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Construction Diary: Building a Duplex on the Rocks. - Properties (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Construction Diary: Building a Duplex on the Rocks. by KolaShangOne(m): 6:33pm On Aug 20, 2015
German floor pictures..

After compaction, DPM was laid and then the wire mesh as anti crack..

Re: Construction Diary: Building a Duplex on the Rocks. by KolaShangOne(m): 3:17pm On Aug 21, 2015
We actually put our machines on the floor and shift it to different positions to hasten up work. The workers just need to spread..

Re: Construction Diary: Building a Duplex on the Rocks. by KolaShangOne(m): 3:19pm On Aug 21, 2015
Machine mixing n hand mixing.. Which do u think is better?

Re: Construction Diary: Building a Duplex on the Rocks. by KolaShangOne(m): 2:34pm On Aug 22, 2015
Vibrating the concrete to remove air bubbles

Re: Construction Diary: Building a Duplex on the Rocks. by KolaShangOne(m): 12:13pm On Aug 23, 2015
Shidex Global Services.. contact me for your buiding construction, site supervision, equipment leasing, building materials supply, block production on site, Roof trusses, landscaping etc.. 08142364445
Re: Construction Diary: Building a Duplex on the Rocks. by KolaShangOne(m): 12:18pm On Aug 23, 2015

Re: Construction Diary: Building a Duplex on the Rocks. by PeoplesArmy: 1:57pm On Aug 23, 2015

Is that well fed guy in skyblue t-shirt the OP? grin
Re: Construction Diary: Building a Duplex on the Rocks. by KolaShangOne(m): 5:38pm On Aug 23, 2015

Is that well fed guy in skyblue t-shirt the OP? grin

My Oga.. I'm not yet well fed o..
Re: Construction Diary: Building a Duplex on the Rocks. by mufutau55(m): 5:44pm On Aug 23, 2015

My Oga.. I'm not yet well fed o..

So wetin dey for my Oga belle so? I know say no be Lukudi. It is definitely Miliki/Faaji stuff. Including Non-Alcoholic Hennessy. smiley

Hajji M.
Re: Construction Diary: Building a Duplex on the Rocks. by erico2k2(m): 10:31pm On Aug 23, 2015

My Oga.. I'm not yet well fed o..
grin grin grin grin, that mixer wht the daily cost?how many bags does it take in one go to mix
Re: Construction Diary: Building a Duplex on the Rocks. by twinskenny(m): 11:07pm On Aug 23, 2015

So wetin dey for my Oga belle so? I know say no be Lukudi. It is definitely Miliki/Faaji stuff. Including Non-Alcoholic Hennessy. smiley

Hajji M.

Lol @non alcoholic hennesy
Re: Construction Diary: Building a Duplex on the Rocks. by mufutau55(m): 12:39am On Aug 24, 2015

Lol @non alcoholic hennesy

Abi o. Religiously speaking o.

Hajji M.
Re: Construction Diary: Building a Duplex on the Rocks. by lastpage: 2:17am On Aug 24, 2015
@TwinsKenny, I plan on using wireless for my cameras.

Or do you recommend I run cables? I use wireless exclusively here but trying to gauge what works better in Nigeria.

Please use wireless. Minimum IP66 for externals, with 600TVL and above Day and Night Cams

The advantages are many:
No wall drilling
No lengthy and sometimes unsightly cables
Probability of cable breakage is zero
Cost effective
Easy to reposition cameras at will (very important) and many more

That is what l installed in my own house and l did it by myself (okay, l have experience in such stuff but it is still very easy to do)

They both work same way. Everything is most 'plug-and-play' nowadays. grin
The problem with Nigeria is just the "Bandwidth capacity" that may slow transmission down, causing 'lagging', especially if you need to view from say a foreign country or when on the move, like l do but you can overcome those as well.

The only thing ...and this is very important.... that you need to worry about if doing it yourself, is in the area of Security/Safety.
Your Data (Camera feed to Video monitors) have to be encrypted properly otherwise, its like you are exposing yourself to the 'bad world'.

Dont ever use OEM passwords. Change them regularly (to forestall compromise), store them securely (you will surely forget) and use strong passwords.
A Cisco Router will help you in terms of Security/Encryption.
You can even get used ones (say from those upgrading to higher specs) that will do your job effectively.


1 Like

Re: Construction Diary: Building a Duplex on the Rocks. by lastpage: 2:24am On Aug 24, 2015
Machine mixing n hand mixing.. Which do u think is better?

Machine Sir!

Speed, consistency and about every other advantage that use of a 'computer' has over manual handling. grin

But 'cost' is on the other side of the equation Sir.


1 Like

Re: Construction Diary: Building a Duplex on the Rocks. by lastpage: 2:39am On Aug 24, 2015
This comment is mainly to find something constructive to talk about apart from the brab us n Johnny brouhaha.. Im iniviting all professionals n enthusiasts in the house cc @hajjMufutau @segzy14 @3strike @brag3 @segcymoor @spyder880 @gabbytabby @egunmogaji *I cant remember all handles*

Its about alternative use of clay pots for slabs (decking). Its been promoted as a way to reduce weight on the foundation especially for high rise buildings.
In this case, I'm standing on the 3rd floor of a buildiing but the clay pots have been in use from the First floor as seen in the pic below. The clay pots can be used for the cantilevers too

Advantages include: great cost saving in terms of iron rods, volume of concrete, man-hour time etc..

What's your view on the use of these pots?

I am very interested in this method of slab construction though l dont have the know-how.
I have raised the issue in a thread about two years ago and no one seem to know much about it as well and l think its a problem of knowledge otherwise, it is something that should be embraced.

Do you have "online" reading references you can refer me/us to, so we can do a little read-up on it.
I will personally like to witness "How It is Done" on a building when it gets to that stage, for practical knowledge.

I should be doing a house in about a year or two and would not mind incorporating that method as l can see the numerous advantages already.
I still wonder how it is that the Pots dont fall down vertically when the wooden support is removed?
Can you please throw some light on this?


Re: Construction Diary: Building a Duplex on the Rocks. by Nobody: 2:50am On Aug 24, 2015

Please use wireless. Minimum IP66 for externals, with 600TVL and above Day and Night Cams

The advantages are many:
No wall drilling
No lengthy and sometimes unsightly cables
Probability of cable breakage is zero
Cost effective
Easy to reposition cameras at will (very important) and many more

That is what l installed in my own house and l did it by myself (okay, l have experience in such stuff but it is still very easy to do)

They both work same way. Everything is most 'plug-and-play' nowadays. grin
The problem with Nigeria is just the "Bandwidth capacity" that may slow transmission down, causing 'lagging', especially if you need to view from say a foreign country or when on the move, like l do but you can overcome those as well.

The only thing ...and this is very important.... that you need to worry about if doing it yourself, is in the area of Security/Safety.
Your Data (Camera feed to Video monitors) have to be encrypted properly otherwise, its like you are exposing yourself to the 'bad world'.

Dont ever use OEM passwords. Change them regularly (to forestall compromise), store them securely (you will surely forget) and use strong passwords.
A Cisco Router will help you in terms of Security/Encryption.
You can even get used ones (say from those upgrading to higher specs) that will do your job effectively.


Oh I'm in IT so I'm on top of the security stuff grin

The reason that I ask is that I've never done any concrete structure (all my houses here are wood) so not sure if wireless stuff works in Nigeria.

Re: Construction Diary: Building a Duplex on the Rocks. by mufutau55(m): 3:19am On Aug 24, 2015

I am very interested in this method of slab construction though l dont have the know-how.
I have raised the issue in a thread about two years ago and no one seem to know much about it as well and l think its a problem of knowledge otherwise, it is something that should be embraced.

Do you have "online" reading references you can refer me/us to, so we can do a little read-up on it.
I will personally like to witness "How It is Done" on a building when it gets to that stage, for practical knowledge.

I should be doing a house in about a year or two and would not mind incorporating that method as l can see the numerous advantages already.
I still wonder how it is that the Pots dont fall down vertically when the wooden support is removed?
Can you please throw some light on this?


I don't know how I missed this message.
I did do some research with Abdulwastecx privately thru Whatsapp on using this option for my decking. But I am scared to go thru with it.
Abdulwastecx actually knows about the procedure on how to do it but he said although the whole thing will cost less than the normal decking but the clay is not easy to obtain. There will be less iron rods and cement/sands to be used with the clay so it cost less.
I also did some research on internet and understood how it's done and some heavy projects have used it and using successfully.
But I do not want to be the test person for it. Although I still have not done the decking and still considering my options.
I will invite Abdulwastecx to come and join this discussion and give us more lessons. He said cost savings of about 30-40% of cost to normal decking.

This is the procedures for Ribbed Slabs as analyzed by Abdulwastecx:

1. The formwork is put in place (decking wood).
2. The suffice wood is marked for the position of clay block and ribbed beam at interval, say 450mm center to center.
The clay block dimensions been 300 x 300 x 200mm
And ribbed slab been flanged with the following dimensions
Ribbed height = 250mm, width of flanged (bf) = 450mm
Web width (bw) = 150mm
3. The clay block are placed parallel to the direction of the ribbed slab and interlocked.
4. The reinforcement is then placed inside the ribbed beam
5. The concrete is poured from the top.
6. The concrete will not get to the bottom of the clay block but since the block is interlocked in-between the ribbed and the clay block no
problem and since the clay block doesn't contribute to concrete strength, it only help to reduce concrete volume and reinforcement
7. Later after striking of formwork the suffice (underneath of the block is render or plaster to cover the clay blocks).

Note: For further reading do a search for "Ribbed Slab" on Google.

cc: @Abdulwastecx

Hajji M.

1 Like

Re: Construction Diary: Building a Duplex on the Rocks. by lastpage: 3:45am On Aug 24, 2015

Oh I'm in IT so I'm on top of the security stuff grin

The reason that I ask is that I've never done any concrete structure (all my houses here are wood) so not sure if wireless stuff works in Nigeria.


Well, positioning of the primary Router and secondary Access points can come-in handy at that though concrete will dampen the signal more than wood.
but then, its just a small distance between the cams and the Devices.
In my case, it was within solid, block walls (Nigeria) and it was okay.

Re: Construction Diary: Building a Duplex on the Rocks. by lastpage: 3:53am On Aug 24, 2015

I don't know how I missed this message.
I did do some research with Abdulwastecx privately thru Whatsapp on using this option for my decking. But I am scared to go thru with it.
Abdulwastecx actually knows about the procedure on how to do it but he said although the whole thing will cost less than the normal decking but the clay is not easy to obtain. There will be less iron rods and cement/sands to be used with the clay so it cost less.
I also did some research on internet and understood how it's done and some heavy projects have used it and using successfully.
But I do not want to be the test person for it. Although I still have not done the decking and still considering my options.
I will invite Abdulwastecx to come and join this discussion and give us more lessons. He said cost savings of about 30-40% of cost to normal decking.

This is the procedures for Ribbed Slabs as analyzed by Abdulwastecx:

1. The formwork is put in place (decking wood).
2. The suffice wood is marked for the position of clay block and ribbed beam at interval, say 450mm center to center.
The clay block dimensions been 300 x 300 x 200mm
And ribbed slab been flanged with the following dimensions
Ribbed height = 250mm, width of flanged (bf) = 450mm
Web width (bw) = 150mm
3. The clay block are placed parallel to the direction of the ribbed slab and interlocked.
4. The reinforcement is then placed inside the ribbed beam
5. The concrete is poured from the top.
6. The concrete will not get to the bottom of the clay block but since the block is interlocked in-between the ribbed and the clay block no
problem and since the clay block doesn't contribute to concrete strength, it only help to reduce concrete volume and reinforcement
7. Later after striking of formwork the suffice (underneath of the block is render or plaster to cover the clay blocks).

Note: For further reading do a search for "Ribbed Slab" on Google.

cc: @Abdulwastecx

Hajji M.

Thanks Hajji M for the info.
I will do some reading-up on it.

I saw a Multi-Storey in V/I some two years back while driving-by and l could see the Clay pots as they used it on each deck!
I was just wondering how it is done!
I am sure the process has been perfected (Cappa and D'Alberto was the one doing the Building l saw) otherwise, they wont be using it.
But one has to be exactly sure of "How it is done" before attempting such.

I wont try it except l am absolutely sure of the process but l am sure as we have shown interest, those who are building right now might try it out once we all can master the process involved.


Re: Construction Diary: Building a Duplex on the Rocks. by mufutau55(m): 4:15am On Aug 24, 2015

Thanks Hajji M for the info.
I will do some reading-up on it.

I saw a Multi-Storey in V/I some two years back while driving-by and l could see the Clay pots as they used it on each deck!
I was just wondering how it is done!
I am sure the process has been perfected (Cappa and D'Alberto was the one doing the Building l saw) otherwise, they wont be using it.
But one has to be exactly sure of "How it is done" before attempting such.

I wont try it except l am absolutely sure of the process but l am sure as we have shown interest, those who are building right now might try it out once we all can master the process involved.


You are right. And until individual contractors start doing it like normal decking, you won't see many ordinary people like me attempting it.
If I can afford company like Cappa and D'Alberto, I won't be scared of doing it at all. It's been used everywhere, and I read more about it in India even. Especially for the less weight and cost savings, it will be a good alternatives if the clay is abundantly and readily available.
Thank you for the contribution.

@KolashangOne, please update us more with your knowledge on this.

Hajji M.
Re: Construction Diary: Building a Duplex on the Rocks. by Nobody: 5:09am On Aug 24, 2015

You are right. And until individual contractors start doing it like normal decking, you won't see many ordinary people like me attempting it.
If I can afford company like Cappa and D'Alberto , I won't be scared of doing it at all. It's been used everywhere, and I read more about it in India even. Especially for the less weight and cost savings, it will be a good alternatives if the clay is abundantly and readily available.
Thank you for the contribution.

@KolashangOne, please update us more with your knowledge on this.

Hajji M.

This is probably what Hajji wanted to say but he's too much of a gentleman:

If I can afford company like Cappa and D'Alberto, I won't be sitting here chatting with you unwashed characters grin

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Re: Construction Diary: Building a Duplex on the Rocks. by mufutau55(m): 12:47pm On Aug 24, 2015

This is probably what Hajji wanted to say but he's too much of a gentleman:

If I can afford company like Cappa and D'Alberto, I won't be sitting here chatting with you unwashed characters grin

Definetly o.

Hajji M.

1 Like

Re: Construction Diary: Building a Duplex on the Rocks. by lastpage: 8:10pm On Aug 24, 2015

This is probably what Hajji wanted to say but he's too much of a gentleman:

If I can afford company like Cappa and D'Alberto, I won't be sitting here chatting with you unwashed characters grin

grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin

Poor man like us nor get friend! grin grin grin grin



Re: Construction Diary: Building a Duplex on the Rocks. by spyder880(m): 11:21pm On Aug 24, 2015

This is probably what Hajji wanted to say but he's too much of a gentleman:

If I can afford company like Cappa and D'Alberto, I won't be sitting here chatting with you unwashed characters grin

I think you can afford them EgunMogaji, you just want to save up and buy that holiday home in the Dominican Islands (as if I know where that one is) cheesy

Nice stuff going on here KolashangOne, I am enjoying this, well done bro.

1 Like

Re: Construction Diary: Building a Duplex on the Rocks. by KolaShangOne(m): 11:39pm On Aug 24, 2015

grin grin grin grin, that mixer wht the daily cost?how many bags does it take in one go to mix

This one is mine. But I think its about 20k per day here in Ibadan. You will also pay for to n fro transport and 5k operator fee.. Total of about 35k.

Mixes one bag at a go
Re: Construction Diary: Building a Duplex on the Rocks. by KolaShangOne(m): 11:42pm On Aug 24, 2015
Shidex Global Services (RC 851857) .. contact us for your buiding construction, site supervision, equipment leasing, building materials supply, block production on site, Roof trusses, landscaping etc.. 08142364445, whatsapp- 07038935532.
Re: Construction Diary: Building a Duplex on the Rocks. by KolaShangOne(m): 11:48pm On Aug 24, 2015

Abi o. Religiously speaking o.

Hajji M.

They serve nonalcoholic henessy at Ibadan tennis club.. Its called "Chapman". Will be happy to take you anytime you're around grin
Re: Construction Diary: Building a Duplex on the Rocks. by KolaShangOne(m): 11:52pm On Aug 24, 2015

Machine Sir!

Speed, consistency and about every other advantage that use of a 'computer' has over manual handling. grin

But 'cost' is on the other side of the equation Sir.


Of course.. Cost..
Re: Construction Diary: Building a Duplex on the Rocks. by mufutau55(m): 12:03am On Aug 25, 2015

They serve nonalcoholic henessy at Ibadan tennis club.. Its called "Chapman". Will be happy to take you anytime you're around grin

Ok. Me and Abdulwastecx will hold you to that promise.

Hajji M.

1 Like

Re: Construction Diary: Building a Duplex on the Rocks. by Nobody: 12:08am On Aug 25, 2015

I think you can afford them EgunMogaji, you just want to save up and buy that holiday home in the Dominican Islands (as if I know where that one is) cheesy

Nice stuff going on here KolashangOne, I am enjoying this, well done bro.

Actually my Oga, I've gone far and wide and trust me nothing beats coming back home.

How about dashing your Boy here half a plot in your estate grin
Re: Construction Diary: Building a Duplex on the Rocks. by Nobody: 12:11am On Aug 25, 2015

Ok. Me and Abdulwastecx will hold you to that promise.

Hajji M.

I'll serve as the advance team next month to sample this alleged Chapman.

It's not going to be for my benefit, but I need to make sure that it is palatable and fit for human consumption. Basically I will be taking one for the team of you guys grin
Re: Construction Diary: Building a Duplex on the Rocks. by mufutau55(m): 12:20am On Aug 25, 2015

I'll serve as the advance team next month to sample this alleged Chapman.
It's not going to be for my benefit, but I need to make sure that it is palatable and fit for human consumption.
Basically I will be taking one for the team of you guys grin

Thank you for volunteering to hold the Forth. I always know you are a gentleman like George W. Bush.

Hajji M.

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