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Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by RoyaleR(m): 1:52pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
Wow incredible ![]() |
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by mkmyers45(m): 1:54pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
mad nigerian: Local flood yes......... World wide flood is just ridiculous Also, How did races diverge from a global flood that killed everybody save eight people? |
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by mazaje(m): 1:54pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
jayAjoku: answer this is there anything too hard for God...? Many many thing are too hard for god. . .example no go can heal an amputee and restore his or her amputated limbs back. . . 1 Like |
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by xynerise: 2:02pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
Noah's ark----The Titanic |
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by emmyclassic(m): 2:06pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
Scientists has come to believe that the biblical flood story could be true because " if all the ice in the world should melt today the whole world would be submerged in water" Which is to say the Noah's flood is still with us till this day. Heard this 2 years ago on CNN on an issue on GLOBAL WARMING. Don't 4get after d 40 days rain God sent a strong wind to blow d water away which could av resulted to the icing we have today in d polar regions. |
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by PAPAAFRICA: 2:09pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
Noahs ark wasn't real, sorry niggas. |
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by Emma8043(m): 2:13pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
Evil Brain: How did Noah fit 2 million insects (1 million species x 2) into the ark? And how did be manage to fit 12,000 amphibians, 20,000 birds, 11,000 mammals, 16,000 reptiles and god knows how many crustaceans, arachnids and mollusks into a boat that must have already been overflowing with insects? Where did he find space to keep a years worth of food for all those animals? How did he keep the meat for the Lions, tigers and other carnivores fresh for a whole year? Why did he take mosquitoes, tapeworms, guinea worms and the HIV virus aboard the ark? Did he infect himself with all those parasites, or did he force his wife and children to carry them? How come all the animals didn't freeze to death at 9,000 metres altitude (the height of Mount Everest which must have been underwater) Where did they find oxygen to breathe at that height? What did all the animals eat after getting off the ark? All the plants must have died after a year underwater, and all the animals would have drowned so no food for herbivores or carnivores. How come all the fish in the ocean survived? Saltwater fish can't survive in freshwater and the ocean would have been massively diluted with all that rain. Or did the ark also have a salty fish tank with space for 60,000 fish (30,000 species x 2)? And how did he feed all those fish?oboi see jamb question |
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by clemmonce(m): 2:16pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
Joshthefirst: ^^^the way you sound it seems you are Christian so you believe in God. my guy if God wants to keep you alive he will . where other people go and they die you will go you will live. |
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by Adamskuty(m): 2:20pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
Lol! The whole world wasn't flooded. They were few humans on earth by that time,let's say not more than a thousand! And they all lived in Noah's hometown. So only noah's hometown was flooded as the only humans on earth by then,lived there. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by Nobody: 2:22pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
GOD's ways are not our ways,so stop questioning HIS authority,mind u,HE's an unquestionable GOD |
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by hyzicbond(m): 2:27pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
According to International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Size and Nature of the Ark; According to Gen 6:14-16 God commanded Noah to build an ark of gopher wood 300 cubits long, 50 cubits broad, and 30 cubits high. It was to have three stories divided into compartments, was to be covered with pitch on the inside and outside, and was to have a door and a window. GOPHER WOOD has not been identified. Some believe that it was a cypress or cedar and others oak, but there is no certainty on this point today. Likewise, it is impossible to be dogmatic about the length of the CUBIT and thus about the size of the ark. The length of Babylonian, Egyptian, and Hebrew cubits differed; and the Hebrews themselves had two cubit measurements: a long cubit of 52 cm. (20.4 in.) and a common cubit of about 44.5 or 46 cm. (17.5 or 18 in.). If the shorter Hebrew cubit is used as a basis of computation, then the ark was about 135 m. by 22.5 m. by 13.5 m. (450 ft. by 75 ft. by 45 ft.), with a total volume of just over 41,000 cubic m. (150,000 cubic ft.). The use of a longer cubit would substantially increase the size of the ship. Computing on the basis of the shorter cubit, the ark was 185 m. (510 ft.) or almost half the length of the Queen Mary. And apparently no ship would have exceeded the length of the ark until the Cunard Line built the Eturia in 1884. There is no need to debate whether Noah and his sons had the engineering skills to design such a great ship early in antiquity. It was probably a very large barge; nothing is said about its having a keel, oars, or rudder. Its function was only to serve as a houseboat for animals and people for the duration of the flood. Apparently long before Noah's day people had learned the art of making the metal tools necessary for such a massive undertaking (Gen 4:22). Bitumen for caulking purposes was available in quantity in Mesopotamia; presumably that is where the ark was built. The door was located in the side of the ark; but the nature of the window is uncertain. Frequently this is interpreted to have been an open area a cubit high under the eaves and running around the entire structure. Such an aperture would have been divided into segments by the supporting timbers of the roof, and lattice work could have been installed in places where birds were housed. The window could have provided light and ventilation for the lower decks only if a large area was open in the center of the ark. Though compartments were to be constructed for the animals on the ark, their nature is unknown. It has been assumed that cages for small birds or mammals were stacked to make maximum use of deck space. Of course no one knows how many animals the ark housed. The Genesis account commands only that a single pair of unclean fauna and seven pairs of clean fauna should be taken aboard the ark. The reason for the larger number in the latter case was to provide food for Noah and his family. Evidently the distinction between clean and unclean existed long before the decrees of the Mosaic law. The problem of determining the number of animals involved is complicated by the difficulty of deciding whether only certain parent types (dog, cat, cow) or more numerous representations were involved. Some 4500 species of mammals and some 8,650 species of birds exist on earth today. Various computations have been made to demonstrate that the ark was large enough to house the required number of species. On the generous side, LaHaye and Morris settled on a figure of 50,000 animals that would need to have been housed in the ark, averaging in size a little smaller than a sheep. They conclude that these would fill only about one-third of the capacity of the ark, leaving plenty of space for storage (p. 247). Though the various estimates do show the feasibility of protecting fauna against even a global flood, one need not be dogmatic about the way it was accomplished. Another unanswered question is how Noah rounded up all those animals and birds. It may be that God somehow compelled or impelled the fauna to move toward Noah and the ark in advance of boarding day (cf. Gen 6:20). (from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, revised edition, Copyright © 1979 by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. All rights reserved.) |
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by Luvlydevin(m): 2:27pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
Evil Brain: How did Noah fit 2 million insects (1 million species x 2) into the ark? And how did be manage to fit 12,000 amphibians, 20,000 birds, 11,000 mammals, 16,000 reptiles and god knows how many crustaceans, arachnids and mollusks into a boat that must have already been overflowing with insects? Where did he find space to keep a years worth of food for all those animals? How did he keep the meat for the Lions, tigers and other carnivores fresh for a whole year? Why did he take mosquitoes, tapeworms, guinea worms and the HIV virus aboard the ark? Did he infect himself with all those parasites, or did he force his wife and children to carry them? How come all the animals didn't freeze to death at 9,000 metres altitude (the height of Mount Everest which must have been underwater) Where did they find oxygen to breathe at that height? What did all the animals eat after getting off the ark? All the plants must have died after a year underwater, and all the animals would have drowned so no food for herbivores or carnivores. How come all the fish in the ocean survived? Saltwater fish can't survive in freshwater and the ocean would have been massively diluted with all that rain. Or did the ark also have a salty fish tank with space for 60,000 fish (30,000 species x 2)? And how did he feed all those fish?haven't you heard why he is called jehova overdo, the author and finisher off our faith, the only God that feed thousands of people with 5 loafs of bread and 2 fishes, the omniscience the omnipotent the omnipresent the ancient of days, beginning and the end, created not made, the God that created the world out of nothing, My guy forget that kind reasoning, na this kind mindset oga jonah get before fish swallow am o baba God was the one that sent him to embark on such journey o and Noah know say baba God no day fail |
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by MrAboki: 2:30pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
mazaje: Or raise a deadbody that has been embalmed |
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by hyzicbond(m): 2:30pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
Causes; The Genesis account gives a twofold source of the waters responsible for the flood: "the sluice gates of heaven were opened" with the result that rain cascaded upon the earth; and "the fountains of the great deep burst forth" (Gen 7:11). What is meant by the latter clause is not clear. Often it is taken to imply some terrestrial convulsion that released vast stores of subterranean waters, but no evidence of subterranean reserves on the required scale can be found. Nor is there evidence of any general and cataclysmic alteration of the earth's crust at a given time in the past when such reservoirs may have been eliminated by the collapse of geological structures above them. |
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by Petbuk123(m): 2:31pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
Evil Brain:.evil brain indeed,somethings are just gbabe,i salute u though |
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by hyzicbond(m): 2:33pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
Duration;According to popular opinion the flood lasted forty days because that was the length of time it rained. But a careful reading of the Genesis account reveals that Noah, his family, and the animals were shut up in the ark for a total of 371 days. This figure is calculated as follows. On the seventeenth day of the second month of Noah's six hundredth year, Noah, his family, and all the animals were safely in the ark and God shut the door (Gen 7:11,16). Then it poured for forty days and nights, during which time the waters rapidly covered the earth. Evidently it continued to rain lightly for another 110 days, making a total of 40 + 110 or 150 days of rain (7:24; cf. 8:4). For the next 74 days (13+30+30+1, Gen 8:5) the waters abated until the tops of the mountains could be seen. Then Noah waited forty days before opening the lattice on the window of the ark and releasing a raven (8:6), which did not return because as a scavenger it was able to live off the land. Seven days later (deduced from the "other seven days" of v. 10 and the total of v. 14) Noah sent out a dove which found no resting place (v. 9). Seven days later he sent out a dove again; this time it returned with an olive leaf (v. 11). After another seven days Noah sent out the dove for the third time, and this time it did not return (v. 12). After a lapse of twenty-nine more days Noah removed the covering of the ark (v. 13). And after another fifty-seven days God commanded Noah to evacuate the ark (vv. 14-17), on the twenty-seventh day of the second month of his six hundred first year (vv. 13 f), 371 days after God shut the door at the be-ginning of the flood. A consecutive reading of the whole Flood narrative shows a continuous progress from beginning to end, with only such repetitions for literary effect as commonly appear in oriental writings. There is no basis for asserting, as Wellhausen did, that Gen 6-9 is a patchwork of J and P source materials (cf. IDB, II, 279). Not only does such a view contradict common literary practice and common sense, but it also runs counter to the Babylonian flood account, which includes supposed J and P elements side by side. Unity of authorship in the biblical narrative may be confidently assumed. (from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, revised edition, Copyright © 1979 by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. All rights reserved.) |
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by MrAboki: 2:34pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
Luvly devin: haven't you heard why he is called jehova overdo, the author and finisher off our faith, the only God that feed thousands of people with 5 loafs of bread and 2 fishes, the omniscience the omnipotent the omnipresent the ancient of days, beginning and the end, created not made, the God that created the world out of nothing, Your mindset is part of the reason why you can easily be fooled.. The bible was specific, two animals of each type, specie, etc.. Theoritically, its impossible. Geologically, there is no evidence of a flood of such proportions (I am a Geological Engineer so I know). A basic example is that if the world were truly drowned in such magnitude to water, One set of fishes would have all perished.. Either Salt Water fishes or fresh Water fishes.. Then how did 8 Jew families end up populating the world into different races.. |
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by hyzicbond(m): 2:36pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
FLOOD Date. — The date of the flood raises as many questions as do the extent and other aspects of this event. Flood layers found by L. Woolley at Ur and by other archeologists at various Mesopotamian sites can have no bearing on the question because they date to a wide range of periods, hundreds of years apart. Obviously they resulted from purely local floods which were often devastating in their own regions. After the 6 th or 5 th millennium B.C., there is no break brought on by a flood or any other catastrophe in Near Eastern civilization. And in fact excavations at Jericho in Palestine and Jarmo in Iraq push undisturbed remains at those sites back into the 8 th millennium B.C. Unfortunately, there is no basis for assigning any firm dates earlier than that time either Thus, various popular handbooks that assign dates for the Flood should be read with care because they lack significant collections of evidence in support of their conclusions. Regrettably, as new information becomes available the picture does not become any clearer. Anthropologists, e.g., are now claiming that human beings arrived in North America from Asia well before 20,000 B.C. An assertion that all mankind was judged by the Flood would require either that the flood was universal and may have occurred after the arrival of humans in North America or that it was local and came before they crossed the Bering Strait. |
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by Nobody: 2:36pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
Evil Brain: How did Noah fit 2 million insects (1 million species x 2) into the ark? And how did be manage to fit 12,000 amphibians, 20,000 birds, 11,000 mammals, 16,000 reptiles and god knows how many crustaceans, arachnids and mollusks into a boat that must have already been overflowing with insects? Where did he find space to keep a years worth of food for all those animals? How did he keep the meat for the Lions, tigers and other carnivores fresh for a whole year? Why did he take mosquitoes, tapeworms, guinea worms and the HIV virus aboard the ark? Did he infect himself with all those parasites, or did he force his wife and children to carry them? How come all the animals didn't freeze to death at 9,000 metres altitude (the height of Mount Everest which must have been underwater) Where did they find oxygen to breathe at that height? What did all the animals eat after getting off the ark? All the plants must have died after a year underwater, and all the animals would have drowned so no food for herbivores or carnivores. How come all the fish in the ocean survived? Saltwater fish can't survive in freshwater and the ocean would have been massively diluted with all that rain. Or did the ark also have a salty fish tank with space for 60,000 fish (30,000 species x 2)? And how did he feed all those fish? You evil brain, you!! |
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by MrPresident1: 2:41pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
Noah's story is an allegory. Noah is a cover name for the Elect. Righteous men. You don't understand yet you make jest. The prophesied times are upon us now. If anyone is interested, Read Ezekiel 14 to confirm that Noah is not a single man and the story is thus an allegory. 2Peter 2:12 But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption; |
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by rahjan: 2:42pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
Only God can explain dis things. The fact that we do not understand yet does not make it untrue. Men can not fly, this was a truth 4r people in the 1600s but today, we know better. Even science cannot explain everything. For instance, those who say there is no supreme diety can still not explain the origin of the first man and woman who came about without se xual inter course. If we evolved from apes, how did the apes come about? Or why havent we started showing traces of evolving into somethingelse if there was a big bang, scientists should prove it to us by showing us a controlled mini experimement were chaos can lead to order and the formation of new life. Science can still not explain (without contradictions) simple everyday pphenomenon like where dreams come from or why we age only in one direction or where our consciousness go when we sleep or when we die. my point? Its simply that if I cannot explain how noahs ark worked, its only part of many things no one has been able to explain and shouldnt be a basis for debunking the bible. 1 Like |
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by AjaoMT2: 2:43pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
Evil Brain: How did Noah fit 2 million insects (1 million species x 2) into the ark? And how did be manage to fit 12,000 amphibians, 20,000 birds, 11,000 mammals, 16,000 reptiles and god knows how many crustaceans, arachnids and mollusks into a boat that must have already been overflowing with insects? Where did he find space to keep a years worth of food for all those animals? How did he keep the meat for the Lions, tigers and other carnivores fresh for a whole year? Why did he take mosquitoes, tapeworms, guinea worms and the HIV virus aboard the ark? Did he infect himself with all those parasites, or did he force his wife and children to carry them? How come all the animals didn't freeze to death at 9,000 metres altitude (the height of Mount Everest which must have been underwater) Where did they find oxygen to breathe at that height? What did all the animals eat after getting off the ark? All the plants must have died after a year underwater, and all the animals would have drowned so no food for herbivores or carnivores. How come all the fish in the ocean survived? Saltwater fish can't survive in freshwater and the ocean would have been massively diluted with all that rain. Or did the ark also have a salty fish tank with space for 60,000 fish (30,000 species x 2)? And how did he feed all those fish? Remember that the earth then was not as it is now. Notice the gradual shortening of the human lifespan after the flood. Remember also that it was after this flood that men started eating other animals Gen. (9:3). Before then mankind were eating plants. Also note that it was not just the rainfall that caused the flood but multiple tsunamis Gen. (8:2). Some scientists believe that the water above the firmament that God separated in Gen. 1 shielded man from the effect of harmful radiation- hence the shortening of lifespan after the flood. There is so much we don't know, but don't let us use current understanding or phenomena to judge what happened then. 1 Like |
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by AjaoMT2: 2:54pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
phuck_NL: The problem with carbon dating is that it is based on the premise that the amount of carbon in the atmosphere is constant. However, because of the flood, the amount of carbon in the atmosphere changed. That is why it is unreliable in this case. |
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by Ugonna321: 2:55pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
that is why He is called God..David said how difficult are your ways... |
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by Nobody: 3:09pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
I have a very little question though. After the flood and the animals were allowed out of the ark, what did the carnivorous animals eat? I mean, what did the lions, hyenas, wolves, cats, tigers, cheetahs (all flesh eating animals) etc. What did they feed on? They couldn't have eaten the goats, zebras, gazelles, that had just exited the ark because that would have led to the immediate extinction of these animals. So please can someone tell me exactly what the carnivores ate for the next 3 years after they left the ark? 2 Likes |
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by aceTS: 3:09pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
kado: lol....I guess he forgot what happened in the garden of eden. |
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by Nobody: 3:15pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
If people of our present generation could actually believe in ridiculous primitive stories told to cave men thousands of years ago, I'm afraid they all need to get their heads examined. |
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by naijaboyof4life(m): 3:16pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
Evil Brain: How did Noah fit 2 million insects (1 million species x 2) into the ark? And how did be manage to fit 12,000 amphibians, 20,000 birds, 11,000 mammals, 16,000 reptiles and god knows how many crustaceans, arachnids and mollusks into a boat that must have already been overflowing with insects? Where did he find space to keep a years worth of food for all those animals? How did he keep the meat for the Lions, tigers and other carnivores fresh for a whole year? Why did he take mosquitoes, tapeworms, guinea worms and the HIV virus aboard the ark? Did he infect himself with all those parasites, or did he force his wife and children to carry them? How come all the animals didn't freeze to death at 9,000 metres altitude (the height of Mount Everest which must have been underwater) Where did they find oxygen to breathe at that height? What did all the animals eat after getting off the ark? All the plants must have died after a year underwater, and all the animals would have drowned so no food for herbivores or carnivores. How come all the fish in the ocean survived? Saltwater fish can't survive in freshwater and the ocean would have been massively diluted with all that rain. Or did the ark also have a salty fish tank with space for 60,000 fish (30,000 species x 2)? And how did he feed all those fish? First Not all the species we have today were made then. Insects did not come really until the plague on egypt. and animals have a family tree. for example. Dog, from dog, came cayote, wolf, etc. But all animals had a father and mother and so depending, but as time went on, there was variation. |
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by Nobody: 3:17pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
pDude: I have a very little question though. I'm afraid your questions will not be answered. Our bible believing brothers will beat about the bush to give you an outrageous answer or probably dodge your comment. Good luck on getting an answer |
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by Nobody: 3:20pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
mad nigerian: [size=29pt]Could Noah's Ark Hold all the Animals?[/size] I liKe how you calculated this. Now let us talk about the logistics. The ark was built for 120 years buy Noah and his sons right? So all this while, how were they gathering food that will feed all the animals. Who went hunting for all the meat that the carnivores would eat? Who farmed the grains that all the grain eating birds and animals would eat. What about the herbivores? How did their food gathering go about? Also how big were the farms that grew the grains that would cater for all the animals? Also let us talk about the storage of these items. How was the meat for all these thousands of carnivores stored prior to the flood. Also how were the grains stored also? How were the grass and fodder for the herbivores stored? Also if the ark was built to save all the aquatic species, that means it had to have an indoor aquarium in which they would store enormous whales, sharks, crabs, shrimp, fishes, snails, hydra, octopus, squids, etc. And how exactly did Noah get a whale into the ark? Also how was he able to catch the sharks and transfer them into the ark? Also if he happened to store all the aquatic species in an indoor aquarium, how did he feed them? Sharks are voracious predators and how come the shark didn't eat all the other fishes inside this indoor aquarium? Also who went to get the phytoplanktons and zooplanktons that the lower aquatic animals would feed? And how was the plankton meals stored? Also let us look into the logistics of feeding these "thousands" of animals for 1 year: So 8 people were able to conveniently feed all these animals for one year and ensure that they all ate to their full without preying on other animals? Ok. So while doing all these chores, when did Noah and family have time to prepare their own meals, get some rest and spend time together as a family, and all the while keeping these animals from attacking each other? Please can someone supply me with these answers. Thanks. Noah and his family must have been superhuman to be able to have kept up with all the duties they had to fulfill |
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by Nobody: 3:23pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
naijaboyof4life: Are you serious?!!Belief in god has really made man dump..... The bible definitely was given to us to destroy our African minds ....yours is an evidence. 1 Like |
Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by Pelumiv(m): 3:40pm On Jan 07, 2014 |
Look at it this way. Prior to the flood, was there rain? but it rain cat and dog making a deluge that floods the earth. If God can make it rain for such days, am sure he can provide a way to rescue the animals through Noah's Ark. |
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