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I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! - Family - Nairaland

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I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by dein77(m): 10:29pm On Feb 19, 2015
Good evening, my able people. I initially wanted to post this thread on RELIGION section, but on a second thought, I considered it will make more sense to post it here. The issues to be discussed cut across FAMILY and RELIGION, hence my confusion over which section it should be posted.

My wife's been having recurrent nightmares. Seriously, she hardly have a smooth night. Its all screams and screams, and incessant dreams of death hovering around us. We have prayed and fasted, but the dreams keep coming. Whenever I'm on night shift, I'm also worried about her safety back home. Its either she dreams of our kids having serious attacks or herself being under attacks. Its really challenging.

A few weeks ago, we visited a pastor, and after some discussions he suggested we should relocate to another apartment/place. I pretended like I didnt hear him. When we got home, my wife brought the issue up again and I told her we werent going anywhere. I told her we should continue praying and believe God to see us through. We've been in our current apartment for a little over 5 years. Now she says shes no longer comfortable with the house and that we must relocate. Honestly, she hardly enjoys the place. Whether or not it got anything to do with what our pastor told us, I couldnt tell.

Today, she brought it up again. She had gone to see her business colleague, and according to her they zoomed off into religious stuff, and the issue of our house and the bad dreams came up. Of course, her pastor friend also suggested we relocate. A little argument came up and i had to leave the house. I'm typing from the office; night duty things.

My stand is this: being a Christian over a decade, plus knowing the fact relocating to a new place may not necessarily stop the attacks, I still believe we should ask some of our pastors to come over to our house and join us in prayer. I believe a Christian shouldnt run from demonic attacks, but should instead fight back and withstand these foes. Its my belief shaa!

I just renewed our rent for the year a few days ago. But my wife is still insisting we relocate. Her health and happiness, needless to say, is very important to the both of us, and I dont want to appear insensitive and selfish. What should I do? What if she is right? Should I stand my ground? What if I'm wrong? Too many thoughts crossing my mind. That will be the third place we will be relocating to within our axis.

Whats the best way to handle this situation? Please, I will appreciate all meaningful suggestions and advice....

Thanks, in advance.

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Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by coogar: 10:39pm On Feb 19, 2015
what kinda attacks are we talking about?
spiritual attack or what? you better sit your wife down & make her confess if she had done anything vile in the past. i cannot understand why she's the only one being attacked while you(the hubby) is immune to the attack.

make your own private enquiry & draw a logical conclusion from it.

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Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by ITbomb(m): 10:43pm On Feb 19, 2015
Women are more sensitive to Spiritual influence than men.
For your wife to ask you to relocate and you still go ahead to pay the rent, in spite of the genuine fears, is very selfish of you.

Has she been having this nightmares before you pack in or it is only there. If it has been having before, let her find her solution. If not, let her sleep somewhere else and confirm if the house is really haunted.

Never ignore hunch from your wife if you want to live long, sometimes our masculine nature block spiritual hints but a true woman that has not lost her spiritual inclination gets those hints most times and inform the man

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Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by obiak4(m): 10:45pm On Feb 19, 2015
Visit the nearest mfm church and explain nightmare will disappear like fast food
prat pray pray for your family


Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by ArchEnemy(m): 10:47pm On Feb 19, 2015
what kinda attacks are we talking about?
spiritual attack or what? you better sit your wife down & make her confess if she had done anything vile in the past. i cannot understand why she's the only one being attacked while you(the hubby) is immune to the attack.

make your own private enquiry & draw a logical conclusion from it.
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by dein77(m): 10:48pm On Feb 19, 2015
Women are more sensitive to Spiritual influence than men.
For your wife to ask you to relocate and you still go ahead to pay the rent, in spite of the genuine fears, is very selfish of you.

Has she been having this nightmares before you pack in or it is only there.
Let her sleep somewhere else and confirm if the house is really haunted.

The attacks started a few weeks ago. We've been living in this apartment for over 5 years.

For the rent, it was due.


Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by dein77(m): 10:49pm On Feb 19, 2015
Visit the nearest mfm church and explain nightmare will disappear like fast food
prat pray pray for your family

We are all praying...we have been praying....

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Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by ArchEnemy(m): 10:51pm On Feb 19, 2015
Women are more sensitive to Spiritual influence than men.
For your wife to ask you to relocate and you still go ahead to pay the rent, in spite of the genuine fears, is very selfish of you.

Has she been having this nightmares before you pack in or it is only there. If it has been having before, let her find her solution. If not, let her sleep somewhere else and confirm if the house is really haunted.

Never ignore hunch from your wife if you want to live long, sometimes our masculine nature block spiritual hints but a true woman that has not lost her spiritual inclination gets those hints most times and inform the man
Well done
I only think if the house is being haunted they ought to ve been having symptoms since they moved in.

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Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by ITbomb(m): 10:51pm On Feb 19, 2015

The attacks started a few weeks ago. We've been living in this apartment for over 5 years.

For the rent, it was due.
Relocate with her (if possible) for a few nights. If it persist, na she know wetin dey happen


Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by chymystique(f): 10:55pm On Feb 19, 2015

We are all praying...we have been praying....

Dein77, your reason about not wanting to relocate is flimsy and selfish. Which other pastors again do you want? I think you should listen to your wife and relocate as my friend ITbomb said.. Prevention is better than Cure so you wont say Had I Known later

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Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by Boss13: 10:55pm On Feb 19, 2015
Dreams are a reflection of your thought. Seems your wife is afraid of the dark - I noticed when you mentioned about working night shift. I would advise she changes the kind of movies she watches and start watching either comedies, she should also start reading interesting books.

Sorry I don't believe in spiritual hullaboos and you seeing a pastor. I would advise you see a psychologist rather than a pastor. I would not advise you to move, it does not solve the problem. Would you want to keep changing houses?


Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by dein77(m): 10:56pm On Feb 19, 2015

Relocate with her (if possible) for a few nights. If it persist, na she know wetin dey happen

Ok. I think i will try this option. I want us all to be happy and comfortable.


Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by elantraceey(f): 10:58pm On Feb 19, 2015
I so much don't like it when i hear christians suffering from demonic attacks, it reminds me of a man that has a gun but doesn't know how to shoot so he's intimated by one who doesn't have one because of his ignorance .

Sir don't get me wrong i'm trying to condemn you or anything but there are somethings that praying and fasting can't get you because you might be doing it the wrong way , sometimes it's more than that . I don't know if parking out will solve the issue but what if after parking it continues? Like someone suggested ask her to sleep somewhere else to find out if the dreams and attack still come.

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Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by ITbomb(m): 10:59pm On Feb 19, 2015
as my friend ITbomb said
I reject friendzone IJN Amen

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Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by coogar: 11:01pm On Feb 19, 2015

Dreams are a reflection of your thought. Seems your wife is afraid of the dark - I noticed when you mentioned about working night shift. I would advise she changes the kind of movies she watches and start watching either comedies, she should also start reading interesting books.

Sorry I don't believe in spiritual hullaboos and you seeing a pastor. I would advise you see a psychologist rather than a pastor. I would not advise you to move, it does not solve the problem. Would you want to keep changing houses?

if he seeks a pastor on his own, i can bet something else would be revealed. spiritual attacks don't just single out one person in the house, spiritual attacks hound everyone in the house.


Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by dein77(m): 11:02pm On Feb 19, 2015
I so much don't like it when i hear christians suffering from demonic attacks, it reminds me of a man that has a gun but doesn't know how to shoot so he's intimated by one who doesn't have one because of his ignorance .

Sir don't get me wrong i'm trying to condemn you or anything but there are somethings that praying and fasting can't get you because you might be doing it the wrong way , sometimes it's more than that . I don't know if parking out will solve the issue but what if after parking it continues? Like someone suggested ask her to sleep somewhere else to find out if the dreams and attack still come.
Thats the problem.
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by Vision4God: 11:07pm On Feb 19, 2015
Pls how do u hear God speak 2u?

Pray 4Divine revelation on ds matter & ask 4God's leading.
****how did it al start, wat were her activities like, any new friend....? dig dip forr beta understanding****

God help u


Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by Boss13: 11:08pm On Feb 19, 2015

if he seeks a pastor on his own, i can bet something else would be revealed. spiritual attacks don't just single out one person in the house, spiritual attacks hound everyone in the house.

There is nothing like spiritual attacks that is what I am trying to say. The living has nothing to do with the dead. If the wife is having nightmares she should change her routine. We all have nightmares but changing houses after rent has been paid it just ridiculous to me. The wife can try sleeping with the lights on especially when she sleeps alone or watch a very funny movie. If ghost wan kill am, e go don kill am since but for sure ghosts have no effect on us.

I forgot to add that pastoring is one of the most dubious profession in the world.


Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by Nobody: 11:10pm On Feb 19, 2015
@op don't ignore what your wife says just go see a pastor for prayer and cancelling and what ever the pastor says follow that....... if she didn't see any thing she wouldn't have been disturbing u OK. if relocation will be the next thing kindly do it with immediate effect don't put your wife in danger or better still your family plsssss........
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by chymystique(f): 11:12pm On Feb 19, 2015

I reject friendzone IJN Amen


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Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by Odillz: 11:14pm On Feb 19, 2015
Try buying and burning an incence in the house to see if there would be an improvement.

And then there's this myth about having nightmares when you sleep with face up,so let her try sleeping on her belly.

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Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by coogar: 11:14pm On Feb 19, 2015

There is nothing like spiritual attacks that is what I am trying to say. The living has nothing to do with the dead. If the wife is having nightmares she should change her routine. We all have nightmares but changing houses after rent has been paid it just ridiculous to me. The wife can try sleeping with the lights on especially when she sleeps alone or watch a very funny movie. If ghost wan kill am, e go don kill am since but for sure ghosts have no effect on us.

I forgot to add that pastoring is one of the most dubious profession in the world.

i believe there are spiritual attacks, i am not just convinced it's the case here. up until now, all the revelations have come from the wife or pastors directly linked to the wife.

the hubby should make his own independent enquiry. only then can he make a logical conclusion. i just don't believe what people say on face value.


Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by sunkoye: 11:15pm On Feb 19, 2015
Moving out of the house might not be the solution. You need to understand what is really happening. Wateva is happening to ur wife just started which makes it safe to believe that the house is not haunted.
U can ask ur wife her recent spiritual activities. Things don't just start happening spiritually without a crack sumwia.pls pray too for spiritual guidance.

bt right inside me....I fink ur wife is really tired of the house hence the drama. Cos I wondered the coincidence of this brouhaha with due rent. grin


Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by dayosaurus(m): 11:33pm On Feb 19, 2015
@op why does your wife think its the house that's the source of her probLems?.

Why dint she think its the bed she's sleeping. On or her great grandma in the village .... If you change apartment n she suffers another panic attack, would you change countries....

Me thinks your wife has something up her sleeves, I don't know what it is buh I hope its not borne out of selfishness or trying to coverup an act...


Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by Nobody: 11:37pm On Feb 19, 2015
Atimes the spirit of the woman is stronger than ours,but i believe shes right..u seem like a very stubborn man sha, upon all the pleas u still went ahead to renew ur lease, thats not right,,,if you truly love ur wife and ur marriage, and u want her happiness, i advice that u relocate immediately,but if after relocating shes still seeing things, then its better u relocate her to the synagogue,make Joshua tell us the Cause


Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by Nobody: 11:39pm On Feb 19, 2015
Religion , the most demoralized mechanism in the world . Believe you me , the very moment your wife wipe off religious thought and pastoral sentiments , she will never dream or have nightmare about any attack again . God reigneth .


Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by Boss13: 12:19am On Feb 20, 2015

i believe there are spiritual attacks, i am not just convinced it's the case here. up until now, all the revelations have come from the wife or pastors directly linked to the wife.

the hubby should make his own independent enquiry. only then can he make a logical conclusion. i just don't believe what people say on face value.

Independent enquiry as a spiritual investigator? Hmmm I'm not here to infringe on your beliefs but I feel we complicate simple matters. Before you know the wife starts hating the landlord for no reason just because a man sits down, claiming to be spiritually incline, listens to the couples story and deduce a dump response that the landlord planted something strange in the house and that they should move out.

This same man will not consider the cost and stress implications of relocation. The mind of the wife is troubled and needs to relax, she alone can sort that out by engaging in positive things.

How you ever wonder why you have nightmares after watching a horror movie or reading a frighten book? Is it your landlord or the ghost of the previous occupant that is now attacking you (laughs)


Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by Boss13: 12:21am On Feb 20, 2015

Religion , the most demoralized mechanism in the world . Believe you me , the very moment your wife wipe off religious thought and pastoral sentiments , she will never dream or have nightmare about any attack again . God reigneth .

Please tell them oh Abeg.


Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by cococandy(f): 4:06am On Feb 20, 2015
The same wife that was sensing evil in your house help not long ago?
Now it is the house?
Sir no disrespect to you and your lovely wife but I think she should sort her issues with the help of a psychologist.
Paranoia is most likely her problem.

They will give her proper diagnosis and help her overcome her fears.
If not, you will keep moving from house to house and with the help of her pastor,you will make a lot of enemies from perceived 'spiritual attacks'

One day it is your house help,the next day one pastor will convince her that your mother is attacking her.

Spiritually paranoid ppl can be uncomfortable to live with. Get her help.


Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by RoyalRoy(m): 4:28am On Feb 20, 2015

I reject friendzone IJN Amen

[size=15pt] A-M-E-N [/size]

Sharp Niccur

grin grin grin


Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by RoyalRoy(m): 4:31am On Feb 20, 2015

if he seeks a pastor on his own, i can bet something else would be revealed. spiritual attacks don't just single out one person in the house, spiritual attacks hound everyone in the house.

Pastor Coogar is right!!! tongue

Whatever is happening to your wife sshould be more of personal issues, either phsycological or spiritual.

You and Other neighbours who stay in same building, should also be having a dose of it if the house is hunted.

Let her relocate for a week and see if things change.

Hunted houses in 2015?

Dont think so!!


Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by Nobody: 5:15am On Feb 20, 2015
Take her to a hotel for a weekend and see if it happens there too
Then try another location ,say a friend or relative's house so you don't go sign another lease and the issue continues
Since you had lived there 5 years before this started,I doubt if the house is the problem
I hope you all overcome this soon
God is greater


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