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THE LIVING WATER DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE. Christ Apostolic Church - Religion (4) - Nairaland

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Re: THE LIVING WATER DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE. Christ Apostolic Church by samally: 8:25pm On Dec 18, 2015
Peace be unto you and entire family.....
the living teach and preach the true living of Christ and the new world to come
ire oooo

Friday, December 18, 2015
MEMORISE: So we rebuilt the wall till all of it reached half its height, for the people worked with all their heart. (Neh 4:6)

The Bible is replete with people who made both positive and negative impacts as touching the work of God. While some spent and were spent to ensure that God's work did not wait nor waste as they put it on the run, some did all they could to stop or ruin it, but sadly and most expectedly (cf. Prov 11:21), they ended up ruining their own lives and not God's work!
When all your sincere efforts are put into God's work, as you not only spend but are also spent in order to move His business forward, you are actually running God's work, like Nehemiah and his godly team did. Such can't go unrecognized and unrewarded (Neh 4:1ff). Those who put God's work on the run will never be stopped in life.
While the walls of Jerusalem were in shambles and utter ruins, Nehemiah mobilized, encouraged and motivated the people of God to rebuild. This should be emulated even now that the Church, Jesus' structure, is in precarious state. Life generally represents two sides of a coin; head or tail. If you are not running God's work in your home, business, career, school, church and society, may be you are running it! Many are in the church today for the purpose of trying to ruin God's work; they never go far for their folly will be shamefully made known to the public (Matt 7:22-23; 2 Tim 3:9). Beware! Ensure you don't join them! Look, listen and learn.

1. Lord, assist me to passionately be in the league of those who run, and not ruin, Your work.
2. Lord Jesus, let every attempt to stop the advancement of Your work in every setting be frustrated totally.
3. Pray for every body of believers believing God for a befitting place of worship, that God should raise help from above, within and abroad.


I pray that God will rewrite your story. The ground you walk shall produce Abundance, the sky above you shall rain down Blessings, the Breeze around you shall blow Peace and everything shall work well for you in Jesus name
Re: THE LIVING WATER DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE. Christ Apostolic Church by Dominionhost(m): 5:52am On Dec 19, 2015
Saturday, December 19, 2015
MEMORISE: Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. (Rom 12:21)
Nigerians, most especially those in the south-west, cannot have easily forgotten so soon the popular security outfit tagged "OPERATION FIRE FOR FIRE, which was put in place by the government to thoroughly checkmate the excesses of criminals in the state concerned. In the days of the OPERATION FIRE FOR FIRE, robbers, fraudsters and other criminals underwent tough time. It was so difficult and rough for them to have successful criminal operations because the cops engaged them in gunfire until they fell!
That is "fire for fire" physically. However, Christians are expected not to be provoked to the extent of revenge! God remains the avenger of His own (Luke 18:1ff). When neighbours, friends, contemporaries and acquaintance try to cook up their fires, Christians should not give fire for fire; rather water to quench the fire (Prov. 15:1-3). Remember Jesus' response to the wrathful suggestion of the sons of thunder? (Luke 9:51).
We are expected not to fuel the fire of Satan, because fuelling only helps the fire to consume more people. Instead, the flame of Holy Spirit is what we should fuel in our prayers, Bible study and holy living within and without. Let us quench the furnace of the devil wherever we go, by Christ's power. Be better than your enemy by repaying good for evil. We are only to match the devil and his cohorts fire for fire in our prayers by the power of the Consuming Fire.
1. Lord, give me the wisdom, tolerance and power not to be vengeful in my dealings with people, but to become terror to the devil and his cohorts.
2. Lord, let all spouse finding it difficult to forgive the 'sins' of his/her spouse be convicted by Your Spirit of their own sinfulness, in order to restore the failing marriages.
3. Pray against the spirit of deceit and hypocrisy in fiance-fiancee relationships among our church youths.
Nothing will stop you from entering into your Canaan Land in Jesus Christ name.
Re: THE LIVING WATER DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE. Christ Apostolic Church by Dominionhost(m): 7:10am On Dec 20, 2015
Sunday, December 20, 2015
MEMORISE: 'The decision is announced by messengers, the holy ones declare the verdict, so that the living may know that the Most High is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone he wishes and sets over them the lowliest of men.' (Dan 4:17)

Our God, right from the inception of ages had shown that He is God of order. Orderliness, rules, regulations or code of conduct in our societies today are not unconnected to the Bible principle which commands decency and decorum in all that we do (1 Cor 14:33). Despite the fact that the Law came to guide the Israelites, they ended up being wrecked in wickedness and ungodliness. This was because of their intentional non-observance of 'rule by the rules' principle.
Three parties to 'rule by rules' principle are: the ruler, the ruled and the rules. The ruler seems to be the most important and popular. Why? He dictates the pace of things and administers the ruled with the rules. However, rulers must rule in the fear of God because God rules in the affairs of men (Dan 14:16-17).
The ruled must be subject to the administration and constituted authority because God institutes them (Rom 13:1). You must be a shining example in total obedience to the rulers. And if you happen to be a ruler, you must not see yourself as being above the ruled, because both the leaders and the followers are under the same Law of God. Be determined today as you set out your agenda that you will embrace all godly rules which govern the society.

1. Lord, assist me to imbibe spirit of obedience and submission to all constituted authorities in a way that glorifies You unequivocally.
2. Lord, give the associate ministers the grace to be submissive in their approaches to their superiors, to allow for peace in the household of faith.
3. Lord, give the senior ministers the grace to lead with the heart of a servant-leader in their approaches to their subordinates, to allow for peace in the household of faith.


God's blessings upon you this beautiful Sunday brethren. You are lifted
Re: THE LIVING WATER DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE. Christ Apostolic Church by Dominionhost(m): 8:24am On Dec 21, 2015

READ EXODUS 14:10-18
MEMORISE: Then the LORD said to Moses, "Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on." (Exodus 14:15)

When God says something, He means it. He should be taken for and at His Word. He never says anything only to be retracted later. If the military officer gives a "forward march" order to you, he expects total uncompromising compliance, even when such an order isn't convenient for you, leads nowhere or makes no sense.

Israelites can be best described as people who were at crossroads in a better-imagined dilemma at the brink of the Red Sea. Having experienced divine deliverance from the suffering and slavery of the stiff-necked Pharaoh, their joy knew no bounds. No sooner were they freed that they had before them a massive sea that wasn't sailable! To worsen the case, the stubborn Egyptians were advancing so close to them! What terrible situation!

At that, those forgetful people of God resorted to persuading Moses and his lieutenant to lead them back to Egypt, believing parochially it was more honourable to die and have sepulchres in Egypt than perishing inside the red sea! What an unfortunate incidence! Christians must take caution not to allow any situation, no matter how grieving or devastating, to tempt us to reconsider returning to 'Egypt'.

Their forgetfulness of God's faithful dealing with them and their unbelief notwithstanding, God still waded in through Moses, giving them total victory over Pharaoh and Egypt. It isn't that God doesn't see those stumbling blocks on your way when He says, 'God forward!' Just see them through His eyeglasses as stepping stones to your greatness (Isaiah 40:12-14). The tougher your challenges, the greater your testimonies.

1. Lord, enable me to overcome undue anxieties in my life while You keep encouraging me to move on.
2. Lord, help me to be very sensitive to You as You signal to me to move on even against all odds.
3. Lord, caution Christian women who ignorantly or deliberately subvert the authority of their unbelieving husbands, thus presenting the gospel and the Church in bad light.


From today, all those who have looked down on you begins to look up to you in Jesus Name.
Re: THE LIVING WATER DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE. Christ Apostolic Church by Dominionhost(m): 8:18am On Dec 22, 2015
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
MEMORISE: This is what the LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, says: Go and tell the men of Judah and the people of Jerusalem, 'Will you not learn a lesson and obey My words?' declares the LORD. (Jer 35:13)
Compromise may be viewed in both positive and negative perspectives. When it is positively used, it refers to making or allowing peace to reign by accepting to shield one's sword during a dispute. Compromise is negative, however, when certain laid down standards, rules, measures or regulations are brought low for undue selfish reasons. This happens almost daily in our economic, political, societal, family and worse of all, church settings. Every system seems to have been compromised, and consequently, corruption and its attending woeful results are not negotiable!
The faith which was delivered to the saints is the same given to us. Christ who is the Centre and Pioneer of the Church is still (and should be) for the contemporary church. This underlies reasons why we cannot compromise the laid down standard (Deut 28:1). The world truly cries and dies of fake, adulterated, unwholesome and counterfeited products due to compromised standards, but does the church realize this is also bedevilling her?
As it is, the church of today tries diplomatically to deviate from the old time religion which paid our patriarchs of faith. The worldly system may seem good, but the fact remains that it does no good thing to the Church than pollution, watering down the gospel message. There is no room for compromise. Instead, earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered to the saints. Are you going to be a compromiser or conqueror?
1. O Lord, make me a conqueror and not a compromiser!
2. Lord, make total obedience to Your Word easier for me than compromising Your holy standard.
3. Lord, let the revival of rugged commitment to holy standard permeate the entire system of our beloved Mission, CAC Worldwide.
As this year is about to expire, the Lord will grant you your GOOD heart desires and there shall be no carry over in Jesus Christ name.
Re: THE LIVING WATER DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE. Christ Apostolic Church by Dominionhost(m): 6:32am On Dec 23, 2015
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
READ LUKE 12:13-21
MEMORISE: Then he said to them. "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions." (Luke 12:15)
God's perfect plan for His dear chosen people (believers) as regards material and spiritual blessing is uncompromisingly solid (Eph 1:3). Who says a Christian cannot be rich? Who says you can't own mansions, estates and fleet of cars? Who says because you are holy, you can't be a millionaire, billionaire etc.? Who says a Christian cannot be blessed to the extent of lending to nations? (Deut 28:11).
Regardless of how our material wealth may be vast, God wants it scattered abroad (Eccl 11:1). When the load of Christian's riches is becoming too much, he/she needs offloading! How? Simple: Some of these riches need to be spread elsewhere if you will not murder sleep because of them! Jesus says this about rich men but who are poor towards heaven, "How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God! Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God" (Luke 18:24b,25). The solution is offloading the "camel" in order to be able to enter the kingdom of God freely.
Rich? Are you offloading daily? If no, the riches you are amassing in terms of landed properties, fat bank accounts and multi-national investments may serve as barrier to getting to heaven. Will you humbly offload some today?
1. O Lord, help me to be rich towards heaven.
2. Father, I receive Your grace not to be puffed up by those opportunities You give to me, in Jesus' name.
3. Lord, convict every church minister, elder, worker and member indulging in extramarital affairs or seeing nothing bad in polygamy, in Jesus' name.
I hear people say... They are managing... but I see you living in abundance and surplus from today in Jesus Christ name.
Re: THE LIVING WATER DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE. Christ Apostolic Church by Dominionhost(m): 7:14am On Dec 24, 2015
Living Water - CAC Daily Devotional Guide
Thursday, December 24, 2015
MEMORISE: "Remember, O Lord, how I have walked before you faithfully and with wholehearted devotion and have done what is good in your eyes." And Hezekiah wept bitterly. (Isaiah 38:3)
It is often said, "Silence means consent". In other words, when you stay mute after certain offers have been made to you, it signifies that, in a way, you agree with it. The Yoruba popularly believe that a man uses his mouth to reject what he doesn't like. There are so many things that depend on 'yes' or 'no' before such things happen to us. Life circumstances can only take their toll on us depending on our agreement with them in some ways. King Hezekiah's case is a reference point here.
Hezekiah the king had just been visited by the highly revered prophet Isaiah. The latter did not bring any good news, but a shocking and unpalatable death sentence! It was God who spoke to Isaiah, of course; he was not on his own (Isa 38:1b). The reaction of Hezekiah confirmed the type of person he was and how related he was to the Almighty God (v. 3). Your relationship with your Maker matters. Is He your God and Father? Are you sure?
Hezekiah never resigned to fate. Instead, he challenged God to the extent that Isaiah had not stepped out of the palace when he was instructed to return to deliver good news to the king (Isa 38:4-5). Please, stand up against every negative prophecies. Don't resign to fate. Don't agree with evil plans. God will surely avert them over you. Just that you must be right with the life-transforming God.
1. Lord, I reject the devil's manipulation over my life; I shall fulfil my days.
2. I shall not die/be wasted, but live and declare the works of the Lord, in Jesus' name.
3. Ask God to cancel every plan of the devil to attack true ministers of the gospel through their homes, in Jesus' name.

In the few days left in this year... If death is sold at an highly discounted rate, subsidized or given out freely, it will not locate you... Guess what?
We're entering into 2016 fulfilled in Jesus Christ name.
Can a witness say a loud AMEN?
Re: THE LIVING WATER DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE. Christ Apostolic Church by Dominionhost(m): 7:52am On Dec 25, 2015
Friday, December 25, 2015
MEMORISE: After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem. (Matt 2:1)

Jesus means "Saviour" while Christ means "the anointed one". Jesus Christ therefore means "One anointed to save". Herod the great was the despotic, cruel king of Judea who reigned for thirty seven years. He sought to kill Jesus while the wise men sought to worship Him.
Those wise men were not Jews. They were astrologers from the East. They were stargazers and star-readers. They knew next to nothing about the YAHWEH of the Jews. Yet, when they saw the star of the King of kings whom the YAHWEH of the Jews had sent in fulfilment of His earlier prophecies to them, they behaved wisely. They travelled all the way from the East to seek the birth place of that King and worshipped Him with all sincerity.
Compare this with the envious stupidity of King Herod who was expected to be a custodian of the expectation of the Jews as touching the coming of the Messiah. In His foolishness and cruelty, he murdered the infants in his bid to terminate the life, rulership and destiny of Jesus Christ. What a fool! But in the wisdom of these wise men, they worshipped and gave Him gifts. Spot the differences.
Life consists of the two sides of the coin - those for and those against issues, persons, programmes and things. This is not untrue about attitudes to and relationship with the only begotten Son of God, Jesus who came to redeem us. Today, wise men still seek Jesus for salvation, sanctification, worship and real relationship. Won't you join them at the level applicable to you now?

1. Lord, let me have the right attitude towards Your only begotten Son, Jesus.
2. Lord, paralyse all evil people like Herod seeking me for destruction.
3. Lord, silence every Herod seeking to frustrate and silence Your gospel in this nation.


The God Almighty that made you see this Christmas will enlarge you on all sides and cause you to be celebrated in Jesus Christ name.
Merry Christmas people of God.
Re: THE LIVING WATER DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE. Christ Apostolic Church by Dominionhost(m): 9:11am On Dec 26, 2015
Saturday, December 26, 2015
MEMORISE: Again, I tell you that if two of you on
earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be
done for you by my Father in heaven. (Matt
Very many reasons have been given concerning
why prayers are not being answered as of old.
Prominent among these are sins and divine
purposeful delay. While not underrating the
damage the former can cause to prayer, it is
assumed that the latter is a major cause of
unanswered prayers. If the people in occult and
diabolical circles can reap bountifully from their
oneness or togetherness in their outlawed
organizations, Christians have no excuse. We
have lots to gain from uniting in God-glorifying
courses (Psalm 133:1).
Lack of agreement before prayer is very much
responsible for unanswered corporate prayers,
just like sin. We cannot but have issues that
demand corporate prayers in our homes,
workplaces, organizations, nation and churches.
However, we should agree on the terms of
reference of such prayer before we do. If the
pastor/leader has identified an issue, let others
share it, otherwise, the prayer will amount to
mere waste of valuable resources. God forbid!
If a couple refuse to agree, they cannot have
testimony of answered prayers. In fact, can two
walk together if they don't and can't agree?
(Amos 3:3). Agreeing in prayer was not
compromised in the early church. Little wonder
they shook their world (Acts 4:25-33). It is also
achievable in our time. Agree in spirit, soul and
body with brethren as you enter into God's
presence in corporate prayers. God bless you.
1. Ask God to render powerless every satanic
instrument causing discord among the brethren,
thereby hindering or delaying answers to prayers.
2. Ask that God will give believers the sensitivity
to silence the spirit of discord at home, churches
and in the society so that testimonies of
answered prayers will abound.
3. Pray for divine intervention in the governance
of this nation.

The Lord of heaven will settle you in Jesus Christ name
Re: THE LIVING WATER DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE. Christ Apostolic Church by Dominionhost(m): 8:13am On Dec 27, 2015
Sunday, December 27, 2015
MEMORISE: He called in a loud voice: 'Cut down the tree and trim off its branches; strip off its leaves and scatter its fruit. Let the animals flee from under it and the birds from its branches. (Dan 4:14)

According to a wise saying cum fable, the monkey was once asked to say 'Amen' but was reluctant to do it. He was forced to make it his song later after learning his lesson the hard way.
King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon is our point of call today. Pride hulled him down (cf. Prov 16:18). This man was so powerful that he controlled the then world with great influence. However, he behaved like he had either forgotten or deliberately shoved aside the fact that God enthroned him. No wonder he attributed the glory of the Babylonian kingdom to himself (Dan 4:30). Imagine how his status and fame blinded him from acknowledging God as the great deliverer (cf. Dan 3:15).
One day, God caught up with him when his cup was full and overflowing. He was totally humiliated by the God who enthrones and dethrones. He was given the mind and life of an animal for seven whole years. What a height of debasement and shame. However, the gracious God soon restored him to his original state and status, not allowing anyone to take his throne. By then, he had learnt his lesson. His tone changed. He began to ascribe all the glory to God (Dan 4:34,35).
No matter how far or fast you think you can run away from God's arm, He'll catch up with you one day. Repentance and acceptance of Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour is the only way out. Note how He caught up with Jonah (Jonah 3:3,4) and King Herod (Acts 12:22,23).

1. O Lord, deliver me from the spirit of pride.
2. Lord Jesus, I repent today. Redeem and restore me from wherever sin has sold me to slavery in any form.
3. Lord, punitively deal with everyone contesting Your supremacy and lordship in the Church, this nation and the world over.


You will end 2015 well in Jesus Christ name
Re: THE LIVING WATER DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE. Christ Apostolic Church by Dominionhost(m): 7:27am On Dec 28, 2015
Monday, December 28, 2015
READ ACTS 26:20-28
MEMORISE: Then Agrippa said to Paul, "Do you think that in such a short time you can persuade me to be a Christian? (Acts 26:28)

The field of science is perhaps so cherished for its exactness, verification (empiricism) and unassumption. It seeks to find a replicable and observable experiment same everywhere. Christianity, as founded in the Acts of Apostles, follows suit in this aspect. Just as it was in the New Testament days, Christianity has not changed in its essence. It is not a mere religion; it is a total way of life whose attributes are Christ-personified (Acts 11:26).
One cannot assume that all human moralities, outward uprightness and superficial righteousness amount to the status of being referred to as a Christian. Bible principles surpass all moral and religious standards of this world. The world's moral standard is fundamentally faulty, hence its implausibility to convert one to the true way of life of Christ called Christianity. A Christian is a Christian because he is associated with Christ. Remove "Christ" from Christian. What you have left is "nothing".
King Agrippa before whom Paul presented his defence thought becoming a Christian was a thing to be grasped or by what people call "Fire brigade approach". Some people today take becoming a Christian lightly. They can hardly point to when they repented of their sins and acknowledged the Lordship of Christ. What an error! No one becomes a Christian by assumption. You repent and forsake your sins; then personally accept Jesus as your LORD and SAVIOUR (Acts 16:33). When and how did you become a Christian? The spiritual birthday is usually unforgettable. It can happen to you NOW.

1. Sing the song: I surrender all /2* Unto Thee my blessed Saviour, I surrender all. Turn it to sincere prayer.
2. Lord, let there be the revival of genuine conversion in our churches and ministries.
3. Lord, refocus the attention of Your ministers to the indispensability of real discipleship in our churches.


What seems impossible for others, the Lord of hosts will make it an easy ride for you in Jesus Christ name.
Re: THE LIVING WATER DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE. Christ Apostolic Church by Dominionhost(m): 8:13am On Dec 29, 2015
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
READ HOSEA 10:1-10
MEMORISE: This is what the LORD says to the men of Judah and to Jerusalem: "Break up your unplowed ground and do not sow among thorns." (Jer 4:3)

When bush fallowing method (leaving a piece of land out of farming for between 5 and 10 years) is adopted in agricultural practice, the result is always rewarding to the farmer. There would be more harvest and improved qualities of the farm produce. However, a fallowed bush is not as easy to cultivate as any other farm land being cultivated annually. No matter how long it has been fallowed, an unploughed farm land will only yield weeds. To maximize the land potentials, there is need for it to be tilled.
The heart of man remains the central processing unit of his life. God seeks to take total control of it. Satan also wants it for his nefarious intentions; he hardens and makes the ones surrender to him obstinate (Jer 5:23; 9:26). Such hearts rebuff God's counsels, becoming very impervious to God's corrective measures entrenched in His Word. This pictures the true condition of Israel's heart when Hosea prophesied.
Just like those Israelites, you need to break up your fallowed ground so that God's holy Word can germinate and bear fruit in them (Matt 3:8; Gal 5:22ff). How? Come to Jesus now and enter into a life-long meaningful relationship with Him in His Word, prayer and fellowship with His people as you live for Him. Plough your fallow heart now.
Let the stony hearts be softened by God's power in His word; this is the only when we profit ourselves and God. Have you ploughed your fallowed heart?

1. Lord, I surrender my fallow ground to You; help me break it up and make the best out of it.
2. Lord, break the stony hearts of the lost in the church (those who are members of churches but are not really part of the Church because of sin).
3. Lord, raise upright people who will take over the reins of our institutions of learning to stop immorality in all its forms.


Your faith in Christ Jesus will never be put to shame in Jesus Christ name
Re: THE LIVING WATER DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE. Christ Apostolic Church by Dominionhost(m): 7:51am On Dec 30, 2015
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
MEMORISE: And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. (Matt 5:47)

The occult groups and diabolical chambers are majorly characterized by love, unity and loyalty for their fraternity and trust within their members. These notwithstanding, their membership are open to non-members, provided their terms and conditions are met!
Should Christian brotherhood be closed to outsiders? Is church meant for the saints alone? Weren't the saint today once a sinner in the past? Do we throw sinners out of the church both explicitly and implicitly? Jesus Christ, the indisputable Author of Christianity, never, whether in action or words inaugurate the practice of Christian brotherhood closed to the outsiders. He was never the conservative religionist. Rather, He was (is) a role model of love, hospitality and large-heartedness to accommodate others, even in their frailties (John 4:1-6).
The church is not and should not be an organization that has written off and shuts off the outsiders (sinners) who are better called prospective saints, people who Jesus wants and welcomes with open arms. Christianity that sends away the yet-to-be-saved is, in fact, a disservice to God's agenda.
This is the Church Jesus established: He invited ordinary people to be made fishers of men. He said, 'come and learn of me, then go and make disciples of all nations'. Let our fellowship extend beyond our church membership in order to fulfil the Great Commission. Membership of Christ's church is not closed! Don't make your church a cult.

1. Lord, deliver the modern day church from pride that bars the unbelievers from seeing Your light through it.
2. Lord, make me an embodiment of Your character to the world around me so that many will come to You through me.
3. Ask God to help restore those who have been driven out of the faith by some church leaders' carelessness, carefree attitudes and indulgent lifestyles.


This is going to be the last year you will experience delay, disappointment, hardship, drought and all those problems and challenges you are faced with cos you are crossing over into the year of undeniable proofs in Jesus Christ name.
Re: THE LIVING WATER DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE. Christ Apostolic Church by Dominionhost(m): 7:56am On Dec 31, 2015
Thursday, December 31, 2015
MEMORISE: So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. (Matt 7:12)

Everybody is important in life. If this simple statement is adopted by all, it will be rare to experience needless troubles at home, in the church and in the society at large. If the gateman fails to do his job in an establishment, how would the workers enter through the gate? If the office cleaners don't do their jobs, do you expect the executive officers to do it themselves? This underlies the fact that every workers in the organization must be up and doing, for they are all important. They must be treated as important.
Jesus Christ, an equity and fairness preacher tells us to do to others how we want them to do to us in return (Matt 7:12). In fact, His principle of giving in Luke 6:38 can be applied here. In other words, treat others the way you would like to be treated if you happen to be in their shoes. This golden rule is fast disappearing in homes, societies, and sadly, in the church! Imagine yourself meeting somebody for the first time in his/her office. How would you like to be welcomed? Do exactly to others. Also, as you mount up the ladder of success/promotion, remember to treat the people you meet on your way with utter dignity, because by the time life compels you to return down the ladder (retirement), they'll be in position to help you out. What becomes you then if you have treated them badly?
Embrace sincerity in dealing with others. If the society, church and home imbibe this principle, we would have solved majority of the problems bedevilling us. Beware of how you treat people henceforth.

1. O God of love, let Your love for others consume me totally.
2. Lord, let me not find it easy any longer to unnecessarily hate or treat anyone bad any longer.
3. Lord, let the spirit of genuine love for the wellbeing of the nation and the welfare of the citizens they are called to serve consume our politicians, in Jesus' name.


As you have seen the last moments in 2015, I see you stepping into a year of undeniable proofs in Jesus Christ name.
God bless you for supporting this daily devotional since July 2015. The God I serve will carry you and your responsibilities in Jesus Christ name. You are a wonderful people of God. I celebrate you. See you Next Year

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Re: THE LIVING WATER DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE. Christ Apostolic Church by Dominionhost(m): 3:28am On Jan 01, 2016
Living Water - Daily Devotional Guide

Friday, January 1, 2016

READ ACTS 12:21-23
MEMORISE: So whether you eat or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. (1 Cor 10:31)

It is common today to hear the boasts of many highly placed people in the society and even in the church, praise-singing their own assumed worth.

We learn from Josephus, that Herod, having reigned three years over all Judea (and had reigned over the tetrarchy of his brother Philip four years before this), went down to Caesarea, and there exhibited shows and games in honour of Claudius, and made vows for his health. On the second day of these shows, he put in a garment made of wholly of silver, and of most truly wonderful contexture, and came into the theatre early in the morning where his flatterers cried out, 'He is god'. And they added, 'Be thou merciful to us, for although we have hitherto reverenced thee only as a man, yet shall we henceforth own thee as superior to mortal nature.' The king did not rebuke them or reject their ungodly flattery, unlike Peter (Acts 10:26), and Paul (Acts 14:13-15).

Mark this: the Scriptures indicate that those who make and accept such boasts are:
1. wicked - Psalms 10:3;
2. the rich fool - Psalms 49:6;
3. workers of iniquity- Psalms 94:4;
4. idolaters - Psalms 97:7; and 
5. the unwise- Proverbs 27:1

This is Satan's deception. Do not be caught in it. Never allow man or your ego to cause you to sin against God over the privileges given to you lest you rot away in sickness like Herod.

In this new and glorious year, learn to give God the glory and praise due Him in all you do, always. May you not be accused of trying to share God's glory with Him (cf. Isa 42:cool

1. Lord, give me the grace of gratitude so that I will always appreciate You.
2. O God, receive all praise over my life. Amen
3. Pray that God should give our political and religious leaders the will to do only those things that will bring glory to God and blessings to their citizens/followers.


The Lord God of hosts will increase you in greatness and guide you through. You will never be stranded.
Everything created by God will answer to you. Watch out... You will be too important to be ignored.
HAPPY NEW YEAR people of God
Re: THE LIVING WATER DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE. Christ Apostolic Church by Dominionhost(m): 7:44am On Jan 02, 2016

Saturday, January 2, 2016


READ PSALM 86:6-10

MEMORISE: ...Giving thanks to the Father, Who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. (Col 1:12)

Critically examining the nature, one discovers that it manifests the greatness of God. Trees, seasons (rainy, dry, winter and summer), flowing rivers, beautiful flowers, mountains, valleys, daybreak and nightfall, all point to His inexplicable, unfathomable greatness.

David's life speaks more of God's greatness. Consider how he became king in 1 Sam. 16:1-13, after the LORD God Almighty had rejected the erring and recalcitrant King Saul and instructed Prophet Samuel to proceed to David's father's house to anoint Saul's replacement. The mantle graciously, undeservingly, miraculously and unexpectedly fell on David, the last born of his father, over his humanly more qualified brothers. So, if David exclaimed, For You are great and do marvellous deeds; You alone are God (Psalm 86:10), he knew very well from God's dealings with him God's greatness.

Your life is due for divine promotion and greatness, but first, give God the praise and glory due Him. If David's life manifested God's greatness, your life can do too. No wonder David would confidently say, Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; His greatness no one can fathom. (Psalm 145:3) He regularly and constantly announced the greatness of God.

Reconsider from where God has been bringing you from, and compare your life with David's. Have you found any reason to praise and thank Him? Stop complaining! Praise Him NOW!


1. Count your God-given, all-round blessings and burst into the mood of praise and thanksgiving to Him.

2. Ask God to forgive you on occasions you have complained instead of thanking and praising God thoughtfully.

3. Ask God to help the children overcome ungrateful attitudes/actions to their parents.


Any power assigned to stop you from achieving greatness this year is wasted in Jesus Christ name. You remain UNSTOPPABLE
Re: THE LIVING WATER DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE. Christ Apostolic Church by Dominionhost(m): 7:12am On Jan 04, 2016
Monday, January 4, 2016


READ PSALM 100:1-5

MEMORISE: For the LORD is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations. (Psa 100:5)

Today, there is a clarion call to give thanks and praise to the Almighty God. Praise and thanks might be interchangeably used. Yet, that doesn't mean that they are the same.

Thanksgiving simply means an act of showing gratitude to God, expression of appreciation to Him for His goodness to us in all ways. It is a way of acknowledging and appreciating God as the owner and giver of all that one has—spiritual achievements, health, material wealth, promotion, safety, etc. He is worth thanking with all sincerity (Psa 100:1-2),i.e, appreciating HIM for WHAT He has done.

Praise, on the other hand, is an exhibition or proclamation of God's virtues/attributes, such as His omnipresence (being everywhere), omniscience (being all-knowing), and omnipotence (being all-powerful). When you praise His, you are adoringly declaring who He is (Psa 100:3-5). It is saying sweet things about His very person, personality and power. It is recognising and making declarations for Who He is.

Finally, the key to achieving the two together is given in Psalm 100:4. As you approach His presence for worship, take time to remember and recount all He has done to, and for you, as many as you can, thanking Him for them all. In praise, tell Him and everyone who cares to listen, of the fact that He is our Creator, sustainer, power, etc., and all in all.

None of these two should be neglected as you worship the Ancient of Days who has given us everything we need for life and godliness. We are created and recreated (saved) for these duties.


1. God Almighty, I praise You for who You are.

2. Lord Jesus Christ, thank You for Your provision and blessings upon my household, Your Church and our nation.

3. Father, let there be revival of true worship in our lives, homes and churches, in Jesus' name.


You will experience all round favour this week in Jesus Christ name
Re: THE LIVING WATER DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE. Christ Apostolic Church by Dominionhost(m): 4:59am On Jan 05, 2016
Tuesday, January 5, 2016


READ ACTS 9:32-42

MEMORISE: Peter went with them, and when he arrived he was taken upstairs to the room. All the widows stood around him, crying and showing him the robes and other clothing that Dorcas had made while she was still with them. (Acts 9:39)

Many people seldom value aright the opportunity to be alive. To them, being alive is just a coincidence; an idea very far from being true. God has never joked with His plan and purpose for man's living here on earth. God desires that we purposely and positively affect our world for Him.

The living that is worthwhile is the one that makes maximum impact. Such is the one that steadily fulfils the divine purpose for which it was created (cf. Jer. 29:19). To be living goes beyond just existing. It involves the grace to make things happen unto the glory of God while others (the merely existing) watch the things happen, and give their applause.

If you will not be divinely queried now or later in eternity, you need to justify your living now from day to day. Dorcas is a model. She lived in her time and made maximum impact, such that her good deeds spoke for her in time of her trial. Your living must not be short of God's expectation of positive, righteous impact (Rom 12:17).

What are you doing with the life God has graciously given you? What would people remember you for? Don't allow your Maker to regret ever allowing you to sojourn here on earth (cf. Gen 6:6-7). Start living a life of purpose today, like Dorcas did. You would be glad you did, here and hereafter.


1. Oh Lord, let my life be a worthy one; help me to justify the essence of my living.

2. Lord Jesus, please, may my life a channel of blessing to everyone I come across in life.

3. Lord, make those in the entertainment industry to see the havoc they are wrecking on the society in the light of Your holy Word, so that they will change their godless preferences.


You will no more experience delay in Jesus Christ name. Uncommon Favor all the way
Re: THE LIVING WATER DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE. Christ Apostolic Church by Dominionhost(m): 8:53am On Jan 06, 2016
Wednesday, January 6, 2016



MEMORISE: You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. (Matt 5:13)

Our calling as people of God is to be salt of the earth. He has called us to better the situation of wherever He has put us (just as salt sweetens food and makes it acceptably edible) by presenting Him to the aching world as the only sure Solution. As salt preserves, God expects us to also preserve those who would accept His lordship in Christ in His holiness, and for Him.

The dangerous thing is that he who refuses to be salt of the earth only demonstrates his inner resolve not to love God. Such a so-called Christian's love is for the corruption in the world (covertly and overtly), and the desire to mix with the corruption. Such a person has lost his/her saltiness. Sadly, he/she is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. May that not be your lot. Lot's wife is an example of one who was so carried away by the hustle bustle in the wayward Sodom. She hardly saw the need to tell the people she came across about the YAHWEH they took from Abraham. She was so engulfed in making 'cool' money in her business relationship with her numerous customers billed for destruction by fire. Her unchecked love for worldliness culminated in her looking back against God's command because she thought of the millions she was losing in the inferno.

At the end, because she ignored the significance of being salt in the corrupt Sodom, she became a salt, a monument, warning the whole world against greed. Are you a Christian? What is it holding you back from being and doing what God expects of you in, and to the world? Don't waste time!


1. Lord, forgive me for shirking my responsibility as salt in this world.

2. Lord, I want to be salt, sweetening my society, and preserving them for You.

3. Father, Lord, let Your Church be more conscious of the fact that we are in this world not for entertainment, but evangelism and edification.


You only have one life to live; grace to live it to the fullest, receive it in Jesus' name!
Re: THE LIVING WATER DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE. Christ Apostolic Church by Dominionhost(m): 10:28am On Jan 07, 2016
Living Water Daily Devotional Guide

Thursday, January 7, 2016

MEMORISE: But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:cool

The Bible is unequivocal on ways in which God extends His love to the entire human race, even when we least deserve it; that is grace in action, for you_! It is doubtful if the LOVE can be fully defined or described, in either words or deed, without duly resorting to God and His Holy Scripture. God remains the total embodiment of love. He came not to define love, but to demonstrate it (John 3:16). His love contradicts the world's artificial, conditional, ephemeral, superficial, diplomatic and phony kind of love.

The Bible does not say, "He loves us because we love Him". Neither does it say, "He loved us when we come to Him". Rather, "While we were still sinners, He demonstrated His unconditional love" (Rom 5:8; paraphrased). This love is so unique that it is not racially oriented; it is universal. What an unquantified love! What does He expect from us? Reciprocate this kind gesture to Him and our fellow humans unconditionally.

If God has lived (and still loves) us for what we are, rather than who we are, it is important we display this among ourselves and to those outside. When you 'love' because of what somebody might 'offer' you, you have not truly loved.

How is your live to God and for others? Check up your love now and make necessary adjustments.

1. Father, I ask for grace to love You wholeheartedly and sacrificially.
2. Lord, let Your true love permeate the length and breadth of the leadership and membership of Your people - the Church.
3. Lord, let Your true love fill the heart of every citizen of our nation for the nation, so that we will all selflessly work for its unity and growth.


The glory God has reserved for you this year, you will not miss it in Jesus' name!
Re: THE LIVING WATER DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE. Christ Apostolic Church by Dominionhost(m): 6:51am On Jan 08, 2016
Friday, January 8, 2016



MEMORISE: So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said, "It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables." (Acts 6:2)

We aren't unaware of the Great Commission/mandate Christ gave to believers (Matt 28:18). The issue is if we are diligently doing this or not! The present Church seems to have embraced festivals, anniversaries and meaningless revivals, crusades and celebrations in place of the Gospel while sinners waste away!

To put it bluntly, every other thing we replace the Gospel with, is nothing but useless! It might look so nicely cosy to gather and worship in our ultra-modern classy cathedrals, but Heaven cries for souls that are perishing every second. Worse still, we have men and women who claim to be God's yet working against the spread of the Gospel, both directly and indirectly. Are you one of these? If Christ has died for the people in the cities and towns, He died for the commoners in the villages/hamlets too. We must lay aside everything that has manipulated itself to being important than the Gospel, and go out to reach these loved ones.

Peter and his lieutenants vehemently rejected supposed alternatives to the Gospel (Acts 6:2-3). They wouldn't allow the table to replace the Gospel. 'Church activities' may wait, but the Gospel can't! It demands urgency and all fervour (2 Tim 4:5). Support the Gospel's advancement by first prioritizing it in your heart. Let there be no replacement for this worthwhile divine mandate (Rom 1:16-17); preach the Word now and always!


1. God, restore Your Church to the right path of 'Gospel saturation'.

2. Oh Lord, let everything contending with evangelism/missions from Your Church be silenced permanently.

3. Lord, cause our church leaders to do less of indoor activities and more of outreach programmes.


In 2016, you will never suffer the assault of darkness in the name of Jesus!
Re: THE LIVING WATER DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE. Christ Apostolic Church by Dominionhost(m): 4:24am On Jan 09, 2016
Saturday, January 9, 2016



MEMORISE: I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you. (Genesis 12:3)

It is a universal phenomenon that everything rises and falls on leadership. The availability of competent, effective, visionary leaders or their absence is the singular, most important factor that determines the success or failure of any family, organization, institution, church or nation.

No nation can be greater than the quality of its leaders. The kind of leadership being displayed or exhibited by the leaders of a nation is a critical reflection of the state of that nation and a sure pointer to the immediate future ahead. Unless there is a change, present bad leaders cannot usher in a glorious future for any nation. This applies to the Church in any generation. Thus, the irreducible minimum prerequisite for any nation to become great is qualitative leadership at all levels – in the family, at school, in institutions, in communities, etc.

Do we desire greatness for our nation? Let us pray that God will bring into public leadership men and women with the capacity, skills and largeness of heart to lead our nation to the next level. Do we desire greatness for our churches? Let us pray for quality leadership.

Also prayerfully seek for God to develop in you the qualities that exhibit greatness, because He can use you too.


1. Lord, make me the kind of leader you can use for Your glory.

2. Lord, in Your mercy, raise for this nation, leaders after Your own heart.

3. Lord, give us caring, godly leaders in our churches and assemblies.


Your new name this year shall not be theoretical but practical in the name of Jesus!
Re: THE LIVING WATER DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE. Christ Apostolic Church by Dominionhost(m): 8:31am On Jan 11, 2016
Sunday, January 10, 2016



MEMORISE: For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just, so that the Lord will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him. (Genesis 18:19)

Wise farmers and growers carefully select the seeds and breeds with the desirable qualities they wish to produce. Likewise, God, in order to raise a great nation, through which redemption will extend to the entire world, was meticulous in selecting men and women with the qualities He desires to reproduce. Firstly, He builds in His chosen vessels His nature, and then uses them to replicate same in others.

Abraham, without knowing where he was going, left his father's house and homeland for an unknown future. Later, he was willing to sacrifice his one and only son in obedience to God (Gen 22). What a costly obedience!

God never acts blindly or haphazardly. Abraham was chosen by God to lead a new phase of God's redemptive project, because God saw in him the qualities of faith, obedience and righteousness that He wanted to replicate in the nation of Israel, to be raised through him. He saw in him the fact that since he carried the qualities of obedience, submission and true faith, he had the wherewithal to disseminate these qualities to his followers (descendants and others) through quality leadership. Abraham didn't fail God. Can God entrust you with an eternal project?

Do you have the qualities that God desires to see in those He uses? Are you ready to develop those who will learn to follow God all their lives, and not man, even you? Begin with conversion to God and godly living. Continue with God through submission and obedience. Then you will realise that God depends on you (like Abraham) NOW.


1. Lord, create in me the qualities that make me an effective leader.

2. Lord, help me to inculcate in those You bring around me the culture of Your holiness.

3. Lord, help our youths to grow and become great and godly leaders doing exploits for You.


God bless you
Re: THE LIVING WATER DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE. Christ Apostolic Church by Dominionhost(m): 8:32am On Jan 11, 2016
Monday, January 11, 2016


READ EXODUS 15:22-26

MEMORISE: He said, "If you listen carefully to the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the LORD, who heals you. (Exo 15:26b)

The Israelites, God's special chosen race, must have seen the powerful hand of the Almighty, that was heavily unleashed on the stubborn Pharaoh and the Egyptians. The plagues God rained on them can't easily be forgotten. All these happened during their years of struggle with the taskmasters. When God says, 'Let My People Go', whoever is saying otherwise does so at his own risk (Psa. 33:8-9; 102:19-20)!

If you are God's beloved, consider yourself fortunate; you should feel on top of the world, but not arrogant, for this privilege, and get ready to declare His faithfulness (Psa 89:1-3; 1 Peter 2:9,10). In the midst of all the plagues in Egypt, God's people were enjoying themselves in Goshen, a settlement within the same Egypt! (Psa 136:11-12)

The condition for enjoying God's immunity is hinged on the question of whether or not one dwells in "Goshen". Failure to put oneself under the canopy of the Almighty is tantamount to not being under His shadows (Psa 91:1ff). For you to be protected, you must be properly positioned in HIM.

On the eve of the disastrous night in Egypt, the Israelites were instructed on what to do to avert the killer angel from paying them visit. Had they ignored the counsel, the story would have been different and tragic today. You want to continue enjoying divine immunity against all forms of evil in the world? Then stay put in Goshen where God's protection is guaranteed.


1. Father, I choose to remain under Your Pavilion forever.

2. Lord, I hide under the canopy of Your Word. Give me immunity against all forms of evil/wickedness.

3. Lord, put a stop to every form of wickedness and human activities that are hampering the furtherance of the Gospel and the Church.


You and your family carries the mark of Christ, no disease will locate you and your household in Jesus Christ name. You are secured.
Re: THE LIVING WATER DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE. Christ Apostolic Church by Dominionhost(m): 6:01am On Jan 12, 2016
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
MEMORISE: Don't I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?' (Matt 20:15)

The story was told of a man who said that he was convinced God could not forgive his sins, being too many and great. An older man, more mature in faith took him up to mentor. About a year later, he had assurance of salvation and was joyfully serving the Lord, having accepted Jesus' lordship, and consuming the Scripture hungrily. However, the sad part is that very few years later, he began to replace enthusiasm in serving the Lord with grumbling, which gradually eroded his joy of salvation. He behaved like the Galatians (Gal 1:6;4:15).
Like him, many of us easily forget or play down how much we need Jesus. Our righteousness can't make us fit in God's presence or service. Only Christ's does for us. Why comparing yourself with others in God's hands? Why accusing God of partiality and is treating others better than you are? Has He not right over His resources (even you) to use them or not, and use them equally or not, according to His good purpose?
Beware, God owes us nothing. In fact, He owes us no explanation for whatever He does (cf. Psa 115:3). He freely sent His Son to save us and help us with the journey to heaven. Stop envying God's grace/gifts on others; focus on Jesus alone, be grateful for the little or great He gives, and you will have the joy of knowing Him. Isn't our salvation worth more than the worldly assets?

1. Thank God for the salvation of your soul and for every accompanying benefits in Christ (2 Pet 1:3).
2. Ask God that Jesus will take the central stage of your life and our leaders (church/national).
3. Pray for the salvation of the unsaved today (drunkard, prostitutes, church goers, etc.)


Every child of the Most High that is appointed to death this year is delivered now in the name of Jesus!
Re: THE LIVING WATER DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE. Christ Apostolic Church by Dominionhost(m): 5:51am On Jan 13, 2016
Wednesday, January 13, 2016


READ 1 SAMUEL 18:18-22

MEMORISE: But whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm. (Prov 1:33)

A student once took someone else's motorcycle without the owner's knowledge. On his way to his choice destination, the road safety corps got him. That was when he realised he had made the worst of mistakes. How was he going to tell the owner? He didn't have the particulars with him. How was he going to pay the fine? He had no money on him. The owner eventually got to know and was very angry about the development. He left him to pay the fine though, he forgave the errant schoolmate of his dubious act.

The passage today reveals how evil man's heart can be on so many occasions. King Saul had offered to give the hands of his daughter in marriage to David in a manner devoid of suspicion of any ulterior motive. However, deep inside the wicked king, the lady was to be given to become a snare to David.

Young spinsters/bachelors, ask God, the supreme Owner of everybody, for your life partner. He alone knows your future, your supposed future partner, as well as the hearts of your prospective in-laws. He will guide you aright. If you go ahead without His approval and leading, untold disaster looms. If God hadn't been with David, imagine how tragically he would have died (vv. 24-30). Involve the Owner of your life, lest you will be forced to return to Him later in tears, bruised and battered. Remember, by separating yourself from Him, you can do nothing (Jn. 15:5). God cannot be tired of your honest inquiries. Learn from David (1 Sam. 30:7-9). 

1. Oh Lord, let Your greatness and goodness be felt all over my marital life—choice, and the actual marriage, respectively.

2. Ask God to deliver our unmarried brothers/sisters, most especially those at the marriageable age, from impatience that can lead them into wrong hands.

3. Pray for all families that are going through turbulent times; that the King of glory will step into their situations.


Today, on this new day, I see You Soaring Higher, and Your New Name is "LITTLE EFFORT MUCH PROGRESS" in the mighty name of JESUS CHRIST.
Re: THE LIVING WATER DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE. Christ Apostolic Church by Dominionhost(m): 6:23am On Jan 14, 2016
Thursday, January 14, 2016



MEMORISE: Night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones. (Mark 5:5)

There was once a woman who joined witchcraft to protect her children. Surprisingly and very sadly, she ended up killing all the children she had initially wanted to protect through the demonic machinery she put up as refuge for them. When the last child died, she cried bitterly that the wicked ones had gotten her, claiming that witches and wizards were the cause of her problems. Who was she deceiving? Weren't she the source of her own predicament?

Are you not like her? Paul said that many work as enemy of the cross by (a) making their stomach count more than God's interest/work, (b) glorying in shameful things, such as transparent clothing, foul languages, brawling, magical waters/oils, syncretic Christianity, etc. Are there no grudges, in your heart against your fellows? Are you loyal to the constituted authorities? Or, what exactly are you doing that you think you can deceive people about, making them think you are on the right path? You can't deceive God; you will reap your input in life (Gal 6:7-9).

Don't be like that demoniac who, night and day, afflicted himself with great torment. Don't be your own enemy by doing things that can boomerang tomorrow. Check the conditions of your heart now, so that you won't have to regret later.


1. Oh God, thank you for this privilege to reassess my life.

2. Lord, help me to retrace my steps back home from the ways I have become enemy of the Cross and myself.

3. Pray that God should facilitate the conversion of the enemies of the Cross in this nation to givee the Church peace in the land.


No matter how beautiful and smart the garment of shame is, as the Lord lives, you will not wear it this year in Jesus Christ name

1 Like

Re: THE LIVING WATER DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE. Christ Apostolic Church by Dominionhost(m): 6:38am On Jan 15, 2016
Friday, January 15, 2016



MEMORISE: Cast your bread upon the waters, for after many days, you will find it again (Eccl 11:1)

According to J.F. Odunjo, in one of his fables, the squirrel once had a very big farm whose produces (okro, palm produce, maize, cassava, pepper, tomatoes and all sorts of fruits and vegetables) were excellent, having great market values. However, the problem was that only the squirrel knew about this farm. Neither his wife nor any of his children knew anything about the farm, because there was no road leading to it. He went there by jumping from one tree to the other.

The tortoise secretly and cunningly went after the squirrel and discovered that the secret of his being robust while others in the animal kingdom suffered was that farm, from where he took fresh things, especially palm produce. The tortoise, having discovered this farm, begged the other animals in the kingdom to help him make a road to the squirrel's farm, a thing they gladly did, after which he fed them heavily. By the following day, the squirrel discovered the tortoise's game and reported his disappointment and disgust to the king. You see? All he had greedily hidden for quite a long time became exposed.

Are you stingy? Are there some things you deliberately hide from others and keep to yourself alone, despite that you know that it should be of benefit to all of you? That is hoarding (Prov 11:26). Stinginess and self-centredness will only finish you in the end (Prov 11:24,25). God is the impartial judge. Fear Him and repent of your selfish tendencies now, lest you will be disgraced immediately and ultimately. God forbids!


1. Appreciate God for the undeniable fact that He has graciously given us all things through and in Christ, despite that we merit none.

2. Ask God to forgive your selfish tendencies, and help you to become channel of His blessings.

3. Pray that our church and political leaders will eschew the grab-it-all tendencies that they exhibit over the led.


Help from the Lord is coming your way in Jesus Christ name.
Your Are Unstoppable
Re: THE LIVING WATER DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE. Christ Apostolic Church by Dominionhost(m): 8:01am On Jan 16, 2016
Saturday, January 16, 2016



MEMORISE: For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. (2 Chron 16:9a)

Remember that yesterday, in the story of the squirrel and the tortoise, we got to where the squirrel reported the tortoise to the king. When the matter got to the king, he summoned the parties concerned and asked each of them to produce proof of their rightful ownership of the farmland.

The stinginess and secrecy of the squirrel (remember he didn't let anyone know about it, including his wife and children) were his undoing, unlike the tortoise who was cheered by the other animals as the rightful owner, because he chose not to keep his beneficial discovery unnecessarily secret. The tortoise gave his evidence as being that he had a road to 'his' farm, his wife and children knew about the farm, and his animal colleagues actually helped his to construct the access road—substantial witnesses. The King adjudged the squirrel wrong, for none could defend him. After all, no one apart from himself knew about it.

What killed Achan (Josh 7:20-24), finished the squirrel—selfishness. Selfishness would end in foolishness and unclothedness. The more you give to others, the more you get from God, the owner of all things.

Let's talk about the cunningness of the tortoise; God doesn't allow the deceitful one to go unpunished. However, the tortoise's openness helped him. The stingy and self-centred persons end up as the losers in the long run. Your secrets are open to God. Be positively generous with all He has given you, and live to enjoy more of His blessings (Prov 11:24).


1. Lord, help me to eschew greed in all its forms.

2. Lord, visit the detention facilities to rescue those who have been implicated and erroneously imprisoned.

3. Pray God to help leaders everywhere to seek His counsel before making pronouncements on issues in their domains.


Don't sit there crying and waiting for someone to pity you; rise up and take advantage of the potent force of prayer and free yourself from the hold of the enemy. 
You will make it in Jesus Christ name
Re: THE LIVING WATER DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE. Christ Apostolic Church by Dominionhost(m): 6:34am On Jan 17, 2016
Sunday, January 17, 2016



MEMORISE: At that time Moses was born, and he was no ordinary child. For three months he was cared for in his father's house. (Acts 7:20)

The role that parents play in nation building or raising of godly children is indispensable. Parents have a great role to play in influencing the children either for evil or good. On most cases, women are closer to the children, hence, their greater chance to exert more influence on the children. Abraham Lincoln (former US President) once said, "Whatever accomplished in life, I owe to my mother". Thomas Edison (a notable inventor) also confessed, "My mother was the making of me".

Susannah Wesley was a dedicated mother who saw child rearing as a grace from God. She raise Charles Wesley (world-renowned hymn writer and singer) and John Wesley (the worldwide evangelist and founder of the Methodist Mission). Jochebed did the same to and for Moses. Mothers, what are you doing? Take care of those babies. They are God's heritage. Pray for them, lead them to Jesus very early, right in their different fathers' houses (cf. Acts 7:20), be available for them, be passionate about meeting their needs, and be hopeful that they will be great according to God's plan.

By implication, any woman who takes the life and future of her children seriously, and chooses to remain with her husband through thick and thin, with her husband's indispensable positive inputs, would surely inherit the fruits of her labour. A virtuous and godly woman must imbibe these qualities, if she does not want to be held responsible for her children's failure in all ramifications. Be the best mother.


1. Thank God for His grace upon your life to be a parent.

2. Lord, help me to be up and doing in my duty as a parent, in cooperation with my spouse.

3. Pray passionately that God should open every closed womb of Christians and bless them with superstars.


It shall be well with you in Jesus Christ name
Re: THE LIVING WATER DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE. Christ Apostolic Church by Dominionhost(m): 6:55am On Jan 18, 2016
Monday, January 18, 2016


READ LUKE 14:7-14

MEMORISE: ... and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous. (Luke 14:14)

Qumran was a first-century Jewish community that isolated itself from outside influences, because they were preparing for the Messiah's arrival. Devotional life, ceremonial washings, and strict adherence to rules of conduct were followed so much that even the physically challenged—lame, blind, etc.—were not allowed to sit at the table with them. Did that really make them really holy and truly consecrated? Of course, NO!

Christ's message in Luke 14:7ff negates such a lifestyle. Christ advocates that doing good to the well-to-do who we know can repay us isn't rewarding at all. Compare God's immeasurable, inexhaustible blessings with the 'goodies' that someone will give in return for the 'kind gesture' (actually with ulterior motive) you first did to them. What if such a person disappoints you eventually? (Jer 17:5-9) Ordinary worm, with its life in its nostrils!

The Word of God today speaks to the 'spiritual elites' who 'like to fellowship with people who think and act like us'. Jesus exhorts that to be like Him, we need to open our doors to everyone, for the "inclusive gospel cannot be shared by an exclusive people" (George Sweeting).


1. Lord, uproot from within me every iota of spiritual arrogance, inferiority complex and complacency, in Jesus' name.

2. Lord help churches to overcome and do away with spiritual pride that hinders proper collaboration for the furtherance of the gospel.

3. Lord, help churches and their leaders to overcome unhealthy comparison that is negatively impacting on the image of the Church in the land.


Though you were pitied last year but you will be envied this year in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. This is your week of Unlimited breakthrough
Re: THE LIVING WATER DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE. Christ Apostolic Church by Dominionhost(m): 8:29am On Jan 19, 2016
Tuesday, January 19, 2016



MEMORISE: Balaam said to the angel of the Lord, "I have sinned. I did not realise you were standing in the road to oppose me. Now if you are displeased, I will go back." (Num 22:34)

Not every opposition is of the devil. Sometimes, God permits them to groom us for the tasks ahead, making us better and thicker in relevant ways. Here, God opposed Balaam, to tell us that man's heart tends towards stubbornly disobeying God's instructions and addiction to self-interest.

Three times God warned him not to go. In fact, going as far as stopping the donkey and miraculously speaking to him from inside the donkey! What else did Balaam need to know that God was not happy with that journey? But the promised profit in thee futile venture had blindfolded him and made him compromise. Man's heart is stubborn and arrogant, tending towards his own interests and will.

Check the spiritual condition of your heart, lest you develop spiritual heart attack at the end. When God warns you as touching a venture, thought or relationship, how do you feel about His direction, corrections and reproof? That suggests your true heart's condition towards him. Consider the condition of the heart of Simon, the sorcerer and the avoidable condition he suffered (Acts 8:20,21). Better change now, where applicable and necessary.


1. Lord, help me not to compromise Your will, Word and standard in the name of anything (money, sex, popularity, etc)

2. Lord, help me to be more sensitive to the leading of Your Spirit on all occasions and issues.

3. Lord, help our church leaders to discern Your will and do accordingly.


As long as you believe engaging the name of Jesus in presenting your request, your answer is in your hands.
The Lord destroys all plans to make you fail this year in Jesus Christ name

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