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I Need Help - Romance - Nairaland

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I Need Help by mygift1: 10:08am On May 26, 2009
i been dating dis guy since 2007, we both loves each other very well but d problem is dis guy hardly give me money expect i request for it. and if i does he wnt give me. he always promise me tomorrow tomorrow!!!. dis guy is rich. but i still love him and he love me too. i dt no wat 2 do
Re: I Need Help by Nobody: 10:23am On May 26, 2009
don't u earn a living ?

must u expect or request
Re: I Need Help by Nobody: 10:33am On May 26, 2009
yes!!! am 100% in support of the guy. even if am the richest to the extent of having nothing to do with money anymore, i wouldnt give a girl money anyhow cos that will enable me find out for sure if she truly loves me or just want my money. fulls stop
Re: I Need Help by bblacky(f): 10:36am On May 26, 2009
well if u earn ur own living, i dont c reason y dt shud bother u. dou some guys are misers, they neva tend to give out of their willingness xcept u ask for it, n wen u do they must have a complain y they cant afford it at that particular point in time, xpecialy wen d gurl is working. but dearie dat doesnt mean the guy doesnt love u, u shudnt be confused about this its normal, dont rely on him.

beta stil talk to him in this issue n hear him out on wat his answer will be, rmba, givin is not loving
Re: I Need Help by mygift1: 11:44am On May 26, 2009
thank u bblacky, for ur reply I'm working but u knw as a lady it's his duty to do it at least is gettng too much u ladies shd think about dis.
Re: I Need Help by angel21(f): 11:51am On May 26, 2009
yes ooo, at least there is need 4 guys to support thy ladies. u guys should 4get abt her workng or not
Re: I Need Help by babymi2(f): 11:58am On May 26, 2009
i support angel21, if money is not there i will reason with my guy bt if d OWO is there OMO we go spend it together.
@ poster, the most important thing is Love wh u claimed both of u love each other keep it up one day ur man will change 4 gud. one Love
Re: I Need Help by iice(f): 12:07pm On May 26, 2009
my gift:

thank u bblacky, for ur reply I'm working but u knw as a lady it's his duty to do it at least is gettng too much u ladies shd think about dis.

It is not his duty. You are not his wife.
You work so use your own money. . .really i have never understood why men give their girlfriends money like salary undecided
Re: I Need Help by Feelitx(m): 12:12pm On May 26, 2009
Even the bible said: Ask and it shall be given.Thats your own aspect of the job.
Re: I Need Help by biola44: 12:16pm On May 26, 2009

It is not his duty. You are not his wife.
You work so use your own money. . .really i have never understood why men give their girlfriends money like salary undecided

  wow, gal r u 4 real? i've never seen any girl dat doesnt demanded, one still did yesterday,  shocked shocked shocked shocked
Re: I Need Help by babymi2(f): 12:18pm On May 26, 2009
iice, are sure u re ok?
Re: I Need Help by biola44: 12:20pm On May 26, 2009
of course, never knew a girl like u existed!
Re: I Need Help by iice(f): 12:22pm On May 26, 2009

iice, are sure u re ok?

Mentally sound than most women cool


  wow, gal r u 4 real? i've never seen any girl dat doesnt demanded, one still did yesterday,  shocked shocked shocked shocked

Then you've been around the majority grin
There are few of us who don't need salaries from the job of being girlfriend rofl.  
Re: I Need Help by biola44: 12:30pm On May 26, 2009

Mentally sound than most women cool

Then you've been around the majority grin
There are few of us who don't need salaries from the job of being girlfriend rofl.

i dont mind u hookin me up with one, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Re: I Need Help by iice(f): 12:32pm On May 26, 2009
Eyah, sorry but you didn't think they would be single? They have guys wink
Re: I Need Help by biola44: 12:35pm On May 26, 2009

Eyah, sorry but you didn't think they would be single? They have guys wink

owcome they're all taken?
Re: I Need Help by Bolarge(m): 12:38pm On May 26, 2009

Mentally sound than most women cool

Then you've been around the majority grin
There are few of us who don't need salaries from the job of being girlfriend rofl.  

Spoken like the iice I've always known. cool
Never mind those parasites that pose as girlfriends. grin
Re: I Need Help by Feelitx(m): 12:43pm On May 26, 2009

Well said. Women think that as soon as you both are dating,they can have access to your cheque book. We want to support our women financially without giving the impression that its their birthright.

The annoying part is that some women will finish their monthly allowance and  still come back crying without thinking that we would not be in a position to provide money without tight budgetary controls and financial discipline.
Re: I Need Help by iice(f): 12:50pm On May 26, 2009

owcome they're all taken?

Good girls don't get left behind by men who have eyes wink


Spoken like the iice I've always known. cool
Never mind those parasites that pose as girlfriends. grin

You sef, just MIA tongue



Well said. Women think that as soon as you both are dating,they can have access to your cheque book. We want to support our women financially without giving the impression that its their birthright.

The annoying part is that some women will finish their monthly allowance and  still come back crying without thinking that we would not be in a position to provide money without tight budgetary controls and financial discipline.

They take advantage of the situation. Get out of control and it ends up being that the man has a duty to provide everything.
Re: I Need Help by blackgucci(m): 12:50pm On May 26, 2009
It is not his duty.  You are not his wife.
You work so use your own money.  .  .really i have never understood why men give their girlfriends money like salary

bless thee o iice!
Re: I Need Help by biola44: 12:55pm On May 26, 2009

Good girls don't get left behind by men who have eyes wink

but bad guys have d best eyes! tongue
Re: I Need Help by Bolarge(m): 12:57pm On May 26, 2009
See as all the other girls pick race comot thread chap chap. grin
Re: I Need Help by justwise(m): 12:59pm On May 26, 2009

i support angel21, if money is not there i will reason with my guy bt if d OWO is there OMO we go spend it together.
@ poster, the most important thing is Love wh u claimed both of u love each other keep it up one day ur man will change 4 gud. one Love

PPle like u make women look cheap
my gift:

i been dating dis guy since 2007, we both loves each other very well but d problem is dis guy hardly give me money expect i request for it. and if i does he wnt give me. he always promise me tomorrow tomorrow!!!. dis guy is rich. but i still love him and he love me too. i dt no wat 2 do

I bet if he wasn't rich u would have gone long ago, u love him? yea right!
Re: I Need Help by iice(f): 1:05pm On May 26, 2009

but bad guys have d best eyes! tongue

No so true wink
Keep on trucking. . .you may get lucky
Re: I Need Help by biola44: 1:09pm On May 26, 2009

No so true wink
Keep on trucking. . .you may get lucky

ya, dats d spirit!
Re: I Need Help by bblacky(f): 1:25pm On May 26, 2009
so ur conclusion here s dat guys aint supposed to financially back up there babes s dat? it cant be, not in dis present generation tongue
Re: I Need Help by vanderjo(m): 3:43pm On May 26, 2009
is he paying for the Bleep or what?wake up poster,stop being lazy and i'm sure you love him cuz of his money,if he was poor would you have love him?
He will only give when he wants to not when you ask,it is not an obligation.
Re: I Need Help by sistawoman: 4:41pm On May 26, 2009
But Iice you have been westernized.

In the western world women dont expect their men to provide them with money, they expect that after marriage only, but during the courting phase they provide for their own needs. And this is mainly the independent woman that does not want to be beholden to a man because he is paying her.

Men in Nigeria create this problem all on their own.

If they stopped paying their gf monthly salary then it would not be expected.
Re: I Need Help by iice(f): 3:35pm On May 27, 2009

But Iice you have been westernized.

In the western world women dont expect their men to provide them with money, they expect that after marriage only, but during the courting phase they provide for their own needs.  And this is mainly the independent woman that does not want to be beholden to a man because he is paying her.

Men in Nigeria create this problem all on their own.

If they stopped paying their gf monthly salary then it would not be expected.

Sista, i am not westernized.  I have always been this way, so you can imagine how hard it was growing up with a whole different mentality than what society dictates one should think or act like.  .  .but iice prevailed and still does grin cool 

I have always said, it's cause and effect.  . 

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