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Abortion: Murder Or A Means Of Birth Control? - Family - Nairaland

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Abortion: Murder Or A Means Of Birth Control? by adegeorge(m): 8:54am On Sep 16, 2013
Not long ago, President Goodluck Jonathan said there is a law under way to cut down the number of children Nigerian will give birth to. According to the President, the legislation is intended to regulate the nation’s ever increasing population. Incredible, isn’t it?


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Re: Abortion: Murder Or A Means Of Birth Control? by Nobody: 9:27am On Sep 16, 2013
Maybe wen they start getin married †̥o the children being born,,,dt way †ђξ population wud βε regulated..


Abortion is murder..

Abstain or use protection..

Dia r oda means of birth control..Visit †ђξ Family planning Unit in a hospital/health center..


Re: Abortion: Murder Or A Means Of Birth Control? by DRealGeesam(m): 9:43am On Sep 16, 2013
Titiluvly: Maybe wen they start getin married †̥o the children being born,,,dt way †ђξ population wud βε regulated..


Abortion is murder..

Abstain or use protection..

Dia r oda means of birth control..Visit †ђξ Family planning Unit in a hospital/health center..
you are ABSOLUTELY right. Abortion is murder, lets stop trying to justify it.
I say this with all honesty..

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Re: Abortion: Murder Or A Means Of Birth Control? by Kanwulia: 10:23am On Sep 16, 2013
Both! kiss

There are ELECTIVE ABORTIONS aka D&Cs aka ACT OF MAN/WOMAN!!!! kiss


Yup!!! We can't justify both! grin

In his own image and likeness! God kills. . . so do humans and animals! kiss

Jesus was killed by PROPHESY aka GOD!!!!

I love RELIGIOUS HIPPOS and PIPPOS!!!! cheesy

Much ado about a PHOCKING blob of 'unwanted blood clots'!!! kiss



Re: Abortion: Murder Or A Means Of Birth Control? by ifyalways(f): 9:27pm On Sep 17, 2013
Abortion is a means of birth control,IMO. If "its" unwanted,unloved and unplanned for,let it go.


Re: Abortion: Murder Or A Means Of Birth Control? by Nobody: 1:33pm On Sep 18, 2013
ifyalways: Abortion is a means of birth control,IMO. If "its" unwanted,unloved and unplanned for,let it go.

I quite agree, there are some pregnancies that need to be terminated cos they pose a threat to th mothers life and they need to be removed.
Also , the case of a mother with a sickle celled carrier baby can be taken care of using abortion to prevent bringing that kind of fate on the child.

Either way, I agree its a birth control method


Re: Abortion: Murder Or A Means Of Birth Control? by Rhythm(f): 1:52pm On Sep 18, 2013
Dear Mr. President, the first way to control the population of the country is admitting the real number of Nigerians in the next population census, whenever that is. Not when every tribe is trying to double and triple their real number.

Secondly, legalising abortion wouldn't control population. People already abort as much as they want to. They just use quack doctors now, meaning many of them even die in the process, meaning the population is even more controlled now than when you legalize abortion cheesy


Re: Abortion: Murder Or A Means Of Birth Control? by Big4wig(m): 12:16pm On Sep 20, 2013
na murder naa.just imagine if u reading dis on Nairaland WAS aborted...weren"t u MURDERED




Re: Abortion: Murder Or A Means Of Birth Control? by collynzo2(m): 12:17pm On Sep 20, 2013
Re: Abortion: Murder Or A Means Of Birth Control? by manny4life(m): 12:18pm On Sep 20, 2013
Abortion is MURDER ... PERIOD.

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Re: Abortion: Murder Or A Means Of Birth Control? by trolling(m): 12:19pm On Sep 20, 2013
Thou shall not kill
Re: Abortion: Murder Or A Means Of Birth Control? by alaoeri: 12:19pm On Sep 20, 2013
Abortion is murder unless the pregnancy 'll have a side effect medically or healthwisely on the bearer that's only reason its should be allow.
Re: Abortion: Murder Or A Means Of Birth Control? by Nobody: 12:19pm On Sep 20, 2013
Abortion is a sin depending on the Intent. If two married people didn't plan for it and it happened or if it poses a risk for the mother then it is ok. It is not ok for a single unrepentant and slutty young lady to use abortion as an easy way out, it is a sin. Fornication is already a sin, to add Murder to it is another sin, but if a young lady gets pregant out of wedlock, she should keep the pregnancy unless it puts her at risk.
Re: Abortion: Murder Or A Means Of Birth Control? by princeonx: 12:20pm On Sep 20, 2013
It's not murder! Na fada!


Re: Abortion: Murder Or A Means Of Birth Control? by AbuMikey(m): 12:20pm On Sep 20, 2013
List of abortion pills pls!! sadsadsadsad
Re: Abortion: Murder Or A Means Of Birth Control? by Nobody: 12:20pm On Sep 20, 2013
Birth control.

Ifyalways, Kudos to you for the objective comment.

A lot of people term it murder because they have never been pregnant and faced with a difficult situation. A pregnant teen that faces the risk of VVF shouldn't be allowed to carry the pregnancy to term. A baby that won't know love or parental care shouldn't be brought into the world. Better before it arrives than giving it acid or snuffing it out with a pillow. Again, too many people attach religious sentiments.

The earlier we realize that the world has evolved, the better.


Re: Abortion: Murder Or A Means Of Birth Control? by Kairoseki77: 12:21pm On Sep 20, 2013
Is maturbation murder?

What about condoms?

Is a woman murdering a potential life every time she menstruates?

Even when you have unprotected sex, millions of sperms die, is that mass murder?


Re: Abortion: Murder Or A Means Of Birth Control? by striker9(m): 12:21pm On Sep 20, 2013
Re: Abortion: Murder Or A Means Of Birth Control? by androidFather: 12:21pm On Sep 20, 2013
Ronaldinho Spends £36,000 (N9.3million) On Surgery To Correct His Dentition
Legendary Brazilian footballer Ronaldinho said goodbye to his trademark buck-toothed smile sometime last month, as he underwent surgery to correct his dentition.
The 33-year-old, who currently plies his Samba skills for Atletico Mineiro, can be seen having his teeth corrected at an orthodontic clinic in Brazil.

see pictures during surgery

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Re: Abortion: Murder Or A Means Of Birth Control? by UyiIredia(m): 12:22pm On Sep 20, 2013
I follow the sentiments here. Abortion is murder since I hold a human life to begin at conception. Never mind how some scientists tap-dance round the whole matter.

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Re: Abortion: Murder Or A Means Of Birth Control? by MAYOWAAK: 12:22pm On Sep 20, 2013
he misconceptions around abortion need deconstruction. First is that women who seek abortion are promiscuous. Aside the subjectivity of the term “promiscuous,” studies show many married women seek abortion, too. Second is that children are generally a blessing. Well, not in all cases especially if we go by Nigeria’s 52,000 annual incidence of maternal mortality. Third, all children come from God and deserve to be born. Not at all children are a biological reaction; God does not make them, regardless of what miracle preachers say. Children are born because people have sex. And to those who make the banal argument of if-your-parents-did-not-give-birth-to-you-would-you-be-here, I ask in return, “Since your birth, what good have you done the planet?”

One thing conservatives should note is this: most women would rather avoid abortion altogether. I once attended a conference where a doctor who runs an abortion clinic read from the logbook her patrons filled after the process. It was agonising to listen. The women, one could tell, suffered guilty consciences. If the conservatives add to this the economics of abortion, they will get a picture of what the decision is really like for women who have to procure it. Others who trump up the argument of infanticide need to understand that matters of sex have many grey areas and there cannot be an umbrella definition of virtue to cover everyone sufficiently.

Issues around abortion are tense everywhere, even in the so-called liberal societies. Nevertheless, countries legalise the practice for pragmatic purposes as women who want an abortion will procure it regardless of risk to their health and, even, life. For all it’s worth, such women deserve support, legal and social.

Abortion legalisation does not mean women would start trooping to hospitals through the front door. Abortion is hugely stigmatising in many societies and the impact of this law will only be marginal for a while. The poor and working-class women will most likely continue patronising quacks. It will take time before society fully reconciles itself to certain realities.

Those who use religious precepts to counter arguments on abortion should understand that not all women are religious; some of us don’t want our choices decided by the injunctions in someone else’s religion. I am a non-theist; there is no rationale why my choices should be regulated by Roman Catholic principles. There are even multiple studies that show that on issues like contraceptives, Catholics are already ahead of the Vatican dictates, so why not let us be realistic?

The culturalist position on the issue is not more tenable either. Culture is not immutable; otherwise Nigerians would still be killing twins. And let’s not get started on the myth of superior African values. Cultural values are relative and Africans have no more mores that trump other places in the world where abortion is legalised. That we are more pretentious or too coy to deal with certain subjects is not superiority.

Let’s note: Abortion is never compulsory, either for the doctor or the woman involved. It is an alternative for those who exhaust their options. Nobody should therefore use their influence on political institutions to impose their position on everyone (otherwise, why resist Boko Haram?) That Imo State is Catholic-dominated does not make it a religious state. Okorocha should allow this law as a test of strength and virtues of those who preach love and tolerance on Sunday but live otherwise during the week.

Finally, I want to preempt those who will ask if I have any value for life at all. The answer is yes, I do. But I am also a realist so like Bill Clinton, I believe abortion should be safe, legal and rare. What our conservatives should debate is “rare,” not total suppression. It is delusional to assume people will always want every child when we know that mistakes do happen; people miscalculate. Nature itself is inconsistent and so folks find themselves with children they do not want.

When that happens, every woman should be left to consult her conscience and arrive at her own decision. Not everyone woman will choose an abortion anyway. The Igbo have a saying, “Egbe belu, ugo belu.” It roughly translates as live and let live. I read that in Chinua Achebe’s book.



Re: Abortion: Murder Or A Means Of Birth Control? by MAYOWAAK: 12:22pm On Sep 20, 2013
The misconceptions around abortion need deconstruction. First is that women who seek abortion are promiscuous. Aside the subjectivity of the term “promiscuous,” studies show many married women seek abortion, too. Second is that children are generally a blessing. Well, not in all cases especially if we go by Nigeria’s 52,000 annual incidence of maternal mortality. Third, all children come from God and deserve to be born. Not at all children are a biological reaction; God does not make them, regardless of what miracle preachers say. Children are born because people have sex. And to those who make the banal argument of if-your-parents-did-not-give-birth-to-you-would-you-be-here, I ask in return, “Since your birth, what good have you done the planet?”

One thing conservatives should note is this: most women would rather avoid abortion altogether. I once attended a conference where a doctor who runs an abortion clinic read from the logbook her patrons filled after the process. It was agonising to listen. The women, one could tell, suffered guilty consciences. If the conservatives add to this the economics of abortion, they will get a picture of what the decision is really like for women who have to procure it. Others who trump up the argument of infanticide need to understand that matters of sex have many grey areas and there cannot be an umbrella definition of virtue to cover everyone sufficiently.

Issues around abortion are tense everywhere, even in the so-called liberal societies. Nevertheless, countries legalise the practice for pragmatic purposes as women who want an abortion will procure it regardless of risk to their health and, even, life. For all it’s worth, such women deserve support, legal and social.

Abortion legalisation does not mean women would start trooping to hospitals through the front door. Abortion is hugely stigmatising in many societies and the impact of this law will only be marginal for a while. The poor and working-class women will most likely continue patronising quacks. It will take time before society fully reconciles itself to certain realities.

Those who use religious precepts to counter arguments on abortion should understand that not all women are religious; some of us don’t want our choices decided by the injunctions in someone else’s religion. I am a non-theist; there is no rationale why my choices should be regulated by Roman Catholic principles. There are even multiple studies that show that on issues like contraceptives, Catholics are already ahead of the Vatican dictates, so why not let us be realistic?

The culturalist position on the issue is not more tenable either. Culture is not immutable; otherwise Nigerians would still be killing twins. And let’s not get started on the myth of superior African values. Cultural values are relative and Africans have no more mores that trump other places in the world where abortion is legalised. That we are more pretentious or too coy to deal with certain subjects is not superiority.

Let’s note: Abortion is never compulsory, either for the doctor or the woman involved. It is an alternative for those who exhaust their options. Nobody should therefore use their influence on political institutions to impose their position on everyone (otherwise, why resist Boko Haram?) That Imo State is Catholic-dominated does not make it a religious state. Okorocha should allow this law as a test of strength and virtues of those who preach love and tolerance on Sunday but live otherwise during the week.

Finally, I want to preempt those who will ask if I have any value for life at all. The answer is yes, I do. But I am also a realist so like Bill Clinton, I believe abortion should be safe, legal and rare. What our conservatives should debate is “rare,” not total suppression. It is delusional to assume people will always want every child when we know that mistakes do happen; people miscalculate. Nature itself is inconsistent and so folks find themselves with children they do not want.

When that happens, every woman should be left to consult her conscience and arrive at her own decision. Not everyone woman will choose an abortion anyway. The Igbo have a saying, “Egbe belu, ugo belu.” It roughly translates as live and let live. I read that in Chinua Achebe’s book.

Re: Abortion: Murder Or A Means Of Birth Control? by BavarianLad: 12:24pm On Sep 20, 2013
Abortion is not murder.
If abortion is murder, who got murdered?
How could a termination of a developing foetus be a murder?
I may be a woman and decides what to do with my unborn embryo as long as it hasn't seen the face of earth.

If abortion means murder to you stick to your opinion and don't ever abort no matter the circumstances.
To me, abortion is not murder and I'm not forcing my opinion on anybody.


Re: Abortion: Murder Or A Means Of Birth Control? by princeonx: 12:24pm On Sep 20, 2013
kennygee: Abortion is a sin depending on the Intent. If two married people didn't plan for it and it happened or if it poses a risk for the mother then it is ok. It is not ok for a single unrepentant and slutty young lady to use abortion as an easy way out, it is a sin. Fornication is already a sin, to add Murder to it is another sin, but if a young lady gets pregant out of wedlock, she should keep the pregnancy unless it puts her at risk.
If two married people didn't plan for it and it happen then its Ok for Abortion? I fear you oh!

Re: Abortion: Murder Or A Means Of Birth Control? by alienware(m): 12:25pm On Sep 20, 2013
Whoever wants to kill a child and live is selfish . To me abortion is selfish.
Re: Abortion: Murder Or A Means Of Birth Control? by 25Calibre(m): 12:25pm On Sep 20, 2013
I think Nigeria needs a sterilisation project or better still, adopt China's one child policy, with heavy punishment for defaulters.

Abortion isn't the way, sterilisation is.
Re: Abortion: Murder Or A Means Of Birth Control? by emperorchedda(m): 12:26pm On Sep 20, 2013
Its purely birth control! Religious bigots can scream all dy want

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Re: Abortion: Murder Or A Means Of Birth Control? by moscobabs(m): 12:26pm On Sep 20, 2013
This is the type of topic we expect on frontpage...not all irritating and funny topics
Re: Abortion: Murder Or A Means Of Birth Control? by Kairoseki77: 12:27pm On Sep 20, 2013
Uyi Iredia: I follow the sentiments here. Abortion is murder since I hold a human life to begin at conception. Never mind how some scientists tap-dance round the whole matter.

Type "abortion bible" into Google and you will see that the bible says nothing against abortion. The bible is filled with God putting pregnant women to death, with prophets (like Moses) making it legal to kill pregnant women, and the biblical census in Israel only counted people over one month of age.

A holy man (Judah) even ordered a woman that HE impregnated to be burnt to death in accordance with God's laws. So, if we are to go by the bible, not only is killing a fetus ok, but murdering the pregnant women carrying the fetus is ok as well (under certain circumstances).


Exodus 21:22-25 describes a case where a pregnant woman jumps into a fight between her husband and another man and suffers injuries that cause her to miscarry. Injuries to the woman prompt the normal penalties for harming another human being: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life. Killing the woman is murder, a capital crime.

The miscarriage is treated differently, however -- as property loss, not murder. The assailant must pay a fine to the husband. The law of a life for a life does not apply. The fetus is important, but it's not human life in the same way the pregnant woman is.


Re: Abortion: Murder Or A Means Of Birth Control? by alienware(m): 12:27pm On Sep 20, 2013
Big4wig: na murder naa.just imagine if u reading dis on Nairaland WAS aborted...weren"t u MURDERED


see ur black face. Wetin u dey look.
Re: Abortion: Murder Or A Means Of Birth Control? by Nobody: 12:28pm On Sep 20, 2013
ifyalways: Abortion is a means of birth control,IMO. If "its" unwanted,unloved and unplanned for,let it go.

You destroy a life because you think is unwanted. Will it be justified to kill you because you are considered unwanted? You are just as innocent as bokoharam

Such thinking as yours is the foundation of eugenics, the origin of racism ( which of course many do not know that it defines that some people are more human than the others....superior races and inferior ones) and the basis of the second world war.

Watch this video and answer if abortion is still birth control

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