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She Is A Muslim And I Am Christain But We Want To Marry Each Other Please Advice - Romance - Nairaland

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She Is A Muslim And I Am Christain But We Want To Marry Each Other Please Advice by bobolekepee(m): 8:12am On Aug 31, 2013
There is this girl i loves so much and she loves me too, we are hoping to get married but the problem is this, she is a muslim and I am a christain but we love each other so much. I have alot of hope because her dad had converted to a Christian too even most of his children is also a christain but i'm confused... Naira Landers, please help...
Re: She Is A Muslim And I Am Christain But We Want To Marry Each Other Please Advice by Nobody: 8:13am On Aug 31, 2013
Hmmm,endtime tins
Re: She Is A Muslim And I Am Christain But We Want To Marry Each Other Please Advice by Afam4eva(m): 8:14am On Aug 31, 2013
Are you hoping that when you guys marry, she will convert to Christianity? It's better you guys define your relationship as it is now and not hope for something later. If you married her a muslim then don't hope that she will change. That might cause problems for the marraige.
Re: She Is A Muslim And I Am Christain But We Want To Marry Each Other Please Advice by bobolekepee(m): 8:30am On Aug 31, 2013
Afam4eva: Are you hoping that when you guys marry, she will convert to Christianity? It's better you guys define your relationship as it is now and not hope for something later. If you married her a muslim then don't hope that she will change. That might cause problems for the marraige.
I'm not hoping to change her and she is also ready to change if i wants to but i'm just confused what people may be saying most especially our families
Re: She Is A Muslim And I Am Christain But We Want To Marry Each Other Please Advice by bobolekepee(m): 8:31am On Aug 31, 2013
Pinopinoguy: Hmmm,endtime tins
Why is it end time things? undecided undecided undecided
Re: She Is A Muslim And I Am Christain But We Want To Marry Each Other Please Advice by Afam4eva(m): 8:33am On Aug 31, 2013
bobolekepee: I'm not hoping to change her and she is also ready to change if i wants to but i'm just confused what people may be saying most especially our families
If she wants to change let her change before marraige and also not because you are pressuring her to do so. It should be her choice and you also have to be ready to expect a reversal of her decision when she gets married. What i'm saying is that, what will happen if she converts now and after you guys get married, changes her mind. I hope there won't be any problems. These are variables that you have to put into consideration so that it won't cause problems in your marriage.
Re: She Is A Muslim And I Am Christain But We Want To Marry Each Other Please Advice by pomporiking: 8:47am On Aug 31, 2013
Nairaland Can't help you tongue
Re: She Is A Muslim And I Am Christain But We Want To Marry Each Other Please Advice by Iaz93: 8:56am On Aug 31, 2013
undecided undecided
Re: She Is A Muslim And I Am Christain But We Want To Marry Each Other Please Advice by Nobody: 9:13am On Aug 31, 2013
Honestly this is such a delicate issue that if you are still confused it just shows you have not fully accepted her as a person and all. Check yourself if you can accept her as she is. If not I don't see it working acceptance is so key. There should be no hidden agenda to convert her later in life.

You should also discuss how u want to raise your kids and all matters surrounding the religious differences. There is a good chance she will convert though because of her family background. There must be no force on yourside to convert her except by your exemplary behaviour.

I am concerned that what people will say matters so much to you. You are the man of your life if you truly believe this woman is the wife for you why are you bothered about what people will say.?

Search your heart and take it to God in prayer.You don't have to consult any priest just trust that God loves you and wnts the best for you and pray with all your heart.
Re: She Is A Muslim And I Am Christain But We Want To Marry Each Other Please Advice by Tuntheycr7: 10:42am On Aug 31, 2013
I concur wt Afam4eva plus wat are ur parents stand on this, are they in support or against? Lastly PRAY..... Dtz if u beliv in prayer.

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