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Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? - Romance (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by WesleyanA(f): 4:47am On Oct 22, 2005
hmmm. why do people close their eyes. crazy stuff.
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by hotangel2(f): 4:49am On Oct 22, 2005
He has a weird but cute user name. Just call him ____
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by WesleyanA(f): 4:51am On Oct 22, 2005
leblanc for kissing
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by hotangel2(f): 4:52am On Oct 22, 2005
he's Annonymous.
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by WesleyanA(f): 4:53am On Oct 22, 2005
that's too long
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by hotangel2(f): 4:57am On Oct 22, 2005
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by WesleyanA(f): 4:58am On Oct 22, 2005
cool stuff.
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by hotangel2(f): 4:58am On Oct 22, 2005
Nahhh Seun did. He didn't.
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by WesleyanA(f): 4:59am On Oct 22, 2005
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by hotangel2(f): 5:00am On Oct 22, 2005
Nah it's just five underscores. _____
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by WesleyanA(f): 5:03am On Oct 22, 2005
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by hotangel2(f): 5:37am On Oct 22, 2005
changed it to zboot, now it allonym.
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by WesleyanA(f): 5:43am On Oct 22, 2005
hahahahahahahahahahah. . methinks seun's having fun  cheesy
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by hotangel2(f): 5:48am On Oct 22, 2005
cheesy cheesy cheesy
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by allonym: 5:49am On Oct 22, 2005
yes. . though my username to sign on is still _____. BTW, could you edit your post not to say ""? I'll have to remove this as well. .
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by hotangel2(f): 5:51am On Oct 22, 2005
Hmm... we should edit out posts? Okay... Why is that?
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by legs(f): 12:24pm On Oct 22, 2005
the answer to this question is simple, if you are a girl and you are shorter than your man, then closing your eyese will simply help u avoid looking up his nostrils!
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by inyang(m): 2:19pm On Oct 22, 2005
simple biology 101.
your eyes are too close (to your partners face) to focus. am assuming a mouth to mouth kiss.
its an auto reflex thingie to save your eyes the pain of focusing too close.

BTW it feels better though tongue
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by allonym: 9:04pm On Oct 22, 2005
the auto reflex when you are too close is to refocus your eyes, not close them. The only reflex which forces you to close your eyes are when there is a very bright light source - which isn't involved here unless you are kissing God, or something is about to enter your eye. . .which usually isn't happening. . unless your SO has piercings all over the place.

in my experience - i prefer to keep my eyes open. . i have to make a conscious effort to close them if the situation calls for it.
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by WesleyanA(f): 9:08pm On Oct 22, 2005
i agree with inyang.


which isn't involved here unless you are kissing God, or something

well then i guess that person "you" has to have a very big mouth.
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by Greatpeter(m): 9:14pm On Oct 22, 2005
grin grin grin

Thank God I'm yet to have my first kiss.
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by mali(m): 5:15pm On Oct 23, 2005
You can only open your eyes when you dont trust the person coz if you close something funny will happen,but i belive closing eyes is natural .
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by omogenikky(f): 5:26pm On Oct 23, 2005
its just intuition, its just like applying mascara, you close your eyess automatically. Same sometimes for even pecking someone on the cheek, you tend to close your eyes.
Its not passion................except in movies anyway.
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by allonym: 9:11pm On Oct 23, 2005
it seems stupid to me. but to each his/her own
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by delarontus(f): 10:44am On Oct 24, 2005
Aplying mascara does not require you to close your eyes so also pecking.
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by snazzydawn(f): 11:12pm On Oct 24, 2005
I and my guy close our eyes when we kiss(don't tell him I told you),cos we like to see the way our eyes cloud in that sweet moments.But not always sha o!so it depends on the indidvidual concerned.
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by nana(f): 9:07pm On Oct 27, 2005
why should i close my eyes when kissing?it is total MADNESS wink......NAWA 4 PPLE DAT CLOSE THEIR EYES OOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by WesleyanA(f): 9:38pm On Oct 27, 2005
you must be burning some calories trying to keep those eyes open!. wink
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by nana(f): 9:59pm On Oct 27, 2005
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by WesleyanA(f): 10:00pm On Oct 27, 2005
c'mon. tell me the truth... you put some effort into keeping those eyes open don't you wink
your guy must be really pretty. cheesy
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by nana(f): 10:03pm On Oct 27, 2005
Re: Why Do People Close Their Eyes When Kissing? by WesleyanA(f): 10:07pm On Oct 27, 2005
awwwwww embarassed . . i hope you're alright.

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