) did you ask me?

Please ask again, I might have missed it.


The misinterpretation that all non-muslims are christians. esp when it comes to misdeeds.

I said that ALL non-muslims are Christians? Really? Please quote it!!

I said you quote the verse the christian women should wear spagetti since you are so sure all spagetti wearers are christians?
Before I am required to quote anything may I have a quote where I said "I am sure that all spagetti wearers are Christians?"
Re: A Muslim Girl's Heart Desires by BetaThings: 11:18am On Aug 17, 2013
Oh so non islamic girls don't cover their heads and their husbands still divorce them and marry someone else, gets tired divorce and marry someone else, but in your mind now a serial monogamist is better than a polygamist. How many men married to just one wife can boast of not having extra marital affairs. If your a Christian show me a specific verse that says "do not marry more than one wife"

I don't want to the entire post in order not to waste space.
Excellent response!
Like I said a lot of the non-muslims passing judgement are not as bright as those they pass judgement upon


Re: A Muslim Girl's Heart Desires by yetseyi(f): 12:28pm On Aug 17, 2013
I tink we ladies feel our face is nt attractive enof nd we try 2 call attention 2 oda parts of our body. but we end up tempting guys out dere.
Im a xtian but understand wat d op is trying 2 say. but just keep being modest, coz it pays

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Re: A Muslim Girl's Heart Desires by Sissie(f): 3:10pm On Aug 17, 2013

I don't want to the entire post in order not to waste space.
Excellent response!
Like I said a lot of the non-muslims passing judgement are not as bright as those they pass judgement upon

Thanks, so true they are not as bright as they think they are.
Re: A Muslim Girl's Heart Desires by deols(f): 3:23pm On Aug 17, 2013
Re: A Muslim Girl's Heart Desires by chokolatte: 3:49pm On Aug 17, 2013
I have always wondered how it feels being so covered up in the mostly hot Nigerian weather ......our Muslim sisters are really trying...
Re: A Muslim Girl's Heart Desires by chokolatte: 4:13pm On Aug 17, 2013
God bless their devoted hearts..it's not easy
Re: A Muslim Girl's Heart Desires by Msgamble: 6:08pm On Aug 17, 2013

Tell yoiur nuns that
Yes you can write another fake Quran like you always do and remove that injunction to cover from it
we know what our Quran, and indeed the Bible, says on this matter
d same reason Femines is growing in middle-east fighting liberation of female gender from shackles..aljazeera picture male n female praying side by side during d last Eid,women wore bright lipstick to prayer now rising n topless protest,most young girls now refuse to wore hijab all in iran(read 'iran under islamic rule-more or less religous'@aljazeera.com..hijab is arab n persian culture they av been wearing it b4 islam..wake up towel-head
Re: A Muslim Girl's Heart Desires by deols(f): 7:19pm On Aug 17, 2013
Msgamble: d same reason Femines is growing in middle-east fighting liberation of female gender from shackles..aljazeera picture male n female praying side by side during d last Eid,women wore bright lipstick to prayer now rising n topless protest,most young girls now refuse to wore hijab all in iran(read 'iran under islamic rule-more or less religous'@aljazeera.com..hijab is arab n persian culture they av been wearing it b4 islam..wake up towel-head
You speak out of ignorance. What makes an average arab the model for Muslims?

Who cares if an arab walks naked? How does it affect what Islam says?


Re: A Muslim Girl's Heart Desires by infiniteloop(m): 12:04am On Aug 18, 2013
golpen: From dawahnigeria fb page...like them

I want to open my Hijab,
and show the world
that I too,
Am beautiful in the people's definition.
Deep down here,
in my little heart,
I know that beauty is by definition, a mystery.
And it is forever more rewarding,
to be beautiful in God's eyes.

I want to wear ruffled dresses & tight jeans
show off what I really look like,
under those baggy shirts & loosely fitted pants
make a statement that I too have a figure and worth looking at.
I know better,
to avoid entering the world of men's imagination,
for I love my future hubby
and I am ashamed,
what should be his, has already be unveiled by others.

I want to show the world,
the other side of me,
the bubblier, bolder and crazier me,
put myself on display
for everyone to see, to be desired and admired upon.
I know that eyes are not just eyes
seeing is not just seeing,
Image & Respect are gained,
Shame & Humility deserve a better place...

Copied from Abdusalam Hiqmat Kehinde
August 14, 2013
Re: A Muslim Girl's Heart Desires by Msgamble: 12:09am On Aug 18, 2013
You speak out of ignorance. What makes an average arab the model for Muslims?

Who cares if an arab walks naked? How does it affect what Islam says?
d same reason u ppl bear arabic name while calling it Allah' name, wore cloth lyk 'gele' over ur head(men) n hijab(women), read ur book in arabic only neglecting translated version,marrying several wives n countless concubines n u tell 'arab n islam' as no line, mind u, ur religion is purely arabian culture n nting else..don't b fooled..wake up
Re: A Muslim Girl's Heart Desires by Freiburger(m): 12:32am On Aug 18, 2013
golpen: From dawahnigeria fb page...like them

I want to open my Hijab,
and show the world
that I too,
Am beautiful in the people's definition.
Deep down here,
in my little heart,
I know that beauty is by definition, a mystery.
And it is forever more rewarding,
to be beautiful in God's eyes.

I want to wear ruffled dresses & tight jeans
show off what I really look like,
under those baggy shirts & loosely fitted pants
make a statement that I too have a figure and worth looking at.
I know better,
to avoid entering the world of men's imagination,
for I love my future hubby
and I am ashamed,
what should be his, has already be unveiled by others.

I want to show the world,
the other side of me,
the bubblier, bolder and crazier me,
put myself on display
for everyone to see, to be desired and admired upon.
I know that eyes are not just eyes
seeing is not just seeing,
Image & Respect are gained,
Shame & Humility deserve a better place...

Copied from Abdusalam Hiqmat Kehinde
August 14, 2013
Re: A Muslim Girl's Heart Desires by Nobody: 8:49am On Aug 18, 2013
Msgamble: d same reason u ppl bear arabic name while calling it Allah' name, wore cloth lyk 'gele' over ur head(men) n hijab(women), read ur book in arabic only neglecting translated version,marrying several wives n countless concubines n u tell 'arab n islam' as no line, mind u, ur religion is purely arabian culture n nting else..don't b fooled..wake up
Where did your Christianity originate from Rome or Israel
God owns this world and he gives command through any race he wants
Re: A Muslim Girl's Heart Desires by chrisosi: 12:00pm On Aug 18, 2013
yuzedo: Two days ago my car stalled on Third Mainland Bridge and i had it towed off the bridge for repairs. While the mechanic was working on it, i caught sight of a young mother walking with her possibly 18-month old daughter. She stopped and proceeded to wear a hijab on the little girl. Perhaps i should say "attempted", because this act was vigorously resisted by the little angel.. She cried, wailed, forced off most petulantly this religious garment with all the righteous tears and power her little body could muster. She eventually won the battle and walked away hand in hand with the exasperated mother, her victory instantly forgotten; but the peace and comfort of not having to wear that cloth radiating all over her precious face.

For some reason, her emphatic resistance of the hijab got me thinking. Don't ask me what. This story just made me remember the incident.

- yuzedo ©2013
Re: A Muslim Girl's Heart Desires by Msgamble: 2:08pm On Aug 18, 2013
Where did your Christianity originate from Rome or Israel
God owns this world and he gives command through any race he wants
D same reason berber-Tunisia n Turks,azerbaijan(all muslim nation),europe legislates against wearing of hijab in public place n office even on the street..dis should tell u hijab is purely arabian n persian culture against desert-dust even men cover their nose(emir style), wearing of hijab by arab women is older than islam itself, even arab n persian pagan b4 islam wore it as preventation against desert dust..don't let them fool u, we are in tropical area nt desert..wake up, don't b fooled
Re: A Muslim Girl's Heart Desires by Cocodiva: 7:58pm On Aug 18, 2013
Msgamble: D same reason berber-Tunisia n Turks,azerbaijan(all muslim nation),europe legislates against wearing of hijab in public place n office even on the street..dis should tell u hijab is purely arabian n persian culture against desert-dust even men cover their nose(emir style), wearing of hijab by arab women is older than islam itself, even arab n persian pagan b4 islam wore it as preventation against desert dust..don't let them fool u, we are in tropical area nt desert..wake up, don't b fooled

So how does this history become a problem for you? I don't think you should bother yourself so much or give yourself headache and indeed heartache over this hijab issue.No muslim lady in hijab has complained to you have they? Its better you face your religion and allow muslims be please.I'm sure you're not as bothered with those ladies that bare it all on the streets


Re: A Muslim Girl's Heart Desires by Msgamble: 10:44pm On Aug 18, 2013
Coco diva:

So how does this history become a problem for you? I don't think you should bother yourself so much or give yourself headache and indeed heartache over this hijab issue.No muslim lady in hijab has complained to you have they? Its better you face your religion and allow muslims be please.I'm sure you're not as bothered with those ladies that bare it all on the streets
bothered ke? NO, i only pity them n what arab culture has done to them..after alhaji marry her(no hijab),he then incancerate her with hijab few yrs latter he then run after another girl(no hijab), done the same all over again until they are as many as rugby team because after hijabiting them,they bcome untractive as she used to be to him..wake up girls, orelse u'll suffer d same fate..wake up
Re: A Muslim Girl's Heart Desires by Cocodiva: 8:18am On Aug 19, 2013
You really don't need to pity anybody here but yourself. Cos each and everyone is responsible for his/her own actions in this world. And your last comment shows your ignorance about how the hijab works.if it is the husband that imposes the hijab on the wife,what say you about those that use the hijab before they get married? And the gist about rugby team makes no sense because a muslim man cannot marry more than 4 women at a time.and besides,the unattractiveness does not come into play cos a wife is not supposed to cover up in front of her husband.A muslim woman in hijab is at her best in beauty before her husband cos she has the right to bare it all when he is in her company.got it? So pls back off.you are pleading a lost case

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Re: A Muslim Girl's Heart Desires by AbdH: 8:27am On Aug 19, 2013
Coco diva: You really don't need to pity anybody here but yourself. Cos each and everyone is responsible for his/her own actions in this world. And your last comment shows your ignorance about how the hijab works.if it is the husband that imposes the hijab on the wife,what say you about those that use the hijab before they get married? And the gist about rugby team makes no sense because a muslim man cannot marry more than 4 women at a time.and besides,the unattractiveness does not come into play cos a wife is not supposed to cover up in front of her husband.A muslim woman in hijab is at her best in beauty before her husband cos she has the right to bare it all when he is in her company.got it? So pls back off.you are pleading a lost case
'..back off...' hmm! I like that.
Trust me, they will never be happy with you unless you join them.
Re: A Muslim Girl's Heart Desires by AbdH: 8:31am On Aug 19, 2013
Re: A Muslim Girl's Heart Desires by bukatyne(f): 9:18am On Aug 19, 2013

I said that ALL non-muslims are Christians? Really? Please quote it!!

So you have come to terms with the Hijab?
Anyway your post here was coded because to all it was clear what was said

Before I am required to quote anything may I have a quote where I said "I am sure that all spagetti wearers are Christians?"

So what brought spaghetti into your posts or are you trying to say that all non-hijabites wear spaghetti?

Which post was coded?

I bolded the part I needed clarification and I am yet to get one.

Do you care to explain?

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Re: A Muslim Girl's Heart Desires by Msgamble: 11:52am On Aug 19, 2013
Coco diva: You really don't need to pity anybody here but yourself. Cos each and everyone is responsible for his/her own actions in this world. And your last comment shows your ignorance about how the hijab works.if it is the husband that imposes the hijab on the wife,what say you about those that use the hijab before they get married? And the gist about rugby team makes no sense because a muslim man cannot marry more than 4 women at a time.and besides,the unattractiveness does not come into play cos a wife is not supposed to cover up in front of her husband.A muslim woman in hijab is at her best in beauty before her husband cos she has the right to bare it all when he is in her company.got it? So pls back off.you are pleading a lost case
hijabi beauty n attractive? NO, i don't think so..if na so why will her hubby keeps bringing in new faces home as new wife..four wives? No, av u been to North n see how many wife a average man with #10thou income monthly has while other av countless concumbine(this is d same reason islam is falling n nt growing in ivory coast in recent yrs),mayb u're cool becoming number 4 or 10..no say i no warn u oooh..!
Re: A Muslim Girl's Heart Desires by Nobody: 12:03pm On Aug 19, 2013
Msgamble: hijabi beauty n attractive? NO, i don't think so..if na so why will her hubby keeps bringing in new faces home as new wife..four wives? No, av u been to North n see how many wife a average man with #10thou income monthly has while other av countless concumbine(this is d same reason islam is falling n nt growing in ivory coast in recent yrs),mayb u're cool becoming number 4 or 10..no say i no warn u oooh..!
Msgamble,I wonder y sum pple use panadol 4 any oda person's headache,I guess all u nid is attention.if u lyk dress all over d world unclad,its none of my biz.put ur mouth wia ur money is pls.back off already,its nt ur biz wat any1 decides 2 do wit deir lyf as long as its nt affecting urs.please!!!

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Re: A Muslim Girl's Heart Desires by joe4christ(m): 8:53pm On Aug 19, 2013
@OP You better marry your hubby as a virgin o, else all these are just futile!

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