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Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by MadMax1(f): 2:15pm On Nov 18, 2008
Whatever happened to Liam Neeson? He was great in Schindler's List and Batman Begins. He has great presence and star quality. Now I don't see him anymore sad. And Orlando Bloom? Is he over, like that? sad
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by spikedcylinder: 2:29pm On Nov 18, 2008
Orlando looks like a bubblegum pop star to me. I can hardly take him seriously.
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by Gamine(f): 6:13pm On Nov 18, 2008

i only ever liked him as an Elf in LOTR


making my list,

Chow Yun Fat!

grin, he is reli cute and goofy

Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by Gamine(f): 6:33pm On Nov 18, 2008
Julia Roberts! grin

I watched Pretty Woman again on Saturday

i was SO SO, memories came rushing back

and Julia, i loved her so much

She was So Good.

Richard GERE kiss,

Silver-Haired Fox, the sort of guy that makes evrything he says believable

you could catch him red handed cheating and he would convince you, you made the mistake.


That is one of the best movies of ALL time.
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by doyin13(m): 7:29pm On Nov 18, 2008
besides this pretty woman and especially an officer and a gentleman,
Richard Gere na awful actor.

The same creepy cheeky smile, the everpresent pauses etc.

tongue tongue tongue
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by Gamine(f): 7:39pm On Nov 18, 2008
Beefdog angry
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by doyin13(m): 7:50pm On Nov 18, 2008
Ojojo seller angry angry angry
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by Gamine(f): 8:05pm On Nov 18, 2008
Mai Kifi! angry
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by doyin13(m): 10:09pm On Nov 18, 2008

Mai Kifi! angry

hehehehe. . . .

Look at this Suleja indigene
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by Gamine(f): 11:23pm On Nov 18, 2008
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by MadMax1(f): 11:09am On Nov 20, 2008
A catfight.
Can I watch?
Gamine, you know there's a Gaminechic now? Y'all met? Soon there'll be a Spikedcylinderchic and a Karmamodchic and an iicechic and a Vescuccichic.
I saw Pretty Woman months ago with my brother. We had a great time. The movie's aged well. First time I'll hear Gere can't act. What I heard was it was pretty heard to take him seriously as an actor at the beginning cause of his looks. I like the guy.
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by Gamine(f): 1:10pm On Nov 20, 2008

Dont mind Doyin jo, beeffish
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by vescucci(m): 3:55pm On Nov 20, 2008
Richard Gere could act. But he doesn't blow me away. He has this patronising look he puts on like "whatever you're thinking, I know it already" Gives me the creeps
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by Gamine(f): 8:40pm On Nov 20, 2008
Vesc, just confirm Your Jealouscity tongue
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by iice(f): 2:31am On Nov 21, 2008
Only liked Bloom in LOTR kiss kiss Of course Viggo was my number 1 but whatever grin grin
Well he tried in POTC but its not easy sharing the screen with Johnny plus his character lacked something to make him appealing. He was too bloody nice as a darn pirate undecided

Any thoughts on Stellan Skarsgard?
I like him alot and took the dive into really really like him after watching King Arthur. He was a sexy barbarian grin
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by MadMax1(f): 4:02pm On Nov 21, 2008
Liked his smug, professorial air in GoodWill Hunting. Was he in King Arthur?OMG. I was in my Clive Owen phase and had eyes only for the guy. Bloom was rated the world's most successful actor at one time, because he'd done five movies and all of them had crossed the 300 million dollar mark. And all the girls were swooning over him in LOTR. Not my type. Heyyyy, you like Viggo,eh? Why? grin I liked the King, you know, the one the poetic wormtongue had in bondage until Gandalf came along. He's such a handsome man. kiss

Did you know Gandalf is gay? Ian Mckellen is so charismatic they spent months searching for an actor who wouldn't be overshadowed by him. That movie is simply one of the very greatest things that ever happened to film. Unbeatable. You wouldn't believe the BS Peter Jackson was making before then. No wonder studios wouldn't take him seriously at first.

Vesc, Gere is a beauuuuutiful man. If there's an actor I would give that 'Know what you're thinking' thing to, it would be Jack Nicholson. He's one of the greatest actors ever, and one I can admire but am incapable of having a crush on. Ever.
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by iice(f): 4:35pm On Nov 21, 2008
Oh yes.  He was the leader of the Saxons.  He was the one i had eyes for grin
Clive, sometimes i like, sometimes am indifferent.

Really, i thought Legolas was tres gorgeous but standing next to the dirty Aragorn, he paled my opinion of course grin It was Aragorn, Legolas and Eomer.  And of course Elrond.  LOTR is my best movie so i try to watch it atleast once every month.  Never gets old grin

Yup, i knew Ian is gay.  I agree, he is quite charismatic.  A joy to watch.  I tend to put him and Charles Xavier Patrick Stewart in the same category.  They are very commanding in their roles.

Speaking of Elrond - Hugo Weaving.  The voice!  The way he talks ahhhhh.  I loved Agent Smith coz of that voice tongue
I have a crush on Jack grin Wait.  .  .i have a crush on his talent.  Though he was sexy to me in Wolf tongue

suffice to say, my taste in men is.  .  . undecided grin
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by MadMax1(f): 5:13pm On Nov 21, 2008
Jack? SEXY? Mission impossible. tongue
I SO did not see Legolas. tongue Eomer. Hmmm. Much man. kiss He was the one they cast against Mckellen and guess what, he survived. Look at him go in The Bourne Supremacy! My kind of villain. To die for. kiss

Hugo Weaving- Did you know the guy was born in Nigeria?- was getting typecast at a point. He bored me in V for Vendetta. I love Natalie Portman, and watched the movie for her. If you haven't seen her in Garden State, you should. Charming love story. But I get the voice thing,though if I had to pick the more mesmerising voice in that movie, it would be Fishburne's. And then Fishburne couldn't seem to get over his Matrix role and was rehashing it in every movie he appeared after that. Frigging annoying. tongue
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by iice(f): 5:35pm On Nov 21, 2008
Yeah well, there is just something about him. Hence the talent.

You know i read about the nigeria thing but totally forgot undecided
Yeah i think the Vendetta thing was more what V spoke and i guess how the director wanted V to speak.
Love Natalie too!
Hehehehehe can you blame the guy? He's only Morpheus for crying out loud tongue
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by MadMax1(f): 4:20pm On Nov 23, 2008
I liked The Matrix for a long,long time. If only the second and third parts weren't so, well, frigging pretentious! The dialogue is so silly and meaningles atimes, you can't belive your ears. And the new Oracle, with her old school, 'massa out and the chillun are in the cotton fields' acting. The Architect I wanted to delete. Belluci- boring! The Frenchman-boring!The twin ghouls-out of this world,wicked,supercool! They shoulda stopped at the first,no sequels.Along with Terminator 2, my favourite action flick. cool Some pretty cool action scenes in the sequels tho.

Did you catch Portman in Closer? Of course you did. What did you think of the movie?
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by vescucci(m): 5:01pm On Nov 23, 2008
The Matrix the one film I condemn and love at the same time. But that overall. Everybody liked the first. For me, the second was better than the third but they were seeking closure. Must there be a closure. No Country for Old Men finished as if a rat nibbled at the tape. Peeps were like, dude, fix the damn tape and voila! Za credits!
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by MadMax1(f): 5:26pm On Nov 23, 2008
You probably liked the second cause of the extended action sequence from the Frenchman's house,when they went to get the Keymaker.Those Twin ghouls; could never get enuff of them. Cool threads too. Will Smith turned down the part of Neo. Thank gawd. Still haven't forgiven the guy the silly,underexplored,downright lazy Hancock.

No Country. grin Vesc, you're crazy, you know?
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by iice(f): 5:30pm On Nov 23, 2008

I liked The Matrix for a long,long time. If only the second and third parts weren't so, well, frigging pretentious! The dialogue is so silly and meaningles atimes, you can't believe your ears. And the new Oracle, with her old school, 'massa out and the chillun are in the cotton fields' acting. The Architect I wanted to delete.  Belluci- boring! The Frenchman-boring!The twin ghouls-out of this world,wicked,supercool! They shoulda stopped at the first,no sequels.Along with Terminator 2, my favourite action flick. cool Some pretty cool action scenes in the sequels tho.

Did you catch Portman in Closer? Of course you did. What did you think of the movie?

Like Vesc, i really liked the second part.  Mostly i enjoyed the long action sequence and ohhh i wanted to be Trinity on the bike!! ;DThe third was uhmmm undecided
The Architect? grin grin I call him a standard in the Wachowski brothers' movies.  Some dude spouting something in a hurried tone that doesn't do anything for the movie. Hey! I liked the Merovingian tongue for a time atleast.

Yea, i though Portman did a phenomenal job in Closer.  Didn't expect that out of her so i was pleasantly surprised.  The movie was nice but it doesnt speak to me.  I liked the characters more than i liked the movie undecided
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by Gamine(f): 5:34pm On Nov 23, 2008
The Matrix eh, can't get enough of the first installment

Vesc na only you wey go imajin rat


I'm falling in love with Alan Shore Will Spader  embarassed

i guess, love just happens  embarassed
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by MadMax1(f): 5:54pm On Nov 23, 2008
The Merovingian bores me silly. The Architect makes no sense,and he makes it in the snootiest tones. Both of them can't get over themselves.Asses. tongue
You liked the characters in CLOSER? Wow. They're fantastically cruel and grasping, well, except Portman's character. I thought Jude Law and Julia Roberts deserved each other. Portman and Owen should've ended up together,but of course nothing is that simple.At least she gave him something Daniel never got; her real self. Just saw When Harry Met Sally,one of my TOP TWENTY. Had a great time. Seen anything good lately?

Gamine, you've abandoned Clive Owen? Ah well. Celebrity marriages. grin
Alan Shore is phenomenal,isn't he? What a character. Little wonder he kept snappping up those emmies. Fall away. He's worthy. grin
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by iice(f): 6:27pm On Nov 23, 2008
Oh. . .I think i watched Harry and Sally just once. Not big on romance undecided

Recently watched How to loose friends and Alienate people. Simon Pegg is hilarious tongue
Also rewatched clone wars coz yeah i love star wars but am not like those crazy fans tongue

Trying to think about fitting twilight into my sched this week
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by vescucci(m): 6:32pm On Nov 23, 2008
Next thing y'all be calling me a Wachowski.

@Max, I saw There Will Be Blood. And let's just say Daniel Day is phenomenal. Thoroughly deserved the golden naked statuette. Those Coen dudes too.
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by MadMax1(f): 7:07pm On Nov 23, 2008
Daniel is consistently fantastic. I haven't seen him in a movie where he wasn't outstanding. I tried watching There Will Be Blood, but the thing refused to engage me, so I left off. Will watch it again. Some people think solemn epicky movies should stop winning Best Pic, and that Juno shoulda won. I liked Juno but Best Picture?Nah. You think the Coen brothers deserved the tin man,in spite of the rat-chewed ending? grin

iice not big on romance! Ah. I like old-fashioned romances, where they aren't groping themselves ten whole seconds after first laying eye on each other. What's How to Loose Friends and Alienate People about?
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by iice(f): 7:16pm On Nov 23, 2008
Am I the only one who didn't like Juno?
I thought it was wayyyy overhyped. The sarcastic thing is soooo normal, anyone can play that. And she doesn't sound too far from her character so i don't see much of a transition undecided
Don't let Karma see you dissing No country ooo tongue Totally adored Anton Chigurh grin

How to loose friends and alienate people is a comedy. About some paparazzi who gets a break but manages to stick his foot in the mouth everytime hence alienating people and loosing those who manage to even get along with him, but he tried to change that and be who people wanted him to be rather than be who he actually is.
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by MadMax1(f): 7:59pm On Nov 23, 2008
Ja, you're the only one who doesn't like Juno.  tongue
I thought it was sweet, and the dialogue really good.
I liked No Country. I was teasing Vesc. Karma has a real thing for the movie,eh? My brother's in awe of the guy,but didn't think he should've gotten the Oscar. I don't know. I thought Casey should've won. And Anton's cat and mouse co-star shoul've been nominated.

Will pick up the comedy later in the week.
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by iice(f): 3:06am On Nov 24, 2008
I don't know, i thought Bardem deserved his oscar at the same time, i wished Casey won too.
Now thats a movie with beautiful cinematography - Jessie James.

prolly here on nl i am the only one, but my bro also doesn't know what the big deal is all about
Kindda like that rubbish movie knocked up.

Thoughts on Jake and Maggie Gyllenhaal?
I like Maggie but i think she only fits a certain role. The quirky weird girl. I'd like to see her shine in something else
Jake on the other hand, am trying to like him but his performances are lukewarm to me. Sometimes, someone else steals the spot light from him. So yes am worried about not feeling all high and gooey when i get to see Prince of Persia
Re: Hollywood: Favourite Movies, Actors and Awards. Tinseltown reviews & Gossip by KarmaMod(f): 3:21am On Nov 24, 2008
I saw "Bardem" and "No Country" and knew my presence was needed angry grin

what am I hearing? He didnt deserve kini? He deserved it o!

The Oscars destroyed my soul once when they snub Freeman for Shawnshank, such a thing can NOT happen again. Although Im still angry about crash winning over BB.

Javier deserved it completely. ONLY person who could have won over him and I wouldnt have peeped a word is Daniel day Lewis for There Will Be Blood.

Other than that, impossible! No Country na the movie!

Casey was good was Jesse james, i agree. My question is though why the HELL wasnt Brad Pitt nominated? What BS angry

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