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PHOTOS: Soldier Strips Female Workers Naked & Tie Them To A Tree For Stealing - Politics - Nairaland

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Photos: Soldier Allegedly Dismissed For Protecting Biafrans / Photo of a goat tied to a tree roasted alive during weekend's Boko haram attack / PHOTOS: Benenoise Soldier Strips Female Workers Naked (2) (3) (4)

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PHOTOS: Soldier Strips Female Workers Naked & Tie Them To A Tree For Stealing by 360frolic(m): 12:30am On Jul 16, 2015


According to reports reaching www..net , a Republic of Benin soldier named Corporal Chabi Séni stripped five girls naked and tied them to a tree after accusing them of stealing from their madam who owns a bar and who is his wife. The soldier decided their punishment would be to parade them naked and have someone take photos of the girls while the bar manager is seen kneeling in the background. I had to crop the girl's naked bodies out of the pics but I will include his face. Is there any way this man can get arrested for this?

That is the soldier with the manager kneeling. As you can see, he's looking at the naked girls. What a hopeless man..


cc lalasticlala, ishilove
Re: PHOTOS: Soldier Strips Female Workers Naked & Tie Them To A Tree For Stealing by Adanyebe(m): 12:30am On Jul 16, 2015
jungle justice
Re: PHOTOS: Soldier Strips Female Workers Naked & Tie Them To A Tree For Stealing by eleko1: 12:35am On Jul 16, 2015
Pathetic! sad
Re: PHOTOS: Soldier Strips Female Workers Naked & Tie Them To A Tree For Stealing by babajero(m): 12:41am On Jul 16, 2015
Not surprised even northern nigeria is more developed and enlightened more than benin republic, you can imagine the backwardness
Re: PHOTOS: Soldier Strips Female Workers Naked & Tie Them To A Tree For Stealing by Bashirfuntua(m): 12:42am On Jul 16, 2015
Bros this na nairaland o
Re: PHOTOS: Soldier Strips Female Workers Naked & Tie Them To A Tree For Stealing by akunjohn(m): 12:55am On Jul 16, 2015
Lawlessness everywhere SMH.
Re: PHOTOS: Soldier Strips Female Workers Naked & Tie Them To A Tree For Stealing by KanwuliaJara: 4:02am On Jul 16, 2015
Welcome to jungle justice!
I pity the black race!!!! embarassed
Re: PHOTOS: Soldier Strips Female Workers Naked & Tie Them To A Tree For Stealing by Nobody: 4:08am On Jul 16, 2015
Imagine the wickedness!
Thank God man no be God ooo.
Re: PHOTOS: Soldier Strips Female Workers Naked & Tie Them To A Tree For Stealing by worksmart(m): 4:53am On Jul 16, 2015
Thanks a lot !!!! angry angry !!

I had to crop the girl's naked bodies out of the pics but I will include his face.

Re: PHOTOS: Soldier Strips Female Workers Naked & Tie Them To A Tree For Stealing by jazinogold(m): 5:00am On Jul 16, 2015
full pix or ah don't believe it! grin

in sule lamido's voice. . so ayam now a criminal grin
Re: PHOTOS: Soldier Strips Female Workers Naked & Tie Them To A Tree For Stealing by Nobody: 5:29am On Jul 16, 2015
Justice must surely be served to this pervert checking out boobs and booty in the new of punishment.

Not his fault though, Africa tend to promote lawlessness.

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Re: PHOTOS: Soldier Strips Female Workers Naked & Tie Them To A Tree For Stealing by AgentOfAllah: 5:44am On Jul 16, 2015
He's a misogynistic coward. This cannot even be assumed to be a case of an overzealous sense of justice, as it were. His refusal to strip the guilty guy is a telling fact about his dirty sexist motive. Such people don't deserve any position of authority, as they abuse whatever trust vested in them.

Sadly, this is symptomatic of the perverse and pervasive African mentality that objectifies women into sexual commodities, no more. I'm sorry to those girls who must have had their sense of self worth and dignities ripped out of them by a pervert.
Re: PHOTOS: Soldier Strips Female Workers Naked & Tie Them To A Tree For Stealing by Lucasbalo(m): 5:56am On Jul 16, 2015
Typical African jungle justice. What a shame.
Re: PHOTOS: Soldier Strips Female Workers Naked & Tie Them To A Tree For Stealing by seunlayi(m): 5:59am On Jul 16, 2015
I thought it is only in naija

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Re: PHOTOS: Soldier Strips Female Workers Naked & Tie Them To A Tree For Stealing by PAINGAIN: 6:15am On Jul 16, 2015
This reminds me of a scene in DJANGO UNCHAINED. I've said this a lot of times that until we blacks treat each other with respect and dignity no other race will treat us better.
Re: PHOTOS: Soldier Strips Female Workers Naked & Tie Them To A Tree For Stealing by Ewizard(m): 6:16am On Jul 16, 2015
Re: PHOTOS: Soldier Strips Female Workers Naked & Tie Them To A Tree For Stealing by asanchez(m): 7:32am On Jul 16, 2015
all this will be dealt with in the fullness of time
Re: PHOTOS: Soldier Strips Female Workers Naked & Tie Them To A Tree For Stealing by nerodenero: 7:40am On Jul 16, 2015
Justice must surely be served to this pervert checking out boobs and booty in the new of punishment.

Not his vault though, Africa tend to promote lawlessness.
Do you have problem pronouncing 'f' and 'v'? Just maybe your video is actually fideo and vice-versa undecided.

I pray the right authority gets to see this and appropriate measures taken against the mad army guy.
OP, thank your God you were able to get these picture without being noticed by this deranged army. If he had caught you, you would have experienced hell on earth.
Re: PHOTOS: Soldier Strips Female Workers Naked & Tie Them To A Tree For Stealing by brainpower(m): 8:05am On Jul 16, 2015
Impunity and lawlessness everywhere. Everyone wants to use the little power he or she has to oppress others and yet we blame the leaders.
Re: PHOTOS: Soldier Strips Female Workers Naked & Tie Them To A Tree For Stealing by johncreek: 8:14am On Jul 16, 2015
This is not expected from a respectful soldiers... There are better ways of getting things done...
Mean while read more at my signature.
Re: PHOTOS: Soldier Strips Female Workers Naked & Tie Them To A Tree For Stealing by Nobody: 8:19am On Jul 16, 2015
Do you have problem pronouncing 'f' and 'v'? Just maybe your video is actually fideo and vice-versa undecided.

I pray the right authority gets to see this and appropriate measures taken against the mad army guy.
OP, thank your God you were able to get these picture without being noticed by this deranged army. If he had caught you, you would have experienced hell on earth.

If this was the way you were taught by your teachers/lecturers/parents et al, I am scared it was an effort in futility. Learn to communicate without insulting others. undecided
Re: PHOTOS: Soldier Strips Female Workers Naked & Tie Them To A Tree For Stealing by Nobody: 8:25am On Jul 16, 2015
There is something wrong with Africa.
Re: PHOTOS: Soldier Strips Female Workers Naked & Tie Them To A Tree For Stealing by timilehing(m): 8:29am On Jul 16, 2015
You said unclad & you cropped out the unclad part undecided
Re: PHOTOS: Soldier Strips Female Workers Naked & Tie Them To A Tree For Stealing by nerodenero: 8:52am On Jul 16, 2015

If this was the way you were taught by your teachers/lecturers/parents et al, I am scared it was an effort in futility. Learn to communicate without insulting others. undecided

Re: PHOTOS: Soldier Strips Female Workers Naked & Tie Them To A Tree For Stealing by obynocute(m): 9:14am On Jul 16, 2015
Y una hide d full pix na...
Re: PHOTOS: Soldier Strips Female Workers Naked & Tie Them To A Tree For Stealing by Alexisu: 10:07am On Jul 16, 2015
This is verrrryyyyyy bad.

Saw the full pix yesterday night and was like noooo, no matter the offence, it isinhuman, and unacceptable. And to think that this is coming from a black man against a fellow black just because he is on uniform

I mean, they were totally unclad from head to toe and tied together to tree.
Re: PHOTOS: Soldier Strips Female Workers Naked & Tie Them To A Tree For Stealing by Nobody: 10:12am On Jul 16, 2015
[quote author=nerodenero post=35918459][/quote]

Grow up. Nairaland isn't for toddlers.
Re: PHOTOS: Soldier Strips Female Workers Naked & Tie Them To A Tree For Stealing by nerodenero: 10:16am On Jul 16, 2015

Grow up. Nairaland isn't for toddlers.
Do the needful grin grin grin

Re: PHOTOS: Soldier Strips Female Workers Naked & Tie Them To A Tree For Stealing by Nobody: 10:18am On Jul 16, 2015
[quote author=nerodenero post=35921519][/quote]

Oh NO! ...and he died young cry...kpele
Re: PHOTOS: Soldier Strips Female Workers Naked & Tie Them To A Tree For Stealing by nerodenero: 10:22am On Jul 16, 2015
Your left brain isn't right and your right brain just left grin grin grin, the reason fault is vault in your brain grin grin grin grin grin

Oh NO! ...and he died young cry...kpele
Re: PHOTOS: Soldier Strips Female Workers Naked & Tie Them To A Tree For Stealing by Nobody: 10:28am On Jul 16, 2015
Your left brain isn't right and your right brain just left grin grin grin, the reason fault is vault in your brain grin grin grin grin grin

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