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Can You Tell A Nigerian By Their Face? - Culture - Nairaland

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Can You Tell A Nigerian By Their Face? by OrumbaS89(f): 8:23am On Jun 15, 2008
My dad and I were talking about Naija and our people. I asked him if it's possible to tell where a black person is from based on their looks. He said yes. I then asked him if it's possible to decipher the tribe of a Nigerian based on their looks.

Landers, do u believe that is possible? If so, what are the obvious features of our people and what are the not-so-obvious ones?
Re: Can You Tell A Nigerian By Their Face? by OrumbaS89(f): 9:36am On Jun 15, 2008

Could you tell what tribe they are from?

Most people guess that I'm igbo because of my skin.

How would you tell other tribes?
Re: Can You Tell A Nigerian By Their Face? by Nobody: 10:20am On Jun 15, 2008
Re: Can You Tell A Nigerian By Their Face? by Ezinwannem: 1:37pm On Jun 15, 2008
I could tell, 80 percent of the time, am right
Re: Can You Tell A Nigerian By Their Face? by OrumbaS89(f): 9:17pm On Jun 15, 2008
Ok. So how does a Yoruba look?
What would a Nigerian wear?
Re: Can You Tell A Nigerian By Their Face? by bigfather(m): 10:33pm On Jun 15, 2008

Ok. So how does a Yoruba look?
What would a Nigerian wear?

Oya make una answer am naa ? undecided
Re: Can You Tell A Nigerian By Their Face? by RedHotChic(f): 8:32am On Jun 16, 2008
Ok. So how does a Yoruba look?
What would a Nigerian wear?
Yorubas are usually dark complexioned, beautiful and in some cases have pronounced tribal marks which i detest anyway. Oyo people are not as dark as other yorubas relatively and my osun people are definitely the darkest. You can also determine them by the dress code especially among the older generation.

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Re: Can You Tell A Nigerian By Their Face? by OrumbaS89(f): 8:46am On Jun 16, 2008
How do Igbo usually look?
Re: Can You Tell A Nigerian By Their Face? by Ezinwannem: 9:34pm On Jun 16, 2008
Actually, Edo's have more tribal marks that Yorubas (ma Opinion), Yoruba's also have backside, hehhee,

As for the Igbos, they get to be identified with their light skin colour. That is to say, wheneva you tell someone you are Nigerian and you are fair, instantly, the persons would ask if you are IGBO, Also, they tend to be tall and smil or average, hmm, what else?
Re: Can You Tell A Nigerian By Their Face? by OrumbaS89(f): 9:37pm On Jun 16, 2008
So that's why people guess me right away. See profile pic.

What about the Fulani and Hausa? How can you tell?
Re: Can You Tell A Nigerian By Their Face? by Ezinwannem: 9:55pm On Jun 16, 2008
hehe, I have seen it though da pix looks like what photoshop worked on, that is, not clear enough 2 see your actual complexion, Igbo's are often asked if they are from the Caribbean esp. St. Vincent, I get that alot even from Nigerians,  (look at ma profile) lipsrsealed

The Hausa/Fulani's complextion is so distinct. once you see them, u will know cuz of their silky long hair, fair but not yellow like fair, more like what is in your profile, pointed noise and slim
Re: Can You Tell A Nigerian By Their Face? by Nobody: 6:41pm On Jun 24, 2008
@ poster,

Ur picture looks cute, may I ask the reason behind the posturing of the picture that way.
Re: Can You Tell A Nigerian By Their Face? by deor03(m): 7:03pm On Jun 24, 2008
You  know an ibo by the shape of their head and pronounced feature, well built . especially the guys e.g http://jimbicentral.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/2007/06/04/nigerianborn_movie_star_zach_orji.jpg

Also, akwa ibom  are usually short, round faced, e.g http://www.internationalreports.net/africa/nigeria/akwa%20ibom%202005/images/victor_attah.jpg

Northerners are quite easy, usually skinny, e.g http://www.unesco.org/delegates/nigeria/YaraduaAtUnitedNations.jpg

Yoruba ladies have usually loaded and beautiful e.g  https://www.nairaland.com/nigeria?action=profile;u=92853

Ibo girls are usually light skinned, of have gap tooth , beautiful e.g https://www.nairaland.com/nigeria?action=profile;u=81427

There are exeptions to this though, i personally fall into the category.    My tribal origin is not easy to know, because i don't have the usual features of my tribe
Re: Can You Tell A Nigerian By Their Face? by TheSly: 7:14pm On Jun 24, 2008

You know an ibo by the shape of their head and pronounced feature, well built . especially the guys e.g http://jimbicentral.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/2007/06/04/nigerianborn_movie_star_zach_orji.jpg

Also, akwa ibom are usually short, round faced, e.g http://www.internationalreports.net/africa/nigeria/akwa%20ibom%202005/images/victor_attah.jpg

Northerners are quite easy, usually skinny, e.g http://www.unesco.org/delegates/nigeria/YaraduaAtUnitedNations.jpg

Yoruba ladies have usually loaded and beautiful e.g https://www.nairaland.com/nigeria?action=profile;u=92853

Ibo girls are usually light skinned, of have gap tooth , beautiful e.g https://www.nairaland.com/nigeria?action=profile;u=81427

There are exeptions to this though, i personally fall into the category. My tribal origin is not easy to know, because i don't have the usual features of my tribe

Nice examples!!!!! grin grin grin grin grin grin

Can You Tell A Nigerian By Their Face?
When i tell people about where i'm from. . .They find it VERY HARD to believe.
So thats to tell you that you can't easily decipher where one originated from by his/her face, you can only conjecture.
Re: Can You Tell A Nigerian By Their Face? by Hero(m): 9:10pm On Jun 24, 2008
cheesy Now on the many occasions that I've brought up this topic in regard to how I could decifer trabal differences amongst Nigerian I was called all kinds of names and my words were claimed as being not credible despite having given many examples. Now that one your fellow Nigerians says the same exact thing all of you jump on the band waggon and start agreeing. I find this very comical. Anyway, carry on Lads. cheesy
Re: Can You Tell A Nigerian By Their Face? by dreeldee: 12:46am On Jun 25, 2008
i could tell an ibo person especially the males from the shape of their head smiley
Re: Can You Tell A Nigerian By Their Face? by OrumbaS89(f): 2:31am On Jun 25, 2008
@ E

No reason. Just felt like it.
Re: Can You Tell A Nigerian By Their Face? by iice(f): 7:07pm On Jun 25, 2008
Sometimes yes.
Re: Can You Tell A Nigerian By Their Face? by EXPONENT(m): 7:26pm On Jun 25, 2008

I can ONLY tell that you are from Africa.


There are some ugly aZZ yourba's[sic] in Amerikka - and you can tell those big headed nigerians a mile away.


Re: Can You Tell A Nigerian By Their Face? by dreeldee: 7:39pm On Jun 25, 2008


I can ONLY tell that you are from Africa.


There are some ugly aZZ yourba's[sic] in Amerikka - and you can tell those big headed nigerians a mile away.

grin grin grin grin grin grin i guess you must be Ibo grin grin grin grin grin grin grin
Re: Can You Tell A Nigerian By Their Face? by Hero(m): 8:39pm On Jun 25, 2008


I can ONLY tell that you are from Africa.


There are some ugly aZZ yourba's[sic] in Amerikka - and you can tell those big headed nigerians a mile away.

cheesy Funny, but question? Weren't you the the same dude that was on me about how I, supposedly, speak negatively about the Yoruba? undecided Did you have a change of heart?

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Re: Can You Tell A Nigerian By Their Face? by Hero(m): 8:41pm On Jun 25, 2008

grin grin grin grin grin grin i guess you must be Ibo grin grin grin grin grin grin grin

He just might be. He is an African-American after all, and the majority of us are of significant Igbo descent if not fully so for many.
Re: Can You Tell A Nigerian By Their Face? by lazy(m): 12:34am On Jun 26, 2008

He just might be. He is an African-American after all, and the majority of us are of significant Igbo descent if not fully so for many.

Do we have to go through this again <shaking my head> LOL!
Re: Can You Tell A Nigerian By Their Face? by Ndipe(m): 12:45am On Jun 26, 2008
Somehow, you can tell. Not that I am right all the time though.
Re: Can You Tell A Nigerian By Their Face? by Hero(m): 12:45am On Jun 26, 2008

Do we have to go through this again <shaking my head> LOL!

Are you going to deny it again, and if so--- do you have proof to back yourself up this time? undecided
Re: Can You Tell A Nigerian By Their Face? by lazy(m): 12:50am On Jun 26, 2008

Are you going to deny it again, and if so--- do you have proof to back yourself up this time? undecided

Everytime I provide proof, you provide pictures (too many) and then you leave the conversation. grin
Re: Can You Tell A Nigerian By Their Face? by Hero(m): 12:57am On Jun 26, 2008

Everytime I provide proof, you provide pictures (too many) and then you leave the conversation. grin

Lies, all lies. cheesy I've provided plenty of documented proof in which you and other always claim as being "not from a credible enough source" for your liking. Well I can't help you there. Either you believe the information I post up or you don't. That's all to it. You complain about my pictures; yet don't you acknowledge the well known understanding of that a picture speak a thousand words? Well I've posted up many comparison pictures and thus in turn have possibly spoken whole trilogies worth of document proof in doing so.
Re: Can You Tell A Nigerian By Their Face? by lazy(m): 1:24am On Jun 26, 2008

Lies, all lies. cheesy I've provided plenty of documented proof in which you and other always claim as being "not from a credible enough source" for your liking. Well I can't help you there. Either you believe the information I post up or you don't. That's all to it. You complain about my pictures; yet don't you acknowledge the well known understanding of that a picture speak a thousand words? Well I've posted up many comparison pictures and thus in turn have possibly spoken whole trilogies worth of document proof in doing so.

I have posted documentation as well and there are some facts that you seem to sometimes look past. The numbers of [b]documented [/b]Africans from that group brought to the States doesn't match your theories. I have shown you the numbers from credible sources and it is impossible for your theory to be true. I just wish you would recognize that because it doesn't matter how many pictures you throw up because that is not a scientific representation of all AA's. smiley
Re: Can You Tell A Nigerian By Their Face? by shuppie(f): 3:29pm On Jul 03, 2008

i could tell an ibo person especially the males from the shape of their head smiley

what about it, can u elaborate, grin grin grin grin
Re: Can You Tell A Nigerian By Their Face? by dreeldee: 8:10pm On Jul 03, 2008

what about it, can u elaborate, grin grin grin grin

you want make my ibo bros vex for me abi tongue not well molded? what? i don't know o lipsrsealed lipsrsealed lipsrsealed
Re: Can You Tell A Nigerian By Their Face? by shuppie(f): 8:17pm On Jul 03, 2008

you want make my ibo bros vex for me abi tongue not well molded? what? i don't know o lipsrsealed lipsrsealed lipsrsealed

ohMG, i no fit laugh,
Re: Can You Tell A Nigerian By Their Face? by Nobody: 3:03pm On Jul 04, 2008
@ Orumba South,

I hope u don't read from bottom to the top.

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