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My Atheism And Its Effect On My Mum! by GeneralShepherd(m): 6:55am On Jan 01, 2014 |
Since I officially dumped the idea of a god, I haven't seen my parents. I went home this christmas,it was a wonderful holiday for me,little did I know my mum was hurting deep down inside! She called me today being the 1st of January 2014 and started telling me how she asked Yahweh to give her a son after she had four girls(who are all married) which He did according to her. She told me how she has barely slept most nights in the pasy year because of my atheism. Also said it might lead her to her early grave if I continue living without god. My dilemma is I can't pretend about god and the bible,yet I don't want my mum to die or have sleepless nights! When people read the bible the smile on face shows I don't believe any of it, when I try to pray I feel like I'm mad talking to myself or like a kid talking to Barney and friends! How do I undo what has been done! How do I unknow what I know about god and religion? How do I ignore the inconsistencies? I love my mum so much and will gladly become a sheeple for her to be happy 16 Likes |
Re: My Atheism And Its Effect On My Mum! by Nobody: 7:26am On Jan 01, 2014 |
If u r not OK with d Bible and it inconsistencies, then try Islam and read d Quran (with English translation), u will find out it makes more sense!- my personal opinion since am a Muslim. 62 Likes |
Re: My Atheism And Its Effect On My Mum! by mazaje(m): 7:35am On Jan 01, 2014 |
Mayowakadry: If u r not OK with d Bible and it inconsistencies, then try Islam and read d Quran (with English translation), u will find out it makes more sense!- my personal opinion since am a Muslim. You think becoming a muslim will make his mum happy? ![]() @ OP, the damage has been done but, I feel you can pretend if you can just for the sake of your family. . . .That's pretend to accept Jesus. . . 17 Likes |
Re: My Atheism And Its Effect On My Mum! by GeneralShepherd(m): 8:29am On Jan 01, 2014 |
mazaje: Thanks bro Happy New year! |
Re: My Atheism And Its Effect On My Mum! by PastorOluT(m): 8:55am On Jan 01, 2014 |
GeneralShepherd: I dont think pretending would do u any good, 'cos of what I deduced from what u said about ur mom n how she had u, she would easily see through it. What I would say is that continue with ur ways n try to make her realize ur stance, also let her know that after all not all that claimed to be xtians are actually saved. So make her realize that maybe someday u would come around when u encounter Christ, that all she should be doing is to continue to pray for u in that God she believes in. NB Pretence will definitely hurt her more, some of us like one coming out straight no matter what rather than pretending. *Edited* We are surely living in the endtime! We are in the last lap of our race on earth and would soon give accounts of our sojourneying on this side of eternity. The bible says we should be wise as serpent and gentle as a dove, also it says it is required in stewardship that a man be found faithful. Let us all arise from our slumbering and receive the light and life of Christ running with focus and perseverance the final lap of the race we are called to! Seeing wherefore brethren that we are compassed around with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us do away with every sin and weight which easily beset us, and running this race with perseverance that is set before us. Looking unto Christ the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was placed before Him endure the cross, despising the shame and has sat at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2 Stay blessed and remain rapturable 34 Likes |
Re: My Atheism And Its Effect On My Mum! by harbiola1(m): 9:27am On Jan 01, 2014 |
@OP, u're in a serious dilemma, but believe me, u're gonna have a positive result 'cas God wants you. Be open minded and critically think about the creations. You don't need to go far, just think about how ur body was shaped, How ur body organs (ear, nose, eye...) are formed/working. I'll only respect ur intellect which influences ur opinion, it's absurd in the hightest order to arrive at "it is formed by natural selection". Brother, the thinking that God is cruel is different from there is no God, both are human errors. God back to ur Creator, Shaper, Sustainer... and knw who He is. You need a bible once again but try and get a copy of quran this time. Wish u the best in ur quest. 11 Likes |
Re: My Atheism And Its Effect On My Mum! by larrymoore(m): 10:14am On Jan 01, 2014 |
@op. I understand how free one can be to be totally liberal without having any need to serve God; I don't blame u for being what u are. Try and follow ur parent's advice, u absolutely have nothing to lose if u serve God and later come to realise that the bible and the quran narration were all fictional but it wll be late to die without faith, if God exist. 18 Likes |
Re: My Atheism And Its Effect On My Mum! by libero00: 10:55am On Jan 01, 2014 |
GeneralShepherd: Since I officially dumped the idea of a god, I haven't seen my parents. I went home this christmas,it was a wonderful holiday for me,little did I know my mum was hurting deep down inside! Then quite bluntly your mother does not love you. If she did, she would respect your beliefs. You are willing to change for her but she is not willing to change for you. Can't you see she is using the tatic of making you feel guilty by inciting fear into you because she's insecure about her religion so she needs to convert you to reassure herself of her salvation? My advice: tell her the day you go to god, you will go to an early grave as well. Tell her not to worry her salvation is already secure. I beg you, stick to your belief. Religion has been the cause of many wars in this world. 23 Likes 1 Share |
Re: My Atheism And Its Effect On My Mum! by mazaje(m): 11:23am On Jan 01, 2014 |
libero00: Much easier said, the religious are not controlled by reason, but by deep sitted fear and hate of the "other". . .No matter what they tell you, that is the reality. . .In the OT the penalty for apostasy is death. . .You are to be stonned to death for leaving the relgion or converting others to follow other gods apart fro m yahweh. . .islam is also the same. . .Religion uses fear to keep people in line. . .They will never fully accept you until you are one of them, they will only deal or do things with you, but deep inside they have this kind of pity for you. . .You can see what some of them are typing here. . . They just tag everyone as a sinner because that is the only way to get enough recruits for this silly religious game of theirs and feel happy about it. Putting everyone on auto-wrong is a requirement for them and then offering a way out of hell makes them feel they are doing you good or saving your life. . .They just go about creating imaginary problems and offering imaginary solutions. . .They saddle everyone from birth with the notion that they are the lowest form of life available because they do bad things with every breath and they need this special message written by unknown people about 2000 years ago to save them from this mythical problem they created. . .Muslims also have their own silly ideas and mythical self created problems that only belief in the nonsense written in the koran will cure. .religion is bullshit. . . 47 Likes |
Re: My Atheism And Its Effect On My Mum! by UyiIredia(m): 11:43am On Jan 01, 2014 |
libero00: Reverse psychology, great: but you jst had to spoil with a plea for atheism that makes you look desperate. 1 Like |
Re: My Atheism And Its Effect On My Mum! by libero00: 11:47am On Jan 01, 2014 |
mazaje: You've said it all. I only hope the op will think and decide properly. 4 Likes |
Re: My Atheism And Its Effect On My Mum! by grandstar(m): 12:15pm On Jan 01, 2014 |
why dont you believe there is a creator? what church does your mom attend? 1 Like |
Re: My Atheism And Its Effect On My Mum! by MeandSum: 1:47pm On Jan 01, 2014 |
GeneralShepherd: Since I officially dumped the idea of a god, I haven't seen my parents. I went home this christmas,it was a wonderful holiday for me,little did I know my mum was hurting deep down inside! I feel for you. I was in the same boat 20 years ago. My Mom was afraid of what people would say, how god would punish me and stuff like that. fast forward to 20 years later our conversion usually ends with her saying "Thanks. I'm very proud of you! God bless you". Just maintain your moral compass (trust me, morality has nothing to do with God - people who "know" they'll be forgiven by some "ever loving" God tend to commit more crimes). With clarity of mind that comes from knowing everything depends on you and not some made up God you'll achieve greatness and stability in life. 19 Likes 1 Share |
Re: My Atheism And Its Effect On My Mum! by MeandSum: 2:07pm On Jan 01, 2014 |
Mayowakadry: If u r not OK with d Bible and it inconsistencies, then try Islam and read d Quran (with English translation), u will find out it makes more sense!- my personal opinion since am a Muslim. I hope that's a joke ![]() 6 Likes |
Re: My Atheism And Its Effect On My Mum! by PastorOluT(m): 2:09pm On Jan 01, 2014 |
MeandSum: Salvation is not just moral bro, for the fact that many that hold on to wrong concept of forgiveness doesn't change the truth. Jesus is the way, truth n life for no one comes to the father bt by Him. NB I foresee u saying all sorts n calling me names bt that doesn't change a thing 'cos u will definitely remember this post some day. 33 Likes |
Re: My Atheism And Its Effect On My Mum! by mazaje(m): 2:13pm On Jan 01, 2014 |
Pastor Olu T: There is no god but allah and mohammed is his messenger, my brother you are on the wrong path. . You will rot in allah's hell unless you believe in him and accept his religion which is islam. . .say what ever you want but you will definitely remember this post some day. . . 31 Likes |
Re: My Atheism And Its Effect On My Mum! by onetrack(m): 2:18pm On Jan 01, 2014 |
mazaje: Nonsense....Krishna is going to torture you cruelly for eternity if you don't believe and follow him only....and his cruelty surpasses even the cruelty of Yahweh and Allah, and anyone with even the slightest bit of reason will agree with me. Now submit. And give me your money. 29 Likes 1 Share |
Re: My Atheism And Its Effect On My Mum! by onetrack(m): 2:21pm On Jan 01, 2014 |
GeneralShepherd: Since I officially dumped the idea of a god, I haven't seen my parents. I went home this christmas,it was a wonderful holiday for me,little did I know my mum was hurting deep down inside! She's just using emotional blackmail on you. I don't think this is very kind of her. If you give in to this then she will just continue to use it. 1 Like |
Re: My Atheism And Its Effect On My Mum! by wiegraf: 2:34pm On Jan 01, 2014 |
What to do depends on your moms personality mostly, and we don't know that. |
Re: My Atheism And Its Effect On My Mum! by MeandSum: 2:46pm On Jan 01, 2014 |
grandstar: why dont you believe there is a creator? what church does your mom attend? Can I ask you why you believe there's a creator? Have you seen or heard from him? How do you know he's the creator and not actually one of the 10, 000 gods from India? maybe Obatala is the creator. Any thoughts? 7 Likes 1 Share |
Re: My Atheism And Its Effect On My Mum! by MeandSum: 2:56pm On Jan 01, 2014 |
Pastor Olu T: I don't intend to call you names. In fact, I respect your initial advice to him. Why do you think I'll remember the post? trust me, I'll visit my doctor immediately if I start hearing voices. I'll not suddenly go "oh, my God, is that you?" 8 Likes 1 Share |
Re: My Atheism And Its Effect On My Mum! by Nobody: 4:15pm On Jan 01, 2014 |
you are luky ur mum only resort to emotional blackmail. Had you been from serious islamic family, u dare not go near ur village less alone visit ur home. 4 Likes |
Re: My Atheism And Its Effect On My Mum! by mazaje(m): 4:49pm On Jan 01, 2014 |
Mee234: you are luky ur mum only resort to emotional blackmail. Had you being from serious islamic family, u dear not go near ur village less alone visit ur home. I always prefer christains than muslims when it comes to this. . .My family had to leave in the dead of the night when my mum converted us back to christianity after my dad died. . .A muslim father will happily kill his son for becoming an atheist. . .Muslims see atheist less than animals. . .islam is a very dangerous religion when it comes to such issues. . . 24 Likes 1 Share |
Re: My Atheism And Its Effect On My Mum! by Nobody: 5:11pm On Jan 01, 2014 |
mazaje: LMAO!!! Mazaje is a SmartAs.s .. ![]() ![]() ![]() @Pastor Kun, Accept Hinduism, it is the true way. I can bet you will remember this post someday. 7 Likes |
Re: My Atheism And Its Effect On My Mum! by Nobody: 5:14pm On Jan 01, 2014 |
grandstar: why dont you believe there is a creator? what church does your mom attend? Which of the Creators? Allah? Yahweh? Obatala? Which of them created this world? 4 Likes |
Re: My Atheism And Its Effect On My Mum! by mazaje(m): 6:00pm On Jan 01, 2014 |
oluafolabi: It all depends on which religion your were born into and indoctrinated with. . . |
Re: My Atheism And Its Effect On My Mum! by PAGAN9JA(m): 6:33pm On Jan 01, 2014 |
OP convert to Traditional Religion and tell your mother to be initiated as well. She can continue serving God. The only difference is that she will be doing so in her language. 3 Likes |
Re: My Atheism And Its Effect On My Mum! by cold(m): 6:58pm On Jan 01, 2014 |
You're all wrong. Shintoism is the only way & Shin tao[i][/i] is his messenger. You'll remember this post some day. @op i feel you though. My mum is really unhappy with my godless state. Always appealing to me through,cajoling,emotional blackmails,coaxing etc. I just told her my mind is made up,no going back. She still thinks it's a phase that'll pass..sigh. Anyways its 2014 & i'm looking for a new religion. Thus,my chart for clarification 13 Likes 1 Share
Re: My Atheism And Its Effect On My Mum! by Nobody: 7:06pm On Jan 01, 2014 |
mazaje:ur dad must have been a very good man for ur mum to stay until after his death. 5 Likes |
Re: My Atheism And Its Effect On My Mum! by Nobody: 10:42pm On Jan 01, 2014 |
Mee234: ![]() ![]() 2 Likes |
Re: My Atheism And Its Effect On My Mum! by victwi: 11:43pm On Jan 01, 2014 |
Very funny... People advertising their different religions. There are only two things that can happen... Either the one true God, the maker of heaven and earth, the one whose son is Jesus, arrests you like he did Paul. (in this case u will be very lucky) or whenever you die, you learn the very hard way that there is a God, who is a loving God and a consuming fire @ the same time. I'd just say... Keep living your life, keep your mind open and if God pleases, he will reveal himself to you. As for your mum, she's one of the best mums on earth, I'm sure. ![]() 43 Likes |
Re: My Atheism And Its Effect On My Mum! by EvilBrain1(m): 11:47pm On Jan 01, 2014 |
@OP If your mother cant come to terms with your atheism, then there's nothing wrong with pretending to be a Christian in front of her if that is what will make her happy. Your mom is not going to be with you for ever. We atheists don't have the luxury of fantasizing about seeing our lived ones in heaven. Once she dies, you'll never see her again. So use the little time you have well. Make the woman happy. Don't flaunt your atheism in front of her if it makes her feel bad. And lie and pretend to be a christian if she just can't accept it. Like I said before in another thread, we don't all have to be Christopher Hitchens. 10 Likes |
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