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How Long Before A Woman Decides To Adopt? - Family - Nairaland

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How Long Before A Woman Decides To Adopt? by clitlicker: 11:58am On Sep 30, 2014
How many years after marriage should it take before a woman trying to get pregnat admit that she has a problem( given that the doctor said she has no medical problem) with getting pregnant in other to decide to adopt even while she continues trying, because of the risk of holding unto hope as years go by then realise your are 45 and still childless.
Re: How Long Before A Woman Decides To Adopt? by eleojo23: 12:01pm On Sep 30, 2014
Maybe after a year or two or three... It's hard to give a straight answer to this because it's a subjective issue.
Re: How Long Before A Woman Decides To Adopt? by Woged2005(f): 12:26pm On Sep 30, 2014
I don't get it... A doctor said you have no medical problems and yet you can't conceive? Have you and your husband gone to a fertility treatment center? Unknown to many people men are actually responsible for most conception problems but ego does not allow them to admit it. If they will accept it on time and go for treatment like most ladies do, that will help increase the chances of conception. The problem is that most couple waste precious years at Native doctor's and their better-dressed counterparts called 'prayer houses' than seeking professional help at fertility center. Have you wondered why most people who have problems having kids in Nigeria travel to more developed countries and same people have kids? - the answer is science-based fertility treatment.

To answer your question, adoption has nothing to do with filling the void of not having kids, it's about giving a better life to a needy baby in a loving, caring home. A woman with 6 kids could still adopt to give a better life to another child. So there's no better time to adopt a child than when you are ready and prepared to give a better life to a a child who would otherwise not have it.


Re: How Long Before A Woman Decides To Adopt? by bennyrazz: 12:29pm On Sep 30, 2014
@op, after 10years
Re: How Long Before A Woman Decides To Adopt? by Godmystrength: 2:12pm On Sep 30, 2014
Woged2005: I don't get it... A doctor said you have no medical problems and yet you can't conceive? Have you and your husband gone to a fertility treatment center? Unknown to many people men are actually responsible for most conception problems but ego does not allow them to admit it. If they will accept it on time and go for treatment like most ladies do, that will help increase the chances of conception. The problem is that most couple waste precious years at Native doctor's and their better-dressed counterparts called 'prayer houses' than seeking professional help at fertility center. Have you wondered why most people who have problems having kids in Nigeria travel to more developed countries and same people have kids? - the answer is science-based fertility treatment.

To answer your question, adoption has nothing to do with filling the void of not having kids, it's about giving a better life to a needy baby in a loving, caring home. A woman with 6 kids could still adopt to give a better life to another child. So there's no better time to adopt a child than when you are ready and prepared to give a better life to a a child who would otherwise not have it.
you find that impossible to happen?
Re: How Long Before A Woman Decides To Adopt? by Nobody: 2:15pm On Sep 30, 2014
The husband should go for a check up FIRST if, according to the doctor, nothing is wrong with the woman.

Then they can consider adoption. wink

The husband should hurry up, MEN and WOMEN have to consider how old their children will be when they are about to leave this world.
Re: How Long Before A Woman Decides To Adopt? by Godmystrength: 2:28pm On Sep 30, 2014
carefreewannabe: The husband should go for a check up FIRST if, according to the doctor, nothing is wrong with the woman.

Then they can consider adoption. wink

The husband should hurry up, MEN and WOMEN have to consider how old their children will be when they are about to leave this world.

before they will start using their pension to pay for PTA and buy Macmillan english

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