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University Of Ilorin (graduate& Undergraduate)chat Room - Education (2) - Nairaland

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Lecturer Collects Undergraduate's Slippers In UNILORIN (image) / University Of Ibadan Student (graduate/undergraduate)Chat Room / LASPOTECH CHAT ROOM (2) (3) (4)

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Re: University Of Ilorin (graduate& Undergraduate)chat Room by adedam23(m): 1:41pm On Oct 11, 2013
Tz gewd 2 b hia....api resumptn 2 all fresherz....i'll kontinue reppin agr. Nd bio. Engr...luv y'all
Re: University Of Ilorin (graduate& Undergraduate)chat Room by Conceptz(m): 1:50pm On Oct 11, 2013
adbaba: Its great to b a unilorite.studying in unilorin could so difficult and culd b easy.it depends on hw u want it.

Am a 300 lvl std of physics.i must say it was hell during my 100lvl days till i discovrd myself.then when i just got my admisn.i was told a lot of bullsh.t abt my dept.i swollowed all hook,line and sinker.it really affected me.til i started believin otherwise.then changes came.

2 d newly admited students dnt let d admsn get into ur head.START NOW!. NEVA compare urself wit anybody.take every course offered/moved whatever as a good omen and love it.treat dat course like a new born baby that needs attentn.follow ur instinct.B wit dose wit positive mentality.prioritize ur time.have a gud stalite as a friend and confidant....it goes on and on...THE MOST IMPORTANT IS 'PUT GOD 1ST'.

2 my fellow stalites i hail o.to the alumus iba yin o.BBF nooni.
Really Im Tayo, same sch, same level, same dept
Re: University Of Ilorin (graduate& Undergraduate)chat Room by behkadame: 1:54pm On Oct 11, 2013
Guess I got to Mini as U wr abt leavn, got 2 knw doz places ... Caught a lil fun too. Lass,ABSS shed,SUG Building etc. All d funfair n d Kengites l8r moved to AgboOba. Tho as Med Students,fun wz a lil limited as U ad 2 b in lecture rum early d nxtday... All in All,I'm proud to say I'm apt in Learning n Character.
For the Medicus Dignitas set(Medical graduands '13 set),U guys rock!!!
Re: University Of Ilorin (graduate& Undergraduate)chat Room by adesewa4uyahoo(f): 1:55pm On Oct 11, 2013
I read law 2013.......graduate.....
Re: University Of Ilorin (graduate& Undergraduate)chat Room by rashfat(m): 1:56pm On Oct 11, 2013
National Association Of Edo State Students welcomes both freshers and stalelites back on campus. For more enquiries call; 08162723798 or 07033500571.
Re: University Of Ilorin (graduate& Undergraduate)chat Room by rhythyson: 2:05pm On Oct 11, 2013
Hey guys this is a very laudable move.

When next we are having our ALUMNAI meeting I will publish the date and time here. if you are in Lagos you are freeeeee to attend it does not matter if your still in school or not...

The venue is always behind Mary Land shopping Complex Mary Land. grin
Re: University Of Ilorin (graduate& Undergraduate)chat Room by aremuowo(m): 2:09pm On Oct 11, 2013
Greatest unilorites! Proudly Zoology student of 300L.
My advice to all freshers is to make use of best golden opportunity of being a fresher to build there academic status by working hard, and they should not be determine of ''crossing-GP" but aiming higher to achieve as been a first-class student because the higher you go the tougher it is, so it is better you lay a good foundation @ your 100L and don't be carried away with frivolous things, attend all lectures and even tutorial if time permit and you will find your self @ the higher level.
Once again, congratulation to all fresher and happy resumption to all returning student.
Re: University Of Ilorin (graduate& Undergraduate)chat Room by Denn(m): 2:10pm On Oct 11, 2013
rhythyson: Hey guys this is a very laudable move.

When next we are having our ALUMNAI meeting I will publish the date and time here. if you are in Lagos you are freeeeee to attend it does not matter if your still in school or not...

The venue is always behind Mary Land shopping Complex Mary Land. grin

Please let us know when the next Lagos alumni will hold.

All my set currently on a BlackBerry group will be eager to participate.

Hope you guys still do aro (just joking)

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Re: University Of Ilorin (graduate& Undergraduate)chat Room by funkyjms: 2:11pm On Oct 11, 2013
donroxy: Ahaha All your reffered Mr. Are now Doctor(Ph.d) ...... And as for Mrs (U mean Dr. Osemene wink ) ... She is still Beautiful, dark and shine and now a Doc, with ACCA .....!!!

That Osemene woman na one in town...will always be on ma radar!! Ama go back to hunt her...
Re: University Of Ilorin (graduate& Undergraduate)chat Room by santakris(m): 2:18pm On Oct 11, 2013
Denn: Unilorin...those days in Mini Campus

African Hall, LR, IOT, H block, F Block, PG Block, ABSS building, Zion.

i remember the gym vividly and all the extra-night affairs on the porch. those cuddling and smooching whilst people prayed on Zion less than 10 metres away.

I remember the day DMX was gunned down too in front of the gate....horrid!

girl hostels runs....

days of NITEL Call cards...phone booths near SUB building. Oh SUB Building and the bread and egg 'burgers'.

the days when our DSTV was tuned to CNN and MM action and less of football... you had to be a top exco to hold the remote

Mr Ajayi of Political Science, your plans to make us failures did not work. You gave hundreds of students F in your useless POS111. Mr Badmus of blessed memory, your chocolate coloured mercedes v booth that is always parked at the beer parlour at Unilorin mini campus junction brings faint memories.

Mr Ijaiya, Mr Olaniyi, Dr Taiwo, Mrs (i have forgotten the name of this fine chic lecturer in accounting...my classmate, victor failed her course because he was always drooling at her well set hips and bosoms)

All thanks to the departmental associations and the intense politicking. this taught me a lot on strategy and schematics....election influencing techniques that PDP will cower to learn about....yes elections were 'influenced' and it was done for a long long time... smiley

the days of rivalry between UME and Direct entry...

the days of intense aluta and ambulance burning. Police tear gas and rubber bullets. ...shagaya et al. how shagaya survived and others, including final year medical students got expelled will always remain a mystery.

the days of cybercafes and all night browsing. fortunate restaurant jollof rice. ( i discovered that those ladies at forunate restaurant will sell the same quantity no matter the price you call, so i ask for 60 naira rice and still get same quantity as you ordering 100 naira rice).

Great June 12. bread and beans i hail thee.!!!

zobo united in all ramifications.

i remember our old but functional library. i had great skill at toasting girls in the library....of course not by talking....i write short notes and pass it accross to them. i was good at scribbling poems on-the-go and would quickly compose heart-melting word-soups and pass same to the innocent lady...a smile is all i need and soon her name and hostel number pops up....the rest becomes history. sometimes however, i get a scorn that can send you on exile to soweto. those girls can form upon nothing!

the igi-iwes of the century...those book 'jackers' that can read till even the author slumps from over-repitition. the young lecturers that prefer to rush us through volumes of course materials...they get some of us more confused than composed. thanks to those extra tutorials...some people would have crashed out with less than 1 point CGPA.

sorry for the ramblings....i just missed my school days ni and passed well despite my 'flows'

Feel you. Do you also remember FAPP..
Re: University Of Ilorin (graduate& Undergraduate)chat Room by Dygeasy(m): 2:22pm On Oct 11, 2013
Re: University Of Ilorin (graduate& Undergraduate)chat Room by OutLoud(m): 2:25pm On Oct 11, 2013

In love peace and harmony, we shall build our tower.
Unilorin, hear tha clarion call. In unity we grow.
Committed to the seat of our learning, our heart from vanity. Standing, firm in wisdom. In knowledge and in truth we honour your virtue. Unilorin. You stand in strength and pride.

Learning, winning, building, praying, showing the way to the ones who yearn.
Making a future for the ones who follow rising high.
We must never turn. Ilorin, unilorin.
Your tourch has guided us upward and onward.
Ilorin, Unilorin. Our alma mata we sing.

Performing Arts.....class of '10.......Proudly Better By Far.

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Re: University Of Ilorin (graduate& Undergraduate)chat Room by superbloke(m): 2:35pm On Oct 11, 2013
Better by far...Good ol' days *reminiscing*
Re: University Of Ilorin (graduate& Undergraduate)chat Room by collozzuz: 2:36pm On Oct 11, 2013
SEYI_KP: Due to the new initiative that i saw on this forum i thought this avenue should also be available for the "betterer by far" graduands and the strugglers, the alumnis should share with embryos, their secret of success doing their days in this great citadel. and the strugglers should also feel free to share thier experience note:this thread is meant for only UNILORIN undergraduates and gradutes only. PROBITAS DOCTRINA.
kolapo boss! I'm always proud of u... Strictly PROBITAS DOCTRINA Truly BETTER BY FAR
Re: University Of Ilorin (graduate& Undergraduate)chat Room by zeezcounit: 2:37pm On Oct 11, 2013
I represent Unilorin LIS Pioneer. 2012 set of library and information science department.
Re: University Of Ilorin (graduate& Undergraduate)chat Room by manmade(m): 2:39pm On Oct 11, 2013
Denn: Unilorin...those days in Mini Campus

African Hall, LR, IOT, H block, F Block, PG Block, ABSS building, Zion.

i remember the gym vividly and all the extra-night affairs on the porch. those cuddling and smooching whilst people prayed on Zion less than 10 metres away.

I remember the day DMX was gunned down too in front of the gate....horrid!

girl hostels runs....

days of NITEL Call cards...phone booths near SUB building. Oh SUB Building and the bread and egg 'burgers'.

the days when our DSTV was tuned to CNN and MM action and less of football... you had to be a top exco to hold the remote

Mr Ajayi of Political Science, your plans to make us failures did not work. You gave hundreds of students F in your useless POS111. Mr Badmus of blessed memory, your chocolate coloured mercedes v booth that is always parked at the beer parlour at Unilorin mini campus junction brings faint memories.

Mr Ijaiya, Mr Olaniyi, Dr Taiwo, Mrs (i have forgotten the name of this fine chic lecturer in accounting...my classmate, victor failed her course because he was always drooling at her well set hips and bosoms)

All thanks to the departmental associations and the intense politicking. this taught me a lot on strategy and schematics....election influencing techniques that PDP will cower to learn about....yes elections were 'influenced' and it was done for a long long time... smiley

the days of rivalry between UME and Direct entry...

the days of intense aluta and ambulance burning. Police tear gas and rubber bullets. ...shagaya et al. how shagaya survived and others, including final year medical students got expelled will always remain a mystery.

the days of cybercafes and all night browsing. fortunate restaurant jollof rice. ( i discovered that those ladies at forunate restaurant will sell the same quantity no matter the price you call, so i ask for 60 naira rice and still get same quantity as you ordering 100 naira rice).

Great June 12. bread and beans i hail thee.!!!

zobo united in all ramifications.

i remember our old but functional library. i had great skill at toasting girls in the library....of course not by talking....i write short notes and pass it accross to them. i was good at scribbling poems on-the-go and would quickly compose heart-melting word-soups and pass same to the innocent lady...a smile is all i need and soon her name and hostel number pops up....the rest becomes history. sometimes however, i get a scorn that can send you on exile to soweto. those girls can form upon nothing!

the igi-iwes of the century...those book 'jackers' that can read till even the author slumps from over-repitition. the young lecturers that prefer to rush us through volumes of course materials...they get some of us more confused than composed. thanks to those extra tutorials...some people would have crashed out with less than 1 point CGPA.

sorry for the ramblings....i just missed my school days ni and passed well despite my 'flows'

Hmmmm nice memories ,U should be between class 2001 to 2005 to know all these,mini campus in Agbo Oba is no longer what its used to be, change indeed is inevitable.Better by far my alma mata I hail thee.
Re: University Of Ilorin (graduate& Undergraduate)chat Room by enix2dmix: 2:40pm On Oct 11, 2013
reppn mech engrn 300level peps.... omo na to resume with A and B (burger) 4 blok 8.... #BBF nooni
Re: University Of Ilorin (graduate& Undergraduate)chat Room by bigcil: 2:42pm On Oct 11, 2013
Hello everyone ,
i know what i have to say isn't in lieu with the topic but, i have to just enlighten you.
some of you guys students and one time or the other you get broke. Now this isn't a get-rich-quick-scheme. As long as you have a phone that can browse you are go to go.
there is a website called
now what's done in the website is to cycle money within its members. Please I am not the owner, just a facilitator.
How does it work
just sign up with the above link
when that is done, you will be given your own url, which you will use to bring two people. Now when you sign up the website will tell who to pay to, and that person can be anybody not me per say. But the thing is the person is in Nigeria and je would have a bank account so should you too.
like i was saying as soon as you register you're to pay the person you are directed to pay #4000.00, once you pay the person, call him/her to confirm payment and activate you. When that's done you just need to bring in two people, theses two wont pay you, they will pay someone else, as soon as these two should get their two prospects 2x2=4, their prospects (4) will pay you #4000x4 making #16000, cool isn't it
now from the money you earn you can go to the next board of #4000 but this time you don't need to bring anyone, after you're tired of the #4000 board you can move to the following
all these started with #4000 and you never had to gk back to your pocket to invest, you re invest with the money you have made.
i wont be monitoring this link so please if you have any question please call me on 08034135274
also if you doubt it google ultimate cycler and watch the videos and the testimonies.
please note use the link i have put here because if you join the site, from the main site you might be told to pay someone in the united states.
I hope you partake in this. Thanks for reading and good luck. Sorry if there are any typos just typed this.
Re: University Of Ilorin (graduate& Undergraduate)chat Room by Nobody: 2:51pm On Oct 11, 2013
This is a nice initiative. Here goes a PhD student, sch mates holla!! O_o
Re: University Of Ilorin (graduate& Undergraduate)chat Room by LBlessing(f): 3:00pm On Oct 11, 2013
Re: University Of Ilorin (graduate& Undergraduate)chat Room by Annie09: 3:02pm On Oct 11, 2013
Nle faa, unılorın my alma mata ı rep# geography graduate 2012/2013#
Re: University Of Ilorin (graduate& Undergraduate)chat Room by Nobody: 3:10pm On Oct 11, 2013
That Osemene woman na one in town...will always be on ma radar!! Ama go back to hunt her...
ok oooo , Her hubby na Prof oo ....
Re: University Of Ilorin (graduate& Undergraduate)chat Room by bettydee(f): 3:11pm On Oct 11, 2013
In love,peace and harmony,
we shall build the tower,

my alma matter,i rep guidance and counselling dept(2012),faculty of education.i can neva forget those days.
Re: University Of Ilorin (graduate& Undergraduate)chat Room by bettydee(f): 3:11pm On Oct 11, 2013
In love,peace and harmony,
we shall build the tower,

my alma matter,i rep guidance and counselling dept(2012),faculty of education.i can neva forget those days.
Re: University Of Ilorin (graduate& Undergraduate)chat Room by Shollyps(m): 3:14pm On Oct 11, 2013
Beta by far

Re: University Of Ilorin (graduate& Undergraduate)chat Room by Euphrosyne(m): 3:23pm On Oct 11, 2013
Hapi resumptn to freshers, i am a proud 200l ind chem student
Re: University Of Ilorin (graduate& Undergraduate)chat Room by nossycheek(f): 3:36pm On Oct 11, 2013
Pls i have a sister that chose Unilorin, and got 68% in her post UME. Pls is the list out now?
Re: University Of Ilorin (graduate& Undergraduate)chat Room by HayZee06(m): 3:40pm On Oct 11, 2013
Better By Far we are....proudly Unilorite, I welcome all freshers into our great institution....Probitas Doctrina!
Re: University Of Ilorin (graduate& Undergraduate)chat Room by anikum: 3:49pm On Oct 11, 2013
Denn: Unilorin...those days in Mini Campus

African Hall, LR, IOT, H block, F Block, PG Block, ABSS building, Zion.

i remember the gym vividly and all the extra-night affairs on the porch. those cuddling and smooching whilst people prayed on Zion less than 10 metres away.

I remember the day DMX was gunned down too in front of the gate....horrid!

girl hostels runs....

days of NITEL Call cards...phone booths near SUB building. Oh SUB Building and the bread and egg 'burgers'.

the days when our DSTV was tuned to CNN and MM action and less of football... you had to be a top exco to hold the remote

Mr Ajayi of Political Science, your plans to make us failures did not work. You gave hundreds of students F in your useless POS111. Mr Badmus of blessed memory, your chocolate coloured mercedes v booth that is always parked at the beer parlour at Unilorin mini campus junction brings faint memories.

Mr Ijaiya, Mr Olaniyi, Dr Taiwo, Mrs (i have forgotten the name of this fine chic lecturer in accounting...my classmate, victor failed her course because he was always drooling at her well set hips and bosoms)

All thanks to the departmental associations and the intense politicking. this taught me a lot on strategy and schematics....election influencing techniques that PDP will cower to learn about....yes elections were 'influenced' and it was done for a long long time... smiley

the days of rivalry between UME and Direct entry...

the days of intense aluta and ambulance burning. Police tear gas and rubber bullets. ...shagaya et al. how shagaya survived and others, including final year medical students got expelled will always remain a mystery.

the days of cybercafes and all night browsing. fortunate restaurant jollof rice. ( i discovered that those ladies at forunate restaurant will sell the same quantity no matter the price you call, so i ask for 60 naira rice and still get same quantity as you ordering 100 naira rice).

Great June 12. bread and beans i hail thee.!!!

zobo united in all ramifications.

i remember our old but functional library. i had great skill at toasting girls in the library....of course not by talking....i write short notes and pass it accross to them. i was good at scribbling poems on-the-go and would quickly compose heart-melting word-soups and pass same to the innocent lady...a smile is all i need and soon her name and hostel number pops up....the rest becomes history. sometimes however, i get a scorn that can send you on exile to soweto. those girls can form upon nothing!

the igi-iwes of the century...those book 'jackers' that can read till even the author slumps from over-repitition. the young lecturers that prefer to rush us through volumes of course materials...they get some of us more confused than composed. thanks to those extra tutorials...some people would have crashed out with less than 1 point CGPA.

sorry for the ramblings....i just missed my school days ni and passed well despite my 'flows'

hmmmmm...seriously u brot smiles to me.. fortunate restaurant,motion ground,LR,agbo-oba....tnks for the memory bro..btw, i'm of class 2004 accounting.
Re: University Of Ilorin (graduate& Undergraduate)chat Room by Bumchacha(f): 3:53pm On Oct 11, 2013
Better by far a skul never to 4get graduated 2011 bus admin. it wasnt easy at all nd i was glad 4 dat department. 4 d freshers pls be serious right frm d start nd dont listen to anybody dat says ur gp cant increase as u go higher cus ur 100L gp was low,my dear dats nt true o. i was one of dose nd i still worked hard frm 1.59 nd came out wit 2.2 it wasnt easy bt i made it. so pls dont let am in d university nw get t ur head work hard nw nd mak it better as u o forword. nd never be ashamed of askin ur mate to help u out with wat u dont understand.
Re: University Of Ilorin (graduate& Undergraduate)chat Room by altenten85(m): 4:20pm On Oct 11, 2013
Geography final yr repping! #BetterByFar

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