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Gunmen Fired Shots At Oduah's Car In Abuja - Politics (10) - Nairaland

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Re: Gunmen Fired Shots At Oduah's Car In Abuja by eddyvilla: 8:58am On Nov 26, 2013
This is her planned strategy so that she can start using the armoured cars she bought. I seriously don't know what these crooked poli-thiefians take Nigerians for. Planning your own failed assasination just to draw sympathy from Nigerians and get a solid ground to convert public car that was bought in a dubious way to your own car. Gosh, we are still watching you people ooooo. When Nigerians will one day say Enough is Enough, I doubt if this country will contain these criminals.... spits out


Re: Gunmen Fired Shots At Oduah's Car In Abuja by chamboy(m): 9:00am On Nov 26, 2013
Originalsly: Hmmm.....Friday 10 pm minister's car attacked...no reports of gunfire...no reports of how many attackers or if they were on foot, car or bike...no witnesses....no account of damage to the car .... an assassination attempt on the minister that should be immediately reported and handled by the SSS ... was instead investigated by the minister and her close advisers for more than 65 hours....evidence collected, inspected and concluded to be unconventional...then finally a report is made to the local police and press...on Monday 5:30 pm. Most important...not to capture the attackers...but to get ballistic tests...of what benefit would the results be? Car attacked and pieces of metal found inside the car? If this report is true...the minister and her inner circle should all be thrown in prison...and given hard labour...for their blatant and public disrespect and disregard for the intelligence of all Nigerians.
Bro thanks joo. Don't know y her supporters no dey think.... even a local government chairman would b reported immediately


Re: Gunmen Fired Shots At Oduah's Car In Abuja by don33310(m): 9:00am On Nov 26, 2013
This Nigeria sha, why is it the period that she's under scrutiny over the inflated purchase of amoured cars that somthing like this has to happen.

Its almost as if its a ploy to justify the purchase of the vehicles.

Not buying it. Yes it is
Re: Gunmen Fired Shots At Oduah's Car In Abuja by andyanders: 9:01am On Nov 26, 2013
I still wanna ask, who would want to kill her knowing fully well that she was accused of stealing which she actually carried out?
Kill her to cover her deeds? In fact, she is just playing games and arranged her gangs since she is a divorcee, to just try to do some damage to her car so that the world would know that people were after her. If anything of such happened, she planned it. I want to have a debate with her on AIT or Channels TV.

If she has accused someone of theft and has written to stand to testify against the person, then we can all agree to an issue like this. Nobody would want to attack someone who was accused of crime.

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Re: Gunmen Fired Shots At Oduah's Car In Abuja by smithsammy(m): 9:01am On Nov 26, 2013
I marvel at your ignorance sad so you need an angel to tell you that that 'movie' was directed by Oduah, produced by her adviser, cast by Oduah's kins men? You need to understand politics indept; drama is part of politics oga
he must be one of the beneficiaries of her embezzled wealth.


Re: Gunmen Fired Shots At Oduah's Car In Abuja by BB12(f): 9:04am On Nov 26, 2013
Her enemies wan test whether na true d car dey bullet proof, so they can devise another plot/plan lipsrsealed lipsrsealed
Re: Gunmen Fired Shots At Oduah's Car In Abuja by dwittyc0der(f): 9:09am On Nov 26, 2013
Ma nIgga

Re: Gunmen Fired Shots At Oduah's Car In Abuja by Nobody: 9:10am On Nov 26, 2013

My brother don't be swayed by this film trick. It was designed to appeal to the emotions of gullible Nigerians like you. All due process in the procurement of the said vehicles were flouted. The evidence presented to the public during the House rep probe were very incontrovertible. Non of your argument is based on fact but on sentiments and that is why Nigeria remained the way she is today. Check out Ghana - a public official only declared an intention to amass public funds but got the boot immediately but here we celebrate and pamper corruption. In a more civilized society, she would have honorably resigned in defence of her reputation but the contrary is the case. SHAME!!!!! angryjavascript:void(0);
Don't mind that gullible Nigerian called habablokos abi na habaCAUSE. No wonder Nigeria is still in this state because of the mindset of people like him. Thabo Mbeki has said it all, "Nigerians deserve the leaders they have". I think our problem is not leadership but followership. When the people are gullible and corrupt their leaders will also be corrupt. Until we understand that power belongs to the people and make use of it to the fullest to ask for accountability from our leaders, elect those we want and boot out those who fail us or are corrupt without sentiment, Nigeria may never get it right.


Re: Gunmen Fired Shots At Oduah's Car In Abuja by mruwaifo(m): 9:11am On Nov 26, 2013
Odua ! This is soooo lowwwww of you !

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Re: Gunmen Fired Shots At Oduah's Car In Abuja by Nobody: 9:14am On Nov 26, 2013
smithsammy: he must be one of the beneficiaries of her embezzled wealth.
May be o! cheesy He might even be one of her e-worriors cheesy cheesy
Re: Gunmen Fired Shots At Oduah's Car In Abuja by newspapers: 9:21am On Nov 26, 2013
How is it an Assassination when she was FAR FAR away from the car? No bullet was seen except some metallic substances @ http://www.ngnewspapers.com/stella-oduah-attacked-escapes-assassination-abuja/ .
To me o, this is just a conspiracy to seek pity in the ongoing probe of the 2 Armoured cars she bought with the Aviation's funds.

Ole Burukwu
Re: Gunmen Fired Shots At Oduah's Car In Abuja by Nobody: 9:22am On Nov 26, 2013
le bien connu: ce commentaire est mon premier sur nairaland. réjouissez-vous avec moi.
Re: Gunmen Fired Shots At Oduah's Car In Abuja by AriG(m): 9:23am On Nov 26, 2013
dear nairalanders! pls be wise. this news na washy washy tinz. it all planned to cover up for this woman. nobody is after her life. they want to cover up the outcome of the investigation and also to make us see reason that she indeed needs a bullet proof car. this people know what they are doing.dont be deceived. president jonathan is indecisive on what to do to her. this was somene CAN president ORITSEJEFOR prayed for in israel when they all went for pilgrimmage. the CAN president is a spiritual father to the president they are 5 & 6. make una gbabe oshi!! our country leaders are corrupt. come to think of it. car fired at 10PM case was reported 5PM, ballistic test to be carried out without investigation on those who fired the shots. NAIJA I DEY HAIL......


Re: Gunmen Fired Shots At Oduah's Car In Abuja by ckkris: 9:25am On Nov 26, 2013
So you mean Kudirat Abiola hired the people who killed her? Or Dora Akunyili also hired those who fired at her and missed?
Man, if you have not lived among these people, you will never understand how they reason. Just relax, & enjoy their RANT.

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Re: Gunmen Fired Shots At Oduah's Car In Abuja by Afritop(m): 9:25am On Nov 26, 2013
It could be that the shooting was staged and organized in a bid to acquire more bullet proof cars and to justify the outrageous amount used to procure vehicles
Re: Gunmen Fired Shots At Oduah's Car In Abuja by Truckpusher(m): 9:27am On Nov 26, 2013
This woman would have been better than Omosexy in the Nollywood. grin grin
Re: Gunmen Fired Shots At Oduah's Car In Abuja by Dee60: 9:27am On Nov 26, 2013
Those who truly love this woman would advise her to plead for forgiveness and possibly resign. If she had any goodwill in her SPG days, all of that would have been rubbished by her trying to cling to power at all cost. Dont people read history? Even recent history?

Abubakar was that head of state that no one throws stones at today, just because he did not allow power to get the better hold of him. Not so for Abacha family and IBB et al, who continue to bear that load and burden of societal stigma, for the roles they played in their time.

Madam Stella, your enemies are now pretending to be your best friends. They are asking you to fight on! Their names are not in the media. They want you to be there for their own gains. When eventually you leave, they will quickly switch to your successors and tell him/her how bad you were!

As for your boss, remember he is a politician! He is waiting for the cry for your removal to reach its highest crescendo before he pushes you out. That way, he gets the maximum political gain from the whole episode.

Just say you are sorry! You still have a life to live, madam!


Re: Gunmen Fired Shots At Oduah's Car In Abuja by AriG(m): 9:29am On Nov 26, 2013
Afritop: It could be that the shooting was staged and organized in a bid to acquire more bullet proof cars and to justify the outrageous amount used to procure vehicles
it was staged. this people are just playing on us. they planned the shit.
Re: Gunmen Fired Shots At Oduah's Car In Abuja by ckkris: 9:32am On Nov 26, 2013

Man, see so many viewers, on a busy Tuesday morning.
Owambe party de sweet o.
Re: Gunmen Fired Shots At Oduah's Car In Abuja by seangy4konji: 9:32am On Nov 26, 2013
This is soo low of this thieves and on our intelligence...Damn...You can see that they are bunch of poooos and idiots....Thieves.Nigerians...see as tthem con turn our brains weh we deh use survive everyday to a kindergaten one deh can just say??take sweet.

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Re: Gunmen Fired Shots At Oduah's Car In Abuja by busymouth: 9:42am On Nov 26, 2013
Nigeria is becoming very interesting....this is purely an orchestration..from the TOP... grin

Nigeria is becoming very interesting....this is purely an orchestration..from the TOP...
Re: Gunmen Fired Shots At Oduah's Car In Abuja by jendonro: 9:45am On Nov 26, 2013
oilykid: d likes of femi kayode n apc bigots shud be arrested before they succed in carrin out their threats sad sad
what a gullible being are you. Can't you read between the lines undecided. The message is for people like you that are ready to sink both the hooks and the worms grin grin grin grin grin Take a little time to think , its good for your brain. grin grin grin grin
Re: Gunmen Fired Shots At Oduah's Car In Abuja by clemriches(m): 9:57am On Nov 26, 2013
let begin by saying - this woman dull .... She thinks Nigerians are fools! I dont bliv this super story because they didnt shoot @ ha... Am waiting for part 2 when she wil claim dat she managed to excape the bullet or probably catch the bullet......
Re: Gunmen Fired Shots At Oduah's Car In Abuja by delvinmaya(m): 10:02am On Nov 26, 2013
we have been taken for fools for too long, else they would not have dared such with us. All those supporting her, place yourself in her shoes, you park your car, and they shot at it at 10pm, ( you even know when it was shot at), you then wait till monday, 5pm before you go to report at the police station(when its not like the police station is like a bank that will be closed for the weekend), my dears, you dont value your life, infact you dont deserve another chance to live,since to you,your life is valueless. Cast aside tribal sentiments and be objective for once. As a serving minister, with access to the IG of police, are you telling me you won't have called him immediately? Haba, you people dont deserve brains, since you refuse to think. Some were mentioning Dora, so you dont remember a bullet pierced her head gear then abi? Or that she was fighting a serious battle with those fake drugs manufacturers from her region. @sincere9igerian, you would have made a case for oduah, if you had actually been objective, but you choose to play that stupid card of sentiments, portraying yourself as not being sincere. Being sincere entails you being objective and not tribalistic as well.
@ those who believe this crap that they want to assasinate oduah, you are a curse to whateva generation, cause you refuse to reason, but rather, think with your backside, i weep for your lineage. you can insult me, but truth hurts.


Re: Gunmen Fired Shots At Oduah's Car In Abuja by ckkris: 10:07am On Nov 26, 2013
Re: Gunmen Fired Shots At Oduah's Car In Abuja by Nobody: 10:18am On Nov 26, 2013
Obviously Nigerians are not buying this cheap alibi.....
Re: Gunmen Fired Shots At Oduah's Car In Abuja by Samirana360(m): 10:18am On Nov 26, 2013
they ar testin d bullet proof car
Re: Gunmen Fired Shots At Oduah's Car In Abuja by wirinet(m): 10:24am On Nov 26, 2013
I am proud of my fellow nigerians including my igbo brothers for condemning in totality this shinenegans by Stella Oduah and her crew. Only a few well known paid hawks are defending her. Lets come together and use this Stella case as a new revolution, to condemn all acts of corruption irrespective of whether the person concerned is our religion, region, tribesmen or clan. Let no region protect their citizens in any act of corruption. Let the yorubas speak up against their people, same for hausas, igbos, nupes, igalas, etc. Corruption has given all of use a far worse reputation internationally than drugs, boko haram and even yahoo yahoo. Afghanistan with taliban and al-quaida has better reputation than us.
Nairaland, lets fight against the 40 laptop gang, the eko oni baje gang and all other sectional interest gangs supporting criminality by their section.


Re: Gunmen Fired Shots At Oduah's Car In Abuja by Nobody: 10:35am On Nov 26, 2013
oju ole da....... oju ole ree
Re: Gunmen Fired Shots At Oduah's Car In Abuja by lukaino(m): 10:40am On Nov 26, 2013
Another boring story with a weak plot cool
Re: Gunmen Fired Shots At Oduah's Car In Abuja by realdevil: 10:51am On Nov 26, 2013
she has premonition of it that is why she bought the two bullet prooves cars cheesy grin

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