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Eko Atlantic City Update (business District Included) - Properties (8) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Properties / Eko Atlantic City Update (business District Included) (88578 Views)

Eko Atlantic Set To Become West Africa's Financial Hub / Eko Atlantic City Completes Eko Boulevard, Nigeria’s First 8 Lane City Road / Eko Atlantic: Champagne Pearl Tower - 30 Floors & Black Pearl Tower (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Eko Atlantic City Update (business District Included) by InvertedHammer: 3:49pm On May 26, 2015
This is nice.

But on the scale of preference, this should be #100.

It is good to walk first before learning how to run.

I call it misplaced priority. Fix Lagos first. Then expand.

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Re: Eko Atlantic City Update (business District Included) by Nobody: 3:49pm On May 26, 2015
As a yoruba man, I see this project as a ONE Nigeria project because somehow everybody across different cultures will benefit from it.

So let's leave tribalism out of this.

Great job lagos state government.

1. The railway transport system

2. Eko Atlantic city

3. Proposed construction of 4th mainland bridge becoming a reality.

Sighs... Lagos will become of the best city in the world.


Re: Eko Atlantic City Update (business District Included) by nnamdi1958: 3:52pm On May 26, 2015

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Re: Eko Atlantic City Update (business District Included) by Obiodunukwe: 3:56pm On May 26, 2015
Ewure ni e...so any1 who writes under a thread is an igbo man. Maybe u should watch whoz hating.

Ewure ni Daddy e.
Re: Eko Atlantic City Update (business District Included) by anonimi: 4:29pm On May 26, 2015
I Am Sure There Are Drainage Channels On Those Streets But Y Didn't U Advise The Residents Against Throwing Their Refuse Into Them Each Time It Rains And Stop Blaming The Government..... People Will Complain If The Government Are Not Working And Yet They Will Keep Destroying The Finished Projects

- This is where education plus sensitisation comes in but our government is FAILING on both fronts. If ALL our children are educated then it will be easier for more people to understand the need to be hygienic through proper habits for environmental sanitation, not so

- The LGAs have the constitutional duty and they are already PAID through our IGR they collect and the monthly allocation from Abuja to do the work of clearing the gutters/open drains REGULARLY and cutting the grass/bush in public spaces, in case you do not know =>



Fourth Schedule

Functions of a Local Government Council

1. The main functions of a local government council are as follows:

(a) the consideration and the making of recommendations to a State commission on economic planning or any similar body on -
(i) the economic development of the State, particularly in so far as the areas of authority of the council and of the State are affected, and
(ii) proposals made by the said commission or body;

(b) collection of rates, radio and television licences;
(c) establishment and maintenance of cemeteries, burial grounds and homes for the destitute or infirm;
(d) licensing of bicycles, trucks (other than mechanically propelled trucks), canoes, wheel barrows and carts;
(e) establishment, maintenance and regulation of slaughter houses, slaughter slabs, markets, motor parks and public conveniences;
(f) construction and maintenance of roads, streets, street lightings, drains and other public highways, parks, gardens, open spaces, or such public facilities as may be prescribed from time to time by the House of Assembly of a State;
(g) naming of roads and streets and numbering of houses;
(h) provision and maintenance of public conveniences, sewage and refuse disposal;
(i) registration of all births, deaths and marriages;

(j) assessment of privately owned houses or tenements for the purpose of levying such rates as may be prescribed by the House of Assembly of a State; and

(k) control and regulation of -

(i) out-door advertising and hoarding,
(ii) movement and keeping of pets of all description,
(iii) shops and kiosks,
(iv) restaurants, bakeries and other places for sale of food to the public,
(v) laundries, and
(vi) licensing, regulation and control of the sale of liquor.

2. The functions of a local government council shall include participation of such council in the Government of a State as respects the following matters -

the provision and maintenance of primary, adult and vocational education;
(b) the development of agriculture and natural resources, other than the exploitation of materials
(c) the provision and maintenance of health services; and
(d) such other functions as may be conferred on a local government council by the House of Assembly of the State.

From: http://www.waado.org/nigerdelta/documents/ConstitutionalMatters/1999Constitution/FourthSchedule.html

Why should you do a job for which you already paid someone to do it when you are not stewpid

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Re: Eko Atlantic City Update (business District Included) by Moana(f): 4:44pm On May 26, 2015

I think the first picture is the old discarded render which is quite unfortunate but the ones below are what they're building. From what I'm hearing the black pearl that's going up right now is already sold out
i watched the video on the website too. People are really putting their money into the future of Eko Atlantic

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Re: Eko Atlantic City Update (business District Included) by whoisuche: 5:01pm On May 26, 2015


Re: Eko Atlantic City Update (business District Included) by Dollyak(f): 5:01pm On May 26, 2015
More Eko pearl renders for those that can't get enough grin I love this thread.


Re: Eko Atlantic City Update (business District Included) by Dollyak(f): 5:09pm On May 26, 2015
Eko pearl towers construction update (April).
Credit BBC. The fact the 3D image of Eko pearl towers are similar to the renders shows most of this buildings will be a reality.


Re: Eko Atlantic City Update (business District Included) by Dollyak(f): 5:28pm On May 26, 2015
The azuri peninsula looks beautiful shocked. The 3D again confirms it will be closer to the beauty shown in the renders.


Re: Eko Atlantic City Update (business District Included) by Dollyak(f): 5:29pm On May 26, 2015
Azuri peninsula
Credit: Eko Developmeny Company


Re: Eko Atlantic City Update (business District Included) by deolu2000(m): 5:32pm On May 26, 2015

Are those that conceived Tinapa "totally out of govt" vis-a-vis the ongoing transition in Lagos
my opinion abt tinapa is that since donald duke left govt,that project has really stuttered as compared to when he was there,but for the lagos issue,the continuity has really been beneficial to the completion of foundational projects.

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Re: Eko Atlantic City Update (business District Included) by Dollyak(f): 5:33pm On May 26, 2015
Azuri peninsula
Credit: Eko Developmeny Company


Re: Eko Atlantic City Update (business District Included) by Dollyak(f): 6:12pm On May 26, 2015
Credits: Skycityscraper. The level of development are of international standards. I can see many machineries being used.

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Re: Eko Atlantic City Update (business District Included) by authority2006(m): 6:29pm On May 26, 2015
How I wish it is the Federal government of Nigeria that is investing our resources like this, just like that of UAE.

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Re: Eko Atlantic City Update (business District Included) by Jobneeded12: 6:34pm On May 26, 2015
Yoruba land

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Re: Eko Atlantic City Update (business District Included) by meryln(m): 6:34pm On May 26, 2015
Present state....
Took this from office
Please do you people Accept students coming for Industrial Training??
Would love to be a part of this great project. Land Surveying is the course
Re: Eko Atlantic City Update (business District Included) by EndtimeBlessing: 7:15pm On May 26, 2015
Development usually commences with a right vision, favourable policies and the right environment.
Investors all over the world are looking for projects to invest in and get more money.
I have always maintained that Federal and State governments should spend more time on getting the vision, policies and environment right and you will see developments.

I commend the visionaries of this project, I commend the policy makers and operators, and I commend the Lagos people for ensuring that the environment is right. Lagos should expect more investments from all over the World.
By the way, a TV presenter in far away Australia once referred to Lagos, Nigeria as an ‘investor’s heaven’.

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Re: Eko Atlantic City Update (business District Included) by alotofgrace(m): 7:16pm On May 26, 2015

Please do you people Accept students coming for Industrial Training??

Would love to be a part of this great project.
Land Surveying is the course

I don't work there bro....
Re: Eko Atlantic City Update (business District Included) by oduastates: 8:08pm On May 26, 2015

Sorry, l hate it when some people quote a "ten page" paragraph, just to reply a poster, its a waste of bandwidth hence my decision to quote only the part of your post l want to respond to, brilliant post though!

Now, on the 4th Mainland Bridge, l think you are wrong.

IMO, l think it is a project that needs IMMEDIATE COnstruction and Completion:

1.) EKO Atlantic City is not for the poor masses who make up over 95% of the State's population. These 95% over still need somewhere to live, ways to commute to work and back

2.) The Lagos Mainland and the Island/Ikoyi/Lekki are very congested and land-locked hence the only area for "cheap land" expansion is in the hinterlands of Ikorodu, Epe and/or Badagry, e.t.c

3.) Ikorodu and Epe are actually going to be the source of "manpower' and white collar job workers who will power the EAC on a daily basis. It is not likely that someone will commute from Egbeda or Alakuko, to work in the EAC;.....
..... though it is "possible" but it will be at a "comparatively" heavier cost.
The Cheaper and sensibly-likely option is to live as closest as possible, to where you work or at least in a way that you experience less stress and less cost, going to work daily.

4.) With the above in mind, l think depending on only the "revamped" but still very narrow "Lagos-Ikorodu road", for these hoard of workers to commute to the Island/EAC is just not sensible.
I have done that journey a few times and l know its an "extreme waste" of "manpower and resources". Health-wise, its a killer!

5.) I also have looked at the option of Ferry Services along that axis but that is still in its infancy and better left to private investors for now.

Thus, the only "viable option" left, to MAXIMISE AND SUSTAIN the possible benefits of the EAC is to ensure there is a viable, free, rapid and cheap means of commuting between the "source of labor/manpower" (Epe, Ikorodu and environs) AND THE DESTINATION CITY (EAC) .

This is where the 4th Mainland bridge comes in.

6.) It has the power to open-up and enhance the value of these "border areas" at a very minimal cost.

7.) It has the ability to reduce pressure of "slums" forming in-and-around the model city as such folks can live afar but be easily accessible to the Model City.

8.) The Bridge is a very capital intensive project such that no PPP is ready to fund it or can even afford to do so and as such, Projects of this nature are "reserved" for the federal Govt with contribution from the State.
In light of the above, l think TODAY is the right opportunity for Lagosians and the APC to "cash-in" on their past efforts, to make the APC the ruling party at the centre.
If this opportunity is lost, it may take another 50years to come around again.
The Govt in Lagos must quickly push for the building of the 4th mainland Bridge TODAY, TODAY.

(I know "haters" who dont want well for the S/West will try to justify why it is not necessary though we know their real intention and their judgement is beclouded by their hate, so we can just ignore them) wink

9.) Finally, Constructing and completing the 4th mainland Bridge ASAP, will reduce the pressure, ensuing accidents/deaths and the Traffic gridlock, on the Onipanu-Anthony-Ojota-Ketu-Ikorodu Express road axis.

Peeps will spend less time in the vehicular traffic and hence become more productive, live longer with a balanced lifestyle and the bridge might implement a "very small token" as Toll-Fee (emphasis on very small) so as to recoup some of the cost and make money available for other projects.
As someone who was 'born and bred' in Lagos, l know "whatzup" on this matter of traffic congestion in that axis.

A healthy population is a Productive population!
Its a win-win situation for everyone and the EAC project especially.

These are the reasons why l think the 4th mainland Bridge should be the first and most prioritised project of Lagos State, from the Federal Govt.
Opportunity once lost may never be regained again.

Eko o'ni ba'je!


Read my stuff properly and digest it.
Lagos does not have unlimited resources. In fact, lagos is one of the poorest states per capita.
Now I will give a little lecture here.
Lagos is constrained by funds.
Fashola has thousands of thing he would like to do.
If I am a member of a murder board to select projects from a portfolio, I will murder that fourth mainland bridge and drop it to the bottom of the pile. The money would be better spent on rail link and instituting a congestion charge ( like the city of London) between the island and the mainland. The objective being reducing the number of private vehicles and thus, the need for a new bridge every 30 years.
Back to the point. I said that the business case is not ripe because the components are not there yet bearing in mind that there are more important things to do with money today. It does not mean it is not feasible but the benefit to cost ratio is low today.

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Re: Eko Atlantic City Update (business District Included) by Moana(f): 8:58pm On May 26, 2015


Re: Eko Atlantic City Update (business District Included) by godwinkessi: 9:02pm On May 26, 2015


Tell that to the dogs.
The project is in Yorubaland, the vision for the project was orchestrated by Yoruba men and women.

I will not edit the post because the poster is wishing that the project fails.

Wow so how much did ur family contribute and how many rooms are u inheriting from ur dad's new city??

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Re: Eko Atlantic City Update (business District Included) by dafuturis(m): 11:03pm On May 26, 2015
How many story building(floor) will be the tallest tower in EAC?
Re: Eko Atlantic City Update (business District Included) by inspbado(m): 11:49pm On May 26, 2015
To all those folks up there asking "how many people in Lagos can afford to get a place in this Eko Atlantic city?" I ask them "how many Emeratis can afford to stay at the burj kalifa or al buraj in Dubai?"because you will find out that its mostly the super rich citizens and tourists that stay there. What most of us don't get is that you spend money(lots of it) to make more money. Lagos state needs to open up more revenue streams to be able to take care of its needs. Just imagine the taxes alone that this project will generate when completed; the jobs to be created by the service sectors maintaining it, its tourism potentials and so also the prestige it gives Nigeria in the international community, knowing fully well that the perception of the white man( and other non blacks out there) is that "can anything good come out of Africa?". In fact, you know what? If its even just to show to the rest of the world that the blackman is not totally "dumb", and can use his brain to do something worthwhile(apart from evil), omo I'm totally down with this project abeg!!!! Lol


Re: Eko Atlantic City Update (business District Included) by abiolag(m): 12:26am On May 27, 2015
I'll get a building in this project by God grace amen amen and amen


Re: Eko Atlantic City Update (business District Included) by Dollyak(f): 6:18am On May 27, 2015
How many story building(floor) will be the tallest tower in EAC?

The tallest so far is a 55 storey building that would be the headquater of most Nigerian banks.


Re: Eko Atlantic City Update (business District Included) by dafuturis(m): 7:11am On May 27, 2015

The tallest so far is a 55 storey building that would be the headquater of most Nigerian banks.

Wow! Do you have the model pix?
Re: Eko Atlantic City Update (business District Included) by rabzy: 8:10am On May 27, 2015

I'm going to disagree with you there, I live in the UK and I believe I am well educated on the subject of flooding as I am a geographer.
The UK is known for it's very disciplined drainage system so flooding is extremely rare, and I can guarantee that what I saw in that picture could never occur here in the UK; with people still wallowing in high depths of water.

The UK has quite alot of rivers(also known as drainage basins) which naturally act as basins for water that comes from precipitation and if the basins are flooded the towns or villages surrounding may flood, but in those towns themselves they would have a drainage system underground so chances of flooding are very low.

The last major 'flood' that had significant damage to the UK was in Boscatle, 2004, and even in that event no-one had died or was injured; which sane country will allow its citizens to wallow in water up to people thighs;only in Nigeria.

Anyway, I'm a huge fan of EKO ATLANTIC, I hope one day that I might relocate there.

I don't live in UK but I watch CNN and I read UK papers, there has been flooding in UK wella. The one last year Cameron was heavily criticized. You also spoke as if Lagos don't have basins and rivers. Do you know why you hardly see streams and brooks in Lagos. Omoonile has sold them and people have built on them. These places gets flooded from time to time, because the river never forgets. Then add the indesciminate dumping of refuse in drains, then you have disaster looming. We have 4 flats in my house, am the only one using PSP, all the guys prefer 'meshara', aboki that can dump the refuse anywhere.

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Re: Eko Atlantic City Update (business District Included) by Nobody: 1:31pm On May 27, 2015

- This is where education plus sensitisation comes in but our government is FAILING on both fronts. If ALL our children are educated then it will be easier for more people to understand the need to be hygienic through proper habits for environmental sanitation, not so

- The LGAs have the constitutional duty and they are already PAID through our IGR they collect and the monthly allocation from Abuja to do the work of clearing the gutters/open drains REGULARLY and cutting the grass/bush in public spaces, in case you do not know =>

Why should you do a job for which you already paid someone to do it when you are not stewpid
most of your fellow haters have left the thread.
Re: Eko Atlantic City Update (business District Included) by Dollyak(f): 1:36pm On May 27, 2015

Wow! Do you have the model pix?
Both of these are the tallest so far. The tallest is on the right.


Re: Eko Atlantic City Update (business District Included) by Defcon1(m): 3:08pm On May 27, 2015
Ewure ni e...so any1 who writes under a thread is an igbo man. Maybe u should watch whoz hating.
Don't mind him.
The mind of a bigot works like a magnet...it attracts anything made of iron; whether shiny or rusty.
Re: Eko Atlantic City Update (business District Included) by Awoofawo(m): 6:40pm On May 27, 2015
We pray it doesn't become an abandoned project.

Even if some us can't afford living there, I definitly love to take my grand & great-grand children there once awhile cool
No more going UAE, Eko tourists on point.... grin

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