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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Culture / Why Do Nigerians Criticize Everything? (1745 Views)
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Why Do Nigerians Criticize Everything? by Ifygurl: 6:13pm On Feb 02, 2009 |
Why do we criticize everything. Abi ooh, i was watching a video about Nigerianmade by an Ivory Coast girl. Nigerians criticized that girl for making a video and not showing the negativity aspect about Nigeria. I was like OMG I went to another video about Nigeria by some Germany kid in youtube. Again, people criticized the poor boy for living in Nigeria, being white and having fun in Nigeria and also only showing positive pictures and not the negavite pictures about Nigeria in his video. Seriously, why do we criticize things so much that we even criticize other people that like our country. |
Re: Why Do Nigerians Criticize Everything? by asha80(m): 6:34pm On Feb 02, 2009 |
It is because nigeria is a country most citizen love to hate and hate to love because nigeria is not what it should be. |
Re: Why Do Nigerians Criticize Everything? by kabna(m): 4:52am On Feb 06, 2009 |
ther's a sayin that empty barrels make the most noise. most crtical unachieving people talk alot and am afraid that is what some nigerians turn to be ![]() |
Re: Why Do Nigerians Criticize Everything? by jamace(m): 10:17am On Feb 06, 2009 |
Because we claim to know everything and do everything we know the other way round. |
Re: Why Do Nigerians Criticize Everything? by sweetmum(f): 11:22am On Feb 06, 2009 |
Ifygurl: is the fear of failure,those are the bad minded people. they forgot that what you hate so much can never bring good to you.look at are the successive nigerians, have you heard they are critizing the county? when others said their is no money, some said there is so much. if you want something to yield positve result for you dont talk that thing down ![]() |
Re: Why Do Nigerians Criticize Everything? by tpia: 3:33pm On Feb 06, 2009 |
. |
Re: Why Do Nigerians Criticize Everything? by tRoOE(f): 3:37pm On Feb 06, 2009 |
It their nature, they can't change that ![]() |
Re: Why Do Nigerians Criticize Everything? by Nnenna1(f): 4:52pm On Feb 06, 2009 |
tpia: I agree with this statement. However, I don't think the majority of Nigerians are this negative. Rather, I'd say Nigerian Diasporans tend to do this (inferiority complex with regards to how Africa is portrayed in the foreign media, perhaps? Racism? Occidental comforts/luxuries lacking back home?). The worst is how much they THINK they know and how they lord it over home-based Nigerians, as if they're any better. Grammar and vocabulary aside (lord, do we know how to insult and put each other down), we're clearly lacking in practical intelligence. By that, I mean the ability to problem-solve and ACT. I said this before, and I'll say it again - we the people have the power to decide whether we'll develop or continue to stay dwarfed for centuries to come. It took a revolution to birth America and free France. It also takes the citizens' manpower and tax money to provide the amenities available in developed countries. Your call. By the way, anyone notice how Nairaland has gone to crap? It wasn't this vapid when I registered an account three years ago. |
Re: Why Do Nigerians Criticize Everything? by Nobody: 8:04pm On Feb 06, 2009 |
tpia: er. . .don't you mean willy ![]() |
Re: Why Do Nigerians Criticize Everything? by tpia: 8:55pm On Feb 06, 2009 |
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Re: Why Do Nigerians Criticize Everything? by londoner: 3:57pm On Feb 07, 2009 |
Its one thing I am tired of when it comes to Nigerians, they will criticize anything Nigerian at all cost. The thing is, when other communities are disatisfied to a certain extent, they will come together and try an change it. It doesn't seem to be the case with Nigerians, so the complaints (although based in truth) are counterproductive. After a while its becomes merely stating the obvious, over and over again. |
Re: Why Do Nigerians Criticize Everything? by Ifygurl: 6:13am On Feb 08, 2009 |
londoner: Exactly. Such a shame. So many Nigerians will complain about this or that but anytime a Nigerian suggest “Lets all go do something about it” most will ignore the statement. If you provide at least something positive about Nigeria, someone from Nigeria will try and faults in it. Oh well, that is what we do. We criticize everything. I don't think I’ve ever seen any other African people that act like that except for Nigerians. Anyhoo, I still love Nigerians and Nigeria even though we criticize and insult each other excessively. Nnenna1: You're right. I joined last year and i've noticed the high amounts of rubbish/insults in this website. That's why i like going to this site There Incite in thing are pretty good and interesting. Also I get to read news about Nigeria that i don't necessary see here. They show both the negative and the positive aspect of Nigeria. I'm not a member yet but i plan on signing up. I still love nairaland though. Even though it has went down the drains compare to how it was when it first came out. I still love Nairaland. I just like reading some of the topics here. |
Re: Why Do Nigerians Criticize Everything? by ohaechesi(m): 11:21am On Feb 09, 2009 |
Ifygurl: Sharrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaappppppppppppppp. when did it become abomination for people to portray the positive aspect of Nigeria rather than the negative sides? what stops the German guy from threading the German negative part first. i can see how his insanity has vegetated. documentary in Africa is mostly picked from the rural area, why don't they visit the urban areas for documentary. shut up my friend and call a spade a shade. its high time we start leaving by the truth cause only the truth can set us free. tpia: You are yet to spit blood. where were you and your so called tribes when the Igbos fought ahead of the things you are experiencing today. We saw it all earlier than now. the Igbos put in their best to stop it but people like you then were busy playing hide and seek. Get lost my dear and for no reason will you rope Igbos in your nonsense discussion, we have gone far from you all cause we saw it ahead of everyone of you pretending to be saints now. Una never hala until una eat gala. |
Re: Why Do Nigerians Criticize Everything? by londoner: 2:21pm On Feb 09, 2009 |
@ifygirl, Like you, I check up on skyscrapercity (daily). People here will be surprised the amount of positive developments going on in Nigeria daily. I am not yet a member either, just a lurker. The site has definately given me the more positive side of Nigeria. |
Re: Why Do Nigerians Criticize Everything? by Ifygurl: 7:31am On Feb 10, 2009 |
ohaechesi: Did you EVEN READ THE POST. The ivory coast and the German kid posted POSITIVE THINGS about Nigeria. NIGERIANS were the ones asking for the negative parts other than positive. Did you even READ the post or did you feel like yelling at someone for No FUCKING REASON. Which kind yeye person be dis? londoner: Yeah they would. Everyday i wonder why Nigeria was moved to an emerging market. The news reports in that website explains why. It's like watching what's going on in Nigeria without been in Nigeria. The thing i like about the website is that it shows both the positive and negative. |
Re: Why Do Nigerians Criticize Everything? by jamace(m): 6:43am On Feb 14, 2009 |
Because of I Too Know disease. |
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