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Graduates in the UK - Career (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Graduates in the UK by pattiano(f): 11:27am On Oct 18, 2006
the email address is ntinupatience@yahoo.com
Re: Graduates in the UK by sshhoollaa(m): 11:19am On Oct 19, 2006
smiley @ Somebody, thanks for all u've been doing.
Pls how can i get the vacancies for Accounting Graduate, MBA or finance jobs
Thanks so much.
Pls get in touch thru ayansolay@yahoo.com
Pls do u av a yahoo mail ID that we can chat with?
God bless. cool
Re: Graduates in the UK by LoverBwoy(m): 6:23pm On Oct 20, 2006
@somebody, **********
Re: Graduates in the UK by somebody(f): 10:52am On Oct 21, 2006
THE APPLICATION DEADLINE HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO 10PM ON 25 OCTOBER! Apply now to be in with the chance of meeting top recruiters in Finance and Consultancy.

Graduate Select: Finance & Consultancy
30 October 2006
Business Design Centre, Islington
Free to attend, but only selected applicants will be invited

Are you extraordinary? . Graduate Select: Finance & Consultancy is the ultimate recruitment fair for The City, featuring some of the biggest and well known banks and consultancy firms from all over the world. For opportunities in accounting, corporate finance, management consultancy, insurance, investment banking and trading, this event is unrivalled.

This is a highly competitive industry and these companies expect the best. If you think you have the talent, apply online and you may be among the top students invited to this unique networking opportunity. Selection will be based on academic achievement, internship experience and other relevant skills.

As they say, you have to be in it to win it so make sure you apply before the closing date: 10pm on 25 October 2006.

Visit www.gradselect.co.uk/finance now for more information.
Re: Graduates in the UK by solo2859: 12:02pm On Oct 24, 2006
Hello Somebody, I appreciate your effort on this site a great deal. You are great!!!!

I am a graduate of Agriculture with a Second Class Upper (2.1) degree from a Nigerian University. Can U please post vacancies in the UK relating to my field where I can apply.

My email is     solomonyomi@yahoo.com

I hope to hear from you soon.
Re: Graduates in the UK by jimmiebone(m): 1:01pm On Oct 26, 2006
somebody, you the great mind that are generation needs to bridge the wide gap between africa and europe. pls keep up the great work we are strongly behind you. Keep work on the site pls. God bless we love you
Re: Graduates in the UK by Honeypot1(m): 11:25pm On Oct 27, 2006
Thanks somebody for sharing ur experience, u are really doing a great job!!!!!!!!!

To All

I like being realistic, u are likely to get a uk job if u are resident in the uk. Though u can get some jobs directly from naija but those jobs must be in the skill shortage area like medical professions or teaching.

if u are in the banking, marketing, engineering specialisations, just forget applying for jobs in the uk, u may not get it directly from nigeria. many people are with such degrees in the uk and still unemployed.

i advice any one seeking such jobs to first obtain a masters degree in the uk and then launch his job hunt from there. and also bear in mind that MSC doesn't guarantee u an automatic job. many nigerians are suffering in the uk looking for jobs. although i did my masters in the uk and working here, it was not as easy ride.

my worry is about those who have very good jobs in naija and want to escape to the uk. i advice those guys to rather get a visiting visa, spend 3 wks in the uk to survey the environ first. most people come here with HSMP only to start cleaning and doing other odd jobs.

i'm not discouraging anyone but u have to get the right advice and weigh all the options b4 u make a move from naija.
Re: Graduates in the UK by LoverBwoy(m): 2:25pm On Nov 08, 2006
Graduate 2007

Want to work for a company that believes in the team approach that is flexible and respects you as an individual with a life outside work?

We are looking for determined and energetic individuals who support our culture and values and share our passion for the customer.

Each year we recruit into a variety of functions and welcome applications from bright and enthusiastic people with a passion for success. Please take some time to think about the following before submitting your application.

Please ensure you have the permanent right to live and work in the UK without restriction
You are studying for the relevant degree for your chosen function and have the minimum requirement of GCSE English and Mathematics (minimum Grade C or equivalent)
You have a minimum of three GCE or VCE A-level passes (or equivalent higher education qualifications such as Scottish Advanced Highers or BTEC National Diploma) with a UCAS tariff of at least 240 points, or as specified under each functional heading
Application closing date for all opportunities: 31st December 2006.
As applications are processed immediately you are advised to apply early. First round Assessment Centres will typically take place in January 2007

Graduate Opportunities

Analytical Development
Customer Insight (Marketing Intelligence)
Design Engineering
Formulation Development
Manufacturing Engineering
Process Development
Project Engineering
Display & Graphics Engineer (Technical)


Industrial placement 2007
Re: Graduates in the UK by choco4life(m): 4:11am On Nov 19, 2006
@ somebody
i just enrolled in university of greenwich for computer science and u r saying it's not a good sch.
cud u pls give me ur reasons.
am curious
Re: Graduates in the UK by roflmao: 6:39pm On Nov 19, 2006
@choco: I think somebody is giving her opinion based on university ranking.
Unfortunately it's not a black and white when determining which university is good or not. First off, the list are compiled independtly by private news bodies not by the UK government. There are two list from www.guardian.co.uk and www.timesonline.co.uk and they both use different criteria to compile their lists. And while their list may reflect some similarities there are also notable diferences(e.g. SOAS is 6th on Guardian's and 22nd on Times). Generally I prefer Guardian's as I think their method of assessment if fairer and well balanced. I personally don't rate times' list cos it rarely changes year-in-year-out and I feel it only cares about the universities for upper class people!(, but that's my opinion)

Anyway the other thing to consider is your chosen University's strength and rank at your preferred course. A university may not be ranked high overall but may have world class reputation in certain degree courses.
While most of us want to go to a top university some of us may not be able to because we don't have deep pocket, high school result, or just personal preference. If you want to use the league table as a guide then I suggest you also look at the method of assessment used in compiling the tables.

There are also lists compiled by other bodies like the National Student Union that are based on student views which you may argue is more reflective as the views are coming from those who were actually at the University. But then one may counter argue that wouldn't an average student of an 'apparently not so great' university likely to be satisfied than an good student of a top 5 university? The point is there are different arguments in favour and against a particular assessment method used to compile these lists.

In the end one has to put a lot of things into consideration and best aim for a unniversity in the "medium/good to top class category" both overall and in a chosen degree course. I wouldn't go as far as encouraging people to ask for a refund after registration to a so called "low ranked" university cos the most important factor is what you gained while at university and confidently demonstrating your capabilities. Afterall if these universities weren't good enough then they wouldn't have been given a University from the UK government.

It's such a shame that "classism" should exist in an education system, and is pretty much determines peoples' life, sad
Re: Graduates in the UK by AfricaFace(f): 8:19am On Nov 20, 2006
Hi Somebody, Thanks for your help to the nairalanders, i really appreciate, i don't know if you have a connections at amec UK , i am currently working in their Lagos Office, i wish to Relocate to UK by next year, i may be trying out HSMP by next month, i have , Bsc. Computer Science Msc. ( Computing & Control Engineering) from University of Ibadan and Oracle 9i Database Professional Certification, do you know if i can i actually get to work in Amec Uk when i get theRE or do you have another company you think i can get a gd job taht can process my Work Permit , if i evetually did not get a work Permit, Please foward their Link to Me or should i get you my CV.
Re: Graduates in the UK by LoverBwoy(m): 2:03pm On Nov 20, 2006
since you work at their branch in lagos why dont you speak to the head? or go to your company website to see if they have opportunities in the UK.
Re: Graduates in the UK by choco4life(m): 12:29am On Nov 21, 2006
Re: Graduates in the UK by choco4life(m): 12:55am On Nov 21, 2006

thanks men.
r u really in iraq?
Re: Graduates in the UK by somebody(f): 1:16pm On Nov 21, 2006
choco4life, I said Greenwich University is not a good school because it is not considered as one. It is simple as abc. The way banks in naija discriminate against state universities and polys is the way companies here do the same (although discreetly). Schools like Greenwich, UEL, LMU are very new schools and maybe ex-polys (not sure) so they are thought to be of low standards compared to the older unis.

Don't let it bother you if you have already started just make the best of your time there. But I believe it is important for Nigerians to do their research. Many jump on these schools because of the fees. I have a friend who just finished from an average school and he recently told me he wished he had listened to me and paid a bit extra to go to a top school. This was after he suffered discrimination in Nigeria for that matter. Even in Nigeria, I hear it is not enough to say you schooled abroad, it should be at a top school which Greenwich is not.

I don’t base my judgement on rankings alone; I also consider the reputation of the school. There was a year Guardian placed Middlesex uni in the top 20 and I would still have adviced people not to go there.
Re: Graduates in the UK by choco4life(m): 1:39am On Nov 22, 2006
@ somebody,
thanks men.
see am making good out of ur advice,am not actually studying in greenwich but my school(west london college)has some kind of patnership with them.
But for ur advice i would just do my ACP there and leave.
thanks oncemore
Re: Graduates in the UK by somebody(f): 10:20am On Nov 22, 2006
Am glad I could be of some help.
Re: Graduates in the UK by somebody(f): 10:33am On Nov 22, 2006
Honey_pot is right, it is almost impossible to get a UK job from Nigeria.
@AfricaFace, it won't hurt to apply to the AMEC UK office and see if they take you. You obviously have an advanatge by being a current employee. Although I wouldn't leave my job at AMEC Nigeria if I were you till I get something worthwhile over in the UK. Good luck with it!!
Re: Graduates in the UK by roflmao: 6:07pm On Nov 23, 2006
Hey choco, did you just "type" West London College and ACP in your last post? Well here's my story if it helps you in anyway,

I was exactly in the same position as you some four years ago. I completed my ACP Advanced Diploma at WLC in 2002, was 18yrs old, and I was just confused about what to do next. From my research and coversations with academics I knew I stood little chance of getting the sort of job would like if I went the WLC-Greenwich route but then I could not afford the exceptionally high University fees of the Uni route, (plus there's chancethey'll say you need to start from year 1 ).

In the end I decided to do what I thought was best for my future. I had done well at the Advanced Diploma level with Distinctions and there was a friend of mine who'd completed Advanced Diploma the previous year with the same result who was able to get a second year Direct Entry admission to University of Brunel to continue his studies so I made that my number one criterion. I delayed my progress to Uni by two years till 2004 in order to save enough money to begin my course(you know, did some stupid courses at some college to keep my Visa okay , got two jobs, and stuffs grin grin grin) plus I was lucky I had age on my side. A friend had advised that most qualifications would only be considered for max. of 2yrs after it was gained for University admssion so 2004 was my targte and deadline, so to speak.(NOTE: This was my case and I wouldn't advise anyone to try it now because things have changed. Visa rules are lot tougher and Universities are more tougher when considering applicants nowadays so if you have the means then I suggest you continue ASAP because gaps wouldn't look good on your CV in the future plus University is MORE DIFFICULT than WLC. I struggled adjusting because I had lost touch with programming and all the likes during my two year hiatus plus there's the pressure of doing well because your marks from second year counts towards your degree!)

Anyway I did my research defined my priorities, and shortlited my desired Universities: City, Kent, and Queen Mary. My other criteria were that (1) I could apply for the Year in Indstry, (2) Year in Industry was cheap(different Unis have different policies regarding this, which may or may not have changed over the years), and thant I could reasonably get to my weekend job in London. In the end I cancelled out City because my first and second criteria (they don't encourage international students to apply for Year in Industry, and you had to pay 25% of you normal internationa fees even if you got Year in Industry).

I then contacted the admission tutors of both Kent and Queen Mary to enquire if they would consider my application for a second year direct entry stating my qualifications and results (just to be sure where they stood before wasting time/money UCAS if otherwise). Furtunately Kent, which had been the only Uni that met my criteria(plus the Computer Science department was top 20 in the country) responded them and that was it: I ONLY put Kent on my UCAS form and I got an UNCONDITIONAL offer letter from UCAS soon afterwards which was all I sent to Homeoffice as proof of my further education for 3yr Visa I was given to complete my studies.

I'm now in my final year and I'm extremely grateful to God for the way things have turned out for me. I secured an Industrial Placement position last year (against all odds grin grin grin), currently work as an IT consultant as my final year project module, and currently applying for Graduate postions for next year start. Although it cost me a lot and I have a huge debt I'm confident I would meet them after graduating so I don't regret it. I'm fortunate I could get a loan(from home) to do this. I had friends who were in different circumstances and wished they could have done same but either couldn't afford to or just lost interest and motivation to do it due to difficulty they faced, discouragement, and other distractions,

In the end it's all about what you make of yourself. A friend of mine completed his degree via the WLC-Greenwich route this summer and I've been helping him build on his interest in Web design. Although he currently work full-time in retail (pays the bills grin grin grin) he's been getting assessments centres, interviews, and he once had an offer for a Flash Web Designer in Oxford but he turned it down because of personal circumstance. So it's an open field. You just have to do what best for you gurrrl. Stay focused, Peace
Re: Graduates in the UK by toshmann(m): 8:19pm On Nov 24, 2006
dear somebody,
pls i'm a graduate to be (of cardiff university in Wales) I did an MPH (masters in public health) and will like to work for any organisation in the uk or nigeria or indeed west africa where humanitarian/medical care is required. have u got any advice for mr toshmann smiley ?

toshmann cool
Re: Graduates in the UK by choco4life(m): 12:19am On Nov 25, 2006
@ rof-imao
men ur story really touched me, i just hope i wud be lucky as u were,
wud love to hear more from you ,
how was it like in WLC?
Re: Graduates in the UK by somebody(f): 6:51pm On Nov 25, 2006
Toshmann, I am not very familar with your sector but you can look into the NHS Graduate scheme. They get work permits if you are successful so I think it is worth a try. Link below, good luck.

Re: Graduates in the UK by toshmann(m): 8:12pm On Nov 25, 2006
@ somebody,
thank you very much. i'll give it a try.
Re: Graduates in the UK by choco4life(m): 11:44pm On Nov 27, 2006
do u guys know about the ranking of schiller and richmond universities
Re: Graduates in the UK by sbucareer(f): 11:57pm On Nov 27, 2006

[url=http://education.guardian.co.uk/universityguide2005/table/0,,-5163901,00.html]Top Uk Universities[/url]
Re: Graduates in the UK by choco4life(m): 11:58pm On Nov 27, 2006
do u guys know about the ranking of schiller and richmond universities.
Re: Graduates in the UK by somebody(f): 10:43am On Nov 28, 2006
choco4life, sbucareer provided the link for the ratings of the universities, please check. I have never heard of schiller but I think Richmond is an American university based in the UK so it would not be on the league table. Don't know much about the school but if I were to make a choice between a school like UEL and Richmond, I would pick Richmond. Why, I am not really sure. Please I did not mean to confuse any body, don't start checking the rankings of universties when you want to apply. Its not all about rankings, just go to an established and reputable school. You could also try one of the universities in the Russell Group. http://www.russellgroup.ac.uk/index1.html
Re: Graduates in the UK by roflmao: 7:39pm On Nov 28, 2006
Hey choco, WLC was aiite. Not sure what it's like now but I think it's definately one of the better private colleges out there. As somebody said both richmond and schiller universities are UK campuses of American universities mainly offering degree courses in International MBA and other International "business administration, relation" like programmes, so to speak.

In my opinion they could be good for someone in need of a second degree in business related discipline with a strong first degree or past work experience.

Again as somebody said, it ain't all about ranking. I know it can be difficult but one just have to aim for a "good" university (whatever the definition of good is! grin). Anyway here's a link to Guardian 2006 league table 2006 League Table. I'd say those uniiversities scoring 60/100 or more overall is good in general, but that's just me. In the end your personal situation will probably be the determining factor as it's for most students.

Keep your head up, stay positive gurrrl, and put in your best to make something out of your situation. Peace.
Re: Graduates in the UK by kemoade(f): 2:27pm On Nov 29, 2006
hi somebody
l am a graduate of Secretarial Adminstration in one of the polytechnics in nigeria.
do u have any vancancies concerning my course.
Re: Graduates in the UK by somebody(f): 10:16am On Nov 30, 2006
Please note that I don't own my own company and so I don't have any vacancies. I can only provide information on getting a job. And realistically, it is almost impossible to get a job in the UK from Nigeria except you have a red passport.
Re: Graduates in the UK by junegirl(f): 12:05pm On Apr 10, 2007
Hi Somebody, just stumbled on your thread,
Tell me, do you still need help with the site? I think you're doin us all a great service and I will like to help out. Could help you gather information, research and stuff. Meanwhile, do let me know if there are any vacancies requiring some experience in electronic/ broadcast media. I also want to know which universities are respected for postgraduate study in Communications/PR/Advertising etc.
Re: Graduates in the UK by slimsteve(m): 12:39pm On Apr 13, 2007
Someone goodmorning. I am really intrested in getting a job anywhere in the world provided that the will willing to get me a working permit.
I studied Business Admin.(2:2) in a Nigeria University and am 22 years.You can reach me with email address slimsteveus@yahoo.com
Thanks for the info. I ll be loking forward to hearing from you.

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