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Do Light-skinned Blacks Have It Easier In Romance? - Romance - Nairaland

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Do Light-skinned Blacks Have It Easier In Romance? by Orikinla(m): 3:17pm On Aug 10, 2008
Do Light-Skinned Blacks Have It Easier in Romance?

Read the following from Tyra Banks:

Tuesday, August 12th
"Do Light-Skinned Blacks Have It Easier?"

Tyra spends the hour discussing a race issue still dividing the black community -- the varying shades of skin. Tensions are high when a panel of people with different skin tones takes the stage. Meet a light-skinned woman who believes her skin color makes her more attractive, a man who thinks light-skinned women are snobby and a mother who said she does not want her young son to ever date a dark-skinned girl. The audience is filled with African-American women who are divided into groups according to how they see themselves. Then, Whitney, Eugena, Felicia and Noelle from "America's Next Top Model" are on hand to discuss how their skin color affected their jobs in the fashion industry.

~ www.tyrashow.com

Re: Do Light-skinned Blacks Have It Easier In Romance? by onyinye2(f): 4:01pm On Aug 10, 2008
Personally i don't give a damn if you are light skin, dark skin, yellow boned, cola red, red bone, snicker, caramel, milk chocolate, light as Boris Kodjoe, or freakin Akon Snipes, BLACK is BLACK.
Re: Do Light-skinned Blacks Have It Easier In Romance? by iice(f): 4:06pm On Aug 10, 2008
People have their preferences
And in the end, in most cases - standing next to a white - you are still black regardless of shade

I do like her racism segments though. People can be so daft.
Re: Do Light-skinned Blacks Have It Easier In Romance? by Nobody: 4:07pm On Aug 10, 2008
Na shape dey bring toasters!  grin
Re: Do Light-skinned Blacks Have It Easier In Romance? by Nobody: 4:29pm On Aug 10, 2008
I love my skin color!!

If nobody else loves it, they can go and choke on a . . . . . ehrrrrm. . . . .lolipop
Re: Do Light-skinned Blacks Have It Easier In Romance? by tope2000(f): 4:31pm On Aug 10, 2008

I love my skin color!!

If nobody else loves it, they can go and choke on a . . . . . ehrrrrm. . . . .lolipop

Dead grin grin grin grin grin
Re: Do Light-skinned Blacks Have It Easier In Romance? by achinu(m): 5:07pm On Aug 10, 2008
I personally will date a woman of any color shade. I'm however more attracted to dark complexioned ladies, I just luv me some sexy looking chic with a dark tone. ummm! tongue tongue tongue
Please don't get me wrong I've dated across the board when it comes to women. Although, I've noticed that society has misconstrued light-complexioned for being beautiful which I completely disagree with especially amongst the black race!! Like I also say to folks, DATE WHATEVER MAKES YOU HAPPY OR TICKLES YOUR FANCY!! cool cool cool

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Re: Do Light-skinned Blacks Have It Easier In Romance? by MissyB1(m): 5:14pm On Aug 10, 2008

I love my skin color!!

If nobody else loves it, they can go and choke on a . . . . . ehrrrrm. . . . .lolipop
Can you tell me who has been feeding you with d lolipop? angry

lawd,hammercy on me for mentioning the word. embarassed
Re: Do Light-skinned Blacks Have It Easier In Romance? by Nobody: 5:23pm On Aug 10, 2008
Missy B:

Can you tell me who has been feeding you with d lolipop? angry

lawd,hammercy on me for mentioning the word. embarassed
Or what do you think I was talking abt? shocked shocked
I;m innocent abeg tongue
Re: Do Light-skinned Blacks Have It Easier In Romance? by MissyB1(m): 5:26pm On Aug 10, 2008
Yea,WE are innocent.
Re: Do Light-skinned Blacks Have It Easier In Romance? by Orikinla(m): 6:46pm On Aug 10, 2008
Many guys in Nigeria love light-skinned bebes.
That is why bleaching/toning is very popular among millions of Nigerian babes and ladies.

Many of them will not admit it, but this is the truth.

Many of our guys get excited dating light-skinned babes.
Re: Do Light-skinned Blacks Have It Easier In Romance? by syren: 7:34pm On Aug 10, 2008
This whole issue of light skinned black people being seen as more attractive stems from many things in the past. Things like the ruler test and the brown paper bag test to diffrentiate between shades or types of black people has given people the wrong mentality that lighter is better. We can't blame people if they have a preference but we need to ask what has influenced their preference. All shades beautiful.
Re: Do Light-skinned Blacks Have It Easier In Romance? by NegroNtns(m): 8:09pm On Aug 10, 2008

I don't know which have it easier, most men are easily overwhelmed when they see a light skinned woman, even if she was ugly and unsophisticated. There is a pull by most black men towards light skin, most accept it, as their default measure of beauty.

There is mystery in sex, there is drama in sex, there is romance in sex (separate from the romance in love), there is cadence in sex, there is friction in sex, there is elasticity in sex, ;for all these attributes of sex and many more, I seek dark skinned woman. Her darkness ignites the animal within me and that alone makes my blood hot for her. To the dark skinned women out there, mmwah! kiss
Re: Do Light-skinned Blacks Have It Easier In Romance? by Uche2nna(m): 8:19pm On Aug 10, 2008

pussy is pussy - green - purple - black - white - orange - violet - pink - name it - they are all the same.

Re: Do Light-skinned Blacks Have It Easier In Romance? by ChinenyeN(m): 8:21pm On Aug 10, 2008

I personally will date a woman of any color shade. I'm however more attracted to dark complexioned ladies, I just love me some sexy looking chic with a dark tone. ummm! tongue tongue tongue

Same here. I don't know what it is that attracts me to them. My siblings say that I'm just strange like that because they believe (along with what seems like everyone else) that light-skinned women are more attractive. *SHRUG*

To answer the topic question though, I'd say, based on what the majority of people (those that I know) think, yes. Light-Skinned Blacks have it easier.
Re: Do Light-skinned Blacks Have It Easier In Romance? by onyinye2(f): 8:28pm On Aug 10, 2008
Personally i don't really care about skin tone on my guys. undecided I love them all. I do like dark skin guys little more(Reggie Bush) but i also love my light skin broth(Terrence Howard). grin
Re: Do Light-skinned Blacks Have It Easier In Romance? by shayman(m): 8:29pm On Aug 10, 2008
I used 2 think light-skinned gals re better (or rather, they wld be d ones i wld always have crutch on) but am WRONG. I got a crutch on a dark-skinned gal!
Re: Do Light-skinned Blacks Have It Easier In Romance? by finemocha(f): 3:29am On Apr 28, 2009


Re: Do Light-skinned Blacks Have It Easier In Romance? by posakosa(m): 3:33am On Apr 28, 2009
@ POSTER, I don't buy that.

As someone already said, Black is Black. But whom one prefers to date is another issue.

I think Africans have this complex more, hence the popularity of bleaching creams.
Re: Do Light-skinned Blacks Have It Easier In Romance? by biina: 4:41am On Apr 28, 2009
All cement bags are the same jare!
Re: Do Light-skinned Blacks Have It Easier In Romance? by destroya: 5:47am On Apr 28, 2009
Girls secretly like light skinned boys, however owing to the fear of loneliness of most girls they settle for any color. Now for Guys we worship light skinned chics, only for the fact that we are brainwashed by the traditional mindset that fair=beauty. This all stemmed from our ancestor's fear of the night.

Plus dark colors really don't enhance features as well as light colors do. We all think this, I'm just saying it. BTW most of the most beautiful girls I have ever met were really dark, I guess i was just so impressed at how they could be so beautiful with such dark skin. out!
Re: Do Light-skinned Blacks Have It Easier In Romance? by destroya: 5:48am On Apr 28, 2009
Plus Keyshia Cole doesn't do it for me at all, with her man jaw
Re: Do Light-skinned Blacks Have It Easier In Romance? by bluespice(f): 5:55am On Apr 28, 2009
yeah they do find it easy in a slight way

they only have an edge over darker skinned ladies n that egde is only about an inch

n thats cos of the preferences of guys
most have been brainwashed into thinking light is pretty
Re: Do Light-skinned Blacks Have It Easier In Romance? by opsydudu(m): 6:17am On Apr 28, 2009
@post above

light is attractive and not always pretty. (the moment you know she ain't pretty you take your eyes off her)

be it any color (blue, yellow, dim gray, white), the different shapes and sizes is always taken into consideration.
Re: Do Light-skinned Blacks Have It Easier In Romance? by bluespice(f): 6:20am On Apr 28, 2009
but we talking about complexion now so?

can it wink
Re: Do Light-skinned Blacks Have It Easier In Romance? by Orikinla(m): 7:26pm On Apr 29, 2009
Beauty is more than skin deep.

My woman is black and beautiful and I will not exchange her for another, regardless of the colour of the skin.
Re: Do Light-skinned Blacks Have It Easier In Romance? by ThiefOfHearts(f): 7:27pm On Apr 29, 2009
how about you marry this woman once andd for all Orikinla
Re: Do Light-skinned Blacks Have It Easier In Romance? by chic2pimp(m): 4:01am On Oct 02, 2009

Girls secretly like light skinned boys, however owing to the fear of loneliness of most girls they settle for any color. Now for Guys we worship light skinned chics, only for the fact that we are brainwashed by the traditional mindset that fair=beauty. This all stemmed from our ancestor's fear of the night.

Plus dark colors really don't enhance features as well as light colors do. We all think this, I'm just saying it. BTW most of the most beautiful girls I have ever met were really dark, I guess i was just so impressed at how they could be so beautiful with such dark skin. out!

GBAM You'll think it was only men who had that same preference.
Re: Do Light-skinned Blacks Have It Easier In Romance? by Agnesqueen(f): 8:15am On Oct 02, 2009
Well i dont know. But when it comes to men here in the United States the dark skinned men to me that are cute have attitudes and prefer lightskinned women Beyonce light. Im light myself but im more caramel. I gravitate towards other light skinned people i guess im just comfortable. But when i do go to parties where there are nigerian men they always strike up a conversation with oyebo it annoys me like that is the first thing they notice. Nigerian men like light skinned women i know it here and back when i lived in Nigeria. I just feel sad for the women when they bleach their skin. They look unnaturally light almost orange or ashy color. Some its so bad their face is light like tyra banks but their body is akon ewwwwww. Please love your skin
Re: Do Light-skinned Blacks Have It Easier In Romance? by Nobody: 8:32am On Oct 02, 2009
We as a society have been brainwashed into self-hatred. I see dark skinned men shunning their fellow dark-skinned women for light or white women.
Re: Do Light-skinned Blacks Have It Easier In Romance? by SAGoddess: 8:50am On Mar 16, 2010
It doesn't matter to me, BLACK is BLACK and I love black, I am however more drawn to dark chocolate, looks awesome against my caramel skin, I don't think light skinned chics are prettier than dark-skinned beauties, it is just a misconception!
Re: Do Light-skinned Blacks Have It Easier In Romance? by madlady(f): 10:06am On Mar 16, 2010
^^What's this thread about again .

OH yeh that shade thing, I thought it had died out in my Grannies days, Mulatto's,Octagon's, Quadroons.
Thank goodness for SOUTH LONDON.
Black is Black.

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