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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Business / Closed (2081 Views)
Cleaning Services Managers: Lets Share Experiences. / Strong Future International (SFI) Does Any One Has An Experience With Them? / Your experiences with the UBA Naira Visa Africard (2) (3) (4)
Closed by PallyG(m): 9:05pm On Dec 25, 2013 |
Re: Closed by dav8id(m): 11:05pm On Dec 25, 2013 |
i join the programm about 2 yrs ago but dnt really understand the system and i let it go. I dnt thing i can even remember my log in details |
Re: Closed by Peddylove(f): 11:16pm On Dec 26, 2013 |
Its nice having a thread lik this on NL. •̸ϞƔ main challenge is money to buy SO |
Re: Closed by nairacodedcom(m): 1:30pm On Dec 29, 2013 |
Peddylove: Its nice having a thread lik this on NL. •̸ϞƔ main challenge is money to buy SO It is no doubt that many well meaning aff iliates have found themselves in this situation one way or another. This question calls for what I call survival Business Tactics only that these particular tactics apply to S FI Business 1. Spend Your Time Wisely. It is your most valuable asset. Log into your Aff iliate center daily and get your to do daily tasks done. Missing out for even a single day deprives you of free daily 11 VP. Those few points missed severally might be the difference between the winner of the E365 class champ in your class and yourself. 2. Refer as many ECA'S as you can to Triple Clicks to sell their products. I have NO doubt that this method alone can help you start making not just the 10% cv off of their total sales but you then use some of the money earned to advertise your business in better ad sites for duplication and growth. This method a lone is GOLD! 3. Adve rtise Daily on FREE Ad sites You can chose to post your ECA or prospect referral links on free ad sites such as safe lists, traffic exchange sites,Facebook, Google+, Linked In etc. This will require your time because with safe lists or traffic exchange sites you will have to earn points to post your ads. I know of an S F I Aff ili ates who succeeded with this method of referral in only 18 months and is already a PTL with a strong down line. 4. Start a coop with your down line. This is another very good way to work smart. Put funds together with your team and either join the S-builder or an ad source of your choosing then distribute shares to each person. I could never emphasis enough the power of a Team working together. It's always a WIN WIN for all. 5. Do not forget after completing your to do daily tasks to enter the daily Grand. Never give up because you haven't won a thing yet. I have severally personally won in the Daily Grand and so can you. If you won say 200VP in the Daily Grand. That would make a difference between you and the next person above or below you in your class on your race to Championship or re-qualification as an EA. 6. Play T-time credit draw daily. It is on every hour. You have a chance to win 2 free T-Cred its. You can then use the won T-cred its in the pick the price contest to win some more T-Cred its for Free usually 25 or 100 once a day. 7. Setting up a standing order with any Triple Clicks purchase helps you save tremendously. That is a work smart move. 8. Buy locally to eliminate any shipping costs. That is working smart too. 9. Take time to read and learn more about the business especially critical areas such as Marke ting, spo nsoring and Duplica tion in your Aff iliates center. Gery himself said it " Leaders are Readers". Information is Knowledge and Knowledge is power. While there are many survival tactics I am confident that these are very helpful to get you started with very minimal spending. Best Success Wishes Ahead |
Re: Closed by saintdollar: 3:11pm On Nov 24, 2014 |
i just want to share proof of my earnings from SFI, this is really great |
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