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Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by Gamine(f): 8:07pm On Nov 01, 2008
LOL. i wee pazz d message tongue

Funny, i still havent seen Hancock cheesy

Travolta, in a Woman-suit, thats whats wrong lipsrsealed
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by KarmaMod(f): 8:32pm On Nov 01, 2008
I'm not a fan of women in movies in general however there are a few that I do adore because unlike 95% of actresses arent "sex kitten" stereotypes

-Kathy Bates
-Susan Saradon
-Alfre Woodward
-Francis McDurmond
-Natalie Portman
-Emma Thompson
-Cate Blanchett
-Anjelica Houston (mostly cos of the Wes Anderson movies, she's the perfect fit for them)


-Ed Harris
-Christian Bale
-Robert Deniro
- James Madsen
-Viggo Mortisen
-Brad Pitt
-Bruce Willis
-Morgan Freeman
-Chinwetel Okafor
-Steve Buscemi
-Matt Damon
-Peter Stomere
--Michael C Hall!!
-Adewale Akinnouye Abaje
-Jerry Orbach(RIP)
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by iice(f): 9:41pm On Nov 01, 2008
TOH am stealing your list grin
Love all the women there. 

Omg, i loff Buscemi! grin

Max, i can't watch her interviews, the whole face thing is undecided not to mention the 'cutey' voice.  I limit myself to seeing her on screen.

Gamine is talking abt Travolta being a woman in that movie. He still looked mannish to me - facially that is.
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by spikedcylinder: 5:53pm On Nov 02, 2008

I'm not a fan of women in movies in general however there are a few that I do adore because unlike 95% of actresses arent "sex kitten" stereotypes

-Kathy Bates
-Susan Saradon
-Alfre Woodward
-Francis McDurmond
-Natalie Portman
-Emma Thompson
-Cate Blanchett
-Anjelica Houston (mostly because of the Wes Anderson movies, she's the perfect fit for them)


-Ed Harris
-Christian Bale
-Robert Deniro
- James Madsen
-Viggo Mortisen
-Brad Pitt
-Bruce Willis
-Morgan Freeman
-Chinwetel Okafor
-Steve Buscemi
-Matt Damon
-Peter Stomere
--Michael C Hall!!
-Adewale Akinnouye Abaje
-Jerry Orbach(RIP)

Thumbs up to your list but Adewale? That guy in lost? Are you being patriotic or you really like him as an actor and are you really comparing him the rest of the people on the list?

I *heart* Buscemi. Were ni man yen. tongue
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by spikedcylinder: 5:55pm On Nov 02, 2008
Has anyone mentioned Glenn Close and Jessica Lange? kiss
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by iice(f): 5:58pm On Nov 02, 2008
spikey, have u watched oz?
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by spikedcylinder: 6:24pm On Nov 02, 2008
The Judy Garland one?
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by iice(f): 6:50pm On Nov 02, 2008
No, the HBO produced TV series OZ.
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by spikedcylinder: 7:26pm On Nov 02, 2008
Nope, don't watch it. I think I've seen it on a few times but couldn't be a$$ed.

Any good?
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by MadMax1(f): 8:15pm On Nov 02, 2008
Saw Hairspray. Charming. Didn't know James Marsden could sing. Travolta was great as Mrs Turnblad. The role was written for a man in drag,not a woman. Man, I had a great time.

I'm still yawning through the second episode of the first season of Oz. Liked the punk prison poetry at the beginning of the first episode but the series's boring the hell out of me. I saw it because[i] someone[/i] on Nairaland is a real Oz promoter. Geez, I wonder who that could be? And because I saw Eddie Falco from The Sopranos and Agabaje and Harold from Lost were in it.Perhaps it'll get better. Will slug through to the fourth episode. If it hasn't engaged me by then I'm abandoning ship.
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by Gamine(f): 8:44pm On Nov 02, 2008
Charming eh cheesy

Thats the word.

Did i mention Clive Owen before?

love that dude, i could marry him ya know.

Ralph Fiennes, yeaah, just saw a movie where Susan Sarandon played Doris Day
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by KarmaMod(f): 10:58pm On Nov 02, 2008
I added him because of OZ, spike, not Lost.

I'm adding John Malkovich to the list. I went and saw The Changeling last night. GREAT movie. I loved it. It was engrossed, teary eyed and Im so not the type to cry at movies. The fact that it's an actual True Life story and not "based on one" definitely made it even more poignant. I usually don't care too much for Angelina but she definitely did an amazing job as Christine Collins. Same way I never thought much of Nicole Kidman and she blew me away in Dogville.

Mad_Max, I think it's weird that you arent enjoying OZ (sincerely yet to meet anyone who doesnt like it ten again I tend to only suggest it to guys) but if it's not really your thing, you should look into 6 Feet Under instead. Awesome show  wink
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by KarmaMod(f): 11:43pm On Nov 02, 2008
How did I also forget Robert Duvall? Jeez
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by spikedcylinder: 9:32am On Nov 03, 2008
Ok Karma, I haven't seen him in OZ, so I really don't know.

Wait a min, is OZ that one with Harold Perrineau? Don't know the storyline but it kindda reminds me of Prison Break and I hate Prison Break so I might just never settle down to watch the show. undecided

@ topic

John Cusack.
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by MadMax1(f): 12:09pm On Nov 03, 2008
Hmmm.Apart from his stunning looks,what do you admire about Cusack? Is he still acting? Saw him in Room something or the other, you know, the jinxed hotel room movie, but nothing since.

Nice to see Kidman appreciated. She was terrific in Dogville,The Hours and Moulin Rouge.  Will be checking out 6 Feet Under. Don Cheadle is another gifted and really underused actor. Had no idea Malkovitch was still breathing movie-wise. Loved the guy since Dangerous Liaisons and watched Mary Reilly only for him. Will find that Changeling.

What do you love about Owen?

Someone mentioned Eddie Murphy. Reminded I was royally pissed he didn't get that Best Supporting Actor oscar. He was marvelous in Dreamgirls. Jennifer got  a supporting actress oscar I didn't think she deserved,given her competitors. Either of the two nominees from Babel should have won. Forrest Whitaker can win Best Actor for portraying Idin Amin in Last King of Scotland but not Don Cheadle for his superb portral of Paul Rusesabagina in Hotel Rwanda?They deny two electrifiying actors year after year- DiCaprio and Depp.Someone tell me again why Halle Berry won?  Wayo and politics too plenti. Poor Murphy,to be denied because of Norbit. Ki lo de!
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by vescucci(m): 1:44pm On Nov 03, 2008

John Malkovitch is definitely on my, list. Where's my list?

I've never really made an issue of actors like I do of directors. I believe no matter how bad an actor is, he/she might just get that role that fits like a glove and earn him/her an oscar. How else can you explain Foxx winning for Ray? Directors on the other hand explore vast vistas. Vast vistas, I like that. The list, in no order too. I'll try to keep it short.

Jack Nicholson
Bruce Willis
Emma Thompson
Cate Blanchett
Anthony Hopkins, Sir
Sean Connery
I thought Denzel was overrated. I thought again.
Leonardo Di 'Capprio
Anytime I wanna leave julia out, I remember Erin Brocovich
Morgan Freeman
Bette Davis (I didn't see alive in the thread title)
Humphrey Bogart (humph are the first 5 letters of this guy's name?)
Spencer Tracy

Frankly I'm spent. I'll just second other actors other people post.
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by KarmaMod(f): 3:29pm On Nov 03, 2008
I personally think Cusack is very bland. Oh well

AAA showed his true acting skills in OZ. Didnt hurt that he spoke Yoruba in some of the episodes as well grin. He's pretty much everyone's favorite prison on the show and Lost gained MORE popularity when he joined in Season 3.

Prison Break and Oz. Lol the only thing that makes them similar is the location which is within prison and PB sef, 75% is outside prison while OZ is 97% withIN prison. it's pretty graphic and gritty so you might not like it.

Definitely look into Six Feet Under. smiley
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by iice(f): 5:29pm On Nov 03, 2008
LMAO @ Halle Max, i thought the same thing too.
Some of them don't deserve the oscar but hey it's hollywood undecided

I think Eddie got hurt because of that movie he made after dreamgirls, i don't remember the names since i stopped watching his movies since hmmmm i think it was dolittle 1. He has been making some ewww movies.
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by MrCrackles(m): 5:31pm On Nov 03, 2008
Salma Hayek and Halle Berry
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by iice(f): 6:20pm On Nov 03, 2008
After Frida, sadly she put her acting chops on the back burner and relied more on her sexuality/sensuality to carry thru.

Reason why i don't like actresses ughhhh too many rely on their looks to get by.
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by KarmaMod(f): 6:21pm On Nov 03, 2008

After Frida, sadly she put her acting chops on the back burner and relied more on her sexuality/sensuality to carry through.

Reason why i don't like actresses ughhhh too many rely on their looks to get by.

which is why I perfer movies that dont have women in them or the woman is there for a REASON.
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by Gamine(f): 7:40pm On Nov 03, 2008
@Mad Max,

I love Clive because he acts like a man who knows what he wants

he is straightforward and sure, i love that! and the way he speaks, ohlala.

He doesnt have the confused air Nicolas cage carries

or the beat down sappy look Cusack pulls.

ah well, its just me. grin grin

Sometimes i think Eddie shoots himself in the Foot. sad

@Vesc, Your list aint bad, except err. . . it seems you have a thing for older men undecided
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by spikedcylinder: 9:38am On Nov 04, 2008

I personally think Cusack is very bland. Oh well

AAA showed his true acting skills in OZ. Didnt hurt that he spoke Yoruba in some of the episodes as well grin. He's pretty much everyone's favorite prison on the show and Lost gained MORE popularity when he joined in Season 3.

Prison Break and Oz. Lol the only thing that makes them similar is the location which is within prison and PB sef, 75% is outside prison while OZ is 97% withIN prison. it's pretty graphic and gritty so you might not like it.

Definitely look into Six Feet Under. smiley

Yea, I might not like OZ but next time I see it on, I might just sit down and watch an episode.

I liked Cusack in Being John Malkovich, Con Air, Pushing Tin, The Contract and Runaway Jury. Plus, I reaaaaaly get his looks. I think he's so cute. embarassed
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by vescucci(m): 10:02am On Nov 04, 2008
@Gamine, you don't know the least of it. If I had the time I might just shock you. Actors are mostly like wine
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by Gamine(f): 2:13pm On Nov 04, 2008
shocked shocked
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by MadMax1(f): 3:34pm On Nov 04, 2008
Down boy. grin So you don't think Foxx should've won for Ray? Who were you rooting for that year?

Cusack's gorgeous. But I think he's sort of semi-retired now,hasn't he?

Clive has this air of danger about him,even without trying. Little wonder he was the British public's 1st choice for Bond. Glad the studio chose the coldly charismatic Craig,though. Wish you both many years of married bliss jare.

Do not get me started on my Oscar peeves. Fact is there are more whites in quality films, and sheer numbers quarantee they'll get more nominations than blacks. We can't deny the politics, but to award Oscars because people were screaming racism, so as not to alienate the coloured folks? And then to spitefully award it to someone everyone knows didn't deserve it, for shaking her booty and doing a lot of moaning?So you award an oscar to still the cries of racism,but make certain it's to an absurd choice so everyone knows it was a mere gesture? Disgusting. The fact that someone like Morgan Freeman did not get an Oscar for Driving Miss Daisy,and even more incredibly,for his stunning performance in The Shawshank Redemption,one of my Top Twenty,shows that there is racism and politics, but to mock those po', hardworking coloured uns with a Halle Berry win? E tire me.

And all the cheating! Did you catch Sean Penn in Dead Man Walking? His performance was a miracle. But who got Best Actor?NICOLAS FRIGGING CAGE, for Leaving Las Vegas. Kai! Sometimes I want to stop watching their bullshit awards,but then remember they occassionally give it to the deserving.  And everyone knew LOTR The Two Towers should have won Best Picture. They deny that amagnificent film the award, and then, their guilty consciences overcompensates with The Return of the King. Yeye pipu.

And poor Ang Lee. First it was Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon,another Top Twenty Lister, then Brokeback Mountain. He looks set to be another Scorcese.
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by iice(f): 8:31pm On Nov 04, 2008
Hehehehe, actually agree with Vesc on Foxx.

There are many deserving of the oscar but yeah politics.
Though i think there are more good roles now for blacks than a few years back, however there are still plenty of those roles that make you think, oh not again! Some irritating, stereotypical, second rate role.
Hah Ang lee won for Brokeback.

BTW i loff Joaquin Phoenix (gotta love that name), sadly i read today that he's retiring from acting. . .why na?! sad I find him very intense. He was the one i liked in Gladiator grin
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by MadMax1(f): 10:44am On Nov 05, 2008
You know Crash won Best Picture na.
No, please tell me you're joking! Phoenix retiring from acting! It cant be! God forbid.
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by spikedcylinder: 11:52am On Nov 05, 2008
Yea, I read somewhere that Joaquin Phoenix is retiring from acting but me thinks its all a ploy. Isn't that what Daniel Day-Lewis said before? Who's got the Oscar now? wink
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by MadMax1(f): 12:43pm On Nov 05, 2008
Hmmm. I think you have something there. I hope you're right. He's so talented it would be a terrible waste.
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by ENASKI(m): 3:11pm On Nov 05, 2008
heath ledger
johnny depp
orlando bloom
scarlet johansson
mandy moore
jennifer ganner
kelvin spacey
eva mendez
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by vescucci(m): 6:09pm On Nov 05, 2008
@Max, what I meant about Foxx was that the role fit him perfectly. That doesn"t make him a good actor. He was great in Ray, but that's just about the only film he was great in. And he happens to win an oscar for it. Whoopdeedo! Just imagine, Depp, Burton etc are still plague with insecurity and uncertainty of their genius and Foxx, Berry get on the of Racial condescension. They were given oscars because they saw their performances as a window to appease their collective guilt. Don't confuse me. I just want to think of the few oscars that black people have won to be for sensible movies and sensible roles.

About Joaquin, it's really sad. I saw him recently in "We own the night" he was great as usual. When was this purported announcement made? I hope it's a publicity stunt. Like MJ's, Michael Jordan not the moving veggy.

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