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Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? - Religion (3) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? (20870 Views)

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Re: Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? by Nobody: 10:56am On Oct 27, 2013
Mayb all..but the woman,in most cases
Re: Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? by Lakayanah: 10:57am On Oct 27, 2013
The poster forgot to include the sperm donor that gives money for the abortion to be carried out. Everyone that is mentioned by the poster is guilty ye!!!!!! We did not include Satan because the fucck that produces such pregnancies Satan adds enough sweeteners you feel it right in your brain.

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Re: Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? by Polio: 11:03am On Oct 27, 2013
God knows best
Re: Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? by Allohrandy(m): 11:04am On Oct 27, 2013
Re: Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? by Nobody: 11:06am On Oct 27, 2013
I think the punishment Will go to the men who got them pregnant in the first place and refused to take responsibility.

Most pregnant young girls don't want to have an abortion.it's the rejection that pushes them to.


Re: Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? by Petraman(m): 11:14am On Oct 27, 2013
PasD: ...In developed countries, for instance, where the government approves of abortion, who will be punished? The doctor who can be sued for denying a young lady her right? Or the government who have a very strong reason for approving the act? Or the young 'unfortunate' lady who one day finds out she has an 'unwanted pregnancy'? Let's judge this both from a strict and a wide sense...
Judge not, that you might not be judged, for with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged, and with what measure you measure, it shall be measured to you again. Matthew 7:1-2
Re: Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? by Nobody: 11:15am On Oct 27, 2013
all e u
Re: Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? by itsabdul(m): 11:16am On Oct 27, 2013
The guy and the woman who did d act are super-guilty, while the doctor is pre-guilty..In Nigeria here, even if its ur head u want to cut off as long as u re willin to pay I bet smebdy wil do it 4 money and without feeling any sympathy, talklss of smebdy u can't see.
Re: Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? by Youngzedd(m): 11:23am On Oct 27, 2013
Re: Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? by italo: 11:23am On Oct 27, 2013
lorretta u: I think the punishment Will go to the men who got them pregnant in the first place and refused to take responsibility.

Most pregnant young girls don't want to have an abortion.it's the rejection that pushes them to.

Yes. It is cruel for the man to reject the child and there'll be punishment for that.

But are you saying a girl that kills her child because the man rejected her will go unpunished?

Couldn't the rejection even be punishment for engaging in pre-marital sex?


Re: Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? by andy24(m): 11:27am On Oct 27, 2013
I personally think every one should be held responsible for his/her actions. Putting the blame of the doctors or government should not even be mentioned.
Re: Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? by hollandis(f): 11:28am On Oct 27, 2013
God doesnt punish people.This topic is dead on arrival.
Re: Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? by hollandis(f): 11:29am On Oct 27, 2013
lorretta u: I think the punishment Will go to the men who got them pregnant in the first place and refused to take responsibility.

Most pregnant young girls don't want to have an abortion.it's the rejection that pushes them to.

what are you saying?
Re: Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? by MrTroll(m): 11:33am On Oct 27, 2013
*peeps in, sees thread on FP, unfollows thread*

make una enjoy the sea. . .
Re: Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? by Nobody: 11:36am On Oct 27, 2013

what are you saying?
But are you saying a girl that kills her child because the man rejected her will go unpunished?

Couldn't the rejection even be punishment for engaging in pre-marital sex?

I'm not here to debate.
Merely stating my opinion.
Re: Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? by Charles545: 11:38am On Oct 27, 2013
well, u mentioned those above, what about the guy(in the case of young unmarried person's)
Re: Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? by italo: 11:48am On Oct 27, 2013
lorretta u:

I'm not here to debate.
Merely stating my opinion.

It's okay.

You dont want to be asked any questions about your opinion.
Re: Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? by hollandis(f): 12:01pm On Oct 27, 2013
lorretta u:

I'm not here to debate.
Merely stating my opinion.
ugochi ,,what rejection are you talking about.A girl opens her lead for a man..she misses her period two weeks later and then when it becomes a foetus,,she kills the child..because she is rejected....?i hope you know that she has killed an innocent soul.I know of many women here who hated the men becos of who they became but kept the pregnancy .They all see one thing in common "its not the childs fault"

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Re: Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? by Elevation(m): 12:01pm On Oct 27, 2013
Anyone who partakes or supports anything sinful is guilty-Romans 1vs 28-32 after listing all the iniquities the apostle further stated that it is not doing evil alone that makes an individual unrighteous,u are a partaker if u have pleasure in them that do these evil deeds.
Re: Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? by Nobody: 12:03pm On Oct 27, 2013
PasD: By the grace of God, and by the virtue of the position I occupy and my kind of job, I have come to see a lot of things as regards the removal of 'unwanted pregnancy'.

I went into study and critical reasoning and believe me, I found out that there is such thing as 'unwanted pregnancy'.

The Imo State government and the Clergy men recently had a brush over abortion law allegedly passed by the State government. But then, in an interview with the Imo State governor Owelle Rochas Okorocha, he explained thus;

"We are not passing this law to encourage young girls to prostitute and abort their babies, rather, our focus is on married women and eventually unfortunate young ladies that get raped".

Everyone somehow has a reason to every action they take and the decision they make.
In developed countries, for instance, where the government approves of abortion, who will be punished? The doctor who can be sued for denying a young lady her right? Or the government who have a very strong reason for approving the act? Or the young 'unfortunate' lady who one day finds out she has an 'unwanted pregnancy'?

Let's judge this both from a strict and a wide sense...

Thanks for commenting
communion has been broken by all of them, no special punishment for any of them.
Re: Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? by tok2sob: 12:08pm On Oct 27, 2013
From all angles all blames goes to the party involve in the pregnancy( male& female) mostly the female exept if she was abused because they are ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy if you must have sex
Re: Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? by Nobody: 12:17pm On Oct 27, 2013
The culprits as well as the accomplices, shall be adequately punished by God Almighty.
Re: Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? by OkikiOluwa1(m): 12:19pm On Oct 27, 2013
For an abortion of a rrrape pregnancy, nobody ll be punished.
Re: Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? by Olamscojohnson(m): 12:20pm On Oct 27, 2013
As far as d spiritual abortion has taken place already i.e, d pregnant woman has decided in heart 2 terminate d baby in her womb. Then dat of d doctor is physical i.e, he did terminate d baby after d agreement btw d 2 of dem. Assuming d woman decided nt 2 terminate d baby in her womb nd d doctor decided 2 implore her 2 terminate d baby, i believe dat dat would nt work. So, they both wil av d same purnishment, being charged as a murderer.
Re: Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? by Sike(m): 12:24pm On Oct 27, 2013
In other words, we MEN are safe? No punishment for us ehn?? That's nice of y'all. cheesy
Re: Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? by eluquenson(m): 12:32pm On Oct 27, 2013
All the parties to abortion will be punished tongue
Re: Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? by Danlander(m): 12:38pm On Oct 27, 2013
All involved
Re: Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? by guiddoti: 12:43pm On Oct 27, 2013
Look at these logic. If
Doctor= help to kill;
Govt= made law to kill
All these sets have trangressed the law of order: 'thou shall not kill.'
Re: Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? by PasD(m): 12:46pm On Oct 27, 2013
That's the actual reason why I wrote this topic. Thanks for this. Can u see the topic just made frontpage? Lol am so happy lol
italo: The OP obviously presumes the responses to be from religious people. He said "who will God punish?" He is not expecting a debate about God's existence with people who dont believe in God.

If you are so keen to debate whether abortion should have any thing to do with religion...or whether there are consequences for sin, I'll be happy to tell you if you open another thread for that.

But why would you want to debate "religious nuts?"

Re: Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? by slym1: 12:50pm On Oct 27, 2013
What about the man responsible for the pregnancy?
Re: Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? by Justeenaleo(f): 12:50pm On Oct 27, 2013
PasD: By the grace of God, and by the virtue of the position I occupy and my kind of job, I have come to see a lot of things as regards the removal of 'unwanted pregnancy'.

I went into study and critical reasoning and believe me, I found out that there is such thing as 'unwanted pregnancy'.

The Imo State government and the Clergy men recently had a brush over abortion law allegedly passed by the State government. But then, in an interview with the Imo State governor Owelle Rochas Okorocha, he explained thus;

"We are not passing this law to encourage young girls to prostitute and abort their babies, rather, our focus is on married women and eventually unfortunate young ladies that get raped".

Everyone somehow has a reason to every action they take and the decision they make.
In developed countries, for instance, where the government approves of abortion, who will be punished? The doctor who can be sued for denying a young lady her right? Or the government who have a very strong reason for approving the act? Or the young 'unfortunate' lady who one day finds out she has an 'unwanted pregnancy'?

Let's judge this both from a strict and a wide sense...

Thanks for commenting
I would say d woman my reason being,if she doesn't consent to aborting her baby neither d govt nor d doctor will force,being raped is not enough reason to commit murder,it's not d child's fault dat u wr raped,and I wouldn't blame d person dat got d woman pregnant nd didn't take responsibility because dey both enjoyed d sex without condom and if d condom broke nd she got pregnant den mayb we she blame d condom manufacturers
Re: Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? by ArabaONE: 12:50pm On Oct 27, 2013
i guess d woman.....though if shes compel, den nayb d imposer

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