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Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by lawdy: 1:01pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
Op you are the head of the household ,you need to go to Father God and ask for reasons why ur wife is having nightmares all of a sudden in a house u have thrived in for 5 years( according to you). It could be The Lord wants you in a new place and ur refusal would be disobedience to God's will resulting in the negativity you are experiencing. OR The wife is/may have dabbling/ed in some weird stuff that needs dealing with either through christian confession or she needs a psychiatrist. |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by fanex: 1:02pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
fight or relocate- i feel you have chosen to relocate since u have renewed your rent. psalms looking through them and select the ones that seem more appropriate. make her read them just before she sleeps. read psalm 121 aloud. thank me later. dein77: |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by VolvoS60(m): 1:10pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
WENGERNOMICS: ^^^ My family had owls living in the ceiling of our home which had been unoccupied for a while. They also made terrible noises at night. ![]() We almost ran mad too, but for reasons very different from yours ![]() ![]() ![]() I saw one of the owls a couple of times - and all I can say is that white owls are strikingly beautiful creatures once you get over the superstition and fear associated with them. They are only birds after all. We got rid of the owls too but I'm not sure that was such a good idea. They have been known to keep rats and field mice under control. 1 Like |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by Untrollable: 1:11pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
She's using these "nightmares" as an excuse to let you leave for a while so she can cheat on you. Just saying tho... |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by sunnydayasaba(m): 1:16pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
Being a Christian doesn't mean shouldn't act with caution....If i where in ur shoe, even without talking to a pastor, my instinct would've suggest to me that relocating is a MUST for us. You just have to relocate and try somewhere else, Sometimes this things happen, People even leave there own house built with their own money bcus of some spiritual attacks even when their hands are clean. Just try and relocate, Though you just renew your rent, You can talk with ur landlord or landlady if they can balance you maybe six months of the rent after a new tenant moves in....But don't let them know ur moving out until ur done getting a new place. Even if is a smaller apartment than what u presently occupy, Just go for it. |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by mudiana(m): 1:17pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
ITbomb:exactly wat u should do first. follow this man's advice.he made a lot of sense here 1 Like |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by Nobody: 1:19pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
dein77:Then tell your wife so. |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by ceononi: 1:26pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
dein77:Why do I find something fishy about this ![]() |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by LewsTherin: 1:28pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
dein77: Seriously. |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by arimahoseloka(m): 1:32pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
my brother y are u ignoring the advice of Ur wife and pastor. learn 2 listen to Ur wife. her opinions matter a lot. u guys are one body in Christ Jesus. move out of the house, these things happen. God is constantly revealing 2 her impending disasters that might happen if u remain in d house and u simply choose to ignore the pastors advice. if u love Ur wife pls move out. taking her to a hotel to spend d night 2 see if d nightmares will continue is ridiculous. listen 2 spiritual authority and take my advice fast. God bless u and family, and I advert any danger in JESUS MIGHTY NAME. |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by Nobody: 1:32pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
No Problem Op. Since you just paid this rent, get another house and let her pay the rent for that one. Problem solved. ![]() |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by tabletgirl: 1:39pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
Oh dear. Some people are just terrible...some of the things on this thread. My friend, may God bring you out. I suggest you and your wife read Demonology - A christian book by William Branham. Just google it with the Author's name. Also read The Sixth Sense. The Sixth Sense is Faith actually and Demonology just exposes the devil. What you both need is strengthening of faith. There is a story i love in the Sixth Sense sermon...a woman who was possessed by the devil,, so bad she crawled on her back for years and needed 6 strong men to hold her down, kicking out all the windows in the car was healed by the faith of her husband. You may have prayed but what is your attitude AFTER the prayer? Not saying your wife is possessed at all, just talking about the story. Truly with God all things are possible and there is nothing too hard for Him. I've experienced His Glory in my life. Believe me, there is NO devil the name of Jesus cannot cast out. You don't even need fire fire prayer though those are ok. Its just sincere prayer and unflinching faith. Get rid of any filth in your house and life (music, movies etc). Make your house a place where the Holy Spirit can be comfortable to come and dwell. Praise God before you sleep, that kind of praise and worship that is sincere and brings Him down. Read the Bible, a chapter will even do before you sleep. Then, sleep in that ambience of His Presence. I CHALLENGE ANY DEVIL that can withstand His Presence, its a palpable Power you can feel. He inhabits our praises you know.... Give yourself and your family completely to God, nothing kept in His Hands is lost. I may have said somethings that will make lots of people sneer but its my own contribution and what i have tried that WORKED. P.S: (Not to the OP) If you have never experienced what i have described, dont bother quoting me. Only quote me or hate on me if you have and it didnt work. 4 Likes |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by Nobody: 1:40pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
skentelelady:you may have a point but it may also be psychological about the house 1 Like |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by Insightful: 1:41pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
Hello Op, I decided to respond to this post because I have once been a victim of ceaseless nightmares so much that i used to dread night times. It took years before i overcame the experience. What i realised then was that i'm usually weaker and more fearful whenever i have sinned during the day. I became more committed and yielded to the Holy spirit and I started trying as much as possible with the help of the Holy spirit to keep away from sin, whenever i sin i make sure i ask God for forgiveness immediately i realised or before i retire to bed. I included some prayer points before i go to bed which are specifically targeted at rebuking and binding every spirit of oppression and nightmares. With these i became more powerful in my dreams/ nightmares and able to effectively invoke the name of Jesus to fight back anytime i have a nightmare. The name of Jesus and the blood of Jesus is more effective when you are not holding on to iniquity. Gradually the frequent nightmares ceased to be and now it's a story for the past. It was not just by any Pastor's effort that i overcame but by the help of the Holyspirit who gave me power to conquer. |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by dein77(m): 1:42pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
tabletgirl: God bless you real good. |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by tripleBgirl(f): 1:55pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
Op my concern is why u dont want to relocate... why u are so bent on staying in that apartment. Is there something u are not telling us ![]() |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by fairheven: 1:55pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
Nightmares are beyond one's replay of daytime activities,wen you dream,you are inbetween life and death,your wife's concerns are has nothing to do with the time she sleeps or how she sleeps(heard someone saying that she sleeping face up may be the reason)...first,your wife needs to "allocate her place in Christ" Bible says "the earth is the lord's and it's fullness there of Psalm24",that means watever position of the bed she choses to sleep(face-up,face-down,face-wall,east,west,north,south)all belongs to God,she has to declear that for herself.belif it or not,tins like this helps you to build your spiritual muscles..and god gives the hardest battle to his strongest army,not weaklings. Then if that doesn't means she has failed to be a king ang a priest and to have dominion...meaning the enemy has got the upper hand,then you can relocate. |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by quart: 1:56pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
I want to suggest the following: 1. Do not FEAR[b][/b]. God can not help you if you are fearful.Sir, without exercising fear tell your wife to say Rev. 20:10 and Rev 20:1-4 and 2 Peter 2:4 severally by 12 am morrow. Do not fear; I have redeemed you.Read Isaiah 41 : 10- 2. Make sure your wife's salvation is genuine. 3. Sleep early say around 8 pm. Then, wake up 1 am to pray till 3 am. 4. Go for deliverance. You do not know what she may have swallowed. 5. Use the word of God a lot. I tell you they detest it. Tell your wife to turn His word to food. Depend solely on it. Dont[b][/b] add anything. 6. Cancel the dreams using the blood of Jesus. 7. Pray against powers residing in the walls of your house. 8. Reduce her stress level (house chores). 9. Do things that are pleasing to God at all times. Do away with sin. 10. Engage her in church activities most especially, cleaning of the church. As she is doing it, She can be praying that God should sweep the root cause of these dreams. I want to suggest she memorizes : Luke 10 :19; Rev. 12:11; Ps. 91; Ps. 121, Jer. 20: 11; Ps. 27, God will deliver us. |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by samenyi: 2:05pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
Please take her to The Lord's chosen for deliverance. |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by benedima1990(m): 2:11pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
Y don't u take your wife with u and stay in an hotel for at least 3 days, then if she didnt complain again, then relocate bt if it persist Then go extra mile on knowing the source of the problem |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by AHOY147: 2:18pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
coogar: In addition to this, dream is sometimes the reflection of our thoughts or what we often indulges ourselves into or it could also be a warning of danger ahead. However, it could be that your wife is often entertaining fear of being all alone with the kids. Your wife constant nightmare of losing one of your kids may not necessarily signify losing any of your kid but you losing what you cherish most in your life, it could be your job, huge money, lose in business or whatever you value most. So, you prayer point shouldn't be focusing on death alone but should be all I just mention. I would have help you in my own little way to explain to you the meaning of the nightmare if I hear the full story. Finally, am not of opinion that you should relocate just like others have suggested above because as a military man, I don't believe in running away from challenge will Lessing your challenge instead it will worsting it. So confront it as a Christian with prayer and fasting. Period. |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by Fredafreda: 2:21pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
I have had nightmares before. And it wasn't about the house i was living in. Sickness, demons, death, choking, silence...they all featured in my dreams. They were so scary, that i would wake up with words of prayer thumbling out of my mouth. It got to a point, I didn't want to sleep at home anymore. However, there was a small fellowship of less than 10 people I was invited to. I never attended. Something made me attend on this day. During the prayer session, the revelation about my dreams came. Even highlighted the time at night I woke up the previous night from a nightmare. All in all, I wasn't being haunted by the house. It was my general life as a christian. When you are not living a true life as a christian, you leave the door open to be attacked. It's not about fasting and praying. It's about your day to day life. How christian are they? I cleaned up my ways, understood what it meant to live a life that glorifies God. The dreams went away. I didn't relocate. 2 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by AHOY147: 2:22pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
You may reach me with this 08135247244, a problem shared is a problem half or solved. |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by nkemdi89(f): 2:36pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
dein77:That means you are lucky cos they are just few. |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by sweetcocoa(f): 2:39pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
I honestly don't understand how someone can be a christian, pray fervently, recite all the bible portions(even the ones that say you'll lift scorpions/serpents without getting hurt, have thousand peeps and things fall on you without a scratch, bind whatever you want etc)and still be afraid of nightmares or supposed attacks, abeg what's the point of being a christian and believing all what's written in the bible? See the so called christians sef shouting, "relocate" up and down, as if whatever is chasing them from their house can't follow them some place else(given that their prayers haven't helped), smh. 2 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by lyricalz: 2:41pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
Tell her to stop sleeping facing up |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by bukatyne(f): 2:45pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
dein77: @bold: There is no standing your ground here... It is both of you resolving the issues on ground You can also do private prayers or/and consult with a pastor who is not a mutual friend 1 Like |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by Edusouls(m): 2:50pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
gifted eyes like us see and sense the beyond, i can help you but i need more deeper hints than just your short writings..what church do you people attend? any marital problems? any extra marrital affairs? who does she really see in her dreams? when did she start complaining? let me hear you, then i tell you the right thing to do... |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by Akuneshiobike(m): 3:01pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
ITbomb:Very much in support of your view. |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by 1luvmypple: 3:02pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
[quote author=Boss13 post=30897708] There is nothing like spiritual attacks that is what I am trying to say. The living has nothing to do with the dead. If the wife is having nightmares she should change her routine. We all have nightmares but changing houses after rent has been paid it just ridiculous to me. The wife can try sleeping with the lights on especially when she sleeps alone or watch a very funny movie. If ghost wan kill am, e go don kill am since but for sure ghosts have no effect on us. I forgot to add that pastoring is one of the most dubious profession in the world. I buy into ur intuition Boss13. I rily feel dat drms are a reflection of our thoughts. During d day i am always scared of my future. If i am going 2b successful or nt. Den wen i go 2 bed, d knd of drms i hv are wat i tot abt during d day. @ op u hu 2 do wat boss13 said nd c if it wil hlp. #peace |
Re: I'm Confused: My Wife's Pressuring Us To Relocate To Another Apartment!!!!! by tbaby534(f): 3:04pm On Feb 20, 2015 |
@ op did someone visit you recently and spent the night in your house?os I've seen situations like this when another person use someone else house as coven. |
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