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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Health / What Cause Heaviness In The Left Chest + Belging? (5939 Views)
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What Cause Heaviness In The Left Chest + Belging? by decoslim(m): 4:06am On Jan 21, 2015 |
Its over six months now. The belging comes and go dough. Its not all d time. But the chest heaviness is always there. Note: it doesn't affect breathing.. But it cause a great discomfort. |
Re: What Cause Heaviness In The Left Chest + Belging? by maameen: 5:41pm On Jan 21, 2015 |
could be ulcer. |
Re: What Cause Heaviness In The Left Chest + Belging? by Nobody: 6:40pm On Jan 21, 2015 |
Hi there, sorry about your predicament. Does it usually happen around the time you eat? It could be heart burn or even GERD (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease). Let me know ok so I can know how to help you ![]() |
Re: What Cause Heaviness In The Left Chest + Belging? by decoslim(m): 7:34pm On Jan 21, 2015 |
Maybe it could be ulcer. Don't really know... I was giving drug for ulcer. I took it for some time, I didn't see any result so I stop. It gets worse when I eat. And I am feeling unease at my back region. I don't eat in the morning. Most of my meals comes in the afternoon or night and its just once Does it have to do with my habits. Also I'm the type that stays up late at night and sleep most of the day. |
Re: What Cause Heaviness In The Left Chest + Belging? by decoslim(m): 7:37pm On Jan 21, 2015 |
Also I sometimes feel pain in the left chest region too. But occurs rarely... Help will be appreciated.. Thanks |
Re: What Cause Heaviness In The Left Chest + Belging? by Nobody: 10:19pm On Jan 21, 2015 |
Decoslim, Few questions: How old are you? What are your other medical history or surgical history if any? What other symptoms do you get besides the aforementioned Do you drink excessively or for how long? Do you smoke? Do you use medications ? Recreational drugs? Answer as much as you like, might help me narrow the differential diagnoses for your case |
Re: What Cause Heaviness In The Left Chest + Belging? by decoslim(m): 5:14am On Jan 22, 2015 |
I am 22. About 5month one night like that after eating rice I suddenly squeeze my chest. It was a serious pain on my left chest. I was taking to the hospital at mid night. Since then the pain comes rarely. But d pain occurred again about 2 weeks ago. But this time around I was able to manage it without alarming anyone. I just rest the chest on a pillow and before I woke up it was gone. Also At times I do have headache. I don't drink and I don't smoke. Yes. Doctor gave me medication for ulcer. I resumed taking it yesterday. I'm currently on the drugs. The chest constantly feel heavy. It has been like this for upto 6 months now. |
Re: What Cause Heaviness In The Left Chest + Belging? by Nobody: 4:26pm On Jan 22, 2015 |
Ok. 22 y/o so not likely coronary heart disease. Do you have a family history of heart disease? Any palpitations, shortness of breathe? How long does this heaviness last or is it really constant ? Started and worse after food: so possibly GERD/reflux/ dyspepsia, hiatal hernia, ulcer. Any abdominal pain, nausea ? Do you eat heavy quantity of spicy/hot or fatty foods? Are you a large person? Or just tell me your weight/height or BMI if you are comfotable with that. Any acid taste in mouth? Cough? Belching? Or flatus? What is the name of refux pill they gave you? Is this pill helping at all? Is the headache related to to the chest heaviness at all? You dont drink or take certain medications so unlikely pancrease but You should check your cholestrol tho Ok 6 months duration. Would you say its getting worse in any way? What is your occupation? Or do you exert yourself in any way where you use upper body strenght a lot? Pls answer as much as you can. It will help. My reccomendation is to get a chest xray first and some basic lab tests/blood work and exam. Is this feasible for you? I do not believe you are acutely ill nor is it life threatening requiring emergent treatment based ONLY on what you have said so far. Best. |
Re: What Cause Heaviness In The Left Chest + Belging? by decoslim(m): 7:10pm On Jan 24, 2015 |
Sorry for the late reply. Thanks so much No we don't have history of heart disease in my family. No shortest of breath...its just always heavy. Yes very constants. Dough at times which is rare I will not notice it. No abdominal pain, No nausea. I sometime eat heavy meals and its normally spicy and pepperish I am a slim person. My height is 160cm Weight is 62kg Yes belching comes with the heaviness. But not always. The pill name is MEPRASIL 20mg Well I won't really say the pill is not working. It helps but so far it has not permanently solves it. Also the heaviness is much when I wake up. But later in the day it reduces. I don't think the headache is related to the chest heaviness. Yes I don't drink or smoke. Well I won't say its getting worse...but there is very little improvement....the heaviness is still obvious and I don't like the more thing at times I have back pain which relates to d heaviness. I am a student..but I spend most of my night using laptop. I design websites for people. I think being on laptop uses the upper body strength. I mostly bend ...but recently I do work from my bed, using pillow at my back. I will try and do some x-ray. Thanks so much for this...I hope u reply soon. |
Re: What Cause Heaviness In The Left Chest + Belging? by Nobody: 2:03am On Jan 25, 2015 |
Ok. Lets rule out things that could kill you. Heart attack: not likely cos of age and no risk factors except for being male. You dont do cocaine or street drugs right? That would be one of reasons why a 22 y/o might have a heart attack. Pulmonary embolism: not likely since no respiratory symptoms Aortic aneurysm/dissection: not likely since you have no risk factors. Check your blood pressure tho if you can Other possibilities tho non deadly: cholelithiasis/cystitis, pranceatitis, gastritis, hiatal hernia, ulcer and reflux. Panic/anxiety d/o, muscle strain. Given what i gathered so far from you: its likely reflux, perhaps some hiatal hernia that is making it worse. Also could be compounded by muscle/skeletal strain. My Reccomendations: Get a physical exam focus on heart, lungs and musculo-skeletal system. Get Baseline resting EKG, cbc, complete chemistry profile. Chest xray, neck/back/spine Xray. For extra, add abdominal xray You are taking omeprazole which is potent PPI for reflux. Continue it, Can possibly ask your doc to increase dose to 40 mg qd and take before meals and see if it helps more. Try iburofen along with meprasil. In addition: Eat small meals, less spicy/peppery, no caffeine, no acidy foods like tomatoes, oranges. Eat at least 2 hours before lying down on bed. If you can, lie on an inclined bed up to 30 degrees. Should also sleep on a nice firm but gentle mattress ; this could all be poor sleeping mechanics. Work on ergonomically suitable chair rather than bed when working or studying. It probably causes bad posture and back pain. Good luck. Let me know how it turns out. |
Re: What Cause Heaviness In The Left Chest + Belging? by decoslim(m): 4:08am On Jan 26, 2015 |
Thank you so much. I will definitely update u. |
Re: What Cause Heaviness In The Left Chest + Belging? by Nobody: 1:24pm On Jan 26, 2015 |
Sounds good! Dont hestitate should you have any other questions, concerns etc. Best regards |
Re: What Cause Heaviness In The Left Chest + Belging? by decoslim(m): 1:40am On Mar 11, 2015 |
Xiadnat: I am still constantly feeling heaviness in my left chest and now pains on my rib that radiate to my back mostly when I stress my arm. The rib and the back pain started recently. But the heaviness in the chest has been there for 7 months now. I have been on ulcer medication still 0 improvement. It's getting worse. Also I ve been belching regularly.... Also I recently started to stammer. My speech is getting affected somehow. Can't talk fluent like before. Pls reply as soon asap. Thanks 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: What Cause Heaviness In The Left Chest + Belging? by Nobody: 2:27am On Mar 11, 2015 |
Decoslim, Don't panic. Proceed to emergency department. You need to get an evaluation. Those collections of symptoms sound like you need to rule out aortic aneurysm or aortic dissection and possibly stroke. Did you get chest xray and ECG like I suggested earlier? You need CT scan or MRI brain and CT scan chest. At least get a chest xray for starters. Best. |
Re: What Cause Heaviness In The Left Chest + Belging? by decoslim(m): 10:00am On Mar 11, 2015 |
Xiadnat: I haven't been to the hospital. I Thought the drugs will work. I am going to the hospital now to ask I for a ECG and x-ray. Thank you so much. I will keep u posted. |
Re: What Cause Heaviness In The Left Chest + Belging? by olami1492: 1:13pm On Jul 15, 2015 |
[quote author=decoslim post=31505481] I am still constantly feeling heaviness in my left chest and now pains on my rib that radiate to my back mostly when I stress my arm. The rib and the back pain started recently. But the heaviness in the chest has been there for 7 months now. I have been on ulcer medication still 0 improvement. It's getting worse. Also I ve been belching regularly.... Also I recently started to stammer. My speech is getting affected somehow. Can't talk fluent like before. Pls reply as soon asap |
Re: What Cause Heaviness In The Left Chest + Belging? by olami1492: 1:24pm On Jul 15, 2015 |
Hello, I've been having the same symptoms too. Chronic Belching, frequent urination, pain in the knee like arthritic pain, fatigue and a gurgling stomach. I've a tempted many treatment but none adequately take care of it. Dipo 08069719333 |
Re: What Cause Heaviness In The Left Chest + Belging? by Brownzola(m): 11:51pm On Jul 15, 2015 |
I am abidemi blessing kayode from ado ekiti. It once happened to me. Believe me now I have overcome it, with a foreign product I used. This is how my started. When it started I thought it was something simple I ignored it until it become so serious that I could not sleep due to that heaviness of heart, pain in the leg, severe belching and also easy tiredness after little exercise among others. After test over test they disscovered I have too much of cholesterol in my arteries that take blood to the heart. Long story short it almost resulted in heart disease all at the tender age of 23. So don't rule out anything could cause it. But I have the cure now. If u'll believe me call 07035071971 or whatapp. Health is wealth. |
Re: What Cause Heaviness In The Left Chest + Belging? by kelemilo: 7:32pm On Sep 30, 2021 |
Ok. Lets rule out things that could kill you. Nobody, please can you contact me via 08163257517. I need some help |
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