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Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids - Business (7) - Nairaland

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Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by biafranqueen: 12:14am On Aug 23, 2013
jp philips:

lol, it is this mindset that makes corruption dominant in our society, people don't know when it is enough. people are not contented,, when your wealth solves all your problems and you see yourself spending on frivolities then you know it is ok, and you are done.
your children though they came from your loins are strangers from no where, do you know any of your kids before they were born? do you know that being your kids does not erode their choices in life, trust me, it is only a poor man or a thief that advocates leaving money for his kids.

personally, i don't advocate throwing the money away either, i rather die without a will than send my fortunes to a church that is already wealthy, it doesn't make much sense, knowing what most churches do with such funds.
guess a man with 10 billion dollars wouldn't need the kingdom of heaven to open and splash out more blessings would he?

Most people here are already confusing giving to charity and giving to church, their only reason to give is because daddy Man of God has asked them to give, i know a lot of tithe payers who cannot give 200 naira to an officer standing under the sun, i know tithe payers who cant afford to feed destitutes or sponsor a less privileged relative through school.

FYI, bill and melisa foundation collect these pledges from wealthy individuals to eradicate polio in Africa.in their 2012 report they have nearly eradicated polio save for Northern parts of Africa who refused the drugs, 2013 they are planning to eradicate malaria, because of the new resistant malaria, a type of plasmodium resistant to artesunate, it kills children like wildfire, so they are back on it after their 1998 success.

Thursday immunization in our hospitals where they tell you that the Govt has paid, the govt did not actually pay the whole sum, bill gates did.
HIV and aids research, Cancer research, cholera eradication etc, they are the ones sponsoring those programmes,they are not giving to churches, matter of fact, your wealth is safer with your kids than some charge and bail church at the worst case scenario.

when you are giving to church, you are not giving to God, the thanksgiving that God recognizes is that child in Zimbabwe who had food to eat from your donation, unless you have proof that the church will use it for same, if you are giving to the church and ur pastor is using it to buy private jets, God is not aware of it no matter how they twist the bible.
I had to quote this whole thing because your making soooooo much sense!

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Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by biafranqueen: 12:17am On Aug 23, 2013
courage89: They all understand the meaning of the quote by Abigail Van Buren" if you want your children to turn out well, spend twice as much time with them, and half as much money"
Amen kiss
Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by biafranqueen: 12:21am On Aug 23, 2013
lorretta u: ok smiley
Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by biafranqueen: 12:25am On Aug 23, 2013
simpleseyi: Then Bible says that a wise man leaves inheritance for his children's children; that is why Olusegun Obasanjo is looting, his daughter Iyabo Obasanjo is also looting. GEJ is looting, Patience GEJ is looting and even GEJ's mother is looting and donating buildings whereas she has no work. Tinubu is looting, his wife is looting, also his daughter and son-inlaw. James Ibori looted, his wife looted, his mistress also looted. All because they want to leave inheritance for their children's children.

The Bible is talking about leaving God given wealth as inheritance and not stolen wealth. Can't they learn from these white men?
shocked shocked grin tell themoooo
Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by kolamilan(m): 10:10am On Aug 23, 2013
"I want to give my kids just enough so that they would feel that they could do anything, but not so much that they would feel like doing nothing." i love this.

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Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by paschalomenihu: 2:19pm On Aug 23, 2013
Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by anonymous6(f): 1:48pm On Aug 28, 2013

at this time and age NO, even if Africa and Nigeria and general will be more stable, I don't see africans doing that because Africans in general value property like wills, land and etc to the core, which is sort of understandable.
Re: Tycoons Who Won't Leave Their Fortunes To Their Kids by anonymous6(f): 12:13pm On Oct 31, 2013

good question, I don't think so

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