Re: 10 Professions In Nigeria You Can Still Practice Without Studying them by joseph1832(m): 8:50am On Oct 06, 2015 |
Most people wnt understnd dt teaching is nt as easy as they think. It goes beyond holding a chalk in one hand and a cane in d oda. I dnt dispute d fact dt anybody can teach,dats y a 4yr old child comes home with a pile of home-work after a strenous day in schl. Yes,any1 can learn 2 write a lesson note bt nt all understands ao d mind of her/his students works(psychology of human learning),nt 2 talk of a good classroom management. I understand you entirely. I've often witnessed this so many times, I've seen teachers who know little or nothing about teaching, even many of the so called schools are guilty of this. What they concern themselves with is just the monetary aspect, nothing more. |
Re: 10 Professions In Nigeria You Can Still Practice Without Studying them by HighIQ(m): 8:50am On Oct 06, 2015 |
Re: 10 Professions In Nigeria You Can Still Practice Without Studying them by sanityerujeje: 8:56am On Oct 06, 2015 |
your understanding of most if this courses is shallow so mass communication only comprises of broadcast and print right? where do you out advertising , public relations and book publishing? oga make proper research before you write 1 Like |
Re: 10 Professions In Nigeria You Can Still Practice Without Studying them by smuth(m): 9:07am On Oct 06, 2015 |
[size=20pt]Op, your post is misleading, studying and going to school can mean different things. You may not go to school to study few of the listed professions but to be successful and be a professional in those fields you need to study them...this can be either self study by reading books online or offline or by doing a course in a traditional school setting. I hope I have ministered some sense to you.[/size] |
Re: 10 Professions In Nigeria You Can Still Practice Without Studying them by Nobody: 9:16am On Oct 06, 2015 |
That was just a sarcasm now. Na over skill dey kill monkey You need help. Pride is a killing disease |
Re: 10 Professions In Nigeria You Can Still Practice Without Studying them by EmmaGold007(m): 9:42am On Oct 06, 2015 |
I didn't see Marine Engineering |
Re: 10 Professions In Nigeria You Can Still Practice Without Studying them by Boyooosa(m): 9:56am On Oct 06, 2015 |
Donnest4u: @OP i disagree with number 6. Being industrial chemist is a whole lot different. You need to be rooted in practicals requiring wisdom. But other ones are negotiable . Lalasticlala do the needful On point... That number 6 watered down d whole article. It revealed to me and anybody of same mind-set that the Writer is a Joker trying to be creative. Mention any field in the world or any industry people can not invest money in. For any idea or profession to be successful, you must have investor(s). About Electrical Engineer or wetin wetin... A School Cert Holder will never work on transformer except he wants to commit suicide, buh if he offers to do d indoor wiring, you must realise dat its not necessary you go to Polytechnic or University b4 u dat, u can achieve it by going through informal training (as an Artisan), so what is the assertion all about? I agree with you on ICT, cos even a Graphic Artist or a NLer  will tell u s/he is an ICT Professional, buh the difference is his/er vastness is very limited in a lot of ways in d industry. u can mention more and more, which makes it more than the TEN d op even mentioned, buh d bottom line is that there is room for research, upgrade and advancement in any field of life, must you read Banking & Finance in School b4 they recognise u as a successful Banker? in as much u r grounded in ur field of play u r as good as an achiever. Bill Gates never went to Computer school nor acquire CCNA/CCNP b4 he established himself in his own world full stop 1 Like |
Re: 10 Professions In Nigeria You Can Still Practice Without Studying them by ejihand1(m): 10:09am On Oct 06, 2015 |
You can still be who you want to be!. Checkout the professions you can equally practice without studying it as course in the university.
1)BANKING : This profession is now flooded with workers who had graduated from courses not relating to banking profession. Imaging someone who had studied Yoruba or chemical engineering in the university but later got employed in a bank. This set of people only needed to be trained on some banking activities after they had been employed after which they are good to go.
2)TEACHING- It is very possible in Nigeria for someone who never studied education or any course relating to education emerging as a teacher.Regardless of the course you had studied, the point is- teaching can still be practiced by any graduate even without having an NCE or Degree in Education.
3)PHOTOGRAPHY- Do you know there is a course called photography? Tell me what are they studying in it? Even people who had only primary six certificate can do this job perfectly too.I don't see any reason me studying photography as a course before i can be a guru in it.
4)FARMING- I don't need to learn agriculture as a course in the university before i can own a farm. Anybody can easily be trained in this profession. There are books and handouts out there that can train you on fishery,snail rearing,pig farming etc or even on cultivation of crops. You could also find adequate answers to any question on farming you "Google search" online. Seminars on farming are also common where prospecting farmers are trained in farming. It can also be learned directly too from other farmers. This job can be practiced regardless of whether you are a doctor, lawyer,politician, or a banker. I know of a former president of this country, who owns a mega farm settlement despite the fact he never went to university not to talk of studying agriculture as a course.
5)DRAMA/FILM MAKING: an actor was once asked what he studied in the university and he replied "law". This answer made us to understand that anybody can become an actor,musician or artiste, irrespective of the course he or she had studied. You might have observed that hardly would you see any actor or musician in Nigeria who studied drama or music right back in school.Some of them are graduates of Law, medicine, accounting etc The 'funniest' thing is that those people may even come out better than people who had studied it as a course.
6)CHEMISTRY/INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY- Let me ask you a question. Is Aliko Dangote a graduate of industrial chemistry or chemistry? Of course not.But today he is a proud owner of a multi-billion dollar company in Nigeria that has provided jobs to many Nigerians. Other industries are also coming up in Nigeria today ranging from plastic industry to pure water industry, food,cream,rubber,biscuit,cements,sugar,salt industries and so on. The works performed in those industries can easily be learned from a specialist over a short period of time mostly from someone who had knowledge in chemistry or chemical engineering. You would no longer require the presence of such specialist after you had grabbed and finished up with those training. Meaning, you become a sole proprietor of those works and even train and employ others on it. So regardless of the course you had studied in the university, you too can learn the practical aspect of chemistry too and establish your own industry too. Thank God we have a lot of seminars that are been organized to teach people on how to make soap, nylon, asbestos etc. And from there you can be a millionaire and a proud owner of your own industry without having a certificate in chemistry
7)ICT PROFESSION- Some ICT companies now make huge money training people on computing, web designing, programming etc. The larger percentage of those attending such trainings and seminars are mostly computer illiterates. Certificates may even be handed over to them at the end of the training. This means that a computer- illiterate who had no knowledge in computing before would now turn to an expert making money through ICT and even training others without passing through the corridor of the department of computer science
8_ ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING- If you ask someone to get you an electrician to help you fix the wiring cables in your new house, don't be surprised if you see an o'level certificate holder at your door step ready to do the job.And this set of people would do this job perfectly and to your amazement. You now wonder if someone who had only o'level or even no education could be so perfect in fixing any damage to any appliance how much more a graduate who probably might have read courses like accounting, English etc and courses who had no link to science or electricity. If an illiterate or semi illiterate could be so perfect in it after learning about electricity, it means you can grab and understand such job perfectly too after learning it. Even though you never attended technical college nor learned about electricity or electronic in the university. I know of people who are civil servants and who also ventures in this job as a second-hand or part time profession .
9)MECHANICAL ENGINEERING- This is even worst!! Many people who work as a 'Radionic', car mechanic,generator repairer etc are mostly not graduate of this course. This job can easily be learned directly without holding a pen from the workers of such job who are mostly either illiterate or semi illiterates. Okay, tell me - is that mechanic near your house or that man who often fix your generator for you a graduate?. I'm sure i would have 80% 'No' as answer. This means any person or graduate can do well in this job even without learning it as course in the university .
10)MASS COMMUNICATION- Learning mass communication as a course in a tertiary institution is a tremendous waste of time. A graduate of English language, linguistics,language or even any other course can still become a tv/radio presenter, newscaster, a programme anchor even without having a certificate in mass communication. written by Pharmacy/drug business/chemist NKO |
Re: 10 Professions In Nigeria You Can Still Practice Without Studying them by herald9: 10:33am On Oct 06, 2015 |
My friend's uncle studied Political science... Now he is the cameraman at AKBC  |
Re: 10 Professions In Nigeria You Can Still Practice Without Studying them by possibilita(m): 12:13pm On Oct 06, 2015 |
@ op am truely insulted to see number 6,8 and 9 pls u need to do some research if u think Mechanical Engineering is about repairing generators or cleaning spark plug,did I hear u call dangote a chemical Engr? Pls correct urself,Dangote is not survive with those companies because he is a Chemical/industrial Engr but because he is an Entreprnuer,he creates business plan not operate or design plants and finally if u think Elect/Elect is easy then send ur son to come and repair our Transformer.I know that u will soon add polymer Engr to that list coz u see vulcanizers pumping tires . |
Re: 10 Professions In Nigeria You Can Still Practice Without Studying them by Ali1king: 12:17pm On Oct 06, 2015 |
[size=25pt]Zab fashion designers within ikorodu lagos axis brings to u d cheapest and d most reliable. HIJABS, KIMARS, JALAMIAS, at affordable prices. Call 08094570459 NB FOR THOSE IN IKORODU ONLY jazak [/size] |
Re: 10 Professions In Nigeria You Can Still Practice Without Studying them by samtobi(m): 1:10pm On Oct 06, 2015 |
What about those studying religion, home-economics and environmental studies. I quite disagree with u in that of farming; especially when it comes to mechanized farming. |
Re: 10 Professions In Nigeria You Can Still Practice Without Studying them by MightyFortress: 2:25pm On Oct 06, 2015 |
One can also become a clown,or fake myopic prophet/philosopher
Meanwhile I came across this;
(1) Put your wife in a room & lock it. Put your dog in another room & lock it !!! Open both rooms after 2 - 3 hours & see who is Happy to see you, and who will BITE you !
(Group members are advised not to try this at home as these stunts were performed by professionals; who are now divorced; and living happily with their dog!!) Don't laugh loud ---- The extended version says... 2) Put your husband in a room & lock it. Put your dog in another room & lock it !!! Open both rooms after 2 - 3 hours & you will be happy to see your dog waiting for you.. but you'll be angry looking at your husband sleeping like he never slept before!!!
3) Always keep your spouse’s picture as mobile screen saver. Whenever you face a problem, see the picture & say: "if I can handle this, I can handle anything!"… Superb Attitude for Life!!
(4) If wife wants husband’s attention, she just has to look sad & uncomfortable. If husband wants wife’s attention, he just has to look comfortable & happy. (5) A Philosopher HUSBAND said:- "Every WIFE is a ‘Mistress’ of her Husband… “Miss” for first year & “Stress” for rest of the life…"!!!!
(6) Million Dollar Truth: If Saturday and Sunday don't excite you, then change your Friends. If Monday doesn't motivate you, then change your profession. If Monday is too exciting, and you are dying to get to work, then you should change your spouse!! (7) Do you remember the tingling feeling when you took the decision to get married? That was common sense leaving your body. ( Generally a man does not go to the place again where he has been cheated once… But many people still go to their in-laws place..? (9) Pappu: Dad, l got selected for a role in a play for annual day! Dad: What role are you playing? Pappu: A husband! Dad: Stupid, ask for a role with dialogues! (10) Man outside phone booth: “Excuse me you are holding phone since 29 minutes and you haven’t spoken a word”. Man inside: “I am talking to my wife” (11) A very intelligent girl was asked the meaning of marriage.. She said- “sacrificing the admiration of hundred guys, to face the criticism of one idiot” (12) Position of a husband is just like a Split AC, No matter how loud he is outdoor, He is designed to remain silent indoor! (13) Best one line ad by a married man on OLX: "For Sale – Wedding Suit, used only once by Mistake" Lovely. |
Re: 10 Professions In Nigeria You Can Still Practice Without Studying them by Codyt(m): 3:02pm On Oct 06, 2015 |
HighIQ: Did u study it. as. a course in the university. Try and understand my topic b4 commenting Oga No vex  |
Re: 10 Professions In Nigeria You Can Still Practice Without Studying them by badesco(m): 3:13pm On Oct 06, 2015 |
O totally agree with your submission but you forgot to include one. Whuch is shit carrier. |
Re: 10 Professions In Nigeria You Can Still Practice Without Studying them by charlesucheh(m): 3:26pm On Oct 06, 2015 |
Re: 10 Professions In Nigeria You Can Still Practice Without Studying them by itoese(m): 4:43pm On Oct 06, 2015 |
Man, you do not know the difference between Engineer and a technician. And engineer designs. While a technician carries out the job under the strict supervision of engineer, Do you notice the structures in many public places such as airports? Do you see aeroplanes, ships etc, these are the works of engineer.I advice you to write about what you know not what you think. |
Re: 10 Professions In Nigeria You Can Still Practice Without Studying them by Mustapha111888(m): 5:36pm On Oct 06, 2015 |
I totally disagree with you on No 10. Being a radio/tv presenter doesn make you an expert in Journalism. Of course u can be train on the job but there are sensitive areas in Mass Communication that it is only trained and well grounded students of Journalism n mass communication can handle! So saying a 'tremendous waste of time' is quite unjustifiable. 1 Like |
Re: 10 Professions In Nigeria You Can Still Practice Without Studying them by khassy(m): 7:09pm On Oct 06, 2015 |
Re: 10 Professions In Nigeria You Can Still Practice Without Studying them by Autopin: 8:41pm On Oct 06, 2015 |
You can still be who you want to be!. Checkout the professions you can equally practice without studying it as course in the university.
1)BANKING : This profession is now flooded with workers who had graduated from courses not relating to banking profession. Imaging someone who had studied Yoruba or chemical engineering in the university but later got employed in a bank. This set of people only needed to be trained on some banking activities after they had been employed after which they are good to go.
2)TEACHING- It is very possible in Nigeria for someone who never studied education or any course relating to education emerging as a teacher.Regardless of the course you had studied, the point is- teaching can still be practiced by any graduate even without having an NCE or Degree in Education.
3)PHOTOGRAPHY- Do you know there is a course called photography? Tell me what are they studying in it? Even people who had only primary six certificate can do this job perfectly too.I don't see any reason me studying photography as a course before i can be a guru in it.
4)FARMING- I don't need to learn agriculture as a course in the university before i can own a farm. Anybody can easily be trained in this profession. There are books and handouts out there that can train you on fishery,snail rearing,pig farming etc or even on cultivation of crops. You could also find adequate answers to any question on farming you "Google search" online. Seminars on farming are also common where prospecting farmers are trained in farming. It can also be learned directly too from other farmers. This job can be practiced regardless of whether you are a doctor, lawyer,politician, or a banker. I know of a former president of this country, who owns a mega farm settlement despite the fact he never went to university not to talk of studying agriculture as a course.
5)DRAMA/FILM MAKING: an actor was once asked what he studied in the university and he replied "law". This answer made us to understand that anybody can become an actor,musician or artiste, irrespective of the course he or she had studied. You might have observed that hardly would you see any actor or musician in Nigeria who studied drama or music right back in school.Some of them are graduates of Law, medicine, accounting etc The 'funniest' thing is that those people may even come out better than people who had studied it as a course.
6)CHEMISTRY/INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY- Let me ask you a question. Is Aliko Dangote a graduate of industrial chemistry or chemistry? Of course not.But today he is a proud owner of a multi-billion dollar company in Nigeria that has provided jobs to many Nigerians. Other industries are also coming up in Nigeria today ranging from plastic industry to pure water industry, food,cream,rubber,biscuit,cements,sugar,salt industries and so on. The works performed in those industries can easily be learned from a specialist over a short period of time mostly from someone who had knowledge in chemistry or chemical engineering. You would no longer require the presence of such specialist after you had grabbed and finished up with those training. Meaning, you become a sole proprietor of those works and even train and employ others on it. So regardless of the course you had studied in the university, you too can learn the practical aspect of chemistry too and establish your own industry too. Thank God we have a lot of seminars that are been organized to teach people on how to make soap, nylon, asbestos etc. And from there you can be a millionaire and a proud owner of your own industry without having a certificate in chemistry
7)ICT PROFESSION- Some ICT companies now make huge money training people on computing, web designing, programming etc. The larger percentage of those attending such trainings and seminars are mostly computer illiterates. Certificates may even be handed over to them at the end of the training. This means that a computer- illiterate who had no knowledge in computing before would now turn to an expert making money through ICT and even training others without passing through the corridor of the department of computer science
8_ ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING- If you ask someone to get you an electrician to help you fix the wiring cables in your new house, don't be surprised if you see an o'level certificate holder at your door step ready to do the job.And this set of people would do this job perfectly and to your amazement. You now wonder if someone who had only o'level or even no education could be so perfect in fixing any damage to any appliance how much more a graduate who probably might have read courses like accounting, English etc and courses who had no link to science or electricity. If an illiterate or semi illiterate could be so perfect in it after learning about electricity, it means you can grab and understand such job perfectly too after learning it. Even though you never attended technical college nor learned about electricity or electronic in the university. I know of people who are civil servants and who also ventures in this job as a second-hand or part time profession .
9)MECHANICAL ENGINEERING- This is even worst!! Many people who work as a 'Radionic', car mechanic,generator repairer etc are mostly not graduate of this course. This job can easily be learned directly without holding a pen from the workers of such job who are mostly either illiterate or semi illiterates. Okay, tell me - is that mechanic near your house or that man who often fix your generator for you a graduate?. I'm sure i would have 80% 'No' as answer. This means any person or graduate can do well in this job even without learning it as course in the university .
10)MASS COMMUNICATION- Learning mass communication as a course in a tertiary institution is a tremendous waste of time. A graduate of English language, linguistics,language or even any other course can still become a tv/radio presenter, newscaster, a programme anchor even without having a certificate in mass communication. written by If e pain you to much, go jump inside lagoon. |
Re: 10 Professions In Nigeria You Can Still Practice Without Studying them by Nobody: 8:54pm On Oct 06, 2015 |
You need help. Pride is a killing disease
You have a very strange perception. |
Re: 10 Professions In Nigeria You Can Still Practice Without Studying them by Nobody: 9:34pm On Oct 06, 2015 |
You have a very strange perception.
Perception about what? |
Re: 10 Professions In Nigeria You Can Still Practice Without Studying them by callmelanner(m): 12:20pm On Oct 07, 2015 |
babyfaceafrica: guy STFU..teaching is a gift whch can be harness whether you go to NCE or not..some people are born teachers ..its like marketing ..some can sell there dere dirty boxers to you for 5k ,they have a gift of convincing..f its nt that my mum was a teacher I would have lampooned you and put you to shame..because you do one unit 20 course,we will not hear word it nt all dese teachers that sell biscuits and sweets to students in class nd dose that sleep with secondary students ....we can see the type of students you produce cannot write there name during waec and neco and. Who will the connivance of teachers cheat without shame..just thank your lucky stars that amin my good offense please to the well-behaved teachers,the sky is not your limit,its your starting point!!!! Anybody can teach? Teaching is just like marketing? And u said ur mom is a teacher... *shame on u & pls don't reply.. . Coz u r too naive for my liking  |
Re: 10 Professions In Nigeria You Can Still Practice Without Studying them by babyfaceafrica: 2:02pm On Oct 07, 2015 |
Anybody can teach? Teaching is just like marketing? And u said ur mom is a teacher... *shame on u & pls don't reply.. . Coz u r too naive for my liking  e pain m!! dis NCE people no go let us hear word...abeg go and.... |
Re: 10 Professions In Nigeria You Can Still Practice Without Studying them by toyinid78: 6:36pm On Oct 07, 2015 |
I guess d writer is an ilitr8. To av added d proffession dat cannot be compared with any cos it produced dem teaching is d father of all jobs ,banker,lawyer,doctor,pharmacist all tot by a teacher n u say any body can b a teacher dat an insult maybe ur primary ,secondary n university days u were taught by ghosts anofia |
Re: 10 Professions In Nigeria You Can Still Practice Without Studying them by toyinid78: 6:41pm On Oct 07, 2015 |
Na NCE teach some people papa n mama for school yet dey make it luk like na phd hoder teach dier papa in 1842 abeg B. ED and co na education dat is called degree for dos who tot nce is d last bus stop fir teachers ,lecturers ar teachers |