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Test Your Intelligence With These Three Pictures. - Forum Games (4) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Forum Games / Test Your Intelligence With These Three Pictures. (112306 Views)

Test Your Self 'quantitative ' / ..............brain Teaser.......test Your Sense Of Reasoning..(photo) / Test Your Intelligence Here (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Test Your Intelligence With These Three Pictures. by Okeikpu(m): 7:41am On Sep 13, 2014
tit: I though you would show us some sliced off heads.
Re: Test Your Intelligence With These Three Pictures. by adeoladrg(m): 8:16am On Sep 13, 2014
I saw the post you shared. May God bless you.

Thanks. God bless you too!
Re: Test Your Intelligence With These Three Pictures. by Goahead(m): 8:22am On Sep 13, 2014
1: 12 Animals
2: 5 Legs
3: 3 Beams
Re: Test Your Intelligence With These Three Pictures. by Donvilo(m): 8:31am On Sep 13, 2014
The first picture of the outline of an elephant creature confused me a lot, it took me a while & also with the help of the objective anwsers, to figure out what the right answer could be.

I don't claim to be smart but this is what I can say based on my observation:

1. 12

2. 6

3. 4

My 2 cents though....

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Re: Test Your Intelligence With These Three Pictures. by Nobody: 8:39am On Sep 13, 2014
i c 6 animals and 5 legs and 4 3 by 3.PLEASE NOTE:today is my birthday. wink wink grin grin grin grin grin grin grin
Re: Test Your Intelligence With These Three Pictures. by haroon313: 8:53am On Sep 13, 2014
Nice one, hope it will work for many mate.
Re: Test Your Intelligence With These Three Pictures. by kenex4ever(m): 9:10am On Sep 13, 2014
charlesbright: wow

this is why people fail exams.. question says "How many legs do you see" not how many legs has an elephant..

As for me I can see five legs there. chikena
As for the logs of wood, there are 3 and 4 logs there depending on what angle you're looking from. it's was Photoshoped for that purpose so no definite number is right.
As for the first pics, I think there are 8 animals there..

This exactly what I also observed
Re: Test Your Intelligence With These Three Pictures. by sirjohnson(m): 9:18am On Sep 13, 2014
Johnbosco77: all ur posts no matter the subject of discussion, must u Redirect us to "HERE". Y always u? U Neva tell me y u de always redirect us?

My posts are always in congruent with the topic. I bring you more details on whichever topic thats up for discussion hence I have not committed any crime whatsoever. The purpose of doing it is to register my website in the minds of men. Thank you. And I am really sorry if you dont like my idea.
Re: Test Your Intelligence With These Three Pictures. by JerryJJZ(m): 10:03am On Sep 13, 2014
The first one is 12, second is 5 and third is 4
Re: Test Your Intelligence With These Three Pictures. by temmywayne005(m): 10:15am On Sep 13, 2014
na wa oh
Re: Test Your Intelligence With These Three Pictures. by Shokoloko(f): 12:55pm On Sep 13, 2014
Horse. Swan. Snake. Dog. Bird. Elephant. Giraffe. Monkey. Cat.
The swan is under the horse's back legs. The dog is at the elephant's neck. The snake is at the elephant's tail. The giraffe is at the end of the elephant's trunk. The monkey is at the elephant's back leg.

There are five legs. The question is how many legs are there, not how many legs does an elephant have.

There are 2 complete beams. The others are incomplete and that doesnt make a beam.

Please for those who have found the 12 animals pls let us know what they are

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Re: Test Your Intelligence With These Three Pictures. by rezzy: 2:45pm On Sep 13, 2014
cheesy shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked

I think its 8 animals

6 legs

4 sticks
Re: Test Your Intelligence With These Three Pictures. by egift(m): 5:53pm On Sep 13, 2014
SAVEDBABA: i c 6 animals and 5 legs and 4 3 by 3. PLEASE NOTE:today is my birthday. wink wink grin grin grin grin grin grin grin

Happy Birthday!!! Hope I have not missed the party? - May God grant you many more years of Success and Fruitfulness. 21 Gboza for your side grin

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Re: Test Your Intelligence With These Three Pictures. by Nobody: 6:19pm On Sep 13, 2014

Happy Birthday!!! Hope I have not missed the party? - May God grant you many more years of Success and Fruitfulness. 21 Gboza for your side grin
I no party oooo thank you,I appreciate.

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Re: Test Your Intelligence With These Three Pictures. by junell(f): 7:56pm On Sep 13, 2014
And what are we hoping to achieve wih these optically confusing images


Re: Test Your Intelligence With These Three Pictures. by thexzy(m): 10:35pm On Sep 13, 2014
The 3rd Pix is just drawn to confuse people.......If u view it 4rm the Left angle is 4 boxes of what I don't know but 4rm the Right point of view, is 3 Bar-heads. From the 1st and 2nd Pix, Use your Sense of Judgment. And you'LL get the Answer. ((Time-Killers))
Re: Test Your Intelligence With These Three Pictures. by Dlivingstone(m): 1:06am On Sep 14, 2014
8,5 and 4
Re: Test Your Intelligence With These Three Pictures. by slament: 2:59am On Sep 14, 2014
With the rate of Instragram Madness and the world of selfies..
This Crazy Guy Runs Into Outback Tornado to Just Take Selfie.
This Happened in Australia.....
What are your Thoughts

Video Link:

Re: Test Your Intelligence With These Three Pictures. by temisukanmi(f): 4:45pm On Sep 14, 2014
charlesbright: wow

this is why people fail exams.. question says "How many legs do you see" not how many legs has an elephant..

As for me I can see five legs there. chikena
As for the logs of wood, there are 3 and 4 logs there depending on what angle you're looking from. it's was Photoshoped for that purpose so no definite number is right.
As for the first pics, I think there are 8 animals there..

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Re: Test Your Intelligence With These Three Pictures. by Daronyk(f): 6:24pm On Sep 14, 2014
Pic 1-12
pic 2-5
pic 3-3 beams
Re: Test Your Intelligence With These Three Pictures. by BlackLeopard(m): 10:42pm On Sep 14, 2014
IMO it tests more perception than intelligence really.

Also culture experience. Show that animal picture to someone who says, never seen an elephant, and they're lost.

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Re: Test Your Intelligence With These Three Pictures. by hunkydory(m): 3:29am On Sep 15, 2014
IMO, the third is actually four. It can be seen by counting the tiny square boxs on the far left. Let me place arrows as a clue. That is the only clue i will give out. smiley
The third picture is neither 4 nor 3.It's an optical illusion.
Re: Test Your Intelligence With These Three Pictures. by Nobody: 4:33am On Mar 19, 2015

But there are 9 lines connecting both ends, and it not possible for 9 lines to have produced 4 beams in 2 dimensional view (because it takes 3 lines to form one beam). Additionally, from the other end, the objects are separated. If you count from the end that generates 4 beams, then you will have incomplete objects.

So am sticking with 3
Use sense na. That is a physically impossible structure. It is neither three nor four.

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