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Re: Why Criticism Of Religion Is Important In Contemporary Africa by johnydon22(m): 8:27am On Jul 29, 2015 |
italo:italo i think your desperation have taken you off balance... You are asking an atheist that the wafer and 12apostles mass wine really turn into blood and flesh.. Everybody reading this will surely know that you have gone deranged because only One word for that claim is "Delusion" Chronic "Delusion" ![]() Quote me on that anywhere, That you are too childish and gullible enough to swallow the stories of wafers turning into flesh is in no way my problem. 2 Likes |
Re: Why Criticism Of Religion Is Important In Contemporary Africa by adsonstone: 9:30am On Jul 29, 2015 |
italo: What do you call it when someone knows he has good and evil deeds, mentions the good deeds (when not asked) and refuses to mention the evil ones (even when asked) just to seem all entirely good to the world? italo: That's wrong. I never said it was done by all denominations. Here's my post again; .] "Several scientific methods thus emerged from the medieval Muslim world by the early 11th century, all of which emphasized experimentation as well as quantification to varying degrees." - Wikipedia History_of_scientific_method Till date, science is still being developed upon. italo: Infact, modern scientific method suggest that those mentioned above aren't still enough, more recently inductions and deductions and even falsifibility etc are necessary for valid conclusions...some of which are not part of what Bacon developed. It largely proves that Bacon only developed on what was already existing and the whole scientific process is still being developed upon. Look, scientific method, the scientific methods, scientific methodology refer to essentially the same thing that has been around for a long time and being continually developed upon by many people. So, I am not 'deliberately lying' as accused italo: "The Church teaches no wrong" Many of who they've inspired have taught "science" wrongly, so why ascribe it to the Church? You may say the Church teaches no wrong in "faith and morals" but it doesn't change the fact that it has inspired people who taught wrongly. italo: It is hypocrisy and self deceit when you Corrected. Can we agree that you're trying to take credit for someone's work if you can't prove that they're Roman Catholics? italo: In that case, do you acknowledge that you mentioned the good deeds of non catholics when you were mentioning the good deeds of Catholicism? I just need a Yes or a No, no long epistles. 1 Like |
Re: Why Criticism Of Religion Is Important In Contemporary Africa by shalomm: 9:48am On Jul 29, 2015 |
italo: see your life? the soviet union that was dissolved in 1992 or which one? |
Re: Why Criticism Of Religion Is Important In Contemporary Africa by italo: 11:14am On Jul 29, 2015 |
shalomm: You need to think before you talk. Are we contesting the dissolution date of the Soviet Union? I mentioned the Soviet Union as an example of State Atheism bring death and destruction on an unprecedented scale. |
Re: Why Criticism Of Religion Is Important In Contemporary Africa by herald9: 11:32am On Jul 29, 2015 |
italo:Sorry, your question is invalid. You can't ask me whether a sacred practice of an organisation I don't belong to is true or not. Seems I've got much time today, let's have a run down on the person of Bacon. Pay attention to the bold. was an 1.English philosopher and Franciscan friar who placed considerable emphasis on the study of nature through empirical methods. 2.He is sometimes credited (mainly since the nineteenth century) as one of the earliest European advocates of the modern scientific method inspired by Aristotle and later Arabic scholars such as the Muslim scientist Alhazen .[2] However, more recent re-evaluations emphasise that he was essentially a medieval thinker, with much of his "experimental" knowledge obtained from books, in the scholastic tradition. °you see, he was a philosopher before he became a Catholic priest/friar. °He taught on Aristotle, another philosopher. °Got his empirical ideas from other philosophers. °He ceased practising alchemy after he became a Catholic priest, which means he might have 'invented' the Scientific Method while he was yet a priest. °Studying Aristotle means, he got most of his ideas from Aristotle, remember Aristotle was a student of plato, another philosopher. °He got jailed after the death of Pope Bleep cause of his works in alchemy, which might challenge the beliefs of the church. Hope that tells you a lot about your Catholic Church and science. You should be remorseful for the number of scientists imprisoned and burnt up on stake by your church, rather than boldly claiming the Catholic Church invented science. SMH. 1 Like |
Re: Why Criticism Of Religion Is Important In Contemporary Africa by italo: 11:54am On Jul 29, 2015 |
johnydon22:lol... I see how you dodged the bulk of my post exposing how Plato didn't justify his claims...and how that makes it way off today's Science standard. Infact, today, scientists would call it bogus claims or 'guess' at best. I see how you cannot show me anywhere in the book - Timaeus where Plato justified or proved his claim. Typical Atheist who thinks that a good logical argument is made by shouting many insults at the opponent, while avoiding the issue at hand. If the Eucharist is delusion, then Plato and Aristotle's works were also delusion. They didn't use the standard scientific method in use today, which was invented by the Catholic Church. |
Re: Why Criticism Of Religion Is Important In Contemporary Africa by adsonstone: 4:05pm On Jul 29, 2015 |
italo: Jesus explicitly mentioned/taught that the Eucharist is his body and blood (whatever that means), I believe it just as he said is his body and blood. It does not make it a 'scientific fact' so to speak. Jesus's declaration only means it is the truth that doesn't change. 'Scientific facts' are known to change repeatedly. *I removed other monikers to avoid them getting too many mentions, just like I was getting.* |
Re: Why Criticism Of Religion Is Important In Contemporary Africa by marcondo13: 4:32pm On Jul 29, 2015 |
italo: As much I would have loved to maintain my silence, I will like to give you a simple advice. Spend your money on good books and stop running to Goggle and Wikipaedia. That is what makes you a good Catholic. This is a simple reason why most Catholics dislike the Jehovah Witnesses, they have a knack for digging up horrors of the Catholic Church ' past! 1. I will not do your job as a Catholic for you. Go to the nearest Catholic Church and ask any Priest about what Pope Steven IX did to the body of Pope Formosus during the Cadaver synod or the Synodus Horrenda, and that was in public. There are records of others in secret ! Or save yourself the stress and buy on Amazon, The history of the Catholic Church by James Hitchcock! 2. If you are conversant with your church history, you should know the list of Bishops alongside Bishop Arius, that attended the several church councils, leading to the Nicean Council, headed by Constantine! 3. As for the debate on the issue of Africans having souls or if they have it after baptism, go to a good bookshop and search for historical books like Overcoming rascism through the gospel by M. L. Johnson! Do more research on the Pre-Adamite, Cainite and Noahite view of the black race. Then, you will Understand what the theologians were debating in Rome up till 1830, especially with the American Catholic community! You call yourself a good Catholic and you dont have Butler's lives of saints or other historical books on your church like the bad popes by E. R. Chamberlin . I have great Irish friends, all Catholics, and you will never hear a word from them, discussing inanities like defending the bloodsoaked past of the Church because their private family library is well stacked with books and records! Shalom |
Re: Why Criticism Of Religion Is Important In Contemporary Africa by johnydon22(m): 4:35pm On Jul 29, 2015 |
italo:[b]Hahahahahaha i don die... The problem is that you don't know the difference between a claim and an observation.... And you are not even ashamed of it.. Plato observed the constellations in different geographical point and reached a consensus that only a spherical globe could have different constellation views in different location, it was a very simple interpretation of an observation, some may reach a conclusion that it is because the earth rested on a giant turtle.. Observation means it is very clear for all to observe, plato's phenomenon of constellations can as well be observed even now. It was exactly like Msngr Georges Big bang postulation, he had no proof just like Plato, just a postulation based on observed phenomenon only after the hubble telescope went into orbit was the observation verified ... You see You absolutely have no knowledge of what science is and i am not supposed to start teaching you that. Too bad you do not know that claiming that a wafer turns into a blood when it is not demonstrative for all just like observing the constellation is, it is a CLAIM and not an observation... Boy you really need to read because you far to engage on a scientific discussion or argument with me. You could not maintain an argument without spamming the thread with wikipedia copy and paste; quite childish and degrading. Let us hope you won't ask how an observation and a claim is the same thing [/b] 4 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Why Criticism Of Religion Is Important In Contemporary Africa by Gynacologist(m): 8:20pm On Jul 29, 2015 |
plaetton:pls kindly tro mo light on do? |
Re: Why Criticism Of Religion Is Important In Contemporary Africa by scarred9jan(m): 8:42pm On Jul 29, 2015 |
johnydon22: in a way i think italo is learning although he is being pigheaded about it. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Why Criticism Of Religion Is Important In Contemporary Africa by plaetton: 9:00pm On Jul 29, 2015 |
Gynacologist: 1. Papal bulls (more like bullshytes ) and their supposed infallibility. The catholic church invented it. 2. Indungences, the commercialization of religion by the selling, for money, of grace and salvation, something Jesus supposedly gave humankind for free. The catholic church invented it. 3. Crusades or Holy Wars. the catholic church invented the concept of fighting for god, in return for grace and paradise. the catholic church invented it. 4. The politicization of religion . The catholic church invented it with Constantine , the Nicean council, the Nicean creed, the deification of Jesus, and the amalgamation of the church and the empire to create the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. The catholic church invented it. 5. The killing of heretics ( people who disagreed with the orthodox ) , the genocide of the Carthers, the cultural anhillation of Africa and much of the world's cultures. The catholic church invented it. 5. Need I mention the inquisitions ? The relegation of women to second class humans ? 6. Need I mention the perpetuation of a 2000yr old priestly cult that sexually preyed on innocent male children ? 7. And the pimpimg and trafficking of fraudulently contrived religious relics ? the catholic church invented it. 8. How about the cult of Mary and the brainwashing and social engineering techniques required ? the catholic church invented it. And on and on and on.... |
Re: Why Criticism Of Religion Is Important In Contemporary Africa by mctowel01: 8:33am On Sep 10, 2016 |
AreaFada2:Where are your kind?I feel sad living with the sort of mindless religious people Africans have become. I sometimes wish we could simply separate Africans into secular and religious, then watch the results of progress makes. ...Then the world will conclude for themselves. |
Re: Why Criticism Of Religion Is Important In Contemporary Africa by mctowel01: 8:51am On Sep 10, 2016 |
senbonzakurakageyoshi:*claps .. Comment of the year |
Re: Why Criticism Of Religion Is Important In Contemporary Africa by AreaFada2: 12:00pm On Sep 10, 2016 |
mctowel01: Actually, more and more exquisitely religious people like me are speaking up against the overt religiosity that is centred on personal bread & butter and personal prosperity. For many, just about anything is acceptable in that quest. Completely against what Jesus preached and how he lived. And against collective progress of society. Too many are being misled in their prime. Religion is meddling too much. Marriage, career, business, every sphere. That cannot be good. The human being is a born free thinker & logic being. Any idea or devotion or philosophy that has some elements of logic will interest him naturally. Christianity is very logical in its original form. Even the miracles in it serve important purposes. I realised this studying the Bible under Christian, Jewish & Muslim scholars. Their perspectives of the Bible made perfect sense. A perfectly sensible female friend of mine was dragged kicking to a pastor by her mum two weeks ago. The reason is that nearly 30 & not married. That she needed deliverance from wicked people. ![]() ![]() Somebody jilted by her fiancee after years of relationship just months ago should rush into another one already? ![]() ![]() I had a message to deliver to a pastor one day in Lagos. I walked into the church on a Tuesday morning at about 10 am. The church was full to the brim. Apparently, that was just a normal morning service. Not a special programme. Is it in Shinto/Confucian/Buddhist temples that Japanese & Chinese made such a giant stride over jst two generations? They should learn from the history of Christianity in the West. The church became too powerful & meddlesome in the West. It lead to its massive decline. This could also become the undoing of African Christendom. |
Re: Why Criticism Of Religion Is Important In Contemporary Africa by Guru10450(m): 8:17am On Apr 14, 2019 |
African spirituality is the only true way. All organised religions presently operating in the continent are based on false and absurd narratives and are majorly counter-intuitive. |
Re: Why Criticism Of Religion Is Important In Contemporary Africa by Guru10450(m): 8:31am On Apr 14, 2019 |
Has been proven beyond doubt that all the organised religions currently operating in Africa of today are often mainly based on hidden motif and false premise. For instance, Questions: Who are the first humans created by God? Answer: African people. Question: Who are the angels? Answer: African ancestors Question: Who are men/women of the Almighy God? Answer: Everyone If Africans are the first people to have been created by the Almighty God, therefore, the angels and the entire heavenly host, are to one hundred percent look completely African. Anything contrary to an all inclusive African paradise/heaven can only be seen as a falsity. Everyone knows that humanity starts in Africa. Therefore, if humanity starts in Africa then that suggest pre-existence also occurs in Africa. Pre-existence depicts the period whereby there exists no humans on Earth. |
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