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How To Conqure/cure Ulcer Naturally: Be Spiritual And Health Conscious by charllyen: 7:24am On May 24, 2015 |
Note: This article is not written to advise people to treat themselves with coconut oil. It is for informative interest only. Coconut oil helps prevent and treat bacterial infections that causes peptic or stomach ulcer. It also calms the burning pain of ulcer faster than you can ever imagine. Before we continue, let me quickly mention that the quickest and safest result comes with cold pressed(grade-A) coconut oil like Ceno premium coconut oil which its heat sensitive enzymes are not destroyed but totally preserved for maximum result. Here's what Dr. Sanford Pinna said about this: be spiritual and health conscious. "The Helico Pylori Bacteria is one of the most common bacteria that infect the Human race. It is found in families, who pass the bacteria to each other. H. Pylori inhabits the stomach and the esophagus. It stimulates cells in the stomach to produce excessive amounts of gastric or hydrochloric acid. This acid reflects back and up into the stomach causing “Heart burn” or, technically, Gastro-Esophogeal Reflux /Disease, commonly referred to as GERD. This reflux is painful and can cause ulcers, gastritis and occasional gastric cancer, which can be deadly." COCONUT OIL AND HOW IT KILLS BACTERIA Coconut oil is an excellent “anti-biotic”. It kills bacteria and fungi on contact! Coconut oil is made of saturated fatty acids of the medium length variety. Its major Saturated Acid is called LAURIC ACID. The Lauric Acid invades the cell wall of the bacteria to destroy them. COCONUT OIL AND HOW IT KILLS ULCER CAUSING BACTERIA By destroying a wide spectrum of disease-causing organisms, coconut oil helps treat and prevent ulcers, without doing any harm to your body. Ulcers can occur anywhere along your digestive tract(see picture below), and in or near your mouth. Unlike before, it’s now known that a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori causes peptic or stomach ulcers. Gastric ulcers are brought about by bacteria burrowing into the stomach’s wall. Antibiotics are sometimes prescribed to deal with ulcers. Problem is, antibiotics can lead to other health problems by killing even friendly bacteria. Coconut oil provides a naturally effective and totally harmless approach. H. pylori, herpes and streptococcus are associated with various types of ulcers, and are all killed by Medium Chain Fatty Acids (MCFA) generously found in coconut oil. Moreso, some ulcers that take place in the digestive tract are caused by cancer. Coconut oil possesses cancer-fighting properties as it aids the immune system in seeking out and destroying cancerous cells. P.S: Ensure you use a high quality coconut oil to start your treatment, preferably cold pressed which is extracted in such a way that the heat sensitive enzymes are preserved. It's ideal for high health and medicinal purposes. It's the purest, healthiest and most effective. You can buy Ceno product from Jumia, Konga or quickly call:08123347170. Feel free to share experience here.
Re: How To Conqure/cure Ulcer Naturally: Be Spiritual And Health Conscious by charllyen: 5:06pm On May 27, 2015 |
share your healing experience if you have tried this amazing miracle oil. |
Re: How To Conqure/cure Ulcer Naturally: Be Spiritual And Health Conscious by charllyen: 5:23am On May 29, 2015 |
we are simply left to believe that the best natural gift to give an ulcer friend is cold pressed virgin coconut oil. It truly works. |
Re: How To Conqure/cure Ulcer Naturally: Be Spiritual And Health Conscious by Crispels(m): 5:54am On May 29, 2015 |
charllyen:. . how can I get the coconut oil?? |
Re: How To Conqure/cure Ulcer Naturally: Be Spiritual And Health Conscious by charllyen: 7:44am On May 31, 2015 |
Crispels: Search for Ceno coconut oil Jumia or Konga Phone order : 08123347170 |
Re: How To Conqure/cure Ulcer Naturally: Be Spiritual And Health Conscious by charllyen: 3:10pm On Jun 07, 2015 |
Beyond ulcer, you can experience the cleaning effect of this oil when you mix it with lemon and warm water. |
Re: How To Conqure/cure Ulcer Naturally: Be Spiritual And Health Conscious by charllyen: 6:26am On Jun 14, 2015 |
The easiest way to figure out the quality of coconut oil you are using is to check the colour and aroma. Cold pressed virgin coconut is the best and in the most natural state of coconut oil. it is usually water clear and smells like a fresh coconut oil. When you smell any coconut oil, you can detect heat or coldness/freshness. lastly, the tastes is always refreshing. That's why we recommend Ceno coconut oil for you. It is extracted with uttermost sensitivity to correct some health challenges in the most natural way. |
Re: How To Conqure/cure Ulcer Naturally: Be Spiritual And Health Conscious by charllyen: 6:59am On Jun 28, 2015 |
Discover how this oil can as well help diabetic patients in the link below: |
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