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"How Large Was Noah's Ark?" - Religion - Nairaland

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"How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by OLAADEGBU(m): 6:57pm On Jan 01, 2014
Someone Said: "How large was Noah's ark?"


We know the Ark must have been at least 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high. Using a longer cubit, it would have been over 500 feet in length. In the Western world, wooden sailing ships never got much longer than about 330 feet, yet much earlier the ancient Greeks were building vessels at least this size. China built huge wooden ships in the 1400s that may have been as large as the Ark. The biblical Ark is one of the largest wooden ships of all time, a mid-sized cargo ship even by today’s standards.

The Ark had three decks (see Gen. 6:16), so this gives you an idea of its overall size. With a capacity of 1.5 million cubic feet, it would have had sufficient room for all the people, animals (kinds), and supplies.

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Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by omiobo: 7:01pm On Jan 01, 2014

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Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by EvilBrain1(m): 11:32pm On Jan 01, 2014
How did Noah fit 2 million insects (1 million species x 2) into the ark? And how did be manage to fit 12,000 amphibians, 20,000 birds, 11,000 mammals, 16,000 reptiles and god knows how many crustaceans, arachnids and mollusks into a boat that must have already been overflowing with insects? Where did he find space to keep a years worth of food for all those animals? How did he keep the meat for the Lions, tigers and other carnivores fresh for a whole year? Why did he take mosquitoes, tapeworms, guinea worms and the HIV virus aboard the ark? Did he infect himself with all those parasites, or did he force his wife and children to carry them? How come all the animals didn't freeze to death at 9,000 metres altitude (the height of Mount Everest which must have been underwater) Where did they find oxygen to breathe at that height? What did all the animals eat after getting off the ark? All the plants must have died after a year underwater, and all the animals would have drowned so no food for herbivores or carnivores. How come all the fish in the ocean survived? Saltwater fish can't survive in freshwater and the ocean would have been massively diluted with all that rain. Or did the ark also have a salty fish tank with space for 60,000 fish (30,000 species x 2)? And how did he feed all those fish?

Not that I'm doubting this ark story mind you. Its in the Bible after all, so it must be true. I'm just curious about a few technicalities. I'm sure you have good explanations for all of them.

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Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by Joshthefirst(m): 11:42pm On Jan 01, 2014

He does.

And not all insects were admitted into the ark mind you.

If you can mannage to not lalala and examine this noah and the ark story even scientifically, you'll realize its remarkable.

And only terrestrials were admitted. Some fish would have survived though. Majority of the rest would be covered in sand and silt washed suddenly upon them.

Majority of lifeforms would fossilize, majority of the land would be scarred by the moving waters.


Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by EvilBrain1(m): 12:14am On Jan 02, 2014
Joshthefirst: ^^^

He does.

And not all insects were admitted into the ark mind you.

If you can mannage to not lalala and examine this noah and the ark story even scientifically, you'll realize its remarkable.

And only terrestrials were admitted. Some fish would have survived though. Majority of the rest would be covered in sand and silt washed suddenly upon them.

Majority of lifeforms would fossilize, majority of the land would be scarred by the moving waters.

The numbers I quoted refer to the species alive today. If they weren't all admitted to the ark, then how did they survive?

And no, the saltwater fish could not have survived. Very few fish species can survive such drastic changes in salinity. The vast majority would have died long before all the land was covered.

I noticed that you didn't address the fact that there simply isn't enough space for even a tiny fraction of those animals to fit on the ark as described in the bible. Even a hundred arks couldnt have fit all the food (and shït) they would have gone through in a month, not to talk of a year. Also there's the altitude problem. And the post deluge food problem. And the problem of which one of Noah's family members was HIV positive.

I didn't even ask how all the animals only found on isolated islands and continents (like kangaroos, ostriches, lemurs and the various species of giant tortoises) managed to find their way to the middle east to climb into the ark. Did they swim across the oceans? Did they swim back after the flood? And how come kangaroos and lemurs didn't leave a single descendant behind in Eurasia or Africa during their long walk/swim back to Australia/Madagascar? You'd think you'd find every class of animal living around the area where the ark landed instead of species being geographically isolated the way they are.

Like I said before, I'm not doubting the story. The Bible is obviously 100% correct in every way. I just want to clear up a few grey areas.

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Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by mantraa: 12:53am On Jan 02, 2014
In answer to your questions,
All the animals were teleported to the ark location just before the flood and then teleported back to their original locations around the globe after the event.

To fit on the ark, all the animals were debigulated to a tiny fraction of their size, then re-bigulated when the flood was over, including some of the less sinful dinosaurs.

To account for the food and waste issues, all the animals were put in a state of suspended animation, this included all the salt water / fresh water fishes, whales, cretaceans, turtles and dolphins.

To account for the altitude and lack of oxygen, god created more oxygen for the planet so they could breathe and stay alive.

When the flood subsided, god siphened the water off the planet into space, creating the frozen ice asteroid belt and kuiper belt in the solar system.

Then he fixed the soil and hyper accelerated the growth of plants so that a dove will find a tree to indicate that land was nearby.

Remember that Yahweh is omnipotent, there is nothing he cannot do to make his ingenious and omniscient plan work.


Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by Joshthefirst(m): 1:15am On Jan 02, 2014
Evil Brain:

The numbers I quoted refer to the species alive today. If they weren't all admitted to the ark, then how did they survive?
all of them were not needed, only a token of them were needed, as the record states, for continuance and reproduction. Again, we must understand that there must have been much fewer species then than there are now, so the ark would have been convenient.

Evil Brain:
And no, the saltwater fish could not have survived. Very few fish species can survive such drastic changes in salinity. The vast majority would have died long before all the land was covered.

Evil Brain:
I noticed that you didn't address the fact that there simply isn't enough space for even a tiny fraction of those animals to fit on the ark as described in the bible. Even a hundred arks couldnt have fit all the food (and shït) they would have gone through in a month, not to talk of a year.
my first response tackles this issue.

Evil Brain:
Also there's the altitude problem. And the post deluge food problem. And the problem of which one of Noah's family members was HIV positive.
well, the landscape was very different then. The bible records that the fountains of the deep were opened, so we can conclude that the resulting volcanic eruptions and deposits are what raised the land and created major mountains during the post-flood era. This is just guessing shaa. It seems a good guess to me. What do you think(I hope you're not just trying to mock here, we're examining possibilities). The climate change caused by the flood is said to be responsible for the extinction of a number of species. And HIV wasn't around then. Nawa for you o.

Evil Brain:
I didn't even ask how all the animals only found on isolated islands and continents (like kangaroos, ostriches, lemurs and the various species of giant tortoises) managed to find their way to the middle east to climb into the ark. Did they swim across the oceans? Did they swim back after the flood? And how come kangaroos and lemurs didn't leave a single descendant behind in Eurasia or Africa during their long walk/swim back to Australia/Madagascar? You'd think you'd find every class of animal living around the area where the ark landed instead of species being geographically isolated the way they are.
there's a possibility the cataclysm was responsible for the major break-up of the continents. The records state that the animals came, maybe the landscape was much different then.
Nice question.

Evil Brain:
Like I said before, I'm not doubting the story. The Bible is obviously 100% correct in every way. I just want to clear up a few grey areas.
stop mocking. Yes, the bible is taken to be very correct and reliable, that is my position.


Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by Joshthefirst(m): 1:16am On Jan 02, 2014
mantraa: In answer to your questions,
All the animals were teleported to the ark location just before the flood and then teleported back to their original locations around the globe after the event.

To fit on the ark, all the animals were debigulated to a tiny fraction of their size, then re-bigulated when the flood was over, including some of the less sinful dinosaurs.

To account for the food and waste issues, all the animals were put in a state of suspended animation, this included all the salt water / fresh water fishes, whales, cretaceans, turtles and dolphins.

To account for the altitude and lack of oxygen, god created more oxygen for the planet so they could breathe and stay alive.

When the flood subsided, god siphened the water off the planet into space, creating the frozen ice asteroid belt and kuiper belt in the solar system.

Then he fixed the soil and hyper accelerated the growth of plants so that a dove will find a tree to indicate that land was nearby.

Remember that Yahweh is omnipotent, there is nothing he cannot do to make his ingenious and omniscient plan work.
joker. You will not be taken seriously.


Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by Nobody: 2:29am On Jan 02, 2014
OLAADEGBU: Someone Said: "How large was Noah's ark?"


We know the Ark must have been at least 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high. Using a longer cubit, it would have been over 500 feet in length. In the Western world, wooden sailing ships never got much longer than about 330 feet, yet much earlier the ancient Greeks were building vessels at least this size. China built huge wooden ships in the 1400s that may have been as large as the Ark. The biblical Ark is one of the largest wooden ships of all time, a mid-sized cargo ship even by today’s standards.

The Ark had three decks (see Gen. 6:16), so this gives you an idea of its overall size. With a capacity of 1.5 million cubic feet, it would have had sufficient room for all the people, animals (kinds), and supplies.

REALLY?!!! angry

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Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by mazaje(m): 3:22am On Jan 02, 2014
Joshthefirst: all of them were not needed, only a token of them were needed, as the record states, for continuance and reproduction. Again, we must understand that there must have been much fewer species then than there are now, so the ark would have been convenient.

According to the bible the flood happened about 6000 years ago, pretty most of the species available on earth existed at that time. . .

well, the landscape was very different then. The bible records that the fountains of the deep were opened, so we can conclude that the resulting volcanic eruptions and deposits are what raised the land and created major mountains during the post-flood era. This is just guessing shaa. It seems a good guess to me. What do you think(I hope you're not just trying to mock here, we're examining possibilities). The climate change caused by the flood is said to be responsible for the extinction of a number of species. And HIV wasn't around then. Nawa for you o.

the earths landscape wasn't different 6000 years ago. . .Mount Everist alone is over 60 million years old according to scientific dating. . .The mythical flood did not create any ajor mountain any where. . .Most of the major mountains are millions of years old according to scientist. . .I told you in another thread that people were living and writing their own histories in places like china, india, egypt and south america uninterupted 6000 years ago. . .There is no evidence what so ever to show that the earth was once flooded, its just a jewish myth and fairy tale, many christians know this and are now saying that the flood was a local flood and not a global one. . .There is NO evidence for a global flood any where. ..

there's a possibility the cataclysm was responsible for the major break-up of the continents. The records state that the animals came, maybe the landscape was much different then.
Nice question.

Continents were formed very long ago and not 6000 years ago. . .


Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by phuckNL: 4:41am On Jan 02, 2014
The tale of Noahs ark is actually what it is "TALE"
I bet it was blown out of proportion. What probably happened was a localized flood where he probably saved a handful of domesticated animals.
If anyone believes he saved all the animals in pairs, you need to have yourself checked out. If the leaders that we have today CAN LIE to us with all the technological devices we have today, why is it implausible for people who lived centuries ago to have LIED also. The tale is a MYTH.

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Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by Mynd44: 7:33am On Jan 02, 2014
This is nice
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by Nobody: 8:00am On Jan 02, 2014
Evil Brain: How did Noah fit 2 million insects (1 million species x 2) into the ark? And how did be manage to fit 12,000 amphibians, 20,000 birds, 11,000 mammals, 16,000 reptiles and god knows how many crustaceans, arachnids and mollusks into a boat that must have already been overflowing with insects? Where did he find space to keep a years worth of food for all those animals? How did he keep the meat for the Lions, tigers and other carnivores fresh for a whole year? Why did he take mosquitoes, tapeworms, guinea worms and the HIV virus aboard the ark? Did he infect himself with all those parasites, or did he force his wife and children to carry them? How come all the animals didn't freeze to death at 9,000 metres altitude (the height of Mount Everest which must have been underwater) Where did they find oxygen to breathe at that height? What did all the animals eat after getting off the ark? All the plants must have died after a year underwater, and all the animals would have drowned so no food for herbivores or carnivores. How come all the fish in the ocean survived? Saltwater fish can't survive in freshwater and the ocean would have been massively diluted with all that rain. Or did the ark also have a salty fish tank with space for 60,000 fish (30,000 species x 2)? And how did he feed all those fish?

Not that I'm doubting this ark story mind you. Its in the Bible after all, so it must be true. I'm just curious about a few technicalities. I'm sure you have good explanations for all of them.

Waiting for OlaAdegbu to provide answers. grin grin

The bible is 100% true. There must be some explanation lurking somewhere shocked .

1 Like

Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by Nobody: 8:22am On Jan 02, 2014
This question is putting the bible in a very tight corner though. sad sad

1) If there is no explanation for how thousands of animal species including microorganisms stayed aboard that small ship then it could imply that the story was just a jewish myth.

2) If the story is a Jewish myth, then it implies that the bible does not contain 100% true stories.

3) If a myth such as this is in the bible, how can we prove the efficacy of other stories?

4) Did the good 'creator' create another set of animals after the flood?

I'm suspicious though.

Why would OlaAdegbu want to put himself and the 'holy book' in a tight corner like this?

undecided undecided


Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by jayriginal: 9:24am On Jan 02, 2014
@ mantra, I believe the de-bigulation and re-bigulation was done by Professor Frink wink

As for Josh, kindly give it up. Even Olaadegbu knows better than to come back here.


Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by dominique(f): 9:30am On Jan 02, 2014
Evil Brain:

The numbers I quoted refer to the species alive today. If they weren't all admitted to the ark, then how did they survive?

lol, I've thought about it myself. how did he fit in all the animals in an ark in pairs. most of the animals alive today were not in existence back then. evolution occurred and one animal re-evelved to about 10 different species. that's the only scientific explanation i can give for it.
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by Ranchhoddas: 10:18am On Jan 02, 2014
Did Noah also take bacteria and viruses into the ark or did the survive the flood? There are approximately 8.7million species,this is excluding extinct and yet to be discovered species.Male and female of these give 17.4million species.This is what you are saying entered the ark.Even modern christians are now seeing the implausibility of the story and are now claiming it is an allegory...


Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by Joshthefirst(m): 12:36pm On Jan 02, 2014

According to the bible the flood happened about 6000 years ago, pretty most of the species available on earth existed at that time. . .
nope. Do you know how many species arise everyday? I disagree. And even if it was so, remember that the bibilical records specifically stated he take a pair(or seven pairs) of each kind of animal, and not each species. We can rightly conclude that the terrestrials that survived the flood in the ark gave rise to the different species we see today.

the earths landscape wasn't different 6000 years ago. . .Mount Everist alone is over 60 million years old according to scientific dating. . .The mythical flood did not create any ajor mountain any where. . .Most of the major mountains are millions of years old according to scientist. . .I told you in another thread that people were living and writing their own histories in places like china, india, egypt and south america uninterupted 6000 years ago. . .There is no evidence what so ever to show that the earth was once flooded, its just a jewish myth and fairy tale,
I meant the massive deposits of the flood raised landscapes and buried populations of organisms alive. raised landscape, and I disagree. Scientific dating is very fallible and prone to the bias of the gradual earth scientists, and contamination and even does not consider the rapid decay of the earths magnetic field. There is massive evidence all around us for a global flood. From scarred landscape only possible as a result of very massive corrosive effect of extremely fast moving water, to the millions and millions of fossils we see, to the fact that there are fossils of both terrestrials and aquatic animals rapidly buried alive together(what would a possum be doing fossilized beside a whale?, some animals buried so quickly in sand that they were on the verge of eating a meal, or giving birth, to the fossils of aquatic animals in very high altitudes etc. There is too much evidence of the flood, the global flood. The world's a graveyard.

and many christians know this and are now saying that the flood was a local flood and not a global one. . .There is NO evidence for a global flood any where. ..
in addition to my reply above, the christians don't know any better. Most civilizations have ancient legends and tales of a flood, they are corrupt accounts passed down orally. There is too much evidence for us.

Continents were formed very long ago and not 6000 years ago. . .
continents would have been different if an ancient cataclysmic event that caused underground crust-shiftings and magma eruptions happened 6000 years ago. Modern creationists do not claim it is allegory, not all of them, we claim it is real, the evidence of fossils and such is hard to ignore.

oluafolabi: This question is putting the bible in a very tight corner though. sad sad
1) If there is no explanation for how thousands of animal species including microorganisms stayed aboard that small ship then it could imply that the story was just a jewish myth.
2) If the story is a Jewish myth, then it implies that the bible does not contain 100% true stories.
3) If a myth such as this is in the bible, how can we prove the efficacy of other stories?
4) Did the good 'creator' create another set of animals after the flood?
I'm suspicious though.
Why would OlaAdegbu want to put himself and the 'holy book' in a tight corner like this?
undecided undecided
sorry, but we're undeterred. A scientific examination of facts will reveal that there is more than enough evidence of a global cataclysmic flood event.

jayriginal: @ mantra, I believe the de-bigulation and re-bigulation was done by Professor Frink wink
As for Josh, kindly give it up. Even Olaadegbu knows better than to come back here.
don't worry, you'll soon see him.


Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by Joshthefirst(m): 12:49pm On Jan 02, 2014

lol, I've thought about it myself. how did he fit in all the animals in an ark in pairs. most of the animals alive today were not in existence back then. evolution occurred and one animal re-evelved to about 10 different species. that's the only scientific explanation i can give for it.
as you can see from the original post, the ark was very large, and the bible specifically records he was asked to take a pair(or seven pairs) of each kind of animals, not each species. Those would then repopulate the earth and speciate and evolve as they adapt to the new climate.

Genesis 7:2 Take with you seven pairs of each kind of ritually clean animal, but only one pair of each kind of unclean animal. 3 Take also seven pairs of each kind of bird. Do this so that every kind of animal and bird will be kept alive to reproduce again on the earth.


Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by Joshthefirst(m): 12:55pm On Jan 02, 2014

1 Like

Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by OLAADEGBU(m): 12:56pm On Jan 02, 2014
Evil Brain:

How did Noah fit 2 million insects (1 million species x 2) into the ark? And how did be manage to fit 12,000 amphibians, 20,000 birds, 11,000 mammals, 16,000 reptiles and god knows how many crustaceans, arachnids and mollusks into a boat that must have already been overflowing with insects? Where did he find space to keep a years worth of food for all those animals? How did he keep the meat for the Lions, tigers and other carnivores fresh for a whole year? Why did he take mosquitoes, tapeworms, guinea worms and the HIV virus aboard the ark? Did he infect himself with all those parasites, or did he force his wife and children to carry them? How come all the animals didn't freeze to death at 9,000 metres altitude (the height of Mount Everest which must have been underwater) Where did they find oxygen to breathe at that height? What did all the animals eat after getting off the ark? All the plants must have died after a year underwater, and all the animals would have drowned so no food for herbivores or carnivores. How come all the fish in the ocean survived? Saltwater fish can't survive in freshwater and the ocean would have been massively diluted with all that rain. Or did the ark also have a salty fish tank with space for 60,000 fish (30,000 species x 2)? And how did he feed all those fish?

Not that I'm doubting this ark story mind you. Its in the Bible after all, so it must be true. I'm just curious about a few technicalities. I'm sure you have good explanations for all of them.

Evil Brain, you can't think crooked and walk straight. If you've been thinking straight you would have realised that you been barking up the wrong tree. In case you missed the question of the OP it is: How large was Noah's Ark? When you make an attempt to answer this then I will oblige your objections. cool

1 Like

Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by OLAADEGBU(m): 1:03pm On Jan 02, 2014

Waiting for OlaAdegbu to provide answers. grin grin

The bible is 100% true. There must be some explanation lurking somewhere shocked .


This question is putting the bible in a very tight corner though. sad sad

1) If there is no explanation for how thousands of animal species including microorganisms stayed aboard that small ship then it could imply that the story was just a jewish myth.

2) If the story is a Jewish myth, then it implies that the bible does not contain 100% true stories.

3) If a myth such as this is in the bible, how can we prove the efficacy of other stories?

4) Did the good 'creator' create another set of animals after the flood?

I'm suspicious though.

Why would OlaAdegbu want to put himself and the 'holy book' in a tight corner like this?

undecided undecided

It's you that boxed yourself into a tight corner. If you don't know how large Noah's Ark was how then can you object to how many animals that got on board? You now have to box yourself out of the corner. cool


Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by phuckNL: 2:43pm On Jan 02, 2014

It's you that boxed yourself into a tight corner. If you don't know how large Noah's Ark was how then can you object to how many animals that got on board? You now have to box yourself out of the corner. cool

Unless Noah's ark was as big as the entire earth itself, this story is a MYTH. It was written by PEOPLE. Why is it so hard to believe that PEOPLE LIE.
The same people who said the earth was flat, who said there was a ladder than connected HEAVEN to the earth?
Thank God for Astronauts, we know all that was a lie.

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Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by Joshthefirst(m): 2:45pm On Jan 02, 2014

Unless Noah's ark was as big as the entire earth itself, this story is a MYTH. It was written by PEOPLE. Why is it so hard to believe that PEOPLE LIE.
The same people who said the earth was flat, who said there was a ladder than connected HEAVEN to the earth?
Thank God for Astronauts, we know all that was a lie.
you are ignorant

1 Like

Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by phuckNL: 3:16pm On Jan 02, 2014
Joshthefirst: you are ignorant

I am not. You are the ignorant one. I don't believe in lies told several decades ago. Science has shown us the universe, dinosaurs and several other things that show that we have been lied to and yet I am ignorant. If I came to you today and told you that I am the one that created the world, you wouldn't believe me but you would believe stories that were written by PRIMITIVE people that lived thousands of years ago. What gives you the impression that they DIDN"T LIE.


Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by Pimples(m): 3:23pm On Jan 02, 2014
I seriously think trying to use science to fault the Bible is wrong....
As some one mentioned earlier, Carbon Dating as well as other scientific dating methods are not accurate and are largely unreliable.
Each method gives u a different date for the origin of the earth.
Science has not, cannot and will never answer all questions......
One of such questions is how life came to exist in the first place......
There is this tendency for we humans to think like humans....whereas God has said that his ways are higher than our ways......
Never underestimate the power of God.
What science might view to be illogical or impossible, is very possible with God.
Hence, since we were not there....we can only speculate as to how the whole process of the flood was carried out.....
But one thing is sure....the flood of Noah's day actually happened.

@ OP
Going by the specifications in the bible,and in simple comparism the ark was supposed to have been slightly larger than 2 standard football fields


Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by phuckNL: 3:47pm On Jan 02, 2014
Pimples: I seriously think trying to use science to fault the Bible is wrong....
As some one mentioned earlier, Carbon Dating as well as other scientific dating methods are not accurate and are largely unreliable.
Each method gives u a different date for the origin of the earth.
Science has not, cannot and will never answer all questions......
One of such questions is how life came to exist in the first place......
There is this tendency for we humans to think like humans....whereas God has said that his ways are higher than our ways......
Never underestimate the power of God.
What science might view to be illogical or impossible, is very possible with God.
Hence, since we were not there....we can only speculate as to how the whole process of the flood was carried out.....
But one thing is sure....the flood of Noah's day actually happened.

@ OP
Going by the specifications in the bible,and in simple comparism the ark was supposed to have been slightly larger than 2 standard football fields

A lot of people do not dispute GOD. Most just BELIEVE that the PEOPLE who wrote RELIGIOUS books LIED/Spiced up things to get people to believe them. The flood probably happened and the ark was probably built. It was probably localized to a certain region and he probably saved a handful of domesticated animals which the writers than exaggerated to include the entire world.

With regards, to carbon dating, trust me its at least 95% accurate. You only need a 50% accuracy to realize that the dates stated by those who wrote religious books is wrong. They simply wrote what they taught was right at the time without evidence to back it up. Same thing with the RAINBOW story. Most of these things were basically what they taught at the time and they then coined it into religious books. I believe in my GOD but I do not believe the lies in all religious books. I believe if I am good to myself and my fellow man I will make heaven regardless of what anyone thinks. I do not have to pray through anyone and I do not have to go to any institution or read any book to know that being GOOD is the right thing.


Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by Ranchhoddas: 4:39pm On Jan 02, 2014
Joshthefirst: as you can see from the original post, the ark was very large, and the bible specifically records he was asked to take a pair(or seven pairs) of each kind of animals, not each species. Those would then repopulate the earth and speciate and evolve as they adapt to the new climate.

Genesis 7:2 Take with you seven pairs of each kind of ritually clean animal, but only one pair of each kind of unclean animal. 3 Take also seven pairs of each kind of bird. Do this so that every kind of animal and bird will be kept alive to reproduce again on the earth.
so you support evolution when it suits you.FYI,speciation takes hundreds of thousands to millions of years,your happened in less than 6,000yrs.Please also explain creation/evolution/speciation of viruses and bacteria and other micro-organisms in relation to Noah's ark when you are responding to this post.


Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by Ranchhoddas: 4:42pm On Jan 02, 2014
Joshthefirst: as you can see from the original post, the ark was very large, and the bible specifically records he was asked to take a pair(or seven pairs) of each kind of animals, not each species. Those would then repopulate the earth and speciate and evolve as they adapt to the new climate.

Genesis 7:2 Take with you seven pairs of each kind of ritually clean animal, but only one pair of each kind of unclean animal. 3 Take also seven pairs of each kind of bird. Do this so that every kind of animal and bird will be kept alive to reproduce again on the earth.
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by khattab02: 4:53pm On Jan 02, 2014
mantraa: In answer to your questions,
All the animals were teleported to the ark location just before the flood and then teleported back to their original locations around the globe after the event.

To fit on the ark, all the animals were debigulated to a tiny fraction of their size, then re-bigulated when the flood was over, including some of the less sinful dinosaurs.

To account for the food and waste issues, all the animals were put in a state of suspended animation, this included all the salt water / fresh water fishes, whales, cretaceans, turtles and dolphins.

To account for the altitude and lack of oxygen, god created more oxygen for the planet so they could breathe and stay alive.

When the flood subsided, god siphened the water off the planet into space, creating the frozen ice asteroid belt and kuiper belt in the solar system.

Then he fixed the soil and hyper accelerated the growth of plants so that a dove will find a tree to indicate that land was nearby.

Remember that Yahweh is omnipotent, there is nothing he cannot do to make his ingenious and omniscient plan work.
hmmmmm... Nice explanation but how did you know??

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Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by khattab02: 4:55pm On Jan 02, 2014

REALLY?!!! angry
lol.. Not really!!
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by khattab02: 4:58pm On Jan 02, 2014
Joshthefirst: joker. You will not be taken seriously.
of course na!

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