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Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? - Romance (10) - Nairaland

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Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by Nobody: 4:49pm On Sep 03, 2008
Would you see anything with your eyes wide open?
Why leave them open then? grin
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by Opslag(m): 6:49am On Sep 17, 2008
Why do you sleep wiv eyes closed?
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by Opslag(m): 6:51am On Sep 17, 2008
Why do you sleep wiv eyes closed?
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by Wendy80(f): 8:45am On Sep 17, 2008
2 get the feel or 2 feel the get,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,anyhow
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by egokanwa(f): 11:38am On Sep 17, 2008
@ Asanga,
I feel u should be able to answer dat question if u ve eva kissed someone with your EYES CLOSED
cry cheesy grin lipsrsealed
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by geolabious(m): 4:10pm On Sep 17, 2008

Why do you sleep with eyes closed?
@Poster pls answer the question
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by rubi(f): 4:13pm On Sep 17, 2008
@ Poster because no one wants any distraction
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by allonym: 8:38pm On Oct 11, 2008
You close your eyes to shut out distractions and to simulate darkness allowing your mind to reach the sleep state easier. When you fall asleep, your normal blink reflexes are no longer operational. This means if your eyes were open, you're more likely to suffer eye damage. So, our bodies keeping our eyes closed is a natural means of protecting them during a pretty vulnerable time.

Typically, when I'm kissing someone, I've no interest in going to sleep.
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by Walexdinho(m): 2:43am On Oct 12, 2008
it wil be lovely by close eyes
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by timbabng(m): 6:16am On Oct 12, 2008
kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
. . . .my smilies are not
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by plappville(f): 8:34am On Oct 12, 2008
if u're really feeling the person . . .u won't even know when your eyes closes up.
like someone said . . .it is sensual.

You have said it all. (Poster) please take his answer.
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by Opslag(m): 8:52am On Oct 12, 2008
I thot this thread was dead?
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by fdigital(m): 9:50am On Oct 12, 2008
Not only kissing! why do g**s moan during *ex
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by dipo2much(m): 7:17pm On Oct 12, 2008
opening ur eyes when kissing just makes it a waste of time. It means you are not feeling anything. It scares me when kissing and I oepn my eyes and see my partners eyes open.
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by stkris(m): 5:36am On Oct 13, 2008
its to an extent a reflex action , especially if u'r feeling d person. u never know when u do it, all u realise at a point is .,

oooh ma eyes r shut n i'm drifting away from reality wink
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by dipo2much(m): 1:36pm On Oct 13, 2008

its to an extent a reflex action , especially if u'r feeling d person. u never know when u do it, all u realise at a point is .,

oooh ma eyes r shut n i'm drifting away from reality wink

Yeah,som'n like dat
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by JKR(f): 2:38pm On Oct 13, 2008
Sexy question!

I think they don't want to see inside the nose.
It produces a sexy feeling!
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by estherb: 6:44pm On Oct 13, 2008
kiss as u like its does not matter how u do it besides dont u guys know u are into another world at that moment.
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by lancevader(m): 6:54pm On Oct 13, 2008
@estherb u make mi laf
@posta say d truth the last tym u kisd u opend ur eyes abi?
lafin dnt lie o?
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by akundo: 8:20pm On Oct 13, 2008
it is because each time when you kisses without closing your eyes you do not no the sweetness and it does not make it look serious.kissing is not love but it is a sign of saying i recognise and agree with what we doing.
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by sangreal: 9:59pm On Oct 13, 2008
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by ifelowo(f): 4:42pm On Oct 15, 2008
when you close your eyes to kiss, the kiss becomes sensual and you get to forget your problems for that particular time and live the moment, forgetting the consequences kiss
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by ENASKI(m): 11:17pm On Nov 13, 2008
There r some people who kiss with there eyez open but most of d times closing ur eyez while kissing is an unconscious reaction. u r so filled with d passion u can't help it.

you can only feel the passion when your eyes are shut. Its like walking in the clouds especially with someone u love
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by phemygee(m): 5:32pm On Nov 14, 2008
U have a beta insight of it coz u have gone tru it, Anyway, sha to me it show the burning romantic desire u have at dt moment for the lady.
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by pureminded: 11:23am On Apr 10, 2009
Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing?

Emotion! cool
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by IFELEKE(m): 11:41am On Apr 10, 2009
You close your eyes unconciously while kissing,That signifies the moment of transformation from the ordinary realm to the fantastic world of Pure Lust! grin grin
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by Nobody: 7:52pm On Jun 02, 2009
the guy closes to fake his emotions and the girl does it to calculate how much she'll charge.
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by solargal(f): 8:17pm On Jun 02, 2009
it is simply a reflex action i.e if the couple are really into the kissing and not if one of them has another person in mind
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by platinumnk(f): 8:36pm On Jun 02, 2009
it depends. I now open my eyes to savor the moments, so i can relive them in my daydreams grin
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by Oxone(m): 12:51am On Jun 03, 2009
reflex action and because you are to close to the person
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by saralee132: 12:48am On Jun 04, 2009
[size=13pt]flat out cuz its rude to stare [/size] grin
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by sweetpie23: 3:22pm On Jul 11, 2009
because the best things in life are unseen

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