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Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of - Politics (10) - Nairaland

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Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by Joel3(m): 5:35am On Sep 01, 2014

France is proud of her Eiffel Tower? Oh really?

Well Nigeria is proud of her National Theater in Lagos.

Or Obudu Cattle ranch

Or Abuja (brand new city)

Her diverse, interesting culture

Her fashions etc.

But let's go further..


- Most populous country in Africa with 170 million people.

-9th most populous country in the world after China, India, United States, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Russia, and

- Africa's largest economy with an annual GDP of $510 billion.

- Africa's largest oil and gas exporter.

- At 125 trillion cubic feet (tcf), the world's 7th largest gas reserves after Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United
States, Algeria and Venezuela.

- Africa's largest university educated population of approximately 30 million.

- Africa's largest and most prosperous middle class of approximately 60 million.

- Most extensive road network in Africa.

- One of Africa's top 3 most powerful military forces.

- Home to Lagos, the 6th largest urban center in the world after Tokyo, Mumbai, Mexico City, Sao Paulo, and New
York City.

- Nigeria is the only African country listed among the "Next Eleven" economies - countries on track to become the biggest economies in the world in the 21st century. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Next_Eleven

- Nigeria is the only African country listed among the MINT nations - countries on track to become the biggest economies in the world in the 21st century.

- The economy of Nigeria is among the fastest growing in the world.

- Nigeria has one of the fastest growing telecommunications markets in the world, major emerging market operators (like MTN, Etisalat, Zain and Globacom) basing their largest and most profitable centres in the country. The government has recently begun expanding this infrastructure to space based communications. Nigeria has a space satellite which is monitored at the Nigerian National Space Research and Development Agency Headquarters in Abuja. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigeria

- Nigeria is the first and ONLY black country to manufacture motor vehicles including cars, buses, trucks, and suvs:


- 17th Aug 2011 Nigeria launched the world's first black-built satellite.

''NATION LAUNCHES FIRST SATELLITE BUILT BY AFRICANS - Nigeria successfully launched NigeriaSat-X, the first satellite to be designed and built by Africans, into orbit this week (17 August). NigeriaSat-X was launched along with another small satellite, NigeriaSat-2, from Yasny in southern Russia.''
(Source: Middle East North Africa Financial Network) http://www.n2yo.com/?s=5580

- Nigeria - World's fastest growing Construction Industry:

''Construction growth in Nigeria will be the fastest of all markets'', according to the latest 10-year forecast from Global Construction Perspectives and Oxford Economics.

The new study says China will overtake the US as the world's biggest construction market by 2018, but that the fastest growth will happen in Nigeria.''

''Africa’s biggest economy is poised to lead world growth in construction for next decade.''



- Africa's biggest and most prolific film industry, and the world's second largest, with a contribution of $6 billion to Nigeria's annual GDP.

- Africa's fashion capital and home to the continent's most vibrant and creative fashion industry.

''Nigeria has sashayed into the style spotlight this year: Michelle Obama wore London-based Nigerian-born Duro Olowu’s print dresses and a hand-painted indigo blouse by Lagos-based Maki Oh for a state visit to South Africa in June, while Beyoncé posted a selfie wearing a sweatshirt by London-born Nigerian designer Walé Adeyemi on Instagram in January.'' - FT.COM 'Lagos - Global Fashion Hotspot' http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/e1668b92-31b0-11e3-817c-00144feab7de.html#slide0

- Africa's most prolific music industry and entertainment capital.

- African Football Champions, and current holders of the African Cup of Nations.
Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by overhypedsteve(m): 6:30am On Sep 01, 2014

This is one of the reasons why Internet is a whole load of garbage and gibberish with just a little streak of useable material when you consider the whole volume of knowledge it purportedly harbors. You can think with your anus and put the rubbish on www.

Dude, from A-Z of what you put above is outright misinformation.
one of the major reason why it is still advised that those who use this platform, do so with reservations is because of this kind of embarrassing situation you ve managed to force me into. Why why would any sane person discredit a comment on a particular issue without stating out clearly and in unambiguous terms where he or she must have derived the reason to do so
Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by D33VA(f): 6:47am On Sep 01, 2014
Nigeria can be proud of me cool
Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by donclark(m): 6:55am On Sep 01, 2014
Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by Nobody: 7:09am On Sep 01, 2014
peppyluv02: Don't mind the old fool Orlandoowoh..
A man with three wives and sixteen children mocking Nigeria's population when he contributes to it.


1 Like

Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by erico2k2(m): 7:15am On Sep 01, 2014
I have been reading with keen intrest.I just realized most guus on here dont realy know their country Nigeria or ventured out of Nigeria.Ignorance is sailing like a lost ship on here

1 Like

Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by LEAFLET(m): 7:18am On Sep 01, 2014
Killing of innocent biafran children and Having this perpetual fear/hatred towards the average ibo man...That's what i love about Nigeria my country....

1 Like

Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by MightySparrow: 7:34am On Sep 01, 2014
- Egypt is proud of her pyramids.
- China is proud of her industrialization.
- Japan is proud of her technology.
- Brazil is proud of her football.
- Dubai is proud of her tourism.
- France is proud of her Eiffel tower.
And finally;

*Nigeria is proud of her.....................?
Fill your answers

cheesy grin
Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by DikSin(m): 7:37am On Sep 01, 2014
oduastates: Nothing.
Using obama's quote.
Nigeria is simply a medium size and derelict gas station.
A useless one at that.
Makes nothing but wants to consume everything.
The giant sore of Africa and
A disgrace to the black race
May AmadiOha punish any e-diot wey subscrib to such quotation.
Maybe na ur father, mother and entire family be disgrace to Africa. Weyrey tuntun!


Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by fimbianofimbero: 7:49am On Sep 01, 2014
nigeria is proud of their crude oil with corruption
Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by Nobody: 8:02am On Sep 01, 2014
Is Nigeria the only corrupt country? We shouldn't be proud of it but y'all gat to stop pretending as if you are not part of it.
Most of people screaming corruption wrote 'special centre' WAEC, gave bride to get admission and many are still doing it. Many are still bribing their way up!

lormarx: You forgot the most important,Corruption
Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by makazona(m): 8:11am On Sep 01, 2014
No CIA to monitor my calls n stuffs
Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by Nobody: 8:14am On Sep 01, 2014
Now you know how annoying it is when you keep mentioning my name unnecessarily.
Anyway I just noticed the difference between the two monikers; '0rlando0woh' and 'OrlandoOwoh'. Are they both yours?

Woman, be mindful of how you talk to me. Yes, I'm sometimes wont to play with you, I do that without resorting to insulting you. Please, I beg you.
Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by Orunto: 8:39am On Sep 01, 2014
Nationalists e.g. WS; OBJ; GEJ(who is doing it). These three have a lot to rejoice at when they meet their Creator.
Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by osystein(m): 8:44am On Sep 01, 2014
Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by OrlandoOwoh(m): 8:54am On Sep 01, 2014
peppyluv02: Now you know how annoying it is when you keep mentioning my name unnecessarily.
Anyway I just noticed the difference between the two monikers; '0rlando0woh' and 'OrlandoOwoh'. Are they both yours?

Yes, I mention your name, I hardly insult you. Trying to hide under my mentioning of your name to be the reason for insulting me doesn't hold water.
On the said moniker, why don't you find out, you've always accused me of having many moniker.
Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by amNIGERIA: 9:16am On Sep 01, 2014
email, bro ...email...

- Egypt is proud of her pyramids.
- China is proud of her industrialization.
- Japan is proud of her technology.
- Brazil is proud of her football.
- Dubai is proud of her tourism.
- France is proud of her Eiffel tower.
And finally;

*Nigeria is proud of her.....................?
Fill your answers

cheesy grin
Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by offiahPman: 9:41am On Sep 01, 2014
nigeria can only be proud of her culture
Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by bibina: 10:14am On Sep 01, 2014
Chai but Naija is too much oh, we are too much for the west to handle hence the gang up to break us, but the funny thing is that the haters are using the same us to break us. open your eyes and see that you are more blessed than they. happy new month to fellow Nigerians


France is proud of her Eiffel Tower? Oh really?

Well Nigeria is proud of her National Theater in Lagos.

Or Obudu Cattle ranch

Or Abuja (brand new city)

Her diverse, interesting culture

Her fashions etc.

But let's go further..


- Most populous country in Africa with 170 million people.

-9th most populous country in the world after China, India, United States, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Russia, and

- Africa's largest economy with an annual GDP of $510 billion.

- Africa's largest oil and gas exporter.

- At 125 trillion cubic feet (tcf), the world's 7th largest gas reserves after Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United
States, Algeria and Venezuela.

- Africa's largest university educated population of approximately 30 million.

- Africa's largest and most prosperous middle class of approximately 60 million.

- Most extensive road network in Africa.

- One of Africa's top 3 most powerful military forces.

- Home to Lagos, the 6th largest urban center in the world after Tokyo, Mumbai, Mexico City, Sao Paulo, and New
York City.

- Nigeria is the only African country listed among the "Next Eleven" economies - countries on track to become the biggest economies in the world in the 21st century. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Next_Eleven

- Nigeria is the only African country listed among the MINT nations - countries on track to become the biggest economies in the world in the 21st century.

- The economy of Nigeria is among the fastest growing in the world.

- Nigeria has one of the fastest growing telecommunications markets in the world, major emerging market operators (like MTN, Etisalat, Zain and Globacom) basing their largest and most profitable centres in the country. The government has recently begun expanding this infrastructure to space based communications. Nigeria has a space satellite which is monitored at the Nigerian National Space Research and Development Agency Headquarters in Abuja. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigeria

- Nigeria is the first and ONLY black country to manufacture motor vehicles including cars, buses, trucks, and suvs:


- 17th Aug 2011 Nigeria launched the world's first black-built satellite.

''NATION LAUNCHES FIRST SATELLITE BUILT BY AFRICANS - Nigeria successfully launched NigeriaSat-X, the first satellite to be designed and built by Africans, into orbit this week (17 August). NigeriaSat-X was launched along with another small satellite, NigeriaSat-2, from Yasny in southern Russia.''
(Source: Middle East North Africa Financial Network) http://www.n2yo.com/?s=5580

- Nigeria - World's fastest growing Construction Industry:

''Construction growth in Nigeria will be the fastest of all markets'', according to the latest 10-year forecast from Global Construction Perspectives and Oxford Economics.

The new study says China will overtake the US as the world's biggest construction market by 2018, but that the fastest growth will happen in Nigeria.''

''Africa’s biggest economy is poised to lead world growth in construction for next decade.''



- Africa's biggest and most prolific film industry, and the world's second largest, with a contribution of $6 billion to Nigeria's annual GDP.

- Africa's fashion capital and home to the continent's most vibrant and creative fashion industry.

''Nigeria has sashayed into the style spotlight this year: Michelle Obama wore London-based Nigerian-born Duro Olowu’s print dresses and a hand-painted indigo blouse by Lagos-based Maki Oh for a state visit to South Africa in June, while Beyoncé posted a selfie wearing a sweatshirt by London-born Nigerian designer Walé Adeyemi on Instagram in January.'' - FT.COM 'Lagos - Global Fashion Hotspot' http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/e1668b92-31b0-11e3-817c-00144feab7de.html#slide0

- Africa's most prolific music industry and entertainment capital.

- African Football Champions, and current holders of the African Cup of Nations.
Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by oluFELAxy(m): 10:18am On Sep 01, 2014
The only thing Nigeria should be proud of are those who have made us proud.
We are proud of our heroes past, especially Herbert Macaulay.
We are proud of those who have made significant change in the world of art (Music, painting etc ). We are proud of Ladi Kwali, Taiwo Akinkumi, Wole Soyinka, Fela Anikulapo, Chinua Achebe.
We are proud of those who have ruled Nigeria and were truly loved. The likes of Murtala Mohammed, Obafemi Awolowo.
We are proud of our activists- Gani Fawemi, Funmilayo Kuti etc.
We are proud of those who reached the peak of their careers and those who were the first in doing things.
We are proud of our sports people, those that have made us proud.
And all the soldiers who have died in defending our honour.
We are proud of those people making changes in their communities but are yet to be discovered.
We are proud of our great people.
We are proud of true Nigerians.

1 Like

Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by kajoula(m): 10:22am On Sep 01, 2014
We are proud of [size=23pt]CORRUPTION & EMBEZZLEMENT


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Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by ikeyman00(m): 10:32am On Sep 01, 2014

To the OP, if the egyptians can be proud of an ancient rock tomb and have immortalised it with their love and respect for it,
if the saudi arabians can be proud of the tomb of mohammed, founder of a religion that now torture the world.
If the indians can be proud of their culture and hindu religion
and the brasilians proud of a large unexplored mat of riverine forest (half the size of europe), and their statute of christ the redeemer,
if the germans can be proud of their racial uniqueness and industrialization.
Only a fool will not be proud of his nation as the largest black nation on earth, that has survived in a continent were so many others have failed. Boasting of the richest branch of african culture known to man. Only an uncivilised thrump, would rely on physical edifice to make him proud of his mother land, my OP, there can never be two great black nations on earth, there can only be nigeria(your motherland

yes we know that; the afraicans have no shame whatsoever.

Only Biafra will restore dignity to the dark whole; only but Biafra

this is the reason people should support Radio Biafra London in our quest to save our future

or do u rather let the hate and envy and stuppidity keep caging your

your choice! remember that
Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by kamikazeY(m): 10:37am On Sep 01, 2014
Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by TROVERTOPICO: 11:00am On Sep 01, 2014
Dibiachukwu: Asians worship buddah

Arabs worship mohammed

Caucasians worship Jesus

Africans worship Jesus

Africans worship mohammed

Every other person worships someone that look like them.

Africans worship their enemy. If roman jesus was alife, he would murder your a.s.s like the british, french, dutch and virtually every id.io.t did to you cu.ms.

Bow to Yechai!

You Africans suck balls.

Ebainwa Ichiela.
،،........ظ=ur ignorant poo...muhammed is not God,The muslim and arabs worship God no muhammed.Whoever worship muhammed will surely enter hell fire
Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by hilariousdammie(m): 11:35am On Sep 01, 2014
Lorlaahlozz: Beauty
beauty shocked angry
Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by JuanDeDios: 11:49am On Sep 01, 2014
You should be ashamed of being overpopulated.
No, you shouldn't. Why do you think you should?
Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by wazobiaN9(m): 2:05pm On Sep 01, 2014
oduastates: Nothing.
Using obama's quote.
Nigeria is simply a medium size and derelict gas station.
A useless one at that.
Makes nothing but wants to consume everything.
The giant sore of Africa and
A disgrace to the black race

You have used your left hand to give directions to your father's house... you must be a bastard (Yoruba adage)

Change your username with alacrity, you are not a son of Odua in any way!

Lastly, you did not quote Obama, you quoted the loser in you.

1 Like

Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by joeldy26: 3:08pm On Sep 01, 2014

France is proud of her Eiffel Tower? Oh really?

Well Nigeria is proud of her National Theater in Lagos.

Or Obudu Cattle ranch

Or Abuja (brand new city)

Her diverse, interesting culture

Her fashions etc.

But let's go further..


- Most populous country in Africa with 170 million people.

-9th most populous country in the world after China, India, United States, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Russia, and

- Africa's largest economy with an annual GDP of $510 billion.

- Africa's largest oil and gas exporter.

- At 125 trillion cubic feet (tcf), the world's 7th largest gas reserves after Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United
States, Algeria and Venezuela.

- Africa's largest university educated population of approximately 30 million.

- Africa's largest and most prosperous middle class of approximately 60 million.

- Most extensive road network in Africa.

- One of Africa's top 3 most powerful military forces.

- Home to Lagos, the 6th largest urban center in the world after Tokyo, Mumbai, Mexico City, Sao Paulo, and New
York City.

- Nigeria is the only African country listed among the "Next Eleven" economies - countries on track to become the biggest economies in the world in the 21st century. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Next_Eleven

- Nigeria is the only African country listed among the MINT nations - countries on track to become the biggest economies in the world in the 21st century.

- The economy of Nigeria is among the fastest growing in the world.

- Nigeria has one of the fastest growing telecommunications markets in the world, major emerging market operators (like MTN, Etisalat, Zain and Globacom) basing their largest and most profitable centres in the country. The government has recently begun expanding this infrastructure to space based communications. Nigeria has a space satellite which is monitored at the Nigerian National Space Research and Development Agency Headquarters in Abuja. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigeria

- Nigeria is the first and ONLY black country to manufacture motor vehicles including cars, buses, trucks, and suvs:


- 17th Aug 2011 Nigeria launched the world's first black-built satellite.

''NATION LAUNCHES FIRST SATELLITE BUILT BY AFRICANS - Nigeria successfully launched NigeriaSat-X, the first satellite to be designed and built by Africans, into orbit this week (17 August). NigeriaSat-X was launched along with another small satellite, NigeriaSat-2, from Yasny in southern Russia.''
(Source: Middle East North Africa Financial Network) http://www.n2yo.com/?s=5580

- Nigeria - World's fastest growing Construction Industry:

''Construction growth in Nigeria will be the fastest of all markets'', according to the latest 10-year forecast from Global Construction Perspectives and Oxford Economics.

The new study says China will overtake the US as the world's biggest construction market by 2018, but that the fastest growth will happen in Nigeria.''

''Africa’s biggest economy is poised to lead world growth in construction for next decade.''



- Africa's biggest and most prolific film industry, and the world's second largest, with a contribution of $6 billion to Nigeria's annual GDP.

- Africa's fashion capital and home to the continent's most vibrant and creative fashion industry.

''Nigeria has sashayed into the style spotlight this year: Michelle Obama wore London-based Nigerian-born Duro Olowu’s print dresses and a hand-painted indigo blouse by Lagos-based Maki Oh for a state visit to South Africa in June, while Beyoncé posted a selfie wearing a sweatshirt by London-born Nigerian designer Walé Adeyemi on Instagram in January.'' - FT.COM 'Lagos - Global Fashion Hotspot' http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/e1668b92-31b0-11e3-817c-00144feab7de.html#slide0

- Africa's most prolific music industry and entertainment capital.

- African Football Champions, and current holders of the African Cup of Nations.
...Ogbeni spare me all those crap..u jus look4trouble
Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by sample042(m): 4:01pm On Sep 01, 2014

France is proud of her Eiffel Tower? Oh really?

Well Nigeria is proud of her National Theater in Lagos.

Or Obudu Cattle ranch

Or Abuja (brand new city)

Her diverse, interesting culture

Her fashions etc.

But let's go further..


- Most populous country in Africa with 170 million people.

-9th most populous country in the world after China, India, United States, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Russia, and

- Africa's largest economy with an annual GDP of $510 billion.

- Africa's largest oil and gas exporter.

- At 125 trillion cubic feet (tcf), the world's 7th largest gas reserves after Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United
States, Algeria and Venezuela.

- Africa's largest university educated population of approximately 30 million.

- Africa's largest and most prosperous middle class of approximately 60 million.

- Most extensive road network in Africa.

- One of Africa's top 3 most powerful military forces.

- Home to Lagos, the 6th largest urban center in the world after Tokyo, Mumbai, Mexico City, Sao Paulo, and New
York City.

- Nigeria is the only African country listed among the "Next Eleven" economies - countries on track to become the biggest economies in the world in the 21st century. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Next_Eleven

- Nigeria is the only African country listed among the MINT nations - countries on track to become the biggest economies in the world in the 21st century.

- The economy of Nigeria is among the fastest growing in the world.

- Nigeria has one of the fastest growing telecommunications markets in the world, major emerging market operators (like MTN, Etisalat, Zain and Globacom) basing their largest and most profitable centres in the country. The government has recently begun expanding this infrastructure to space based communications. Nigeria has a space satellite which is monitored at the Nigerian National Space Research and Development Agency Headquarters in Abuja. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigeria

- Nigeria is the first and ONLY black country to manufacture motor vehicles including cars, buses, trucks, and suvs:


- 17th Aug 2011 Nigeria launched the world's first black-built satellite.

''NATION LAUNCHES FIRST SATELLITE BUILT BY AFRICANS - Nigeria successfully launched NigeriaSat-X, the first satellite to be designed and built by Africans, into orbit this week (17 August). NigeriaSat-X was launched along with another small satellite, NigeriaSat-2, from Yasny in southern Russia.''
(Source: Middle East North Africa Financial Network) http://www.n2yo.com/?s=5580

- Nigeria - World's fastest growing Construction Industry:

''Construction growth in Nigeria will be the fastest of all markets'', according to the latest 10-year forecast from Global Construction Perspectives and Oxford Economics.

The new study says China will overtake the US as the world's biggest construction market by 2018, but that the fastest growth will happen in Nigeria.''

''Africa’s biggest economy is poised to lead world growth in construction for next decade.''



- Africa's biggest and most prolific film industry, and the world's second largest, with a contribution of $6 billion to Nigeria's annual GDP.

- Africa's fashion capital and home to the continent's most vibrant and creative fashion industry.

''Nigeria has sashayed into the style spotlight this year: Michelle Obama wore London-based Nigerian-born Duro Olowu’s print dresses and a hand-painted indigo blouse by Lagos-based Maki Oh for a state visit to South Africa in June, while Beyoncé posted a selfie wearing a sweatshirt by London-born Nigerian designer Walé Adeyemi on Instagram in January.'' - FT.COM 'Lagos - Global Fashion Hotspot' http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/e1668b92-31b0-11e3-817c-00144feab7de.html#slide0

- Africa's most prolific music industry and entertainment capital.

- African Football Champions, and current holders of the African Cup of Nations.


In u I see a man dat will soar high!

1 Like

Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by amarsyl: 4:46pm On Sep 01, 2014
Beautiful babes
Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by richeso: 5:16pm On Sep 01, 2014
[size=30pt]if for nothing at all self. we are proud to be no1 Top site/forum in africa[/size]

see NAIRALAND http://www.alexa.com/topsites/category/Top/Regional/Africa
Re: Name One Thing Nigeria Can Be Proud Of by richeso: 5:29pm On Sep 01, 2014

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