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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / Why Is Ahmadu Bello Still Held In High Esteem As Moral Compass Of Socieity? (3673 Views)
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Re: Why Is Ahmadu Bello Still Held In High Esteem As Moral Compass Of Socieity? by IGBOSON1: 1:06pm On Nov 12, 2013 |
funnyx: The OP is either ignorant or being mischievous, you expect Sadauna to embrace igbos in the 60's, when did the USA (the supposed land of the free) stop apartheid? ^^^I think you've misunderstood the OPs questions regarding Ahmadu Bello! Given your explanation of the dynamics that played out between the regions in the 50s and 60s, nobody is saying that Bello shouldn't have put his people first b/4 Igbos......and he had more of a legal (if not moral) right to do so since his region was not being fed by anyone else, unlike what is presently the case! I think what the OP is asking is why is the Sadauna seen as a NATIONAL symbol of moral rectitude and a great NATION BUILDING often hear them mention his name in the same breath with TRUE NATIONAL FIGURES like Azikiwe; and you also have major thoroughfares outside of his region named after him! You talk of there being countries that practised apartheid at some point......i think it's quite telling that you've compared the Sadauna to the likes of Botha of South Africa, and leaders that championed segregation in the USA. You may find that these people are not held in such high esteem NATIONALLY the way we do with our own past leaders that supported divisions based on ethnicity and religion! You say Igbos want 'one Nigeria' more than others? Is it the same Igbos that were killed and starved in their millions when they decided they didn't want to share a country with you anymore?; and this was after hate speeches by the likes of Sadauna and Akintola were made showing how much they disliked Ndigbo, yet Nigeria still fought a war to keep them as 'fellow compatriots' ? see the hypocrisy going on here? Ok, after Nigeria won the ![]() Nobody is saying that the Sadauna shouldn't be honoured.......but the honour should be done within his region since he wasn't such a big fan of 'one Nigeria' ! 1 Like |
Re: Why Is Ahmadu Bello Still Held In High Esteem As Moral Compass Of Socieity? by funnyx(m): 1:51pm On Nov 12, 2013 |
@Igboson If you say that Sadauna does not deserves national award or recognition that's fair enough and I'm not even going to argue that with you. The fact that I conpare the 60's in Nigeria to other countries of the world does not mean I equate Sadauna to the likes of Botha, I'm just opening eyes to how backward the world was then. At least Sadauna didn't prevent igbos from doing their trade or attend schools funded by the northern region govt so where does this comparison with Botha comes from? I still stand by my earlier comment that igbos want one Nigeria most albeit on their own terms. During the time of regional govt which ethnic group migrate to other regions most either to take jobs in civil service or to trade?..igbos Which ethnic group dominated the federal civil service? ...igbos Who dismantled the regional govt after the igbo coup?..Ironsi Who made a declaration that since Nigeria is now a unitary state civil servants from the east can now work in other regions?...Ojukwu People like Akintola make what you term as hate speeches to sensitize their people about igbo domination. How do you explain the fact that igbos dominated the civil service to the extent that igbo language became the lingua franca? Even most federal government establishment in Western region was manned by igbos, this is not because there were no qualified persons from tribes but purely because of greed. After Akintola's party came to govt they discovered that over 90% of govt scholarships were granted to igbos, they have to reverse it and accommodate applicants from other ethnic groups. It was only after the counter coup that the igbos realise that their ambition to dominate Nigeria could no longer be possible that they decided to secede. If the counter coup produced another igbo, I'm sure the issue of secession wouldn't have been thought of. In fact after the counter coup the northerners were very keen to secede but were stopped by the British for their own selfish reason. The British are to be blamed for keeping igbos in Nigeria. 2 Likes |
Re: Why Is Ahmadu Bello Still Held In High Esteem As Moral Compass Of Socieity? by funnyx(m): 1:57pm On Nov 12, 2013 |
Pardon my typing errors, I'm typing on phone. |
Re: Why Is Ahmadu Bello Still Held In High Esteem As Moral Compass Of Socieity? by revolt(m): 3:32pm On Nov 12, 2013 |
funnyx: @Igbosonu see how ppl mke lousy assertions. I hope u realise it was the british colonialists that were in charge of civil service employmnt, so r u saying they collaborated wif nwafors to dominate naija, if there were igbos then u should it was meritocracy tht brot them in cos I knw igbos werent british favourites, |
Re: Why Is Ahmadu Bello Still Held In High Esteem As Moral Compass Of Socieity? by revolt(m): 3:32pm On Nov 12, 2013 |
funnyx: @Igbosonu see how ppl mke lousy assertions. I hope u realise it was the british colonialists that were in charge of civil service employmnt, so r u saying they collaborated wif nwafors to dominate naija, if there were igbos then u should it was meritocracy tht brot them in cos I knw igbos werent british favourites, |
Re: Why Is Ahmadu Bello Still Held In High Esteem As Moral Compass Of Socieity? by IGBOSON1: 7:21pm On Nov 12, 2013 |
funnyx: @Igboson ^^^You really are funny! You know that don't you? I suppose b'cos being a ruthless and brutal dictator was 'fashionable' at the time, we can now give the likes of Pol Pot, Mobutu, Emperor Bokassa and even bros Adolf.......we can overlook all their misdeeds abi? And who told you the gov't of the Northern Region at the time didn't have it in for Igbos?; have you read transcripts of deliberations on the floor of their regional assembly?.....the plans they were making to rid themselves of Igbos in their region? No offense but you sound quite dense with your assertion on Ndigbo wanting 'one Nigeria' more than the likes of say Yorubas and Fulanis! You conveniently forget the fact that we wanted to see the back of hateful moro/ns like you in the late 60s, but you shed blood to keep us as 'fellow countrymen'! You say we want one Nigeria on our terms?; well you got that right!.....terms encapsulated in the Aburi accord, which Gowon was arm-twisted to use for toilet paper the moment he came back to Nigeria! This is an agreement many honest Nigerians are now saying we should revisit! An updated version of 'our terms' as you call it can also be found in the recommendations Ohaneze have made to the proposed national conference! And if you've got time on your hands, you can also check out the 'terms' of the Yoruba as captured by the's a good read as well! All that rubbish you put up there about Ndigbo being 'greedy'......i think i'll pass! I suppose you can furnish me with examples of ethnicities that are paragons of selflessness, altruism, benevolence and saintliness? You listed 'examples' of Igbo greed and avariciousness; we can now see how those that took over managed to fix things, and rectify what the 'bad Igbos' did to your country! Of course they taught Igbos how to govern selflessly and were shinning examples of outstanding morality, always putting others and the entire nation first.....shunning nepotism, laziness, greed, visionless, vindictiveness and hate! So you honestly think Nzeogwu had in mind to bring about the domination of Nigeria by Ndigbo? Can you -hand on heart- honestly say this is what you believe his actions were aimed at achieving.....or you're just yarning dust just to try and paint Igbos as bad? LOL@ 'the british -not the owners of Nigeria and their helpers- are to be blamed for keeping Ndigbo in Nigeria! ![]() PS- What's your ethnicity if you don't mind......just curious! ![]() |
Re: Why Is Ahmadu Bello Still Held In High Esteem As Moral Compass Of Socieity? by funnyx(m): 8:55pm On Nov 12, 2013 |
IGBO-SON: All you've done is blab about yet you make absolutely no point in your posts: 1. How did you come to conclusion that Sadauna has to be in the class of pol pot, Mobutu, Bokassa and other ruthless dictators you mentioned in your posts? give me any verifiable fact to show how they compare. You lack basic logical reasoning in your argument by comparing him with those dictators, its like comparing apples with oranges absolutely no correlation whatsoever. You are comparing a regional premier to an absolute dictator? are you for real? You talk about plans to get rid of igbos, I ask you what plans? you feel you can hold on to some people plans what about igbo plans that resulted in the first coup and the killings of other regional leaders? 2. I still stand by my comment that igbos want one Nigeria most albeit on their own terms, you have not post any reasonable argument to counter my claims. The events that happened after the counter coup, the Aburi accord and the civil war was because igbos lost out, if another igbo general happened to emerge as the head of state there is no doubt that the issue of secession by igbos would never have been raised. I will not even take your bait to go into any lengthy debate as issues relating to civil war, the aburi acord and even the coups has been discussed extensively on this forum and elsewhere, so if you're still curious (which I doubt, as you already have you mind made up) google is your friend. 3. You may want to put the entire blame of the civil war on the feet of others as usual so I am not surprised however, accept it or not the British govt are greatly responsible for keeping igbos in Nigeria, without their backing the events of the civil war might have taken a different turn and there is a possibility that the country may even end up fragmented that anyone can imagine as many other ethnic groups also have their agenda. 4. On the igbos being greedy, I have provided my reasons for that comment so the onus is on you to disprove my reasons, all the jargon you wrote as response makes no sense, its just one of those ways writers like you hide behind clever use of grammar to divert attention from the main topic. 5. The coup is not about Nzeogwu alone it involves Zik,Okpara and several igbo politicians so talking about their plans for igbo domination is common sense. Nzeogwu was just a tool they have to use to achieve their aim. 6. Asking about my ethnicity to satisfy your curiosity is ridiculous, its just a way for you to bring up the usual stereotype you have for each tribe. If i tell you I am Yoruba, you already have your mind made up about Yorubas likewise if I am Hausa so it is irrelevant to this topic. |
Re: Why Is Ahmadu Bello Still Held In High Esteem As Moral Compass Of Socieity? by IGBOSON1: 1:42am On Nov 13, 2013 |
funnyx: ^^^Jeez! One can't hold you down to anything!'re as slippery and evasive as a rotting eel on roller-blades! ![]() I make points to counter the thrash you're spewing on this thread, and you go off on a tangent.......talking all sorts of conjectural cra.p like a deranged clown, high on skunk! *If you don't understand what i meant about giving the dictators of the 60s a pass based on your earlier assertion that Ahmadu Bellos actions towards Igbos should be seen against the backdrop of the prevailing divisive politics of the time, then your case is hopeless! This was the statement you made: 'The OP is either ignorant or being mischievous, you expect Sadauna to embrace igbos in the 60's, when did the USA (the supposed land of the free) stop apartheid'? If you were not infering that since the mighty USA could practise apartheid at the time, then the Sadaunas 'little indiscretions' back home should be tolerated......if this was not what you meant, can you flesh out that argument a bit more then? A few weeks back there was a thread on deliberations that went on in the northern assembly concerning getting rid of Igbos in the north, halting their hotel businesses, and stopping sales of land to Igbos (if my memory serves me right)! Now this was just a snapshot of ONE DAYS PROCEEDINGS, so i would imagine a lot more would have been said during all the sittings that took place over the years! The hate and bile they were spewing against Ndigbo was puke-inducing, and i began to understand just how easy it would have been to mobilise streeet urchins and thugs in major northern cities to hunt and hack down any Igbo they could lay their hands on! I'll see if i can find that thread again.....anyone who remembers it can assist in posting a link here for funnyguy to peruse. *i'm not surprised you're still standing by your baseless assertion that Ndigbo want 'one Nigeria' more than any other ethnic group; you're a deceitful lying twerp, so having the honour to conceed defeat isn't an option you'd consider.....not in a million years! I've given solid reasons why you'd have to be crazy to think such and incase you missed it, here again is what i said: No offense but you sound quite dense with your assertion on Ndigbo wanting 'one Nigeria' more than the likes of say Yorubas and Fulanis! You conveniently forget the fact that we wanted to see the back of hateful moro/ns like you in the late 60s, but you shed blood to keep us as 'fellow countrymen'! You say we want one Nigeria on our terms?; well you got that right!.....terms encapsulated in the Aburi accord, which Gowon was arm-twisted to use for toilet paper the moment he came back to Nigeria! This is an agreement many honest Nigerians are now saying we should revisit! An updated version of 'our terms' as you call it can also be found in the recommendations Ohaneze have made to the proposed national conference! And if you've got time on your hands, you can also check out the 'terms' of the Yoruba as captured by the's a good read as well! Your deceit is breathtaking! You want to sit there and say with a straight face that the Aburi Accord is a document that shows Ndigbo as a people that want out of Nigeria b'cos they 'lost' in the counter-coup!? If this is the case, how come the document was signed by ALL parties to the meeting at Aburi? come that more than 4 decades later many eminent Nigerians are saying we should revisit it? I think i know what your problem is mate!; you're've got a terminal case of acute Igbophobia , and you view any move/action by any Igbo with deep suspicion! It's a disease that stems from a serious case of inferiority complex, and has been afflicting your hateful ilk from as far back as the 50s right up to the present day! To cut a long story short: you're nuts! *On your assertion that Igbos are greedy, and other Nigerians are shinning examples of selfless giving and benevolence; dude, you're free to think whatever you like about us! I don't think i'm gonna change your perception of Igbos (especially given the type of person you are); you're free to believe whatever you wahala! ![]() ![]() *Oh boy! See conspiracy theory: 'The coup is not about Nzeogwu alone it involves Zik,Okpara and several igbo politicians so talking about their plans for igbo domination is common sense. Nzeogwu was just a tool they have to use to achieve their aim'. I suppose Zik agreed to the plan in one of their secret meetings, that when they finish off the opposition, he would then be made President for life, and install an Igbo Prime Minister abi? See how deranged and paranoid you sound? The coup which saw the demise of Ahmadu Bello et al -as i've always maintained- was an unfortunate and regrettable episode in this countrys history; and was carried out by overzealous soldiers with an erroneous belief that they could effect a change by spilling blood. Their youthful exuberance didn't let them think of the consequences of their actions; and i don't know about the rest, but i believe Nzeogwu felt (wrongly) that his actions would bring about a better Nigeria. Spilling innocent blood never solved anything and never will! *Yet again i'm asking which ethnicity you're from! If you trust the strength and morality of your convictions, then you wouldn't be afraid to say where you're from.....and damn whatever i may think! But if you must know, i think there's good and bad in all ethnicities (including my people), and all have their fair share of bigots and fruitcakes! 3 Likes |
Re: Why Is Ahmadu Bello Still Held In High Esteem As Moral Compass Of Socieity? by debetmx(m): 8:01am On Nov 13, 2013 |
IGBO-SON: That was the same motivation for the July 29, 1966 coup too. What exuberance? Anuforo had 5 children, Ifeajuna had three children. Ifeajuna shot Tafawa Balewa when he knew the coup had failed yet he showed up the next morning in the residence of Dr. Micheal Okpara obviously to give a situation report. Would Nzeogwu have shot Azikwe, Okpara or Ironsi if they were in the place of Ahmadu Bello? |
Re: Why Is Ahmadu Bello Still Held In High Esteem As Moral Compass Of Socieity? by funnyx(m): 11:46am On Nov 13, 2013 |
@igboson You can keep ranting for all I care, you still didn't make any point. Accusing me of igbophobia is the new trend among people like you who are very quick to accuse people with contrary views to others as bigots. There's nothing new in your post and its similar to several other posts by many igbo posters like you on NL, just the usual emotional trash. You haven't provided any proof of this deliberation to get rid of igbos in the north and even if such deliberation ever happened it still cannot be viewed in isolation. The hatred between the 2 ethnic groups is 'mutual' and its evident in the events that happened after the first igbo coup and the counter coup by the hausas. You might call it conjectures, you might the describe the first coup as an ' unfortunate' incident or you might even call it whatever you feel like but the fact still remains that it was an igbo coup. The participants in the counter coup believed it was an igbo coup, many northerners who participated in the pogrom against the igbos also see it the same way. The only group of people who see it in a different way are igbos themselves and as I stated in my earlier comment this issue has been discussed before so it will be a waste of time for me going through it here again. Also, your comparison of Sadauna to other dictators I insist is ridiculous, irrelevant and not sensible especially in the context of this thread. Firstly, the OP started a thread on why Sadauna is being used as a moral compass however, the video he posted was about sadauna's interview on what he feels about igbo and why he would rather not employ them in the northern civil service. He talked about his fear of igbo domination and the fact that it will be a waste of investment to employ them on permanent contract when northern youths who were presently being trained can take these positions after training. As a Nigerian I do not know of any way or manner in which sadauna has ever been used as a national moral compass and if you know of any kindly post it here. Therefore, my comment about the poster being either ignorant or mischievous was borne out of the fact that the title of the thread does not relate to the video he posted. There is no where in the video where he called for killings of igbos or taking over their businesses, he was merely being territorial and protecting the interest of the north simple. On the issue of igbos being greedy, I do not intend to generalise on that however, the events that happened then cannot but confirmed the fact that many igbos then in the civil service were greedy otherwise how can one explain the fact that out of over 200 ethnic groups in Nigeria only igbos got over 90% of the federal government scholarships? . Unfortunately, little issues like this is what usually set people's emotions on fire and like it or not a lot if politicians from other tribes including Akintola formed their opinion on igbos due to these events. You can request for my ethnic origin till Kingdom come, I have told you its irrelevant to this topic and I'm not going to oblige you that request, so stop making useless emotional rants. There is nothing called igbophobia, its a figment of your imagination. I don't hate igbos, have nothing negative against igbos, in fact I'm completely indifferent about igbos. However, you're free to call me whatever you like as I don't care. You don't know me and I don't know you, this is a faceless forum so you're free to rant as much as you want, it doesn't move me an inch. |
Re: Why Is Ahmadu Bello Still Held In High Esteem As Moral Compass Of Socieity? by Ngokafor(f): 11:59am On Nov 13, 2013 |
@Igboson you should know where the person you are arguing from is..its as clear as crystal.. |
Re: Why Is Ahmadu Bello Still Held In High Esteem As Moral Compass Of Socieity? by revolt(m): 7:29am On Nov 15, 2013 |
funnyx: @igbosonigbo domination under BritiSh rule? Hmm na wa o ! Ofcos nobody faults the dominant nmba of igbos in the service then but it shuld b noted they got in there by MERIT, nt the latter service pensioners tht were beneficiaries of bigotry n quota system |
Re: Why Is Ahmadu Bello Still Held In High Esteem As Moral Compass Of Socieity? by debetmx(m): 8:18am On Nov 15, 2013 |
revolt: igbo domination under BritiSh rule? Hmm na wa o ! Ofcos nobody faults the dominant nmba of igbos in the service then but it shuld b noted they got in there by MERIT, nt the latter service pensioners tht were beneficiaries of bigotry n quota system That was why the outgoing expatriate GOC (Maj. General Everald) of the Nigerian Army recommended Brig. Babafemi Ogundipe but the government of the day chose Maj. General Aguiyi Ironsi. |
Re: Why Is Ahmadu Bello Still Held In High Esteem As Moral Compass Of Socieity? by funnyx(m): 8:23am On Nov 15, 2013 |
revolt: igbo domination under BritiSh rule? Hmm na wa o ! Ofcos nobody faults the dominant nmba of igbos in the service then but it shuld b noted they got in there by MERIT, nt the latter service pensioners tht were beneficiaries of bigotry n quota system So the British ruled Nigeria in the 60's? Abi na dem dey responsible for recruitment even in the 50's? Merit is when igbo take over 90% of govt scholarships in a country of over 200 ethnic groups? too much for igbo merit. |
Re: Why Is Ahmadu Bello Still Held In High Esteem As Moral Compass Of Socieity? by revolt(m): 4:03pm On Nov 15, 2013 |
funnyx:so the 90% of igbos in da civil service was after the whites left, and it was under tafawa balewas govt! Ironsi was older than ogundipe in da army, so even if the British man suggested ogundipe the govt of the day was nt obliged. To honor his referral! Listen to urself, a countrys gainin independence from the Brits n u xpevt them to honor a Brits suggestion? |
Re: Why Is Ahmadu Bello Still Held In High Esteem As Moral Compass Of Socieity? by LoveDecay(m): 7:57pm On Nov 15, 2013 |
OP i still fail to see the point of this thread. |
Re: Why Is Ahmadu Bello Still Held In High Esteem As Moral Compass Of Socieity? by Nobody: 11:13am On Nov 16, 2013 |
Love_Decay: OP i still fail to see the point of this thread. in case you did not see the title? Given the divisive and hate policies Ahmadu Bello pursued in the 60s, why does 2013 Nigeria that claims to be all for one Nigeria still hold folks like Ahmadu Bello in high esteem as the moral compass of society? If you need me to translate this in any other Nigerian languages you can understand let us know and we will work something out for you. |
Re: Why Is Ahmadu Bello Still Held In High Esteem As Moral Compass Of Socieity? by BLS1: 12:02pm On Nov 16, 2013 |
But how many intellectuals, including Northern ones do actually hold Bello in esteem? |
Re: Why Is Ahmadu Bello Still Held In High Esteem As Moral Compass Of Socieity? by ebucha: 12:31pm On Nov 16, 2013 |
naijaking1:I am glad we still have people like you. The are so angry that Benue stopped Usman (Uthman) Dan Fodio from islamitizing the entire nation. They are so scared of the growing alliance between the Idoma tribe of benue and the Igbos. They are most angered by the reality that the president of the senate and his deputy are not of Hausa-Fulani extractions. They meted untold punishment to those of us from Igbo,Tiv and Idoma extraction back then in Defence Academy. Presently, they feel the SE is in possesion of their personal patrimony, ie the position of the Army Chief. If Capt. Harley Empere(Rivers), Major Gideon Orkar(Benue), Capt. Perebo Dakolo,(Rivers) Lt. Cyril Ozoalor(SE), Lt. Nicholas Odeh(Benue) of below 35yrs of age could make their almighty gap-toothed general and then presendent dash into a rat hole, then they should know their time is up! 1 Like |
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