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Nexthome Builders: 2014/2015 New and Ongoing Projects - Properties (50) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Properties / Nexthome Builders: 2014/2015 New and Ongoing Projects (116079 Views)

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Re: Nexthome Builders: 2014/2015 New and Ongoing Projects by Stopthecap: 11:06am On Mar 27, 2022

Is Brabus/Nexthome the luckiest scammer on Nairaland Building Section?

I have observed the building/ property section from a distance and not made many comments. And the activities of Brabus /Nexthome have given me cause to worry. I think he is both the most skillfull marketer and disreputable builder on this forum at the same time.

My observations

1.He is not a professional builder.

Honestly, this is the weakest argument against Brabus. You don't have to be 'a professional', but you can be professional.
Brabus is not a building professional,but pretends to be one. He may be knowledgeable about how to put up a building (this does not preclude him from the industry but at least be professional to clients )

2.Poor/shoddy job quality,allegations of fraud and theft

Incorrect quantity or materials supplied,
Columns not aligning,cement bags in concrete mix, missing iron rods from site,using regular wood when marine was paid for ,counterfeit drawings, sub-contractors and suppliers not paid.... what the.... (na only you?)

3.All is good until money starts changing hands.
Excellent client relationship until money issues are concerned. Then the name calling and advice giving from a distance starts. I am yet to see a full spectrum of jobs done from start to finish for Nairalanders without complaint (i stand to be corrected on this. Pls really!)

4.Pasting photos like educational materials , meanwhile marketing himself(which is not bad)

Remember the ile-oluji projects. Pasting photos of work not done by him until the client came out screaming!

5.Photo Essays.
Each project is a photo opportunity to draw in the next client ,while not fulfilling full obligations.

6. Brabus is NEVER wrong
No matter what, never accept responsibility for actions on your project site. This is Brabus/nexthome's way. It is always the client that did something wrong. Calling clients who paid you money names, after they air greviances

7.Master of deflection
Changing topic in the middle of a thread, once serious allegations are made with new pictures or glossy future project and real estate seminars. And aligning with established builders to cover up

8.Cracking jokes after serious allegations are made about work done . This is after people have cried out their hearts and serious grievances on this forum

Clients beware

P.S. I am a professional architect who has never and would never work or had any interaction with Brabus/ Nexthome.

Maverick efforts to alert people of his work reputation should not be shut down.
Anybody on this forum who is swayed by his advertising should also be aware of his reputation beforehand. Several of his clients were aware of his reputation and still went into business with him. We should stop this " don't spoil his livelihood" argument. If people allege and show evidence of shoddy jobs and fraud from their livelihood why should they not sound the alarm to others.

The beautiful thing is people will see all this information about Brabus/ Nexthome and enter the trap. Why? Is it because he is the luckiest scammer on Nairaland Building Section?

Was true over 6 years ago is still true today....potential home builders- local and diaspora BEWARE

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