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Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of - Politics - Nairaland

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Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by Nobody: 2:10pm On Aug 04, 2014
- Egypt is proud of her pyramids.
- China is proud of her industrialization.
- Japan is proud of her technology.
- Brazil is proud of her football.
- Dubai is proud of her tourism.
- France is proud of her Eiffel tower.
And finally;

*Nigeria is proud of her.....................?
Fill your answers

cheesy grin


Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by mstik(f): 2:16pm On Aug 04, 2014
erm.. her rich culture?

23 Likes 1 Share

Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by farano(f): 2:25pm On Aug 04, 2014
Garri production shocked

31 Likes 1 Share

Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by Nobody: 2:38pm On Aug 04, 2014

Most populated black country. Huh

43 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by Nobody: 5:23pm On Aug 04, 2014
US nko, what of Germany ETC. This is yet another national bashing thread.

16 Likes 1 Share

Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by 0rlando0woh: 5:49pm On Aug 04, 2014

Most populated black country. Huh
You should be ashamed of being overpopulated.

24 Likes 1 Share

Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by arewafederation: 6:59pm On Aug 04, 2014
Ibo girls. grin kiss

67 Likes 1 Share

Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by arsetalks(m): 7:04pm On Aug 04, 2014
A lot of things. A lot and that includes me.


Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by Nobody: 7:32pm On Aug 04, 2014
I can't think of One cry


Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by Lorlaahlozz: 7:51pm On Aug 04, 2014

6 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by Nobody: 8:06pm On Aug 04, 2014
- Egypt is proud of her pyramids.
- China is proud of her industrialization.
- Japan is proud of her technology.
- Brazil is proud of her football.
- Dubai is proud of her tourism.
- France is proud of her Eiffel tower.
And finally;

*Nigeria is proud of her.....................?
Fill your answers

cheesy grin

France is proud of her Eiffel Tower? Oh really?

Well Nigeria is proud of her National Theater in Lagos.

Or Obudu Cattle ranch

Or Abuja (brand new city)

Her diverse, interesting culture

Her fashions etc.

But let's go further..


- Most populous country in Africa with 170 million people.

-9th most populous country in the world after China, India, United States, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Russia, and

- Africa's largest economy with an annual GDP of $510 billion.

- Africa's largest oil and gas exporter.

- At 125 trillion cubic feet (tcf), the world's 7th largest gas reserves after Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United
States, Algeria and Venezuela.

- Africa's largest university educated population of approximately 30 million.

- Africa's largest and most prosperous middle class of approximately 60 million.

- Most extensive road network in Africa.

- One of Africa's top 3 most powerful military forces.

- Home to Lagos, the 6th largest urban center in the world after Tokyo, Mumbai, Mexico City, Sao Paulo, and New
York City.

- Nigeria is the only African country listed among the "Next Eleven" economies - countries on track to become the biggest economies in the world in the 21st century. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Next_Eleven

- Nigeria is the only African country listed among the MINT nations - countries on track to become the biggest economies in the world in the 21st century. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MINT_%28economics%29

- The economy of Nigeria is among the fastest growing in the world.

- Nigeria has one of the fastest growing telecommunications markets in the world, major emerging market operators (like MTN, Etisalat, Zain and Globacom) basing their largest and most profitable centres in the country. The government has recently begun expanding this infrastructure to space based communications. Nigeria has a space satellite which is monitored at the Nigerian National Space Research and Development Agency Headquarters in Abuja. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigeria

- Nigeria is the first and ONLY black country to manufacture motor vehicles including cars, buses, trucks, and suvs:


- 17th Aug 2011 Nigeria launched the world's first black-built satellite.

''NATION LAUNCHES FIRST SATELLITE BUILT BY AFRICANS - Nigeria successfully launched NigeriaSat-X, the first satellite to be designed and built by Africans, into orbit this week (17 August). NigeriaSat-X was launched along with another small satellite, NigeriaSat-2, from Yasny in southern Russia.''
(Source: Middle East North Africa Financial Network) http://www.n2yo.com/?s=5580

- Nigeria - World's fastest growing Construction Industry:

''Construction growth in Nigeria will be the fastest of all markets'', according to the latest 10-year forecast from Global Construction Perspectives and Oxford Economics.

The new study says China will overtake the US as the world's biggest construction market by 2018, but that the fastest growth will happen in Nigeria.''

''Africa’s biggest economy is poised to lead world growth in construction for next decade.''



- Africa's biggest and most prolific film industry, and the world's second largest, with a contribution of $6 billion to Nigeria's annual GDP.

- Africa's fashion capital and home to the continent's most vibrant and creative fashion industry.

''Nigeria has sashayed into the style spotlight this year: Michelle Obama wore London-based Nigerian-born Duro Olowu’s print dresses and a hand-painted indigo blouse by Lagos-based Maki Oh for a state visit to South Africa in June, while Beyoncé posted a selfie wearing a sweatshirt by London-born Nigerian designer Walé Adeyemi on Instagram in January.'' - FT.COM 'Lagos - Global Fashion Hotspot' http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/e1668b92-31b0-11e3-817c-00144feab7de.html#slide0

- Africa's most prolific music industry and entertainment capital.

- African Football Champions, and current holders of the African Cup of Nations.

431 Likes 95 Shares

Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by Blackfire(m): 8:25pm On Aug 04, 2014

4 Likes 1 Share

Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by Nobody: 8:33pm On Aug 04, 2014
You should be ashamed of being overpopulated.
youu should be ashamed of your comment.

Is china ashamed of her population?
Is the US ashamed of her population?

Instead of you to discover ways we could use our population to our own advantage, you would rather quote me to post BS.

98 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by oduastates: 8:40pm On Aug 04, 2014
Using obama's quote.
Nigeria is simply a medium size and derelict gas station.
A useless one at that.
Makes nothing but wants to consume everything.
The giant sore of Africa and
A disgrace to the black race

24 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by Descartes: 9:07pm On Aug 04, 2014
Government of incessant committee cheesy cheesy

1 Like 1 Share

Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by iamodenigbo1(m): 9:33pm On Aug 04, 2014

1 Like

Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by Nnewi1stSon: 9:40pm On Aug 04, 2014
youu should be ashamed of your comment.

Is china ashamed of her population?
Is the US ashamed of her population?

Instead of you to discover ways we could use our population to our own advantage, you would rather quote me to post BS.
Dude are you for real What's the poverty ratio between Nigeria and those counties? The per capital of one person in the US is perharps same with that of 10 people in Nigeria! Continue proliferating like rats and claim to be ''Proud of it''

10 Likes 1 Share

Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by Arosa(m): 9:44pm On Aug 04, 2014
Nigeria can be proud of our history e.g Benin/Ife heritage, It makes us unique among other Africans. undecided

7 Likes 1 Share

Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by Nobody: 10:03pm On Aug 04, 2014
biggest economy in Africa


Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by Nobody: 10:03pm On Aug 04, 2014
Nnewi1stSon: Dude are you for real What's the poverty ratio between Nigeria and those counties? The per capital of one person in the US is perharps same with that of 10 people in Nigeria! Continue proliferating like rats and claim to be ''Proud of it''
"Use your disadvantage to your own advantage".

Ponder on that through the night.


Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by redsun(m): 10:07pm On Aug 04, 2014
At the moment, Blessing akagbare
She is a winner.

12 Likes 1 Share

Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by Arosa(m): 10:07pm On Aug 04, 2014
Nnewi1stSon: Dude are you for real What's the poverty ratio between Nigeria and those counties? The per capital of one person in the US is perharps same with that of 10 people in Nigeria! Continue proliferating like rats and claim to be ''Proud of it''

Over exaggeration will get you no where.


Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by overhypedsteve(m): 10:07pm On Aug 04, 2014
oduastates: Nothing.
Using obama's quote.
Nigeria is simply a medium size and derelict gas station.
A useless one at that.
Makes nothing but wants to consume everything.
The giant sore of Africa and
A disgrace to the black race
foolish person, even obama himself will be surprised that you as a nigerian would quote such a negative comment about your nation. Predicating your patriotism based on the opinion of another nations leader, ask yourself this questions
1. Is obama the president of nigeria?
2. Would he have said that if he was the president of nigeria?
3.does obama as the president of US have the best interest of nigerians as his sole responsibility?
If you can understand that, then maybe you will see why you have to be more conceit in your criticism of this great leviathan of a nation.

To the OP, if the egyptians can be proud of an ancient rock tomb and have immortalised it with their love and respect for it,
if the saudi arabians can be proud of the tomb of mohammed, founder of a religion that now torture the world.
If the indians can be proud of their culture and hindu religion
and the brasilians proud of a large unexplored mat of riverine forest (half the size of europe), and their statute of christ the redeemer,
if the germans can be proud of their racial uniqueness and industrialization.
Only a fool will not be proud of his nation as the largest black nation on earth, that has survived in a continent were so many others have failed. Boasting of the richest branch of african culture known to man. Only an uncivilised thrump, would rely on physical edifice to make him proud of his mother land, my OP, there can never be two great black nations on earth, there can only be nigeria(your motherland

128 Likes 19 Shares

Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by Nnewi1stSon: 10:08pm On Aug 04, 2014
"Use your disadvantage to your own advantage".

Ponder on that through the night.
Yea, it's evident in the north, were there are more kids roaming the streets like goats than there are in classroom, those that manage to survive to adulthood, are immediately conscripted by bokoharam and go on suicide missions hoping to cool their testesterone in paradise undecided


Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by Nobody: 10:13pm On Aug 04, 2014
Nnewi1stSon: Yea, it's evident in the north, were there are more kids roaming the streets like goats than there are in classroom, those that manage to survive to adulthood, are immediately conscripted by bokoharam and go on suicide missions hoping to cool their testesterone in paradise undecided
Like I said Mr. Tackle your problems and don't get ashamed of them. I wonder how you face your problems in real life when you are ashamed of them.

If Nigeria should face her problems and solve them. I bet you would be proud to be from the most populous black country.
Stop advising people to be ashamed of what's got a solution.

19 Likes 1 Share

Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by redsun(m): 10:14pm On Aug 04, 2014
overhypedsteve: foolish person, even obama himself will be surprised that you as a nigerian would quote such a negative comment about your nation. Predicating your patriotism based on the opinion of another nations leader, ask yourself this questions
1. Is obama the president of nigeria?
2. Would he have said that if he was the president of nigeria?
3.does obama as the president of US have the best interest of nigerians as his sole responsibility?
If you can understand that, then maybe you will see why you have to be more conceit in your criticism of this great leviathan of a nation.

To the OP, if the egyptians can be proud of an ancient rock tomb and have immortalised it with their love and respect for it,
if the saudi arabians can be proud of the tomb of mohammed, founder of a religion that now torture the world.
If the indians can be proud of their culture and hindu religion
and the brasilians proud of a large unexplored mat of riverine forest (half the size of europe), and their statute of christ the redeemer,
if the germans can be proud of their racial uniqueness and industrialization.
Only a fool will not be proud of his nation as the largest black nation on earth, that has survived in a continent were so many others have failed. Boasting of the richest branch of african culture known to man. Only an uncivilised thrump, would rely on physical edifice to make him proud of his mother land, my OP, there can never be two great black nations on earth, there can only be nigeria(your motherland

Could Obama have said that actually? That is harsh and the gospel truth coming from a man like Obama who tend to be a little sensitive sometimes with his words.


Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by Arosa(m): 10:21pm On Aug 04, 2014

Could Obama have said that actually? That is harsh and the gospel truth coming from a man like Obama who tend to be a little sensitive sometimes with his words.

Obama was referring to Russia not Naija.


Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by Litmus: 10:22pm On Aug 04, 2014
Proud of Nollywood

Proud that while peoples of other African nations were still holding banana with their toes our ancestors were producing the best and most advanced art like these:

Proud that our cultural attires and foods are now the cultural attires and foods making Africans proud

Proud that the earliest known iron culture was Nok, Nigeria

19 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by overhypedsteve(m): 10:33pm On Aug 04, 2014

Could Obama have said that actually? That is harsh and the gospel truth coming from a man like Obama who tend to be a little sensitive sometimes with his words.
cmon, any 1st year political sc,int studies or law student should know based on history of intergroup relations that no leader of any group can easily make an unbiased decision or statement were criticism of the second group's socio political institution or culture. There is always a bias, either as a result of pride, egotism,interest or politics. Only a political and foreign affair infant would take obama's statement about nigeria as final.


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