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Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids - Business (5) - Nairaland

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Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by biafranqueen: 10:29pm On Aug 21, 2013
gbadexy: I support them.
Too much money spoils the children.
his father was a senator but Mr. Buffet has been making his own money since he was 6 years old selling news papers and on to bigger ideas, He got into investment and his friends and family saw his work ethic and trust him with money and he used other people money and faith they had in him to make them wealthy people. Mr, buffet allows his children to be educated or start a business and he will invest and you are on your own. Why do you think you never hear nonsense about his family, they are busy trying to take care of things. If they were just out there spending his money you would have heard all types of nonsense by now. Anyway his 1st wife is the one that taught him about giving and Bill Gates wrapped him up. That's why the man is happy now. He was not a giver before he had to learn the benefits. Dangote is hanging with Bill Gates here and there so don't be surprised when you hear his own giveaway wink
Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by biafranqueen: 10:34pm On Aug 21, 2013
Simba757: These are just Hopeless, Cultist, Illuminati BINGOS!
Your children are an extesion of your lineage.
With the amount of money these Bingos have, their kids and the less priviledged should be mutually comfortable.
We all know that the TRUE less priviledged get nothing from these stupid 'Foundations'.
The farce called their money is simply going back to where it came from... Kept for the next victim.
sorry. But your wrong
Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by biafranqueen: 10:35pm On Aug 21, 2013
Itoroetti :

Malaria is a bad sickness.treat it with caution.
Bad belle
am telling youoooo
Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by victorD3: 10:36pm On Aug 21, 2013
obadiah777: thiefilus danjuma has a foundation. the ty danjuma foundation

Championing BH i guess
Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by Mekus68: 10:36pm On Aug 21, 2013
Its like I will change my name to CHARITY so that I will have all these money for keeps
Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by biafranqueen: 10:38pm On Aug 21, 2013
You are a very bitter and frustrated by poverty. TREATMENT OF HIV , TUBERCULOSIS and a host of other illnesses are free in Africa .guess u know who is sponsoring all that.
don't mind them they are just busy watching Big Brother Africa and have never even tried to get some money to support a worthy cause.
Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by biafranqueen: 10:41pm On Aug 21, 2013
Elxandre: I dont think its a big deal if they dont leave anything to their kids. The kids attend(ed) the best schools in the world, and they have access to excess funds to pursue their dreams.
I DONT believe them 100% though. Bill gates bought a mansion worth several million dollars for his 15 yr old daughter. Will this same man also leave his children with nothing? smh!!
Really they could not even get a cell phone until they were 13 stop spreading false hood he did not buy it for her to live by herself it had a great place for her to do her horse jumping thing and they all stay in it
They only have a couple of houses that is 10 less then your president . Even Nigerians I know have house in Lagos house in Village house abroad the same as Bill Gates but millions less money!

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Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by Nobody: 10:58pm On Aug 21, 2013
Those with poor parents are happily commenting
'Nice' 'good mindset' bla bla bla.
Those with rich parents are busy praying
"Dear God pls don't let my dad read this thread or any info concerning this Charity matter"
I'll just go to bed. I've no place here
Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by Sunglow: 11:04pm On Aug 21, 2013
A good father leaves an inheritance for his children,n generations yet unborn.
Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by yhemster(m): 11:04pm On Aug 21, 2013
In as much as i strongly believe in destiny, i also believe that hardwork,preparedness and makng good use of opportunities tears down the shackles of poverty hence i dont agree with your submission of anyone being destined to be rich just because he was born to rich parents. A man determined to be poor will die poor even if given all the gold in qatar.
P.S the God i serve sends opportunities down my path and doesnt hinge my success or otherwise on anybody and or anyone. "If only Your faith (not your father or mother's faith) was/is as small as a mustard seed, you would say to this mountain .........."

Am very happy you mentioned OPPORTUNITY, and an example on that is the riches man in African. Do you think Dangote will be as success as he is today if he never get the inheritance he received from his grandfather (Dantata). It always very sad when I see African think like a white man, for ur information we are not the same, we live in different part of the world with different problems. In the Western world, raising resources for business and investment is easier than it is in Africa. Leaving inheritance for the kids should not be done on the idea that they are entitled but it can be given as a gift to them to ease their future.

And for your information, Abraham gave all his wealth to his son Isaac.


Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by adetsim(m): 11:18pm On Aug 21, 2013
Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by Nobody: 11:23pm On Aug 21, 2013
ffo: no AFRICAN OR NIGERIAN in the list??
shocked shocked shocked shocked
no there isn't, probably cos we believe in dynastic wealth. Too bad..no values.
Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by victorv12(m): 12:04am On Aug 22, 2013
How many of our Nigerian billionaires are willing to give away their stolen loots? They rather steal for their unborn child so that they can continue with their family legacy of oppression.
Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by Lamasta(m): 12:09am On Aug 22, 2013
Don't compare Africans with these guys cos their kids are secured already whether inheritance or not by the government but Africans are not secured.

Entrepreneurs all have one trait in common which is not just making money and giving away but they are actually building VALUES.......

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Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by soledadd: 2:06am On Aug 22, 2013
ffo: no AFRICAN OR NIGERIAN in the list??
shocked shocked shocked shocked

I wonder.
Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by birdman(m): 2:26am On Aug 22, 2013

Am very happy you mentioned OPPORTUNITY, and an example on that is the riches man in African. Do you think Dangote will be as success as he is today if he never get the inheritance he received from his grandfather (Dantata). It always very sad when I see African think like a white man, for ur information we are not the same, we live in different part of the world with different problems. In the Western world, raising resources for business and investment is easier than it is in Africa. Leaving inheritance for the kids should not be done on the idea that they are entitled but it can be given as a gift to them to ease their future.

And for your information, Abraham gave all his wealth to his son Isaac.

People are misunderstanding these billionaires. These guys lavish their kids and extended families with cars, vacations etc all the time. They aren't cutting off their kids - just making sure they dont get so much money that they dont develop skills necessary to perpetuate wealth. You best believe Warren Buffet etc has hooked his family into all types of business deals that will probably last another 2 generations.


Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by johnaruson(m): 3:20am On Aug 22, 2013
How i wish i were them; I would have given my own wealth to power supply but not NEPA!
Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by bee444: 3:26am On Aug 22, 2013
k10: Something I notice, all these guys give a lot!

Not to Pentecostal or new generation Churches you know.... they give to charity organizations that takes care of the needy. That#s all we need as people.

When Nigerian Pastors preach about giving, they attribute it to church giving alone.


Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by zutu29: 4:14am On Aug 22, 2013
biafranqueen: don't mind them they are just busy watching Big Brother Africa and have never even tried to get some money to support a worthy cause.
rily babe u dey vex oo
Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by Pointnoire(m): 4:37am On Aug 22, 2013
steve_cantrell: Hmm..interesting, I just don't buy it though.
All of these people want to give their monies to 'charity' thru FOUNDATIONS. This is a brilliant way of keeping the taxman away from your wealth.

Their kids don't need to inherit any money, just put some of them on the board of trustees and its all over..

And that bull about wealth destroying ppl, ANDERSON COOPER, the CNN correspondent is a great grandson of VANDERBILT.. He's a trust fund kid worth over $100 MILLION.

That doesn't stop him from being a top ace, award-winning journalist.

These rich freaks should go tell it to the birds ! They enjoy lying to 'poor' people.
You nailed it there,this is just a clever way of dodging inheritance Tax :-) :-)

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Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by obibanks: 4:46am On Aug 22, 2013
Oya, WîД r those "rich people" haters we hav on nairaland?? Hav U̶̲̥̅̊ seen dat people do pledge †φ charity, small tin U̶̲̥̅̊ wiLl b talking abt hw people spend their wealth. Abeg make una(rich people haters) Ω̴̩̩̩̥o rich so dat U̶̲̥̅̊ can b trimming my Garden and singing vanity this, vanity that
Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by biafranqueen: 5:36am On Aug 22, 2013

Am very happy you mentioned OPPORTUNITY, and an example on that is the riches man in African. Do you think Dangote will be as success as he is today if he never get the inheritance he received from his grandfather (Dantata). It always very sad when I see African think like a white man, for ur information we are not the same, we live in different part of the world with different problems. In the Western world, raising resources for business and investment is easier than it is in Africa. Leaving inheritance for the kids should not be done on the idea that they are entitled but it can be given as a gift to them to ease their future.

And for your information, Abraham gave all his wealth to his son Isaac.
for your info his uncle loaned him $500,000 when he got back from school in Egypt you guys should look into the people story!
Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by biafranqueen: 5:37am On Aug 22, 2013

People are misunderstanding these billionaires. These guys lavish their kids and extended families with cars, vacations etc all the time. They aren't cutting off their kids - just making sure they dont get so much money that they dont develop skills necessary to perpetuate wealth. You best believe Warren Buffet etc has hooked his family into all types of business deals that will probably last another 2 generations.
Yes indeed!
Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by biafranqueen: 5:42am On Aug 22, 2013
lorretta u: Those with poor parents are happily commenting
'Nice' 'good mindset' bla bla bla.
Those with rich parents are busy praying
"Dear God pls don't let my dad read this thread or any info concerning this Charity matter"
I'll just go to bed. I've no place here
We are not talking about 1 factory or 1 million dollars that just feeds your family. We are talking about billions of dollars that feed thousands of families. Not your fathers house in the village and Lagos. Even with those small small inheritance see how brothers and sister will tear each others clothes and threaten each other life over a few acres of land.

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Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by Princek12(m): 5:43am On Aug 22, 2013
When I look at the list, all I can say is God Bless America!


Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by Nobody: 5:50am On Aug 22, 2013

You ''like these foreigners'' because you think like a slave, and anything ''these foreigners'' do or say is right in your slaveboy eyes.

If ''these foreigners'' had declared they will ALL leave money to their children, citing various reasons like financial security, business reasons etc, you would sing their praises all day, and commend their foresight, and if Nigerian tycoons had said they would never leave anything to their kids, you would attack the Nigerian tycoons for being greedy, selfish, planless etc.

(By the way, just because these rich people SAY they will leave nothing for their offspring does not mean you should believe them)


Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by biafranqueen: 5:58am On Aug 22, 2013
Don't mind him when my Grandfather died it scattered the whole family. You really know who is who when money and property is on the table.
Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by Nicholas1800(m): 6:45am On Aug 22, 2013
nerodenero: Most Africans are greedy!
not only greedy but thieves
Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by baffylander(m): 6:53am On Aug 22, 2013

Am very happy you mentioned OPPORTUNITY, and an example on that is the riches man in African. Do you think Dangote will be as success as he is today if he never get the inheritance he received from his grandfather (Dantata). It always very sad when I see African think like a white man, for ur information we are not the same, we live in different part of the world with different problems. In the Western world, raising resources for business and investment is easier than it is in Africa. Leaving inheritance for the kids should not be done on the idea that they are entitled but it can be given as a gift to them to ease their future.

And for your information, Abraham g
ave all his wealth to his son Isaac.
Try to crosscheck your facts. Dangote claimed he got a loan to start his business.
And dont try to be a smart a,s's by mentioning abraham. As common among people of old, children were brought into the family business at a very tender age and assumed so much responsibility in looking out for the family and its interest hence they mostly toed the family business line and were apprenticed under their father and when he fathers died, they carried on with thw business.
P.S Agbe oju logun o logun fi ra e se esin ni
Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by abdulahi001: 6:55am On Aug 22, 2013
king arizona: What bout ALIKO DANGOTE?!!undecidedundecidedundecided
Is he also giving most his money to CHARITY?
Just asking gringringrin

LAST BOMB: if all this billionaires and millionaires gives
this huge percentage of money to "CHARITY", then CHARITY
Is suppose to be the Richest person in the WORLD!!
Now my question is, "Who is this CHARITY"? grincheesy
The Gates and Melinda Foundation helps in fighting polio and other diseases across africa,you can google it. It goes a long way, it may not be visible 2 u but it is 2 d needy.
Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by jafsumar07: 7:04am On Aug 22, 2013
This guys re really down to earth, their wealth dnt cme btwn em nd dia principles. In as mch as dey wnt to give out, dey shldnt forget dia fmly nd kids, for it is better to leave ur family rich than to leave em poor aftr ur death. Thnk about it.
Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by novicali: 7:05am On Aug 22, 2013
The world will be a better place when we learn to think about the well-being of others. Thinking about self or being selfish is the worst enemy of humanity, because it makes one to be wicked, arrogant and less concerned about the feelings of others.
In any society where the rich and leaders think so much about other or citizens and how to better their lives, such society knows greater peace and stability. In any society where their leaders think only about themselves and their immediate families and may be close friends what you see in such a society is chaos, poverty, crimes of all kinds.
This is the main reason why Africa and so many countries that have such leaders are the way they are. Their leaders think only about themselves and how to amass wealth for their children, children and children childen to infinite. Their religious leaders are thinking about how to establish a religious center that will be bequeathed to their families as an inheritance.
But they forgot one thing that all humans lose everything they have at death; the only thing they will be remembered for is their character or say soul that will be judged at the end. Whether we like it or not the day of reckoning must sure come!

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